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How will it all end? With a bang or a fizzle?


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What are you expecting from the season finale? While we may still be fairly early on into s5, before we know it, the finale will be upon us. And judging from how the s5 premiere ended, our newest antagonistic villain will be making a comeback. This was the first villain in MLP:FIM's history that made me cringe and left with an unsettling feeling, thanks to her brainwashing/ concentration camp tactics. However, Starlight's biggest error in her debut was holding the Mane 6 captive and not separating them, like the might've done with the villagers that she brainwashed. This is what I think could be done differently, during the finale, when she returns, since she seems like the type who learns from her mistakes and is careful not to repeat them.


One thing, personally, I'd want to see from the finale is a 3-parter, if possible. This could shake things up from the “standard” two-parter, allow more time for good pacing and buildup, character development, and all that jazz. Seeing as how Starlight, as creepy as she and her tactics were, did provide an interesting means of attack and control against not just the Mane 6, but other ponies through separation of their cutie marks, I'd like to see this taken up a notch, but with additional twists. First, I'd like to see a battle of wits and strategy from Starlight, perhaps against Twilight, first and foremost. I'm talking Sombra-esque foresight and planning with traps and countermeasures; first separating the Mane 6 from each other, (maybe utilizing the powers of the Smooze, to prevent their powers from being used against her), then taking their marks again, with Twilight's mark being taken last, and makes her getaway, with it being up to Twilight to follow, while Smoozed, get through the traps laid out for her, and find a way- without magic and without her friends or others to help- to save the day. But ultimately, she fails in the mental game, getting stuck, and with a plot twist, it's the secondary group leader, the resourceful and level-headed Apple Jack, who manages to escape, catch up with Twi, reassure her, and continue the chase against Starlight.


With how her friends are like family to her, and her determined, “I'll take on anything” attitude that we saw when she tackled the flame geyser swamp and chimera to save Apple Bloom in “Somepony to Watch over me”, I would love to see her taking the heroine role with her friends in danger (especially since many seem to think she's a “background pony”). And further set in stone that she's the secondary leader of the 6.


With the theme of this season is “cutie mark magic”, I'd like to see the finale wrapped up with Starlight managing to use Twilight's cutie mark, merging it with her own, or simply taking off her own and replacing it with Twilight's, becoming an alicorn (like I thought she would, with Twi's mark, in the premiere), and ultimately, AJ realizing she's outclassed, about to get defeated, but Celestia (since many people seem to demand more from her =_= ) taking measurements to recall her former student, Sunset Shimmer, who takes Starlight on, horn to horn, reclaims the mane 5's cutie marks (which could possibly still home the spirits of friendship within them, since their friendship came about through their cutie marks, according to “The cutie mark Chronicles”), and defeats Starlight; returning the cutie marks to their owners, making peace with Celestia, and (hopefully) staying in Eqestria, being given over to Luna, by sunbutt, as her student/ protege.


But what are you guys' thoughts on how the season 5 finale will go down? What elements do you want to see from it? Guest characters? Continuity?

  • Brohoof 4

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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I think we'll get something good. The people who work on this show are very talented and I'm sure that the last they want to do is disappoint us with some over the top one-sided villain who goes down too easily. This is just me making a wild guess but I am expecting Starlight Glimmer to make a comeback in the finale as well. I just have a feeling about it.


Yes, I think we're in for a good show but still a long way to go though.

  • Brohoof 1



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I think we'll get something good. The people who work on this show are very talented and I'm sure that the last they want to do is disappoint us with some over the top one-sided villain who goes down too easily. This is just me making a wild guess but I am expecting Starlight Glimmer to make a comeback in the finale as well. I just have a feeling about it.


Yes, I think we're in for a good show but still a long way to go though.

Well, I don't doubt it. The finales have been getting better and better, and it does seem like the show staff are constantly trying to "one-up" themselves, as far as finales and premieres go. For example, season 2's finale was better than season 1's more slice of live one, by comparison. Likewise, season 4's finale was leagues better than season 3's, and past finale's. So there's no doubt season 5's will be "good", since the staff's storytelling and other factors (pacing, characterization, animation, ect) are also improving. And with new writers on board, they probably won't hit a wall anytime soon.


I think Starlight's pretty much secured as the reoccurring villain for the finale, given the way she was simply allowed to escape, and the viewers left with very little information on her motives or anything, back in the premiere.  But any thoughts on how the episode might play out, how characters get developed, who gets more focus in the spotlight, plot twists, ect. when she does come back?

  • Brohoof 2

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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I want to see a magical showdown between Starlight and Twilight

I can only see it ending like the magical showdown between Tirek and Twilight- in a stalemate, and people complaining that it's the Twilight show, and none of her friends get moments to shine and save the day, when it all comes down to it.

Personally, I'd much rather see a battle of wits, rather than magic, against TS and SG, TS failing, AJ taking SG on, and then Sunset Shimmer called in in the final hour, when AJ fails.

  • Brohoof 3

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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We have already had an epic laser battle in the show between Twilight and Tirek and I highly doubt that the people working on the show would not do something new.


If Starlight does come back, she will obviously be more powerful although I get the feeling this time she wlil be using her magic to create a massive army to march down on Canterlot or something.

  • Brohoof 1



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It will end with a bang! This show is awesome how do you not know that?!?! 

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I wonder what Starlight Glimmer would do if she does return for the finale. Will she have a one-track goal of taking down Twilight like Trixie did, or will she blow up her plans and try to take Equestria by going after Celestia's and Luna's cutie marks? So many questions. As much as I'd like to see Sunset Shimmer in the show proper, I really don't think that'll ever happen.

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I hope for something on par with Twilight's Kingdom. Although, I really hope they don't go with the Dues Ex Machina this time around. It's getting old.

Also, I want all the mane 6 to be involved.

  • Brohoof 1
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I hope for something on par with Twilight's Kingdom. Although, I really hope they don't go with the Dues Ex Machina this time around. It's getting old.

Also, I want all the mane 6 to be involved.

I think many people want all of the Mane 6 involved, this time. Maybe or not without Twilight, since we kinds got to see the mane 6 kick butt with Tirek, after Twilight did her thing, solo. (you think she would've learned that friendship magic- it being her friggin bloody TALENT and all- would be what she needed, but noooo)

  • Brohoof 1

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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I want to see a magical showdown between Starlight and Twilight

Yeah you meant an Harry Potter-style showdown like in the Part 2 of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

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I don't know what to expect for a series finale but I hope it goes with a bang. I'd like to see peace, harmony, friendship, and love spread throughout Equestria with all evil vanquished. And the ponies have peace or something like that.

Edited by TheJLeeTeam
  • Brohoof 1
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Due to the fact that every season finale has to have Princess Celestia inhibited from acting in some way, I predict that Starlight will convince Celestia to give up her cutie mark, and possibly the other princesses except for Twi as well. 

Edited by 221BTardisSt

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Due to the fact that every season finale has to have Princess Celestia inhibited from acting in some way, I predict that Starlight will convince Celestia to give up her cutie mark, and possibly the other princesses except for Twi as well. 

you really think Star need to convince sunbutt to give up her CM? When she can just ambush and take it by force, or with a trap or something? Plus, the guards are useless, so there's high chance Star would actually get away with it, to boot.

I don't know what to expect for a series finale but I hope it goes with a bang. I'd like to see peace, harmony, friendship, and love spread throughout Equestria with all evil vanquished. And the ponies have peace or something like that.

so....same old, same old? No likelihood of evil winning, for once (and maybe having it wrapped up in the premiere, next season?)

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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I have no expectations really, because I am very confident that I will enjoy it. That itself is probably an expectation but whatever. I think it will go out wight a bang this season. Glimmer is the first villain that we will see recur in the same season which has a lot of potential, plus there are many questions not answered, like what her magic actually is, where she is from, anything like that. We may not get all answers, but the potential is always there, so I am excited either way.



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so....same old, same old? No likelihood of evil winning, for once (and maybe having it wrapped up in the premiere, next season?)


That would be awesome, I think. Since it's certain that Season 6 will come it would be incredibly cool if the final didn't end well and instead goes out with something of a 'darkest hour' scenario wherein the Princesses and probably everypony else lose their cutie marks as well.


Hell, maybe Discord could actually be the savior, since he's the embodiment of chaos and Starlight's equalism is directly opposed to it.

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That would be awesome, I think. Since it's certain that Season 6 will come it would be incredibly cool if the final didn't end well and instead goes out with something of a 'darkest hour' scenario wherein the Princesses and probably everypony else lose their cutie marks as well.


Hell, maybe Discord could actually be the savior, since he's the embodiment of chaos and Starlight's equalism is directly opposed to it.

yeah. Shake things up from the usual 'good guys win', yanno. (I'd actually like to see more of this in other media outside of MLP, actually)


ehhhh....I feel like Discord already played the savior role in Twilight's Kingdom, when he gave her her key. I'm not much a fan of him, but....I GUESS  having him actually save the day when the Mane 6 need help is something that might make me actually like him. Maybe.

  • Brohoof 1

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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I don't know what to expect for a series finale but I hope it goes with a bang. I'd like to see peace, harmony, friendship, and love spread throughout Equestria with all evil vanquished. And the ponies have peace or something like that.

One problem with that one, You can't truly be rid of evil, only try and keep it at bay.


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Or it could just fizzle like the Season 1 ender, Best Night Ever. I'm not one to throw the die early, nor am I one to throw untold expectations upon an episode. 

  • Brohoof 1
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