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Octavia's Bow

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Replies are up!  :squee:


As for the chronology thing I mentioned - see my previous post about how we're going to handle two ponies dating Luna at once. Look over options A, B, and C. Feel free to add any alternatives you think of, and tell me which one you want to do. I went with "A" for this first post because we can easily switch to B or C from here, but if I'd gone with B or C, then switching back to A would mean retconning; so yeah. Pick whichever one, feel free to come up with another as your creativity may allow.


And hey look, it's a thing I drew a year ago for Heart's and Hooves day.



Randomly I've decided that this is a relevant thread to post my Cometlight ships XP - just kinda tagged along to posts I'm making anyways, small thumbnails, so it's not too intrusive.


Still sticking it in spoiler tags to make it less intrusive :P



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@@Comet Tail,


I'll post, post haste but first I have a question. Didn't we decide that Ezekiel would join the school after the whole song number in the cafeteria and it would be the later song numbers he'd have to go zen to mitigate the effects of? 


 I kinda apologize I didn't consult you more, first, but being so far behind as it is, I decided to go ahead and post it.


We talked about it as a means to avoid him falling under their spell, but ultimately I ran into a big problem - there was only literally one day of normal schooling in Rainbow Rocks. Twilight then comes in, spends the night, then the next day is the competition - which I assume is a Saturday event, since the scale of it implies it takes the whole day, at least, and the movie ends that night. So, there's only one place you could show up in order to be there during the events of the movie, and that's right there with the Dazzlings. Kinda convenient hookup, though.


Anyways, I wasn't thinking it would influence you until you go meditate it off, I was thinking that your greater mental self-awareness and self-examination would make it so instead of just suddenly feeling riled up and your thoughts turning to competitive and self-aggrandizing terms, your reaction is instead to question why you suddenly have these angry-like feelings, so you're able to be in control of yourself and not fall victim to them. So, with this self-aware attitude, you're well-equipped to battle their influence even during the lunch song, and they probably won't even notice as long as you don't make a big deal of it (think: Vinyl Scratch).

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@@Comet Tail,


Fair enough, although there is an interpretable time window during the "Under our spell" sequence where we see the bands flying by. That whole tournament simply could not have been all on one day and maybe was stratified out over a week or something. So that gives Adagio and Ezekiel more "backstage" time.

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@@Comet Tail,


Fair enough, although there is an interpretable time window during the "Under our spell" sequence where we see the bands flying by. That whole tournament simply could not have been all on one day and maybe was stratified out over a week or something. So that gives Adagio and Ezekiel more "backstage" time.


I honestly don't have any experience with musical competitions. How would this sort of thing typically play out, then? Two or four matches a day after school for the next week or so, with finales on Friday and the stage performance on Saturday?

@@Comet Tail,


Fair enough, although there is an interpretable time window during the "Under our spell" sequence where we see the bands flying by. That whole tournament simply could not have been all on one day and maybe was stratified out over a week or something. So that gives Adagio and Ezekiel more "backstage" time.


Referencing the id and super-ego? Bonus points. I love those concepts. Huge fan of them from the various things I've read and the course I took on psychology. Got a 127 in that class - it was a dual-enrollment college course while I was in High School :D

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I honestly don't have any experience with musical competitions. How would this sort of thing typically play out, then? Two or four matches a day after school for the next week or so, with finales on Friday and the stage performance on Saturday?


Well I don't either but unless they suspended classes all together, they wouldn't be able to do that all in one day with the amount of bands competing. It's simple logic.


The schedule you stated actually seems pretty workable.




Referencing the id and super-ego? Bonus points. I love those concepts. Huge fan of them from the various things I've read and the course I took on psychology. Got a 127 in that class - it was a dual-enrollment college course while I was in High School


I'm actually more a student of Jung than Freud but I can't deny the latter's influence when it comes to symbolism.

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Well I don't either but unless they suspended classes all together, they wouldn't be able to do that all in one day with the amount of bands competing. It's simple logic.


The schedule you stated actually seems pretty workable.


Oh, I was thinking the battle happened on a Saturday, actually, so yeah, no classes that day, just bands playing. That would seem to be the most strictly consistent with what was shown - we saw a clip or two of Twilight working hard on her sketchbook, but never doing so in pajamas like she had that one night, and no clips of them in classes, practicing, or doing anything other than the competition and in-between performances stuff. Perhaps it'd be reasonable if they started in the morning, had the competition into the afternoon, then late that evening was the big show in-between the final two? A full Saturday from morning to late night.


I'm actually more a student of Jung than Freud but I can't deny the latter's influence when it comes to symbolism.

Uggg... Sigmund, astrophysics, what will he pull out next? The 'go-so-fast-I-crash-into-a-tree spell?


Didn't say I was much a fan of Freud, just the concept of classifying layers of the mind into "id," "ego," and "super-ego." Can't say I've studied enough psychology to have a strong opinion on the various schools of thought.


But I do have a few other areas I know rather well. I've dabbled in philosophy, particularly fascinated with the idea of solipsism, the mind-body problem, qualia, and philosophical zombies via the Chinese Room argument. Also spent my high school years deeply, deeply obsessed with astronautical engineering, so I'm actually kind of ridiculously knowledgable in rocket science - the physics behind the various cycles of liquid-fuelled rocket engines, injection and presurization systems, turbopump setups, the pros and cons of the different kinds of fuels, countless theoretical proposals for advanced engine designs, plasma and ion engines (typically referred to as "electric"), how life support systems work, fuel cells, loads of orbital dynamics and various proposals and designs NASA and the CCCP have worked on over the years...


The cosmology, general relativity, quantum mechanics and physics came in more recent years, though I'm still just at a very basic level of understanding in Quantum, but I'm really happy about the qualitative level of string theory that I understand. It is just FREAKISHLY fascinating stuff!!!


I almost feel sorry for Twilight, not living in the 21st century with Wikipedia, online resources, and our vast overabundance of books you can find just by asking scientists on forums and searching on Amazon... We may consider her world heaven, but she might consider ours heaven given our scientific advancements and how accessible knowledge is in our era! I really don't understand why there's not a lot more people as in love with learning as I am, given how easy it is to access knowledge in our world. post-1477-0-21116600-1447049243.png


...It's kinda super lonely to be this passionate about learning, though, especially when you'd love nothing more than to talk about this stuff for hours, but you know it'd just bore people, they'd just shake their heads and say, "it's way over my head," and there's always comments like, "why would you do math on the weekend?!" and people hating math and stuff... It's kinda alienating and lonely sometimes.post-1477-0-84173200-1447049255.png

'tis a big reason I love Twi so much. I know she'd just gobble up the opportunity to listen to me lecture all that I know, and she'd ask smart and keen questions, and would love to explore original and new ideas, and in turn she'd just love to lecture me on all that she knows, and I'd be thrilled at the opportunity to listen! An entire flippin' field of science we don't have access to - magic! Oh my goodness would I be so endlessly thrilled to hear her lecture on about it!...


*le sigh*






So, I just got a bit of a novel idea... There are a few points where you may choose to not do much in response, just give a simple, "right," or nod, or whatnot, or do nothing at all, and if you do, it would allow us to move on a lot more quickly if we assume you do, but at the same time we need to keep your freedom to reject "god-modding" and make your own decisions for your character - though most of the time it's fairly straightforward...


So, what about using dotted lines? For example, let's say this is a post:



"Let's begin, shall we?" Cherilee says.


- - - You nod - - -


"So our first stop is going to be the royal maze..." she continues, guiding the group towards the hedges, "It was originally built in..."


The "- - - You nod - - -" is a god-modding action, technically, so we've included a "dotted line." You know those dotted lines on papers where you can tear them easily? That's basically what it is. If it's what you would've done anyways, then great, we can cover more ground and get more RP in. But if you want to do something different, just say so in your response and we'll ignore what was written after that point,


"Let's begin, shall we?" Cherilee says.


- - - You nod - - -


"So our first stop is going to be the royal maze..." she continues, guiding the group towards the hedges, "It was originally built in..."



Actually, I don't nod. Instead: "Actually, I have a question. What about that statue?" I say, pointing at the statue of Discord. "I notice all the others are of real objects or ponies, but that's the only mythical creature statue in the garden. Why is that? What is that?"



"Very keen!" Cherliee exclaims with a grin. "That is the statue of Discord, a powerful master of chaos, who once ruled Equestria in a state of disharmony before he was eventually overthrown by the Princesses Celestia and Luna, with the Elements of Harmony. Let's take a look, shall we?" She begins guiding the group towards the statue.



And bam! We're able to cover a lot more ground by making assumptions, but if we're wrong, just go ahead and correct them and we'll continue from that point with no harm done.


Are y'all alright with it if I start doing this? I'm just afraid we might go months and only get minutes into the roleplays - this way we can cover more ground and get more roleplaying in.




===ADDENDUM 1===

Dang. Writing all that about Twi and my obsession about learning and all just made me realize how much I love that, and I'd entirely forgotten because I pretty much never get the opportunity to. I'm always summarizing and simplifying down to basic qualitative ideas to explain things to non-scientists so much that I completely forget that there are some people out there who actually might love to listen to every detail as much as I'd love to, or as much as I'd love to expound every detail.


I had completely forgotten that as one of the things I love to do because so few and so rare are the people I can share that with. That's kinda sad. I should be braver about talking to professors about stuff in their spare time... Thing is, I don't know if even they would be too interested in sparing time to just talk about things like that...


Got a crush on someone at the moment. I should probe her to see if she's actually someone that would get into one of these discussions. Then I'll know whether to keep crushing on her or move on. Friend's sister. Only thing we've done so far is some basic talk and helped her with some homework... :P


===ADDENDUM 2===

PS; String theory may imply there are other universes right on top of ours, in such a manner that you could build a gate to them* like a stargate. Tricky thing is, the only way to communicate information to them is using gravity, and it "spills" out in such a way that makes it extremely difficult. It'd take freakishly advanced technology - I mean, like, cavemen are closer to landing on the moon than we are to pulling this off, but it is physically possible in some sense, and who knows, maybe we'll discover some easier way to do it? Just an interesting sort of thought. Brony dreams of portal to Equestria aren't entirely outlandish, in some sense :P

Edited by Comet Tail
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Oh, I was thinking the battle happened on a Saturday, actually, so yeah, no classes that day, just bands playing. That would seem to be the most strictly consistent with what was shown - we saw a clip or two of Twilight working hard on her sketchbook, but never doing so in pajamas like she had that one night, and no clips of them in classes, practicing, or doing anything other than the competition and in-between performances stuff. Perhaps it'd be reasonable if they started in the morning, had the competition into the afternoon, then late that evening was the big show in-between the final two? A full Saturday from morning to late night.


We also didn't see any clips of them in the bathrooms but of course they went there. We didn't see them in the classrooms in the first movie either because it was irrelevant to the story.


I'm just trying to give these two characters more time to get to know each other and a week long of regular classes with a battle of the bands match at the end gives them far more time than just one day.




Didn't say I was much a fan of Freud, just the concept of classifying layers of the mind into "id," "ego," and "super-ego." Can't say I've studied enough psychology to have a strong opinion on the various schools of thought.


Right, sorry to assume.




I almost feel sorry for Twilight, not living in the 21st century with Wikipedia, online resources, and our vast overabundance of books you can find just by asking scientists on forums and searching on Amazon... We may consider her world heaven, but she might consider ours heaven given our scientific advancements and how accessible knowledge is in our era! I really don't understand why there's not a lot more people as in love with learning as I am, given how easy it is to access knowledge in our world. 


Amen to that. Always nice to hear someone else actually say how much they appreciate the world we live in rather than curse it.




So, I just got a bit of a novel idea... There are a few points where you may choose to not do much in response, just give a simple, "right," or nod, or whatnot, or do nothing at all, and if you do, it would allow us to move on a lot more quickly if we assume you do, but at the same time we need to keep your freedom to reject "god-modding" and make your own decisions for your character - though most of the time it's fairly straightforward...   So, what about using dotted lines? For example, let's say this is a post:   Quote   "Let's begin, shall we?" Cherilee says.   - - - You nod - - -   "So our first stop is going to be the royal maze..." she continues, guiding the group towards the hedges, "It was originally built in..."   The "- - - You nod - - -" is a god-modding action, technically, so we've included a "dotted line." You know those dotted lines on papers where you can tear them easily? That's basically what it is. If it's what you would've done anyways, then great, we can cover more ground and get more RP in. But if you want to do something different, just say so in your response and we'll ignore what was written after that point,   Quote Quote "Let's begin, shall we?" Cherilee says.   - - - You nod - - -   "So our first stop is going to be the royal maze..." she continues, guiding the group towards the hedges, "It was originally built in..."     Actually, I don't nod. Instead: "Actually, I have a question. What about that statue?" I say, pointing at the statue of Discord. "I notice all the others are of real objects or ponies, but that's the only mythical creature statue in the garden. Why is that? What is that?"   Quote   "Very keen!" Cherliee exclaims with a grin. "That is the statue of Discord, a powerful master of chaos, who once ruled Equestria in a state of disharmony before he was eventually overthrown by the Princesses Celestia and Luna, with the Elements of Harmony. Let's take a look, shall we?" She begins guiding the group towards the statue.     And bam! We're able to cover a lot more ground by making assumptions, but if we're wrong, just go ahead and correct them and we'll continue from that point with no harm done.   Are y'all alright with it if I start doing this? I'm just afraid we might go months and only get minutes into the roleplays - this way we can cover more ground and get more roleplaying in.


I'm a tad unclear as to the mechanics but I'm not against the principal. 

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I'm a tad unclear as to the mechanics but I'm not against the principal. 


If there's some minor action we need to have your character perform in order to get a lot further in one reply, then we'll take control of your character for that minor action.




To keep it form being god-modding (taking control of someone else's character), we put in the - - - [action] - - -.


When you see the - - - [action] - - -, ask yourself "Do I agree with my character doing this action?"


If YES -> then ignore that formatting, just keep reading.


If NO -> then simply reply as if the end of the post was just above the dotted line, and have your character react how you want him to actually react, replacing what we made him do in the dotted line, then we will go from there as if that dotted line and everything after it were never written. Be sure to note in your reply that you're "cutting" at that dotted line, though, so as to avoid confusion. Best thing might be to quote the reply and strike-through or delete the text you don't agree with.


So, say I post,


"Let's begin, shall we?" Cherilee says.


- - - You nod - - -


"So our first stop is going to be the royal maze..." she continues, guiding the group towards the hedges, "It was originally built in..."


But you don't want to nod - then you reply:



"Let's begin, shall we?" Cherilee says.


- - - You nod - - -


"So our first stop is going to be the royal maze..." she continues, guiding the group towards the hedges, "It was originally built in..."

(Actually, I don't nod)

"Actually, I have a question. What about that statue?" I say, pointing at the statue of Discord. "I notice all the others are of real objects or ponies, but that's the only mythical creature statue in the garden. Why is that? What is that?"

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If there's some minor action we need to have your character perform in order to get a lot further in one reply, then we'll take control of your character for that minor action.   HOWEVER,   To keep it form being god-modding (taking control of someone else's character), we put in the - - - [action] - - -.   When you see the - - - [action] - - -, ask yourself "Do I agree with my character doing this action?"   If YES -> then ignore that formatting, just keep reading.   If NO -> then simply reply as if the end of the post was just above the dotted line, and have your character react how you want him to actually react, replacing what we made him do in the dotted line, then we will go from there as if that dotted line and everything after it were never written. Be sure to note in your reply that you're "cutting" at that dotted line, though, so as to avoid confusion. Best thing might be to quote the reply and strike-through or delete the text you don't agree with.


Ah! Okay, now I get it. Makes sense. 

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Ah! Okay, now I get it. Makes sense. 


You can even sort of write out those lines, too. Like,



"Let's begin, shall we?" Cherilee says.


- - - You nod - - -


"So our first stop is going to be the royal maze..." she continues, guiding the group towards the hedges, "It was originally built in..."


So the cool thing is, as long as you're only adding more detail instead of changing the action, then you can add as much detail as you like as long as it doesn't contradict what we wrote. For example:



When I nod, I nod hesitantly, my eyes focused on something in the distance.


As I walk along with the group, I'm idly staring off, my hooves carrying me without my knowledge. My mind is clearly somewhere else.


I'm in a spaceship over Europa, carefully watching my altitude and speed decrease as I fire my engines, gloved hoof on the control stick, carefully adjusting it to match the displays... The beautiful dance of position, velocity, and acceleration plays out in the numbers on the display. The disk of Jupiter sits in the solid black sky over the icy world underneath. I'm coming in to land...


Back in reality, I sigh. Cherilee is still talking about some dead ponies and some love affair they had in the maze some centuries ago, but a little bored of my fantasy, even, I begin to wonder what else I can imagine to pass the time.





Adds a lot more depth and interesting, telling things about the character, and you can do that even though this happened at the same time as the previous post because you're adding detail to the actions that your character performed that doesn't contradict anything that's written in the first post.


I'm having fun with this :P

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My next post is up!  I see what you meant about the difficulty level in this RP, Octavia.  Cheerilee didn't give me a whole lot to work with!  :D





This would be because you approached her at work. She doesn't know you, and she has a responsibility to her young students to keep them safe. So she's a little guarded at the moment.




Just so I'm clear:  We shouldn't expect a new post until next Thursday?





I am not Comet. But I would pray for Thursdays and expect a weekend date. Of course, Comet only has one class now, so you got a little shafted by finding yourself under me. Sorry mate.



@@Comet Tail,


Huh, what? You mean I can't just do whatever I want to their characters? But whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? XD


Traditionally, we railroad them into a position where they have to figure their way out of it. It's why we need the sheets, loosely speaking, to figure out how they would realistically respond. If your new dotted lines makes you more comfortable, I don't mind it. I needed something to use my scissors for anyway. 

I honestly don't have any experience with musical competitions. How would this sort of thing typically play out, then? Two or four matches a day after school for the next week or so, with finales on Friday and the stage performance on Saturday?


Multiday screening of acts/auditions

1st round day

2nd round day

3rd round day (Final round)

Really Intrested to join this RP


I'm gonna go with my OC that really really ressembles me. Hacktune. I'll have him after...... Vinyl Scratch :D

here's all thing you need to know (except backstory lol) : http://skycraftdie.deviantart.com/art/Hacktune-569567948


just age my pony :V


*hands over a time aging gun*

You're accepted. Your age process make you 1 year younger than Vinyl. Good luck. (Thanks for all your flaws. MWAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!)

How did I know that was gonna happen, @Octavia's Bow? XD But I am excited for what this fresh start might bring.

Because you've been around too long and I always write your responses? XD

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This would be because you approached her at work. She doesn't know you, and she has a responsibility to her young students to keep them safe. So she's a little guarded at the moment.  I am not Comet. But I would pray for Thursdays and expect a weekend date. Of course, Comet only has one class now, so you got a little shafted by finding yourself under me. Sorry mate.  @@Comet Tail, Huh, what? You mean I can't just do whatever I want to their characters? But whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? XDTraditionally, we railroad them into a position where they have to figure their way out of it. It's why we need the sheets, loosely speaking, to figure out how they would realistically respond. If your new dotted lines makes you more comfortable, I don't mind it. I needed something to use my scissors for anyway. Multiday screening of acts/auditions1st round day2nd round day3rd round day (Final round)You're accepted. Your age process make you 1 year younger than Vinyl. Good luck. (Thanks for all your flaws. MWAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!)Because you've been around too long and I always write your responses? XD

i suppose that's true. XD
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This would be because you approached her at work. She doesn't know you, and she has a responsibility to her young students to keep them safe. So she's a little guarded at the moment.



I am not Comet. But I would pray for Thursdays and expect a weekend date. Of course, Comet only has one class now, so you got a little shafted by finding yourself under me. Sorry mate.


I presumed as much, with regard to my mare of choice.  Hopefully, I can find a way to set her a bit at ease!


As to posting, I hardly feel shafted.  Do what you need to do and rest assured that I will be waiting.  :)



Your friend,



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Hey there. So I heard that this roleplay is moved to here as a link, is that correct? If you would like to have this particular relationship continued, I am more than happy to get things started. It's my ponysona with Big Mac for the reminder. I am much interested for the feedback! :)

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