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Octavia's Bow

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Good news, everyone! I have my replies written, finally, almost a week late >.< I blame finals'n stuff!


Will be posted as soon as me and Octavia are both alive at the same time :P

Edited by Comet Tail
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@@Comet Tail,

er... i want to ask, does Vinyl know my oc? like name,etc-etc

or this is the first time they meet?


I was thinking maybe she's seen you around a bit, but doesn't really know you - hence her fear at answering the door. But then you saw her kinda shrug it off. Fortunately for you, she's a very chill pony that just kinda rolls with things.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I was terrified that perhaps I just wasn't getting notifications, but I had missed an update.


Now I see...


I'm really glad to see

I didn't miss anything.


I'm kind of upset that it's been so long since I checked

and I didn't miss anything...


Normally Dawnpath is poking me for updates. Now I guess it's my turn to poke him? :P

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I feel sick and tired and stressed. Fun. With my content pages down it's harder to check up on this too. Fiddlesticks.

Hey, don't worry about it. With the quality of your writing and this rp, it's worth the wait. ^w^

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...


Hello remember an old face? I'm going with the only completed oc I have right now, RootedWisdom. I was wondering if I could give a change and maybe date a changeling by the the name of Queen Chrysalis




Read my older post on dating villains - in this case, Chrysalis specifically, even:


Oh, I didn't say no at all. I did say I thought it'd be interesting, didn't I? Only thing is, you've only got one life. Well, I mean, nopony's ever died canonically, so that seems to be some kind of border the villains don't seem to cross* ("even evil has standards"), but it seems with what Octavia's Bow said that we're keeping one, consistent universe (how else would competition exist?), so if Chrysalis imprisons you in a hive to have your brain sucked dry of love, then it might be somewhat difficult to date some other pony.


As for how she'd respond? Chryssy's an interesting villain in that she watches out for her hive. Leaders often identify with what they lead; her sense of "self" - even if she were purely human (and she's not, so her sense of self may be even more fluid) - may extend to cover her hive, and somewhat seems to. So is she a selfless lover of her hive that's just trying to take care of them? Sort of. But also since she identifies so closely with her hive (as a king may say; "My kingdom"), hive's glory = her glory, so advancing the cause of her hive is also advancing herself. So it's an odd sort of selfish/selfless deal. My guess is she probably sees everything and everypony as tools, so my first estimate on what would happen: she'll probably end up using you for everything you're worth... So hopefully she thinks you're useful for more than changeling chow :P Also, I wouldn't expect her to understand things such as "sharing" and "respect." The best she's got is blending in as Cadence - and you saw how well she did at that (read: not very. She was a jerk, just everyone was too afraid to call her out on it except Twilight). I mean, imagine the most spoiled person you've ever met and multiply that by a hundred. She's a queen over unquestioning, lesser servants. Of course she's going to get used to treating others as lesser beings, and it's going to take a lot more than a lecture to convince her otherwise when she's got a lifetime of experience telling her she's a god. So, just some things to consider.


Villains aren't sweeties. They're total jerks, otherwise they wouldn't be villains. The one time Chysalis had a real reason to be nice - when she was pretending to be Cadence - she was still a complete jerk then, even though her disguise depended on being nice. Now that she's no longer in disguise - and probably more bitter towards Equestria than ever due to her losing her siege on Canterlot - she's the sort of pony you want to keep a good 1,000-mile berth away from.


So, I mean, you can date Chrysalis, but if you do, then expect to never be heard from again after you approach the changeling hive (While she probably wouldn't kill you, I doubt she would ever let you leave, lest you let the world know where her hive is). She's not just a jerk, she's also a psychopath towards ponies, since she believes herself to be some far greater being and they're a different species - so she probably cares about ponies about as well as a butcher cares for cows.


Tasty steaks...


So, in short:


Fanon Chrysalis:




Canon chrysalis - the one that'll be in the RP ever since hard mode:







EDIT: Also, Bow's been wrapped up in school, but I've really got no excuse. So to kinda make it up a little I'm thinking of doing illustrations for everyone like I have for Skylord.

Also, @Night Lance

I've kinda let it slip but now it's going to be a bit important - the GM's supposed to do the world-building. I wasn't sure how Equestria might handle an over-enthusiastic fan trespassing on palace grounds, but I'm sure it's not as tough as the U.S. prosecutes trespassers on White House property - so I did some research on that. Of a sampling of trespassers - it seems that the go-to charge is "unlawful entry," which goes from "we'll ignore the charges as long as you stay out of trouble for six months," or "we'll drop charges in four months if you do 32 hours community service in that time," to, for repeat cases and probably rarely ever this intense: $1,000 fine and 180 days imprisonment. Considering you weren't armed and had no ill intent except to praise one of the princesses, you'd probably just get the charge dropped entirely.


I think what you'd get upon being arrested, though, is a jail cell, not a prison with shared spaces. We've seen this with Troubleshoes.

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Listen, this is my fair warning that's about 3 months overdue now.


Between college, online class, my job overworking me, and me trying to obtain a social life I've had little time for things like my health, sleeping, eating properly, exercise, and this ask section. So yes, we are technically all accepting and toy knowledge Fluttershy is relatively slim on takers. But my posts are anything but fast. Most I actually find myself semi disappointed because they aren't at a level I'm overly proud of, regardless of what others may say. Among the many things I ponder, the future of this page and what I want for it comes up often. So, yes. She treads water, but she's open. I'll review the join forms before the end of next week.


Cosmo, 'on schedual' would be Thursday. Be a good mate and grab the pitch. That hole there's a bit bigger than the others. Tallyho.

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Listen, this is my fair warning that's about 3 months overdue now.


Between college, online class, my job overworking me, and me trying to obtain a social life I've had little time for things like my health, sleeping, eating properly, exercise, and this ask section. So yes, we are technically all accepting and toy knowledge Fluttershy is relatively slim on takers. But my posts are anything but fast. Most I actually find myself semi disappointed because they aren't at a level I'm overly proud of, regardless of what others may say. Among the many things I ponder, the future of this page and what I want for it comes up often. So, yes. She treads water, but she's open. I'll review the join forms before the end of next week.


Cosmo, 'on schedual' would be Thursday. Be a good mate and grab the pitch. That hole there's a bit bigger than the others. Tallyho.


Dude again, don't kill yourself over this. If you don't have the time, that's fine.

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@@Comet Tail

Hi, I was just wondering if I could join in, but just so you know I've never really rped before.

You can, but this isn't really where I'd recommend starting. This RP has special rules and such, and isn't like more traditional RPs that would better help you get your feet wet.


If you'd still like to join, I need a character sheet and a date target, and I'll get back to you when I get a chance.

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Question... PLEASE let the third time be the charm. Is anyone dating Spitfire, if not, then can that be my date?


Noone dating Spitfire off the top of my head. I'd highly recommend reading over all the other dates to get info on how to go about it successfully. I particularly like how Octavia's Bow responded to one player trying to take Octavia to a concert.

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Awesome, eagerly awaiting.


Didn't you mention somewhere some surprise at how obvious the Dazzlings were being? I don't know if I ever fully responded, but, lol, yeah, they kinda were, canonically, too: 


Kinda makes sense since they've always relied on their magic to manipulate people, not actual social skill. So it's probably been kinda like a crutch that's kept them from really developing social skills at manipulation. Also may be why they're so bitey at eachother and kinda awkward, lol.






Drat! Someone beat me by mere seconds :P


I'm picky and spend way too long editing. To try to keep it realistic, I try to think of how I'd respond in just about as much time as I'd have to respond.


Anyways, funny thought: I didn't intend to yell like that, but the semi-panicked sort of calling someone typically has the effect of getting them to freeze, so that might inadvertently work to my advantage, lol.

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...And I just missed the call. Again.


I need to keep up with this way better.



Then again, it doesn't help that I cringe whenever I write my OC's name in this RP. Ah, to be younger and ignorant of what a pony name was...


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