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Has MLP Influenced You Diet Eating Less Meat Or Becoming Vegetarian?


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I am a vegetarian and I do enjoy the fact that all the ponies are herbivores.  :D

Usually people who eat meat will defend this choice with one of the "Four Ns."


Natural - "This is just the way it is.  It's not good or bad, but people are meat eating beings."

Of course, the way we factory farm 99% of our meat and the suffering that takes place before it can get to our plates is anything but natural.  The unnatural system of concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) we created causes much harm to our bodies, to animals, and to the environment.


Normal - "I was raised this way.  It's just part of my culture."

This really is no defense at all when talking about how things should be.  We know how things are, but when asking ethical questions we what to know what the moral justifications are for doing what it is that we do.


Necessary - "Without meat I can't get all my necessary nutrition."

This is simply not true at all.  It is quite easy for any person living in the first world (anyone reading this message) to get all necessary nutrition without meat.  Just by avoiding fast food by default you may actually improve your health quite a bit.


Nice - "I like eating meat and that's what matters to me."

Sure, that's something you can say, but causing suffering in order to gain wholly unnecessary pleasures cannot be defended as a moral choice.


All that said, any progress is good.  I would recommend you to first try just cutting out red meat and processed meats since those are quite unhealthy and are both linked to cancer.  It's always easiest to start out with a choice that is good for you and for the world.  :P


Let me address a few things here. Including each of the points.

The act of eating meat is not immoral or wrong humans are omnivores, but the conditions the animals are brought up in IS wrong. If your only problem with eating meat is that the animals suffer congrats you're boycotting an industry that billions support, there are probably better way to get the animals better treatment while they wait for slaughter instead of trying to get everyone to go vegan/vegetarian.


Natural - As i said we're omnivores so there we don't have to but we have the ability.


Necessary - For some people it is. Some people can't afford vegan/vegetarian food it is stupidly expensive i could have a roast or a lamb chop vegan substitute that might not even taste like the real deal.


Nice - Ok, that's all the reason you should need to eat meat, that person can still disapprove and protest the treatment of the animals.


To sum up, being Vegan or Vegetarian does nothing for the animals you'll never get a significant majority to give up meat to make an impact the people who do eat meat shouldn't be put on a lower moral level than you stop demonizing people for these things because we can all agree the treatment and conditions these animals are brought up in are utter crap and something needs to be done. 



This is are a couple of the faces of vegans.So you can't exactly put yourself on a higher moral plane.

Felt like putting these here as a middle finger to everyone. I know not every vegan/vegetarian is a cunt but these types of people seem like the only ones that get heard.



To OP's question.

I haven't decided to eat less meat nor more i'm going to keep eating it and nothing can change my mind. The treatment of the animals is still crappy and needs to be improved.


I apologies if I've come off as a bit of a dick but every time this subject comes up in the youtube comments and i decide to jump in i'm called a murderer, scum, subhuman so on and so forth, feel free to think whatever you want 'bout me though.

  • Brohoof 4

"Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light."


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Ha, no. If liking Death Note didn't make me a serial killer and liking Dragon Ball Z didn't make me a Super Saiyan, why would this show make me a vegetarian? It might have made me nicer and happier, but not a vegetarian.

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was akin to a slow death. If I must live as I did before then... -Lelouch, Code Geass - My NEW DeviantART: http://SilverStarApple.deviantart.com/Want to make money for being an AWESOME PONY? https://www.tsu.co/Epsilon725

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Does that tofu scramble have more than just tofu if not what kind of tofu is it? What's the grams of protein it has?


I make my tofu scramble with a block of tofu (Pressed and mushed up, hense the "scramble"), about 1/4 to 1/3 cup of nutritional yeast (gives it the flavor and has so much B complex I pee bright yellow for days after) some olive oil and a little soy milk added. (Also spices like onion powder pepper salt etc). Nutritional yeast itself has 9 grams of protein per 2 tablespoons and is a complete protein (1/3 of a cup has almost 50 grams of protein). The tofu also has a lot of protein (if that is the thing you worry about the most, which shouldnt normally be a worry unless you are body building.) at about 40 grams per block (and yes I eat the whole thing when I make tofu scramble. SO YUM!). The tofu + nutritional yeast + added soymilk = about 100 grams of protein in one meal. (Which is about 2x what I should be eating, there IS such a thing as too much protein...)

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No amount of "eating meat is murder" or children's shows will police my diet. We're omnivores whether you choose to embrace that or not is not my problem.

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There is no connection between my diet and this show. They eat hayburgers and daisy, but I can't digest them - they sound really healthy though.


I do eat meat, but not often. Sometimes it's a have-to because everyone around me eats meat. From my memory and my family spirit, meat is somehow related to strength and healthiness (don't ask me why), so I have killed a LOT of animals during my childhood. My apologies And respects to the relatives of these victims.


I tried to eat less meat recently and might become a vegetarian in the near future, but still pending for more research and motivation. But is has NO relationship with this show.

Edited by ITV Canterlot

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You've got to remember that there's a lot at 'steak' here.

  • Brohoof 3


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I was already a vegan about a year before discovering MLP, so nothing really changed for me. x3 Would the show have affected my diet if I was still a meat-eater at the time? Probably not, in all honesty.

Edited by YourSillyPoneh~


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I take it that you do not know what vegans actually eat... I am vegan and I do not take supplements as there is no need to. Remember, many massive and muscular beings out there are vegan (Elephants come to mind). The only issue is B12, and that is something made by soil bacteria (If you eat animal products you are eating B12 supplements second hand as they have to supplement animal feed with it now.) For me, they add it to nutritional yeast and plant based milk. Also, the bowl of tofu scamble I am eating right now has not only more protein than steak, it is a higher quality protein (by a little bit, like a few points).


Back to the OP question: Been vegan for many years, so no the show didn't inspire me in such a way. It is nice to hear that it has for some other people, though!


i was refering to the garden variety vegetatrian, Vegans just add foods made from animal by-products to the lists beyond just the "no meat" rule.


And to rebuke you, huge veggie animals like the elephant have totally different energy and nutritional requirements compared to a human, as well as the fact they have different internal organ structure for their diet and the correct metabolism for it to work effectively. 


Also Tofu is unappealing as all hell...


Also Also. Plants are living things to. Every day, innocent plants die just so veggies can live. Will nobody think about how the plants feel? XD

Edited by Malinter
  • Brohoof 1


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Not at all. I will continue to eat meat and continue the good and balanced diet I already have.

I'm not a medical expert, psychologist, psychiatrist, teacher or love doctor. Take my words with a pinch of salt, yeah?


I am an experienced cook, musician and care worker though, so that's something.

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Alot of scientists believe humans would not have developed the brains they have now if our ancestors had not eaten meat due to all the proteins and such found in meat, plus we developed a pair of canines to eat meat so eating meat *IS* natural for humans and natural in nature. A tiger isn't going to care how cute something is, if it bleeds, it'll eat it. XD


Going all veggie is pointless in the sense of keeping your body fuelled and running and you have to mess about with even more unnatural "suppliments" if you cannot find any replacements for the vitimins found in meat and you can end up with vitamin difficiency which is very unhealthy.


That said, overloading on meat is also bad because meats don't have the vitamins found in veg. 


Hence why humans are omnivores.

Right, humans might not have developed that complex brains without meat, I can't argue on that.

But in the Stone age, it was nessecary to eat meat because the food recources were very limited, and unlike us, they had to hunt, or later grow animals in a small herd, and meat also was rare. But what we do today is just sick, most people couldn't even hurt a cow or a pig, instead, we let a minority to this sick and awful job, and these people have to be cold and hartless, otherwise they couldn't do their job of shooting scared cows and veals in the head.

Today we have way more opportunites and can replace meat, in the last time, we often replaced inefficient things from the nature with better, synthetec thing. 

Humans ate meat for a long time, but they als hunted for a long time, and I bet most people here don't go hunting for food. :lol:


Nope. My diet is literally exactly the same as it was 3 years ago when I started watching the show. There are many things this show has inspired me with and thus has had an influence, this is definitely not one of those things. Not gonna give up meat just because horses in a cartoon don't eat meat. They are horses, that is why they don't eat meat! Horses don't do that. Humans do.

Horses also don't speak and have pastel colourd fur, those horses in this show are more like humans in horse shape.


Giving up meat isn't hard, if a lazy guy like me can do it, most of you could do it to, Fluttershy would be proud of you :kindness:

  • Brohoof 1






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I was a pescatarian (one who eats fish and animal products but not meat) prior to the start of the show, and I still am now, so nothing has changed really. I do appreciate that they made the characters of MLP vegetarian though, it's always creeped me out when shows that have talking animal characters show them eating meat, and it would be especially creepy in a show like MLP where the non-verbal animals still show a higher level of sentience than the ones in our world. It's also just nice to see characters who I can relate to in that way.


I do, however, think I've developed a greater appreciation for apples thanks to this show  :lol:

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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Uh... no. The show has nothing to do with what I think of meat. I already had pre-existing thoughts.


I still eat meat, although I'd rather avoid it. It certainly has some... disturbing implications to eat it. Not just about the conditions, but the fact that I ate something that is remarkably similar to me in structure and mental facilities... I mean, animals aren't sentient or anything, but they're closer to us than say, a plant. Sadly, I can't really. I don't have the financial resources to eat healthier than I already do. I try my best, but there is really little feasible way for me to get the protein I need without meat at this time. I sure do wish that these foods were easier to come by. I also wish that we could replace all real meat with synthetic replicas so that I could have that nice taste without feeling too guilty. I just hate beans and most protein-related foods that are not meat. @_@


Of course, I don't wish to demonize anyone who eats it. Eat whatever you want. It isn't my place to judge.

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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Nice - "I like eating meat and that's what matters to me." Sure, that's something you can say, but causing suffering in order to gain wholly unnecessary pleasures cannot be defended as a moral choice.


 I do like meat and i do have a veggie friend. SHe doesn't mind my choice and I don't mind hers. I eat meat because I was raised to and I like the taste of it.

~My life is a bunch of Discord~
Yes, the pun was intended


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Not really no. And eating meat isn't a big deal in Equestria apparently. The mane 6 hang out with carnivores all the time. Winona, Owlicious, Gummy & Opal anypony? Heck, Fluttershy was shown feeding fish to her ferrets.  Vegetarian diets would be unhealthy for animals like them.

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