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Favourite episode for each of the mane 6?


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Which episodes are your favourite for each of the mane 6? Any reason is valid, even if it's just a little cameo by that character, if it's that episode that makes you love that character, then post it!


Twilight - The season 5 finale, Cutie re-mark. Cliché I know, but it feels like she's coming towards the end of her story now, as she as giving a lecture and became Starlight's mentor in a way, good to see her still developing as a character


Pinkie - Pinkie pride. As well as the guest star and the amazing songs, Pinkie pride was the first pinkie episode I truly enjoyed all the way through, and the interactions between her and cheese are great, they play off of each other so well


Fluttershy - Hurricane Fluttershy. This episode hits home strong for me personally, and really changed me in a big way. Out of all the episodes on this list, this is probably the one that has had the biggest impact on my life. If I had to say I relate to anyone, it'd be Fluttershy, but this episode alone is a great example of that.


Rarity - Rarity investigates. I never really cared for Rarity until midway through season 4, but the 3 episodes in a row that she got changed my mind about her. Rarity investigates was 22 minutes of nothing but entertainment for me, and I didn't think I'd like the noir kind of genre that they were going for, but she was perfect for it, and the episode was amazing


Rainbow dash - Tanks for the memories. If only for the allegory of death, it was a very clever way of integrating that kind of message into a show about talking ponies, and I have to respect them for that. I don't really like a whole lot of RD episodes, but this one is an exception, great ep


Applejack - I dont like AJ, and I don't really like her even in her good episodes like mane attraction. Rather, there's little moments that I think she's cool in, but nothing more than that. If I had to pick one, I'd say made in manehatten, but I like her little excitement surprise part in hearthbreakers, and when she was arguing about how she saw a stick in what about discord, and other little moments more than any of her over all performances in any episodes


What about you guys?

  • Brohoof 1


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Twilight Sparkle - Lesson Zero or Amending Fences

Applejack - Last Roundup or Apple Family Reunion

Rainbow Dash - Wonderbolts Academy

Rarity - Rarity Investigates

Fluttershy - Hurricane Fluttershy

Pinkie Pie - Pinkie Pride

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Twilight: Amending Fences

Rarity: Rarity Takes Manehatten

Fluttershy: Filli Vanilli, Keep Calm and Flutter On

Rainbow Dash: Wonderbolts Acadmy, Sonic Rainboom

Pinkie Pie: Pinkie Pride

Applejack: The Mane Attraction

  • Brohoof 1


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Twilight Sparkle - Lesson Zero, closely followed by Winter Wrap Up (although I'll admit the latter is largely due to nostalgia and me absolutely loving the song)


Pinkie Pie - Pinkie Pride or Hearthbreakers. Party of One is an honourable mention.


Applejack - Hearthbreakers or Apple Family Reunion.


Rainbow Dash - Sonic Rainboom. Rainbow is my favourite pony but for some reason she doesn't have that many great episodes :(


Rarity - Sweet and Elite or Canterlot Boutique.


Fluttershy - Hurricane Fluttershy.


The Entire Mane 6 - All of the epic premiers and finales :D I'd also like to give a shout out to The Cutie Mark Chronicles and The Best Night Ever, two season one episodes I can still watch over and over again.


And while I'm here...


Spike - Secret of My Excess.


The CMC - Flight To The Finish and Crusaders of the Lost Mark.

  • Brohoof 2

Friendship isn't always easy. But it's definitely worth fighting for.


Twilight Sparkle is Best Pony!

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Applejack - 'Apple Family Reunion', 'Sisterhooves Social' and 'The Mane Attraction'.


Pinkie Pie - 'A Friend in Deed', 'Pinkie Apple Pie' and 'Maud Pie'.


Fluttershy - 'The Best Night Ever' and 'Hurticane Fluttershy'.


Rarity - 'Rarity Investigates' and 'Sisterhooves Social'


Twilight - 'Amending Fences' and 'Twilight's Kingdom'.


Rainbow Dash - 'May the Best Pet Win' and 'Read it and Weep'.

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Pinkie Pie - Pinkie Pride/Party of One (tied)


Rainbow Dash - Tanks for the Memories


Fluttershy - Hurricane Fluttershy


Twilight Sparkle - Twilight's Kingdom, 1 & 2


Rarity - Canterlot Boutique


Applejack - Pinkie Apple Pie

Edited by Aurora Storm
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Fluttershy: Keep Calm and Flutter On

Rainbow Dash: Sonic Rainboom/Read it and Weep/Wonderbolt Academy/Testing Testing 1 2 3/Tanks for the Memories (I really like RD episodes, sue me)

Applejack: The Last Roundup

Rarity: Rarity Takes Manehatten

Pinkie Pie: Party of One

Twilight Sparkle: It's About Time

Spike: Dragon Quest

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Fluttershy: Such a shame she has so few good episodes, but the best and overall favorite is Hurricane Fluttershy. This is an episode everyone, even the most hardened 'Shy hater, can relate to and understand. Stage fright is beyond a quirk. It's a phobia that can cripple their livelihood. The conflict is real. The emotions are real. Her ability to persevere is real. There's a reason why it's so acclaimed. What makes an episode satisfying is the ability to see the character overcome all the odds and become the catalyst for improvement, both in others and oneself. Fluttershy faced those and showed exactly shy she was one of the most popular characters of season one.


Twilight Sparkle: My second-favorite overall and second-best overall of season five: Amending Fences. Observe how the conflict began in the pilot. She was asked to come to Moondancer's party, but Twilight blew it off by lying to Minny, Lemonhearts, and Twinkleshine that she had to "study." Today's MD is Twilight's mirrored image, and the effects of Twilight's decision affected Moondancer. TS had to figure out how to make up her terrible mistake, but it only resulted in her facing the harsh truth of ignoring the idea that maybe Moondancer's party was anything but to her, but something more important. It's A Friend in Deed done correctly.


Rainbow Dash: Sonic Rainboom is good, but her best (and my favorite) RD episode is Wonderbolts Academy. Consider everything she learned up to this point. She was brash, arrogant, got that arrogance hit back at her, doubt, second-guess, and then triumph. Every single nook and cranny of her characterization is explored in this twenty-two-minute escapade. She realized her dream of potentially training for the Wonderbolts, but had to team up with a Dash foil. Then when her friends nearly died, she chose to sacrifice her dream in favor of sticking up for her friends and especially her morals. Like 'Shy, she, too, doesn't have many good episodes, and she works best as a side character.


Pinkie Pie: If it weren't for The Best Night Ever, then Party of One would be the best S1 episode. And today, it's still my favorite Pinkie episode. Everything starts smoothly, but Pinkie Pie has a very big care for her friends for one key reason: Without them being happy, then she can't feel happy. Her emotions are coupled to others. PoO reveals how much her friends mean to her and how dependent she is on their happiness. On top of it, the ending surprise may be clichéd, but it's a way better choice than others suggested. Pinkie is a workaholic and focuses little on herself; it makes so much sense for her to forget her own birthday. Even in today's standards, the moral is one of the most mature: Don't assume the worst of your friends' actions.


Applejack: Her episodes have been the most stable. Except Somepony to Watch Over Me, none of them were that bad. My favorite of hers is also her best: The Mane Attraction. What do most of her previous episodes have in common? She's responsible for the problem and must mend it. One of season five's central goals is to spread the main characters' strengths onto others. The Mane Attraction is the first AJ-centric episode to take advantage of her best qualities: honesty, tenacity, and patience. She can be stubborn, but that's normally played as a flaw. Here, her stubbornness becomes a strength.


Rarity: Sisterhooves Social is her best episode, but my favorite is actually Rarity Takes Manehattan. Funnily, it started off rather slow by hammering in her generosity. But the hammering of her generosity also becomes foreshadowing to something creators like myself can relate to: being plagiarized. The Mane Six took advantage of her generosity accidentally, but RTM is the first to feature someone actually manipulate it for a very evil cause. To make it worse, Suri doesn't regret it. Rarity's anguish, tantrums, and lack of trust for her friends feel extremely realistic. When the core of who you are is taken advantage of, sometimes it becomes very difficult regaining that ability to trust anyone back. The lesson she learned at the end has a double meaning. She dictates to us that she shouldn't let an ordeal like hers cause her to not abandon her generous spirit, but there's more to it. What she's really saying is don't let an awful experience change who you are and abandon what you love.

  • Brohoof 4

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Applejack: The Mane Attraction (honestly the first AJ episode I even remotely liked)


Fluttershy: Hurricane Fluttershy


Pinkie Pie: Party of One


Rainbow Dash: Wonderbolts Academy


Rarity: Suited for Success


Twilight: Lesson Zero



Rainbow Dash - 'May the Best Pet Win' and 'Read it and Weep'.


Good choice with Read it and Weep. Underrated episode.

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Fluttershy - Hurricane Fluttershy. My reining favorite episode of all time still stands as one of the greatest Fluttershy moments of the entire series.

Rarity - Suited For Success. Rarity has far too many good episodes to pick just one, so I'm going with the one that made me first love her as a character.

Pinkie Pie - Pinkie Pride. Truly Pinkie at her finest.

Rainbow Dash - Wonderbolt Academy. When stacked up against possibly her antithesis in Lightning Dust, Rainbow Dash proves beyond a shadow of a doubt why the Element of Loyalty belongs to her.

Twilight - Amending Fences. If you didn't have tears in your eyes, you have no soul.

Applejack - The Mane Attraction. Finally Applejack has a moment to truly shine. 

  • Brohoof 1

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Twilight - Amending Fences

Applejack - The Mane Attraction

Pinkie Pie - Pinkie Pride

Fluttershy - Hurricane Fluttershy

Rainbow Dash - Wonderbolts Academy

Rarity - Rarity Investigates

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Fluttershy - Putting your hoof down - Also includes one of my favorite one time villains ( who isn't actualy really a villain per se, just the plot device to create the tension between characters for a story for fluttershy to deal with personal character building issues. ), Iron will!


Applejack - Pinkie Apple Pie is an amazing episode- I love almost every part of it and this is a great episode. Even though it features pinkie as a mane character in the episode and it really is about the two of them, I think this one is great. My next best episode would probably be Applebuck season.


Rainbow Dash - I will admit, after Pinkie applejack and Twilight, it is hard to determine who goes where. But I would say that Rainbow Dash is probably my least favorite of the bunch. So, probably the episode where she deals with loosing tank for the winter or read it and weep.


Twilight - Princess twilight sparkle was good. But the best is when she fought Tirek at the end of season 4. BEST FIGHT EVER!


Rarity- Rarity investigates....absolutely the best rarity episode. I have been DYING to see an episode that did not revolve around her making a dress. OMG have I been waiting, there is so much more too her than finding gems, being a prissy high society obsessed glamour girl that I have dreamed of a good episode like this and we finally got it. Best rarity episode hooves down and if anyone else tries to arugue this, you will lose. No, seriously, do not even think about replying to this in the negative because I WILL win the arguement. So don't even think about trying to bother with saying no.


Pinkie Pie - A lot a great pinkie episodes, I don't really think I can just pick one.

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Twilight: Amending Fences

Rainbow Dash: Wonderbolts Academy and Testing Testing 123

Fluttershy: Hurricane Fluttershy

Applejack: The Mane Attraction and The Last Roundup

Rarity: Rarity Investigates, A Dog and Pony Show, and Rarity Takes Manehattan

Pinkie Pie: Pinkie Pride and Party of One





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Flutters:  Putting Your Hoof Down. Great to see such range. Also Hurricane Fluttershy for a training montage on par with Rocky.


Rare-bear:  Rarity Investigates. I'm obsessed with film noire, and joining that with the femme fatale with the mid-atlantic accent just made me squirm with delight.


AJ:  Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000.


Twily: It's About Time. The episode that hooked me on the series back in March. I've watched it probably 5 times now.


Pinkamena:  The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows.


Dashy: Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3.  Hooray for differentiated instruction.  M.Ed. approved.


It's tough, because the emsemble as a whole is always incredible.

  • Brohoof 1


Courtesy of @Sparklefan1234

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Pinkie Pie (aka best pone): Party of One


Rainbow Dash: Read It And Weep/Rainbow Falls


Rarity: Rarity Investigates


Applejack: Applebuck Season


Fluttershy: Hurricane Fluttershy


Twilight: Lesson Zero





me too tbh

Edited by SilyGeny


graphic design is meh pession


Twilight Sparkle  Pinkie Pie  Applejack Rainbow Dash Rarity Fluttershy

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I'll mostly go with Merry Mothra's list but I'd add Pinkie Apple Pie​ (from Season 4) for Apple Jack.  For Rarity, Dog & Pony Show (Season 1) is a favorite.  Yes, it shows a side of Rarity she has outgrown but the "That's not whining ... THIS is whining!" scene is one of the best in the series.  They paid 6 cartloads of gems to get rid of her & called it a bargain.

Edited by sweetolebob18
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Fluttershy: Hurricane Fluttershy or BATS

Rainbow: Testing, Testing, 123

Apple: I'm undecided, though I'll go with The Last Roundup. Cheery was nice.

Rarity: Rarity takes Manehatten, or Rarity investigates

Twilight: Lesson Zero

Pinkie: Party of One.

Don't be a dweeb


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  • 5 years later...

Fluttershy - Hurricane Fluttershy. Fluttershy has many great episodes, but this one still stands out as the best. This episode has an outstanding amount of character buildings for Fluttershy, and it accomplishes this in such an interesting premise. There is a reason this episode is my all time favorite.

Rainbow Dash - Sonic Rainboom. This was really tough between Sonic Rainboom and Wonderbolts Academy. Though the latter shows off a bit more character growth, Sonic Rainboom is a very nostalgic moment for me, and I'd say was the first big character development Rainbow went through. This is also amongst my favorite mlp episodes.

Pinkie Pie - Pinkie Pride. The dynamic between Pinkie and Cheese Sandwich is great and this episode is overall very fun.

Twilight - Twilight's Kingdom. This gets a little harder since I don't like thees oncoming three as much as the previously mentioned three. For Twilight, I picked Twilight's Kingdom both for the entertaining story and decent amount character growth.

Rarity - Rarity Investigates. I wasn't really sure what to put down for this since I'm not as interesting in Rarity as a character, but I figured Rarity Investigates was a pretty good one. I liked how Rarity greatly helped out Rainbow and I simply thought the premise was neat.

Applejack - The Last Roundup. Like Rarity, figuring my favorite AJ episode was a little difficult, but then I remembered A Last Roundup. This is an episode where Applejack feels relatable, and I like how her friends went through the extremes to get her back.


"Here we are, don't turn away now, We are the warriors that built this town" - Imagine Dragons

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  • 1 month later...

Up to the end of season 3 (since that's as far as I've gotten so far on my latest rewatch):

Pinkie: Party of One. I like most of Pinkie's episodes, but none can compare to the greatness of Party of One. It's one of the funniest of the first three seasons and givese Pinkie room to show off her full range of emotions past just a simple comic relief.

Rainbow: Sonic Rainboom. I'm not a big fan of any of Rainbow's episodes. Sonic Rainboom wins because it's a bit more memorable than Wonderbolts Academy, but i's still not very good. Everything feels really basic and the charm in this episode isn't as strong as some other season 1 episodes. The sonic rainboom itself is a great moment though.

Rarity: Sweet and Elite. I also really like Suited for Success, but Sweet and Elite feels like it has more substance to it.

Applejack: The Last Roundup. This wasn't even close. The Last Roundup isn't just the best Applejack episode. It's one of the best. It's exciting, funny, has a great moral, and some of the most memorable moments of the first three seasons.

Twilight: Magic Duel. This is also one of my favorites of what I've seen so far. It has better drama than all of the two parters, but it still keeps things light. Trixie is the best villain of the first three seasons and the final duel is both entertaining and very clever.

Fluttershy: Dragonshy. I've kinda soured on Hurricane Fluttershy on my latest rewatch. I still like it, but Dragonshy has surpassed it. There's just so much to like about Dragonshy. It's funny, the characters all have moments to shine and Fluttershy has a great moment with yelling at the dragon at the end.

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  • 6 months later...

Twilight: Twilight's Kingdom and Amending Fences.

Fluttershy: Hurricane Fluttershy.

Applejack: The Mane Attraction and Applebuck Season.

Pinkie Pie: Party of One.

Rarity: Sisterhooves Social.

Rainbow Dash: Sonic Rainboom.

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