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general Liberal or Conservative?


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I'm liberal but I like to cut down on wasted spending, primarily on things that we absolutely don't need and only add to the confusion that is bureaucracy. We don't need multiple areas of government working separately on the same issue, especially if it doesn't pertain to what they actually should be doing, or having middle management where there could be direct communication. I'm also a supporter of higher authority so I can come off as totalitarian in some ways :lol:

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i am center, because both sides have good and bad arguments.

For instance: I am pro-abortion and against illegal aliens.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm a true conservative, most politicians are a lie, yes im that guy, the scam is that there are two parties, but there is always the same outcome. Why hasn't the republicans stopped the Dems, because they don't want to, they complain and the moment they get all three houses nothing happen, So im the true Conservative.

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While I honestly don't have terribly strong opinions on the issues the two parties themselves discuss, I can give my thoughts on the parties themselves. If you ask me, the two parties are, for all intents and purposes, different "factions" of each other. While they may not have the same viewpoints, they have the same terrible behavior (such as being endorsed by billionaires and corporations). This is why I think Trump won the 2016 election; while I barely agree with any of what he said, he knew how the Right Wing viewed itself; they knew their party was struggling for the past few decades, and things needed to change. Not only this, but I also can attribute this with the rise of third parties (there are plenty, but Libertarians and Greens seem to be the biggest). A growing number of people are just getting tired of how things are being run in this country, and will gladly support a third party if it means getting things straight. Finally, this can also be why overall political apathy is on the rise as well. While third party voters are tired of the system (if you want to call it that) and want to change it, those who are politically apathetic have just grown tired of all of the drama and ruckus. Honestly? I don't blame them.

Please note: I'm not criticizing you if you are a Democrat or a Republican, I'm just giving my thoughts on the parties at large. Like I said; i don't hold very strong political opinions, but I can try to decipher what is going on in the general public's mind.

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I'm Voting Andrew Shere and Doug Ford,., The Liberals in Canada are Evil as hell.  and their leader is Lazy as hell, stupid as a Stick, ''budgets do not balance themselves.''  and a sponge out to line his own pockets, he sold his Soul to Islam. and is obsessed in transgender stuff. Ironic since under Islam they wipe out transgenders. He should be in a mental institution not running a country. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm a tick or two towards libertarian, and pretty much dead center on the left/right spectrum.

I think people should be allowed to do what they want so long as it doesn't hurt anyone, but the way in which this differs from traditional leftism is that I also believe that some of the typical "left" politics are not as innocuous as they would lead you to believe.

Edited by Hocus Pocus
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6 hours ago, Kronos the Revenant said:

This is what my political compss test says about me:



Apparently, my political views are close to Gandhi’s :D

We're quite close ideologically, I think, the political compass I used was a little different

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Economic Left/Right: 0.5 
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.95


Huh, would you look at that. I'm only slightly more Right than Left. And a bit libertarian, but I expected that. Honestly thought I'd be a lot more Right, but than again, I have always described myself as conservative-independent. Also the test didn't ask me much about my Biblical conservative morals. That stuff I do not flex on.

Kinda proud of myself, though. I like the idea of being in the middle, able to listen to most opinions, because you're not extreme in your own. Kind sad they didn't have a notable political figure to compare to on that part of the grid. Might have been fun to look them up and see what I thought of them.

EDIT: Tried this one out as well.


Interesting to compare the two. Not surprised on any of them, but sort of intrigued my the Statist stat I got... to Wikipedia!

"In political sciencestatism is the belief that the state should control either economic or social policy, or both, to some degree."

Okay, I can get behind that. In the sense that the state should do what the people that voted them in want and enforce that. Doing whatever it wants without the consent of the governed however... well...




Edited by ShadOBabe
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Even though I've already posted here once or twice I took another test.

I believe that science and technology will improve our world, I don't really care much about social issues, personally. My country (United States) in my view isn't as great as people think. It needs to change, it needs to improve it's infrastructure and ignore social issues for the time being. I don't agree with any version of American politics as it is horrible and inefficient. Things should be looked at logically and pragmatically, rather than the other way around. 


Here is another one. Somewhat accurate I must say minus the Anarchism.



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3 minutes ago, The Whiteraven said:

I am a Fascist. Most people are ignorant of what fascism actually is and I can tell you myself. I oppose conservatism and liberalism as both do absolutely nothing to fix what is wrong with the nation as well as our international relations. Conservatism has failed to conserve and liberalism has degenerated further into madness especially with sjw and neo Marxist political doctrine being spewed from different sources. Fascism takes what makes a society strong and healthy to create a system that reflects these values of truth and strength and thus create the ultimate ideal for society beyond Marxist and socialist egalitarian doctrine and above the petty interpretations of what makes democracy and the ignorance of our political structure. I just find many young liberals and cons to be naive to reality.

That in no way defined what fascism is. You only said what it (allegedly) does.

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