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gaming Most disappointing game you have ever played?


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Turns out my original post isn't valid anymore, because I found another disappointing game since then!

Might and Magic IX: A WRPG which had a developer go under in mid:@development. Then its second developer barely survived it, and they also went bankrupt! I was so eager to play it, and the multiple bugs and barebones appearance was just a massive disappointment.

Turns out this is why it's important to listen to word:@of:@mouth.

I also covered the first NES Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game in my blog review on this site, which I've grown to look down and seeing how flawed and unpolished the game was.

Edited by Kelldrick

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Final Fantasy 9

A really strange title to put up here I know. "A Final Fantasy game being disappointing?". For me 9 was SUCH a slog to get through I rarely recall any points I was awake for. Almost everything about the game felt...down graded from FF7 that it didnt even feel like a game in the same league. No one I know even brings up 9 in a conversation with warm memories but more of indifference.

The graphics felt like the only thing that improved from the previous titles but since it was on the PS, not by too much. The story was SOO all over the place and unnecessarily complicated especially after we already had the spider web that was 7. Hell even 7 largely stuck to the theme of "bad guy over there. We go smash". In 9 you're always wandering the world for some specific item or clue at that moment with no clear end game goal for long stretches of time.

The combat again felt like a step back in terms of development. They bring back "limit breaks' but this time as "Trances" which are pretty weird. It buffs your attacks or gives you whole new moves you dont have access to otherwise. Kinda weird but ok. The critical downside is unlike 7 where you get to decide where and when to unleash your limit, 9 will automatically activate for you upon filling the gauge and it takes a LONG LONG time to fill that gauge. And you die super easy in 9 causing the gauge to restart at 0. I cant tell you how many times i'd save up my gauge for a boss and right before it id get into a battle where I was hit with a light tap, go into trance and kill the enemy before I even get to use the skill. Now my gauge is empty for the boss fight...whee.

One last thing were the character designs. outside of Garnet and Freya, everyone's both friend and foe designs are way to chibi or strange for me to appreciate, especially if  I have to stare at them for the entirety of the game. I always thought Zidane looked ridiculous with the giant sleeve cuffs...with no jacket sleeves.

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30 minutes ago, SONICchaos said:

Final Fantasy 9

A really strange title to put up here I know. "A Final Fantasy game being disappointing?". For me 9 was SUCH a slog to get through I rarely recall any points I was awake for. Almost everything about the game felt...down graded from FF7 that it didnt even feel like a game in the same league. No one I know even brings up 9 in a conversation with warm memories but more of indifference.

The graphics felt like the only thing that improved from the previous titles but since it was on the PS, not by too much. The story was SOO all over the place and unnecessarily complicated especially after we already had the spider web that was 7. Hell even 7 largely stuck to the theme of "bad guy over there. We go smash". In 9 you're always wandering the world for some specific item or clue at that moment with no clear end game goal for long stretches of time.

The combat again felt like a step back in terms of development. They bring back "limit breaks' but this time as "Trances" which are pretty weird. It buffs your attacks or gives you whole new moves you dont have access to otherwise. Kinda weird but ok. The critical downside is unlike 7 where you get to decide where and when to unleash your limit, 9 will automatically activate for you upon filling the gauge and it takes a LONG LONG time to fill that gauge. And you die super easy in 9 causing the gauge to restart at 0. I cant tell you how many times i'd save up my gauge for a boss and right before it id get into a battle where I was hit with a light tap, go into trance and kill the enemy before I even get to use the skill. Now my gauge is empty for the boss fight...whee.

One last thing were the character designs. outside of Garnet and Freya, everyone's both friend and foe designs are way to chibi or strange for me to appreciate, especially if  I have to stare at them for the entirety of the game. I always thought Zidane looked ridiculous with the giant sleeve cuffs...with no jacket sleeves.

Interesting, I'm writing this just after someone whose most disappointing game is Final Fantasy IX when it's my favorite game of all time! I have so many good memories of it! The epic philosophical story, the strong-developped characters, the excellent music, the traditionnal-type combat system! But it's just my personal point of view, I respect your opinon dear SONICchaos. This game can't be good for everyone's opinion and it was also my first FF ever, so... ^^ My nostalgy is really focused on the 9th episode, even if 7th was a great game of course.

My most disappointing game is also a Final Fantasy, sorry. ^^' It's called Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles on GameCube. I was so excited to play Final Fantasy on a Nintendo console, but the game just doesn't play good in the single player mode. Its combat system is really repetitive, and I remember spending most of my time emptying my bag full of unnecessary items. I didn't like the style of music at all those times ago, but I grew to like them.

I completed painfully the game in single player mode. It was boring. This game is really better when played by at least 4 players. But it's just impossible to find friends with a GameBoy Advance and the cable linking the GameCube (meaning they actually have both consoles). That's really a shame when the screen on the GameBoy Advance was used only to navigate between menus. Marketing strategy ruined it all. :(

Edited by Floppy Snow
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28 minutes ago, SONICchaos said:

Final Fantasy 9


FF9 > all other FF games. Yes, that includes 7.

Most disappointing game ever to me was probably the original TMNT on the NES.... never have I hated the Turtles more than that day. Also Oni on the PS2 was an absolute disappointment to me, considering the pedigree of the company making it.


~No profound statement needed~

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Despite being a good Game, i thought Silent Hill 2 was a disappointing Sequel.

I played part 3 first and then part 1, then i saw a female on the cover of Silent Hill 2, so i thought you play as a female character and that the game had some similarities with Silent Hill 3 or at least similar looking Otherworlds, but after i realized, that the new protagonist had not much to do with the old Characters, i got already disappointed. ( Would it not have made sense if they changed James Sunderland to Harry Mason?  SPOILER ALERT : Both lost their wife and after the events of the first game ( or at least according to the second Movie ) they changed their identity and even their hair Color, so...they could of have used Hary Mason as the protagonist again, since their Storys would match up a little, but i got sidetracked, sorry XD )

But that was not the main Point, not only does the second game not connect to the other Games, but the Story doesnt even focus on Silent Hill itself all that much, it feels more like a Ghost Story or a Psycho Thriller.

The Other Worlds ( even if they made sense for the Story ) felt bland and boring, specially the Other World Version of the outside of the Town, which did not match up to the first game at all, overall the graphics were boring. ( like the main character )

The Story was also predictable and in the end i just questioned myself what the game had even to do with Silent Hill? Many Places, like the Apartment and the Hotel, didnt really have Other Worlds, it barely looked any different and wasnt as shocking or disturbing to me, like in the other 2 games.

The Enemys looked to much like Humans, for my taste....specially the end boss ( again, i get it, it makes sense that they used this kind of boss, but still ), i felt trolled. There was just one Type of Monster i liked, the rest were pretty boring for me and i really hated to walk trough every corner of the town, just to get the map completed and to collect every singe item. In the first Game, you have to do that as well, but your character doesnt run out of stamina at least and in Part 3, most areas are small and the town part is shorter.

And the Backstory you get, by playing the game a second time and get new documents, is just lame. I dont want to spoiler it, but the reason why Silent Hill seems to be so weird, was a cliche. A very common one in Horror Movies and i was disappointed that Silent Hill choosed this as the backstory.

Again, its a good game but from all the Silent Hill Games i played ( Part 1 to Shattered Memories ), this one is my personal worst of them all. And yes, Shattered Memories also had different Other Worlds and to human looking Monsters, but that game had more interesting concepts and gameplay elements and its faster paced.


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5 minutes ago, Floppy Snow said:

My most disappointing game is also a Final Fantasy, sorry. ^^' It's called Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles on GameCube.

I think you're the first person to i've heard have a negative opinion on Crystal Chronicles. I myself have never played it but everyone I talked to who did were either meh about it or loved it. I wasnt too interested in it myself since it wasnt a mainstream FF title but was excited to hear Square teaming up with Nintendo again after all those years living as a separated couple.


9 minutes ago, Floppy Snow said:

The epic philosophical story, the strong-developped characters, the excellent music, the traditionnal-type combat system!

The story, was just something that was so over my head at the time I figured I couldnt get into it. I had to read a wiki for the cliff's notes version and it was still coming off as confusing to me. I even tried to play it 3 times to hopefully pick up what I couldnt before but always lost my fudge at the 3rd disc dealing with Garnets muteness and the candle puzzle pretty much dissolving any desire to go any farther. I've beaten it before the first time because..well I had to beat it but each subsequent time I played its always the 3rd disc I lose my patience on. Still there are parts of the story I like on their own particularly the characters back story but after sephiroth Kuja always felt like a team rocket villain rather than a big bad.

The music was great yeah. Some tracks a little less memorable than others but themes like Rose of May, You're not Alone, Hunter's Chance and Freya's theme cemented into my brain.

Its funny at the time the traditional combat system was new to me(I had no idea it was a throwback to FF1) as I had only played 4, 6 and 7 at the time so I never really felt limited in what I could do. I'm certainly not against the class based system but I dont think all the classes were properly explained. It wasnt even until I think my 2nd or 3rd playthrough I even found out Zidane was technically a "Thief" class or Amarant was a "Monk" as they didnt appear or behave anything like I had expected them to. All I knew was Vivi was a Black Mage, Garnet and Aiko were White and Quina was Blue. Everyone else was sorta unexplained on how to maximize their playstyle. That and this game was WAY harder than any of the others I played. At least when It came to characters dying and getting one shotted. I knew I was doing something wrong but without a synthesis guide to make good weapons and armor you were at the constant mercy of enemy AI targeting who likes to pick on vivi over and over again.

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Super Smash Bros Wii U.
Once the novelty of the characters ran out, I was just like "Screw this. I'm going back to Brawl." *sells Wii U and game*


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  • 8 months later...

Arkham Knight for me. Arkham Knight I was hyped for, probably more than any other game in my life. I couldn't wait to see how they wrapped up all the plot threads from Arkham City. I watched the trailers a bunch of times, replayed all the other Arkham games to get ready for it, and even went to the midnight release when it came out. I played it, and finished it within a week and....I couldn't put my finger on it.....something about it felt off. The story was incredibly predictable and shallow, no real boss fights, anticlimactic encounters for previous villains who were built up so much, the DLC packs were kind of pointless, and I thought the Bat-Mobile was WAY over used. I don't think it's a bad game by any means, as there are good parts to it, like the perfected combat, and the exploration aspect.


I really disliked Joker hijacking the plot, and the poor handling of Hush and Deathstroke . I also found the 100% ending to be a complete waste of time.

I waited years for Nuts and Bolts to come out, and it was not what I was expecting. I wasn't a fan of the mission structure, I found Showdown Town to be to be quite cumbersome to get around, and I swear I spent a good 60% percent of game time just building cars, just for them to fall apart or not work correctly at the start of a mission.

Destroy All Humans Path Of The Furon was a complete disaster in just about every single aspect, and how ironic that this and Nuts and Bolts were my first Xbox 360 games.



                                    Thanks to @Kyoshi for this totally awesome signature!



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Tomb Raider: Legend is the absolute most disappointing game I've ever played. The game was supposedly one of the absolute best in the acclaimed Tomb Raider franchise, so when I decided to begin playing it I thought this would be a good starting point to get me going on the series.  Apparently, I was very wrong for 4 reasons:

  1. The plot made no sense whatsoever. As in, I had absolutely no idea what was even going on in the story while I was playing. I can't say much more than that because it was just total nonsense that didn' even remotely blend.
  2. The game (I was playing on the Steam port) was buggier than your average Bethesda game ON RELEASE. Seriously, I'd only encountered one bug playing New Vegas after playing it for almost 100 hours, and in this game, I encountered a bug an hour in. Yeah imagine that.
  3. There's a part in the game that's literally impossible to pass apparently, at least on the saver file I had, for some reason. Followed a walkthrough to the word, and at one point I had to stop because after doing everything just the way they said to, I couldn't do the next thing that it told me to do. I had a similar issue with a Skyrim save involving the Frost Troll also being unbeatable for some odd reason.
  4. Worst part of all is that Lara is a talking blank slate of a character here. She's got little personality to speak of (odd for a character who's  admired for it), and all of the diaglogue that I heard in game really indicated nothing but a 1-dimensional, adventurous explorer who could have been better represented with cardboard.
  5. The game had a camera that was almost impossible to control. Crystal Dynamics (people who owned the rights to developing Tomb Raider games at the time) had somehow actually gotten WORSE at managing camera angles since the days they developed the Gex games. I don't even mean a little worse, I mean FAR worse. IK had to fidget with the camera for a solid 5 or 10 minutes at times to get a reasonable camera angle.

Not even remotely close to what I heard it being. Never heard of it being a hardly playable game with a not even remotely cohesive storyline who's main character was somehow still a blank slate after at least a solid HOUR of straight opportunities to develop past a completely and utterly 1-dimensional character with absolutely nothing to her at all. Let's just say if that's the best the series has to offer, I'm making a HARD pass on it. 

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On 6/1/2017 at 3:49 PM, Lord Princess Panzy said:

Super Smash Bros Wii U.
Once the novelty of the characters ran out, I was just like "Screw this. I'm going back to Brawl." *sells Wii U and game*

Old post, I know... But I wanted to say that although I most certainly would not mention Super Smash Bros. 4 in this topic (not next to the likes of The Sims 4 or Animal Crossing City Folk), I did find it to be kind of just...there. It was a technically great game, but that's all it really is. There is nothing inspired about it. Even the addition of custom movesets I felt was completely wasted as most characters only got slight variations of their existing moves that were mostly statistical and not creative. And the one (aside from the obvious Miis) that did? Palutena... Sakurai's bias showed so heavily I couldn't even take it. Kid Icarus didn't really need more than one character to begin with, IMO.

By the time I played Super Smash Bros. 4, I feel like the novelty of the series had completely worn off for me. I find that sad. I want the concept of Nintendo characters fighting each other to be entertaining again. I just think that the series has grown stale and needs to be shook up.

...Sadly, everyone and their dogs are clamoring for Nintendo to port Super Smash Bros 4 to the Switch instead of making a new game. *long sigh*

Everything needs more woodwind!

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  • 1 month later...
On 2/24/2018 at 8:45 AM, Envy said:

Old post, I know... But I wanted to say that although I most certainly would not mention Super Smash Bros. 4 in this topic (not next to the likes of The Sims 4 or Animal Crossing City Folk), I did find it to be kind of just...there. It was a technically great game, but that's all it really is. There is nothing inspired about it. Even the addition of custom movesets I felt was completely wasted as most characters only got slight variations of their existing moves that were mostly statistical and not creative. And the one (aside from the obvious Miis) that did? Palutena... Sakurai's bias showed so heavily I couldn't even take it. Kid Icarus didn't really need more than one character to begin with, IMO.

By the time I played Super Smash Bros. 4, I feel like the novelty of the series had completely worn off for me. I find that sad. I want the concept of Nintendo characters fighting each other to be entertaining again. I just think that the series has grown stale and needs to be shook up.

...Sadly, everyone and their dogs are clamoring for Nintendo to port Super Smash Bros 4 to the Switch instead of making a new game. *long sigh*

Eh, I'm not really too bent up on Palutena showing up, she seemed well liked enough, and I'm usually not opposed to certain games getting more character, even if they're from small franchises. That said, I'd agree that there was bias simply because of Dark Pit's existence, I don't think I've seen such a blatantly pointless waste of space, data, and resources than Dark Pit in that game

I think the most disappointing thing about Smash 4(besides cutting my favorite character, Snake) is the lack of any meaningful Single Player content, I loved Melee's adventure mode, and Subspace Emissary from Brawl was awesome, despite how flawed it was, and seeing any of those absent in the game really made me look back and realize how much I did value them. Smash Run is fun, but it's a poor substitute, it's not enough to fill the gap that was missing


oh, and Smash Tour can fuck off a cliff and die

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Grand Theft Auto V.

Easily the worst story in the series along with a boring map with nothing to do in. In previous games we had so many buildings to enter (casinos, arenas, nightclubs, hospitals, gyms and so on) whereas GTAV gave us little to nothing. They advertised Franklin as being comparable to CJ but instead we get the opposite; Franklin wanted to leave his gang to focus on making money for himself, was rude to his family and even suggested leaving his best friend to die. GTA V is a shooter yet has awful gunplay! There's no balance for weaponry since all firearms shoot with lazer accuracy. The antagonists are no different to the protagonists so having them as the villains had little impact. Ragdoll, damage physics and sound effects were massively downgraded to ensure that the game runs on last-gen consoles. I would talk about GTA Online but I'd have to write 40+ pages about it.

GTA V may be a fun and well detailed game for the casual audience, but as a GTA fan I find it the weak-link to a spectacular series.


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I'm sorry... but The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. It's not because it's a bad game (far from it, actually), but people got way too hyped with it. It's a great game, but I'm struggling to say it's one of the best of all time. :pout:

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It's a shame I don't have more real in person friends to play games intended to play multiplayer with, like 1, 2, Switch. Or Wii Party U.  The computer players on the latter are not challenging enough to enjoy in single player mode even on hard difficulty mode.

That's not to say I had no fun with them whatsoever. It's just lacking without people to play them with.

Edited by SwitchGuy2018


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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I still remember the incredibly poor turtles in time remake that came out in 2009 for 360/PS3.

I was incredibly hyped for months, because the SNES version of turtles in time is one of my favorite beat em ups and my favorite game starring the ninja turtles.

When it came out though, good lord was i mad. None of the catchy music was in it. The game looked very rushly made (was made by Ubisoft, so no surprise) and the gameplay felt incredibly stiff. They even removed the game after awhile from XBLA store, which just shows how they felt about the game.


  • Brohoof 1

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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52 minutes ago, Mesme Rize said:

I still remember the incredibly poor turtles in time remake that came out in 2009 for 360/PS3.

I was incredibly hyped for months, because the SNES version of turtles in time is one of my favorite beat em ups and my favorite game starring the ninja turtles.

When it came out though, good lord was i mad. None of the catchy music was in it. The game looked very rushly made (was made by Ubisoft, so no surprise) and the gameplay felt incredibly stiff. They even removed the game after awhile from XBLA store, which just shows how they felt about the game.



This must've been how they felt about the game:



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I've said this before but Metroid Other M

Months of hype and we get an awful story with bland and wooden voice acting, average combat and arguably horrible controls. Samus went from a badass bounty Hunter who's actions spoke for herself, to a whiny wooden and unlikeable caricature.

Adam was an asshole when Fusion made him out to be this respectable and heroic man to Samus.

Fuck Other M.

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Since the Turtles have been brought up, might as well bring up Mutants In Manhattan(and Korra as well). The Turtles were due for a good game for a while and Platinum doing a game sounded sweet. Korra was disappointing but Transformers turned out to be great, so I hoped they learned from their mistakes. Game came out, it was worse than Korra, and wound up being Platinum’s worst game by far. And the worst thing is that I can’t exactly blame Activision for this, they were still able to make a good game under the same conditions with Transformers Devastation. I hope they never let Eiro Shirahama direct another game ever again 

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Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance.


Mechanics like the Forced Drops made it almost unplayable, and the whole canon got crapped on just to make Master Xehanort a Creator's Pet of epic proportions (even more so than in Birth By Sleep).

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Sniper Ghost Warrior.

Biggest pile of trash I have ever played.

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Final Fantasy X-2 was the lowest point for FF for me until XIII surpassed it

"Shit they're making a sequel to FFX? Awesome! X is one of my favorites and....wait? What the hell is this Charlie's Angels?"

I think the only other JRPG sequel to disappoint me more was Tales of Symphonia Dawn of a New World, mainly because I had a lot of good will built up before it came out, only to be shot down with the introduction of Emil, one of the worst JRPG protagonists ever in a cast full of incredibly weak new characters and caricaturized past characters(worse since I actually found myself loving Marta and Tenebrae)

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Growing up, the most disappointing game was Ultimate IX. Talk about a kick in the junk to the loyal fans by EA. Not only was the cliffhanger at the end of Ultimate VIII was completely reconnected but the main character, who had the power of a God at the end of VIII, had all those powers just disappear and him turn into a buffoon who had to be told why it was good to eat food.


In recent years, I was disappointed in the new Wolfenstein games. As a fan of the old PC games, I was turned off as to how ridiculous and stupid the series became.

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