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spoiler Not a fan of Flurry Heart?


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Um yeah, because she's an alicorn! Alicorns are WAY more powerful then even the most powerful of unicorns. We know that. So of course the surges are more powerful then a regular old unicorn's. That's the point.


Twilight said that starlight was so strong even she couldn't stop her magically in the cutie remark, and that's an alicorn vs. unicorn scenario :P

She didn't have non stop uncontrollable power surges that caused major destruction though

 twilight's surgers WERE causing major damage until she was calmed down; plus, According to faust celestia "bottled" twilight's magic somehow when she was calming twilight down to keep her power in check. But that's probably non-canon now that Faust is gone  :P



Of course, if what faust had said about that situation was still true, you'd think celestia would have known whatever spell sunburst said to use for Flurry :/

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Twilight said that starlight was so strong even she couldn't stop her magically in the cutie remark, and that's an alicorn vs. unicorn scenario :P

 twilight's surgers WERE causing major damage until she was calmed down; plus, According to faust celestia "bottled" twilight's magic somehow when she was calming twilight down to keep her power in check. But that's probably non-canon now that Faust is gone  :P



Of course, if what faust had said about that situation was still true, you'd think celestia would have known whatever spell sunburst said to use for Flurry :/

Ya know, that was all because of the sonic rainboom. It was a special, magical moment where she had more power. But it wasn't always like that. Flurry Heart on the other hand, her uncontrollable outbursts already nearly killed the entire crystal empire within one episode. Who knows what other catastrophes she's gonna cause?
  • Brohoof 3
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There are many people who aren't fond of Flurry Heart, myself included.


Just seeing many previews about the foal, such as her flying right away and seemingly ruining everything she makes contact with.


I don't exactly know why I dislike that pony, it must be my slight hatred for OP alicorns, I suppose.

  • Brohoof 1

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Right now I have no real opinion of Flurry Heart one way or the other, she was honestly more of a plot device to provide a problem that Starlight and Sunburst (who's storyline was the REAL Main plot of the episode) could solve together than a character for me to like or dislike not much else to really say about her.

  • Brohoof 1


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She's a Lovecratin horror in the making or at least Mandy from Grim Adventures either which wont surprise me because of Flurry's enlarged horn and wings (seriously who designed her? Rob Liefeld?). Plus her powers being winter, I fear she might bring an new ice age to all of Equestria...*shivers*.


Plus, biologically she's make no sense"

Cadence(Pegaus)*+Shinning(Unicorn) = Alicorn(What?)

*Yes, she's an artificial alicorn and she was a pegasus before becoming an alicorn. Unless the ascension progress rewrites your DNA, which some dark crap right there 

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All Flurry is meant to do is sell a new line of mlp baby alive toys and make all of the bronies vomit at the sight of it. She isn't going to be a major character because now we have to mane 7 to deal with. Flurry is going to have her own episodes yes, but she isn't really going to impact the season as a whole. Unless she turns into a evil warlock... I'd rather have a season based around the CMM's Cutiemarks other than this pile of marketing trash.

  • Brohoof 4


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I'v got no problem with her per-se (I mean c'mon! Whats the point of marrying a princess if you can't have a foal together that can trigger the apocalypse?)


What does worry me is Celestia and Luna needing to read "Alicorns for Dummies" over there explaination of naturally birthed alicorns.


This needs to be explained better as Celestia and Luna are believed to be immortal on the belief they were born alicorns while Twilight and Cadence turned into alicorns through great deeds. This brings up the question of weither of not Flurry Heart is an immortal alicorn or a psudo-alicorn. 


The only other explaination that can be given for their answer is that Celestia and Luna were once normal ponies and they genuinely do not understand how alicorn reproduction actually works.

Edited by Malinter
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I especially hated it when Celestia said no alicorn had ever been born before. I always considered Celestia and Luna to be natural-born alicorns, especially since that's their backstory in the Journal of the Two Sisters, but this line makes it seem like even they weren't always alicorns.


Aside from that, Flurry Heart literally caused all the problems in the episode. There was no villain or conflict of any kind, just problems caused by that stupid baby, which is incidentally the exact thing I feared would happen when I first saw the trailers. I honestly hope she won't be much of a recurring character, unless they handle it better next time. If it hadn't been for Starlight's arc in the episodes I wouldn't have liked them at all.

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I liked crazily over-powered god-baby.  I kinda enjoyed how she freaked everyone out; even managing to steal attention from the reformed-in-a-montage Starlight. xD

Aside from that, Flurry Heart literally caused all the problems in the episode. There was no villain or conflict of any kind, just problems caused by that stupid baby, which is incidentally the exact thing I feared would happen when I first saw the trailers.

I was hoping that would be the case.  Nearly every other premiere has introduced a new villain (I don't think princess-kidnapping plants in season four qualify), and three of them were reformed at some point.  I don't need anymore of that just yet; I just wanted to see ponies.

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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I was hoping that would be the case. Nearly every other premiere has introduced a new villain (I don't think princess-kidnapping plants in season four qualify), and three of them were reformed at some point. I don't need anymore of that just yet; I just wanted to see ponies.


I would've much preferred it over this. I've always hated baby characters on every show I've watched, because all they do is cause problems and take up screen time that could be better used on developing characters or having an actual conflict. It doesn't need to be a villain, just something better than a baby causing problems. The way this played out was really my worst case scenario with Starlight's story as its only saving grace.

  • Brohoof 1
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I would've much preferred it over this. I've always hated baby characters on every show I've watched, because all they do is cause problems and take up screen time that could be better used on developing characters or having an actual conflict. It doesn't need to be a villain, just something better than a baby causing problems. The way this played out was really my worst case scenario with Starlight's story as its only saving grace.

But have you ever seen Muppet Babies?  Rugrats?  "A baby's gotta do what a baby's gotta do."


In spite of the baby, Starlight gobbled up much of the screen time anyway.

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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But have you ever seen Muppet Babies? Rugrats? "A baby's gotta do what a baby's gotta do."


The difference for me is that those shows have the babies as main characters. This show doesn't. The most prevalent example I have as to disliking babies in shows would be Togepi in Pokemon. I've always hated the little bastard because all he did was cause problems and he never got blamed for anything.




In spite of the baby, Starlight gobbled up much of the screen time anyway.


And I'm glad she did, because this episode would've gone from 'meh' to downright bad if she hadn't been there.

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And I'm glad she did, because this episode would've gone from 'meh' to downright bad if she hadn't been there.

There might have been more focus on the ponies I wanted to see had she not.  Bottom line: There wasn't enough time for Starlight and Sunburst, superbaby, and a new villain.  Or, for the most part, the former Mane Six.  Not a bad couple of episodes, but not my favorite premiere.


P.S. Though, admittedly, I initially thought that superbaby might thwart a villain or solve a conflict with her amazing and inexplicable baby abilities. xD

Edited by Ziggy and Angelbaby

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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Bottom line: There wasn't enough time for Starlight and Sunburst, superbaby, and a new villain. Or, for the most part, the former Mane Six.


True, the Mane Six do seem to get shafted a lot lately. I still have hope for them in future episodes, though. Guess I'll just have to anxiously await the next episode to see if the rest of the season can pick up the slack.

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My thing is with Flurry Heart is well her being over powered (which we have seen in Twilight Filly in flash backs) and her able to fly off the bat (sorry Scot).    Mostly she was used in plot push if anything and it does say in the Princess Books of Alicorns being made while it seems the show just says they are made.  So the show just kinda went back on its own printed content a bit sadly.   Yet we have seen them do this a few times and MLP is also about selling toys sadly so a cute thing like Flurry is going to hit all those points.


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Flurry heart to me is kind of like cousins IRL. They're there, but you usually don't see them everyday, and only on special occasions.

^This. It's not like she's going to be the center of every story for the rest of the season, much less the center of the show for the rest of it's lifespan.

  • Brohoof 4
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 She was able to fly right after birth. Meanwhile, we've got poor Scootaloo struggling and even getting bullied for not being able to fly on Fly to the Finish. And then there's Sweetie Belle who can barely do magic at all, but yet this alicorn is already so powerful.

Why are you acting like this was the first time something like this have happened? Have you forgotten the cake twins?  

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Nothing against anyone who dislikes Flurry, but some of the points against her are a bit...well, silly. "She can already fly and use magic!" so can Pound and Pumpkin Cake, it's already been established baby ponies can do that, and then lose the ability as they age, Flurry Heart is not special just because she can do these things. Even if she is more powerful, that likely won't last, once she's older she'll have to relearn everything.


 "Why was she born an Alicorn?! That's not fair!" and yet these same people complain about Celestia and Luna possibly not being born alicorns? First off, that's not what the episode said, it said Equestria has never seen the birth of an Alicorn, Celestia and Luna are from before Equestria. If Celestia and Luna were born Alicorns, that means they didn't earn it either though. Flurry Heart is already a Princess anyway by virtue of being Cadance's daughter. She's not a Mary Sue either, she keeps screwing up, and she's a baby, she barely has a personality yet.


Plus, she likely won't appear for more than like...3 or 4 episodes this season, it's not like she's going to become a new main character.

  • Brohoof 2

Twilight is best pony.


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Princess B52 is EHHH in my book, i'd rather it didn't happen, but i'm not gonna bother raising a fist to shake it in anger either. 

Edited by Drunk Not I Am
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All Flurry is meant to do is sell a new line of mlp baby alive toys and make all of the bronies vomit at the sight of it. She isn't going to be a major character because now we have to mane 7 to deal with. Flurry is going to have her own episodes yes, but she isn't really going to impact the season as a whole. Unless she turns into a evil warlock... I'd rather have a season based around the CMM's Cutiemarks other than this pile of marketing trash.

True, I've always loved the CMC and I think they have high potential now that they finally got their cutie marks after 5 years. I'd prefer to not have this annoying, destructive brat in the series at all, but they've gotta sell products that make little girls happy, even if most of the brony fandom hates it :/

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But you do realise the show is created for little girls though, not the brony fandom?  


@ Everyone else 


Keeping that in mind it only makes sense to have a cute little baby in it, most kids shows have it somewhere along the line.  :scoots:


The fact that she has destructive powers is just a bit of light hearted adventure type thing where something goes wrong and the heroes have to fix it, not all this crazy indepth problems like, Plot holes, Overpowered brat, incorrect heritage, not allowed to do that, comon, remember who the show is aimed at people, it's not aimed at us and if you dislike the character, well it's going to be there now and again, better get used to it, theres always going to be a character you don't like 

  • Brohoof 3

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Nothing against anyone who dislikes Flurry, but some of the points against her are a bit...well, silly. "She can already fly and use magic!" so can Pound and Pumpkin Cake, it's already been established baby ponies can do that, and then lose the ability as they age, Flurry Heart is not special just because she can do these things. Even if she is more powerful, that likely won't last, once she's older she'll have to relearn everything.


 "Why was she born an Alicorn?! That's not fair!" and yet these same people complain about Celestia and Luna possibly not being born alicorns? First off, that's not what the episode said, it said Equestria has never seen the birth of an Alicorn, Celestia and Luna are from before Equestria. If Celestia and Luna were born Alicorns, that means they didn't earn it either though. Flurry Heart is already a Princess anyway by virtue of being Cadance's daughter. She's not a Mary Sue either, she keeps screwing up, and she's a baby, she barely has a personality yet.


Plus, she likely won't appear for more than like...3 or 4 episodes this season, it's not like she's going to become a new main character.

Well, I think you're missing the point about her being born an alicorn. Unlike some people who are starting to question it, I do believe that Celestia and Luna were born alicorns. That's my point! I don't like this baby being the only pony put on the same level as Celestia and Luna. What's gonna happen next? Is this baby gonna be some powerful, immortal goddess? I don't like that at all! Also, as far as her not having a personality yet since she's a baby, that's another reason I don't like her. I get that babies don't really have personalities, so that's something I feel neutral towards her about. But she has already caused so much major destruction, and I can't find any actually positives about her. Since she isn't old enough to have personality, I don't see anything good in her. She's just an unnecessary, problematic character.
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That's my point! I don't like this baby being the only pony put on the same level as Celestia and Luna. What's gonna happen next?


Who's to say she will? Celestia and Luna raise the sun and moon, we don't know what the baby does, if it can do anything yet. Maybe since she was born from an Alicorn like Cadance, an "Artificial" one, she might not be immortal, or all-powerful. We've never seen if there were any past princesses like Cadance or Twilight before, maybe Flurry is the first alicorn born since Equestria was founded, because this is the first time an Alicorn has had a baby since then?




She's just an unnecessary, problematic character.


 Babies are kind of helpless and require their parents to survive. So I could agree about this, but she likely won't have a big impact on the show. I don't blame you for disliking her, I just think people are making a bit of a bigger deal out of it than necessary.

  • Brohoof 1

Twilight is best pony.


Why hello MLPForums! What have ya been up to?


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But have you ever seen Muppet Babies?  Rugrats?  "A baby's gotta do what a baby's gotta do."


In spite of the baby, Starlight gobbled up much of the screen time anyway.

Well, this baby isn't even a main character. We don't need an unnecessary little brat almost killing an entire empire. It's not cute, funny, or enjoyable at all! Maybe if she only caused mild destruction, like braking a vase and things like that. But she causes major catastrophes, and that's not what we need. The show was fine without it, and there are other things with way more potential we could be focusing on, like Starlight Glimmer being Twilight's student, or Zecora's backstory and where she's from. Flurry is unnecessary, problematic, and just plain annoying!



But you do realise the show is created for little girls though, not the brony fandom?  


@ Everyone else 


Keeping that in mind it only makes sense to have a cute little baby in it, most kids shows have it somewhere along the line.  :scoots:


The fact that she has destructive powers is just a bit of light hearted adventure type thing where something goes wrong and the heroes have to fix it, not all this crazy indepth problems like, Plot holes, Overpowered brat, incorrect heritage, not allowed to do that, comon, remember who the show is aimed at people, it's not aimed at us and if you dislike the character, well it's going to be there now and again, better get used to it, theres always going to be a character you don't like


You lost me at "it only makes sense to have a cute little baby in it" Plus, there already are 2 babies
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I lost you at saying it makes sense to have a cute baby in a show that is aimed at little girls?  Having two other babies, I can understand not wanting more, but having a more relevant one makes more sense as the seasons go on. 

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