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general Things that you wished the human race would just stop doing?


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-Being so obsessed with being politically correct

-Having children because they're expected to do so (If you want children, fine have children, but you have dreams you haven't accomplished or you still need to have fun with no restrictions etc? They why in the hell you have children?)

-People getting offended for everything. Seriously, we've reached a point where people takes offense because I dessert before my meal

-Being stupid. Contrary for usual portrayals in media, stupidity is the root of all evil 

  • Brohoof 3


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I think the proper question here is What do you wish the human race would start doing?


Because the human race dose so many things wrong that I wish we would stop existing altogether.

The human race could start being nice to one another... I mean that's simple enough, right?

I wish we would stop killing each other in the name of religion, politics, war, money, drugs, psychopathic rage, love, or any number of other reasons.


I wish we could come to more diplomatic peaceful agreements without jumping right to war and guns. My grandmother used to tell me, "your mouth is the most dangerous weapon, depending on what you say." While I agree with her, I also believe words can mend as much as they can break.


People should stop discriminating against others for lifestyle choices, religion, and race. There is nothing wrong with being gay, trans, lesbian, bisexual, asexual, straight, whatever. We also shouldn't discriminate against religion, please don't bash me for this, I fear religious arguments and I'm only going to say this once. I also don't think we should see everyone who practices a certain religion as bad just because one person in that religion did a bad thing.


There is just way too much wrong with the human race for it to be fixed, but if could all show a little kindness towards one another without pulling out our 9 millimeters first, that would be a start. 


I feel scared making a post like this cause I'm scared someone will fight me. This is more serious and political than I normally do on here. I just want to sum up my thought by saying I just wish we would all be accepting of clearly legal lifestyle choices both voluntary and involuntary of more people. 

Edited by Zantetsuken
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I wish people that run websites would stop putting advertisements on videos, please put them somewhere else, it's not fucking rocket science! :okiedokieloki:


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Complaining about stuff online instead of doing something about it.


The human race sucks. I wish they can all die in the pits of Hell because the 500 people I know are representative of the 7.2 billion people on Earth. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ohh man where do I begin... To simplify things take everything kids, teens, and young adults are doing today, and make it all stop. More specifically annoying shit like selfies all over their Facebook, acronym talk, and for the love of God stop praising terrible music. Worst part is because I'm part of that generation people like to mix me up in that crowd.


There is a few other things as well I'd like to see gone like hatred, bigotry, and just assholes in general.


I could keep going, but I'm outta time, and have to leave.


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The major thing is lack of rationality. This aligns with some other people's comments about stupidity, but I'm being a little more precise here. A push for rationality is better than a push for more "tolerance" or less "hatred" or whatnot; if you are rational, then debate and learning can happen. That, in turn, can fix the other issues.

  • Brohoof 5
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I wish the human race would stop being dumb, specifically the "Let's continue using oil, gas, and coal when there are much better alternatives!" kind of dumb, although people stopping being general assholes to people who are different to them would be nice too, and getting rid of the stupidity that causes people to blindly follow politicians, ​regardless of which politician it is​, and instead actually start thinking and do research themselves.


Basically what I want is people to stop being so stupid, sadly I know this will never happen.

  • Brohoof 1

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I'd want us to stop being Jerks to each other.


I'd also like it if we stop the extremists of both sides regardless of what stance you're on in any issue. I feel extremists ruin the topic as a whole and turn it into a joke.

Edited by Vulcan


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I wish the human race would just stop being so violent. Eliminate homo and transphobia, eliminate racism, eliminate war.. Violence has caused so much destruction.

Same, most bad things occur due to stuff like this... -_-

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Electoral-style voting.


Too complicated, elitist-up-the-@$$, and out-of-touch with most citizens.

Um, electorates in the U.S. still all have to vote according to the popular vote of their states. While some states don't have laws forcing them to elect they way they do, they're still expected to follow anyways and there has only been one case in the last hundred years where an electorate refused to vote either candidate (and it didn't change the outcome at all).


Which is why I'm confused when you say it's elitist...Electoral College members and Congress are generally very affluent, but they aren't necessarily "out of touch", and the electoral system isn't that complex. The only large concern is jerrymandering, though, which is changing borders in creative new ways to get majority votes in each district, and usually happens when one party is heavily dominating other in that state.


I wish the human race would stop being dumb, specifically the "Let's continue using oil, gas, and coal when there are much better alternatives!" kind of dumb, although people stopping being general assholes to people who are different to them would be nice too, and getting rid of the stupidity that causes people to blindly follow politicians, ​regardless of which politician it is​, and instead actually start thinking and do research themselves.


Basically what I want is people to stop being so stupid, sadly I know this will never happen.

Climate deniers are pretty annoying, but the majority of people who aren't denying climate change are not saying they're going to continue using non-renewables, and sometimes the economy doesn't drive towards the same way as people want them to be. It's only recently that there's been significant change towards renewable energy because "going green" is a good selling point and people are more actively doing things to conserve energy and not be as wasteful.


Also, voters in many countries have always been pretty low-information, so that's not something you can change. It's not necessarily stupid, but more like people aren't participating in politics or bother to learn about them for various reasons. Not to mention in the U.S. there is very low voter turnout.


I find it kind surprising at times when the middle class complains about having not enough representation when only 60% of them actually vote with low-information while the rich has almost 100% turnout and are relatively well informed, especially when we talk about younger demographics, which have a voter turnout as low as 30%.

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Judging people in general, race, style, and all that.


Earlier this week I got talked to by the security staff at my school for wearing a motorcycle helmet indoors while I walk to my locker to put it away. They told me a staff member thought I was a school shooter. That's just judging someone illogically and it makes me angry.

  • Brohoof 3


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Stop screwing up the environment would be number 1 on my list.  The amount of damage we have done to this planet is truly awful.  I can only hope we change our ways in the very near future before it's too late.   

  • Brohoof 2
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1. Smoking. I'm sorry to those here who do it, but too many people have lost their lives due to such a small thing. And it can easily be stopped.


2. Getting drunk. People also die from this. Who knew that a DRINK could kill people? (aside from acid)




4. Racism


5. War


6. Sexism

sigs are overrated. Wait, isn't this one? STOP WRITING DOWN WHAT I SAY!



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Getting offended about everything and not using any common sense. Lately I feel like mostly the US break those two guidelines of mine, but I readily acknowledge that far too many people around here seem intent on coming across like utter idiots while claiming a moral high ground. Sadly I don't think that will ever disappear.

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Getting offended about everything and not using any common sense. Lately I feel like mostly the US break those two guidelines of mine, but I readily acknowledge that far too many people around here seem intent on coming across like utter idiots while claiming a moral high ground. Sadly I don't think that will ever disappear.

Good work that man. 


America is such a huge shitfight right now, the rest of the world is just watching it in awe. A lot of us are gaining this view of American's being ultra left SJWs which is just not true.



As for what i wish the Human race would stop doing?


Existing  :nom:  *edgy music plays*  

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (line here to avoid double post)


When you arrest people they think "i do not consent" means anything 


hot tip for new players when a Police Officer or a Soldier asks you to do something its not a request and saying "i do not consent" is basically saying "i want to do this the hard way please" 


and when they think they know the laws


"Ma'm i want to make this perfectly clear... ive currently got your arm in such a way that if you try to resist or run away you'll break your own shoulder ok? now im going to lead you to our holding area where the police will collect you" 


"you can't do that i know my rights you pigs can't touch me!" 


"no Ma'm we're not cops we have our own rules and guidelines to follow and since you decided to break into a military base to for some reason protest against the Army about logging you currently have no rights"


"yes i DO!, LET ME!-" 






"i told you that you would break your own arm if you tried to escape..." 



Edited by idunnomaybe
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Yeah, I have a few points I would like to mention.

First off.. Guns, war, any kind of weapon there is out there that was only made for the dumb purpose of hurting others in any way.

ANIMAL ABUSE. Sure, we need meat and all that crap but we don't have to be so darn horrible while doing it. NO more testing on animals, no more torturing animals, NO MORE any of that.

Racism, homophobia, transphobia, anything stupid like that needs to stop too.


There are probably a lot more I'd like to mention but ya know... It's too much stuff that humans do that are so incredibly stupid that I won't even start on it here.

Edited by darkwingmare

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose." - Dr.Seuss


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Yeah, I have a two points I would like to mention.

First off.. Guns, war, any kind of weapon there is out there that was only made for the dumb purpose of hurting others in any way.


Gee i wonder who THAT was aimed at... 




ANIMAL ABUSE. Sure, we need meat and all that crap but we don't have to be so darn horrible while doing it. NO more testing on animals, no more torturing animals, NO MORE any of that.


America aint the world brosif a lot of countries have banned factory farming and animal testing my country actually refused to trade with about 3 countries last year i think it was because those countries were sending our live stock into battery farms and our farms are checked on once a week to make sure its all free range 


besides have you seen 10,000+ chickens in massive open fields? its hilarious its a moving carpet of red they have so much space to run around in but they choose to stick in a big group its kinda cute to watch 

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Gee i wonder who THAT was aimed at... 



America aint the world brosif a lot of countries have banned factory farming and animal testing my country actually refused to trade with about 3 countries last year i think it was because those countries were sending our live stock into battery farms and our farms are checked on once a week to make sure its all free range 


besides have you seen 10,000+ chickens in massive open fields? its hilarious its a moving carpet of red they have so much space to run around in but they choose to stick in a big group its kinda cute to watch 

Actually, it was just aimed at terrorists and stupid gun shootings and war and shieeet. If people want to fight, they shall use THEIR FISTS! But preferably not anything like that either.... Fighting ain't for no good. I'd like to erase all bad in the world. It would be great if we all just were dumb, nice and naive with each other. ALL OF US. XD I want braindead people walking around being nice to one another thank you...


That sounds good! I'm not aiming any of this towards America, I'm aiming it toward THE WOOORLD. D:

Oh yeah, and... Bring forth EQUALITY among men, women and everything in between. That's another point I want to make.


Aww, that sounds cute indeed! I'd love to see that. I mean, they're like us. They like it better when they're together with others of their kind. Flock animals or.. Whatever it's called. My English is crap.

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose." - Dr.Seuss


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to be honest i wish people would stop fighting over religion.. it just seems so pointless... (if you are religious i'm not having a go at you, its just my view the matter) i mean.. to pray for a good school year or maybe a safe journey if you catch a plane or something, pray for a kids well being if they are in hospital and thank god if all ends well, you'd even call it a miracle whilst children in third world country's starve and die every day... :/ the concept or religion is simply beyond me i cant see how any religious belief can be right considering current the sate of the world
(it is to be noted i do not mean to force my opinion, im simply putting it out there, everybody is entitled to an opinion and if yours clashes with mine.. welp..  lets mutually agree to live in harmony without them clashing XP)


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spending so much time and money inventing things to kill each other, if all of us actually spent all that time and money on helping each other, we would have achieved so much more.

Edited by KrazyDashie



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spending so much time and money inventing things to kill each other, if all of us actually spent all that time and money on helping each other, we would have achieved so much more.

"war is the mother of invention" 


most of our technology has come from weapons... 





space travel


list goes on 

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Breeding.  At this point we're basically a virus.  Agent Smith was right.




Bassist, pianist, and backing vocalist for MLP-themed metal band Draconequus.  Check out our latest music video, a metal cover of "Tricks up my Sleeve" here.

Bassist, pianist, and vocalist for MLP-themed alt rock band Worst Princess.  Check our recent live performance of "Shine Like Rainbows" here.

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