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How do you show your love and tolerance to people?


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And what would you do if you met a person who is as tolerant as you are?.


"Lets say you meet Donald Trump, and he happens to love My Little Pony. And he would say

"Its fantastic amazing show, the people who made it are beautiful people, i love all of the episodes, Pinkie Pie is so incredible!"

  • Brohoof 1


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"Lets say you meet Donald Trump, and he happens to love My Little Pony. And he would say

"Its fantastic amazing show, the people who made it are beautiful people, i love all of the episodes, Pinkie Pie is so incredible!"

I would vote for that man! 

  • Brohoof 2
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I tend to dish out my own brand of tolerance. And by that, i mean that i tend to be tolerant enough to give people the benefit of the doubt. Truth is, most people'll disappoint you. I stick to the ones that don't.


If someone tolerates and loves me the way i am, despite my faults (I know i'm not perfect, far from it actually) i'll try and reflect the same attitude to them. Thing is, not many people know the real me.

  • Brohoof 3
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And what would you do if you met a person who is as tolerant as you are?.


"Lets say you meet Donald Trump, and he happens to love My Little Pony. And he would say

"Its fantastic amazing show, the people who made it are beautiful people, i love all of the episodes, Pinkie Pie is so incredible!"

Although there is a lot of Trump to dislike. He is still a very interesting man and likely has a lot of learn from. I believe that in meeting people, even those with negative public view, it is important to treat them with a general respect and benefit of the doubt. Get to know the underlying person, their methods, reasoning, views.


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Taking medications helps me feel less 'angry' when i hear bad things about people. Also, i say hi and smile at strangers a lot. It doesn't matter to me if they deserve it or not. I just don't want to go around upsetting others...its a little irronic i'll do team smash on smash bros over regular smash due to that alone o.O i have some OTHER issues, i guess....

Still, appering happy and plesant not only is nice, i think smiling helps me feel better about myself :)

  • Brohoof 2

Aka "LadyPKchu".

I changed my name again cuz lately fluttershy has been more my favorite pony :3 I like her innocence, and I think I may get active in the fluttershy fan club. I really like a lot of the other main 6 too though.

I'm also a FlutterDash supporter.

I still love Korrina from pokemon a lot and plan on keeping my Korrina profile for now :P

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And what would you do if you met a person who is as tolerant as you are?.


"Lets say you meet Donald Trump, and he happens to love My Little Pony. And he would say

"Its fantastic amazing show, the people who made it are beautiful people, i love all of the episodes, Pinkie Pie is so incredible!"


I lol'd so hard! Back to reality...I'd be cool with it. I like to be nice as I can and understand someone. Do what is possible and have your hand out. 

Sōten ni zase...Hyōrinmaru!

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I "show love" to my loved ones; that doesn't apply to a lot of individuals.


And every day that I don't scream, "What the f*** is wrong with you?" in someone's face while simultaneously beating them with an umbrella is how I show tolerance.  I own two umbrellas; it's a feasible scenario.  I could potentially coordinate a two-sided attack.


This isn't the fandom of "love and tolerance."  This is the fandom of, "I hate [this character or episode]," scathing thirty minute-long episode reviews, and ceaseless quote wars.

  • Brohoof 4

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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I show my "love and tolerance" by acting chill like a stoned otter.


Friend skype calls me and shakingly "confess" he's gay? Relax dude, it's 21st Century, no big deal for me.


A receptionist from one of the clinics calls once a day, on every work day, to ask about the same absurdly easy thing (one of my responsibilities it to help them if they have trouble)? Just explain it to her again, as clearly as possible, while being positive and supportive. Maybe this time she'll get it. (I'm allergic to stupidity so sometimes it's not easy, but I manage)


I'm driving on a 2 lane street and I know one lane ends soon, but that one guy just drives on that empty lane to the very end and then tries to cut into dense traffic in order to "get ahead" (bonus points if it's a city bus, these guys are hardcore!)? Just slow down a bit, make room ahead of me. Better let him in than risk a collision.


Some people tell me I'm too soft but really, would it help if I told that receptionist to get a brain and stop calling? I mean, if someone abuses my moderately good intentions, I can always give them a VIP treatment that would make na Angry Marine nod in begrudging approval, but it's kind of a last resort. I don't like grinding people's self confidence until they feel like dying, but I'm fairly good at this.

So normally I just try to be reasonably helpful, kind, and supportive. I also try to do something about my nasty case of resting bitch face, but it's a separate topic.

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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Since I haven't had a lot of good experiences with people in general, I try to avoid having to put my thresholds for love and tolerance to the test. It usually ends with me being psychotically angry.

Roleplaying OC: Red Cedar - Cast Character: Applejack
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I don't think about it usually, I just try to not say anything that'll get me more warning points. Acting 'loving and tolerating' is silly, one should rather avoid saying things that are obviously against that, and against a decent person's moral codes. But we all had different upbringings so our morals might not entirely align, and once you get adapted to the rest of the internet hopefully it'll be apiece of cake. Saying stuff like 'homosexuality is degenerating' for instance is considered probably intolerant here. Its the forums rules, not necessarily something to rigorously abide by in all aspects of life, it just means if you  want to post here, you ought to be nice, respectful etc. So try learning about what would break the rules, to avoid that, because learning to be loving and tolerant doesn't promise you won't say things that are still unloving and intolerant that you do not realize are unloving or intolerant.

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And what would you do if you met a person who is as tolerant as you are?.


I have met people who are more tolerant than me, which is not always a good thing. I actually suspect the use of that word is done without appropriate understanding of what it really means, and the emotional maturity it requires ... and the amount of dispassion it can represent. I hate explaining an oversimplification with another oversimplification, but when people say they 'tolerate' I imaging something vaguely annoying that you 'put up with'. I liken it to tolerating bad etiquette (babies crying in public areas or people interrupting a personal conversation by answering a phone without the nicety of excusing themselves). To me that shows restraint, but it still carries a sense that you would rather the situation simply not exist. The things I 'tolerate' are not items that I would put on an advertisement showing my virtues. 


I prefer understanding, empathy, and acceptance as alternatives depending on the specific person, issue, or circumstance. I also do not believe that every opinion should be tolerated out of hand. There are dangerous views out there, and I most certainly do not feel passing judgment on some beliefs means that such intolerance is equivalent to your personal character. Tolerance almost like a passive aggressive dismissal of something. At least with understanding and empathy, you see a person or view complexly before rendering a verdict. 

  • Brohoof 1



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I 'love' a very small amount of people so unless you happen to be one of those people you won't see a lot of love from me. I don't do 'tolerating' the way it's meant here, since I agree with @Jeric that it usually means putting up with something. For me, it's more of a general indifference, really.

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Ideally when I like what someone said or did I show that I'm with them on that and when I disagree (as long as it's not people hating another person's creations, ...) I just ignore and move on because I have nothing to add, everyone has the right to have their opinion... and if a reaction is expected from me I just say that everyone has got his opinions and that's their right (as long as it doesn't imply for them to go over the opinions of someone else)...


But in practice I'm often forced to take a position in a debate (about my right to use and consider free and open source software as the best ones...) and then the tolerance is gone as in a debate, it's the one with the best arguments who will win, on such occasions I try not to take things too seriously and not to move from the original topic.


And if I met a brony donald trump, well I would brohoof him and say that it is a really nice cosplay that he is wearing, strange to cosplay that man but still, a really original cosplay...


(I searched for images about brony trump and indeed there has been someone to do that :facehoof:

azzzzzzzz.png ...)

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And what would you do if you met a person who is as tolerant as you are?.


"Lets say you meet Donald Trump, and he happens to love My Little Pony. And he would say

"Its fantastic amazing show, the people who made it are beautiful people, i love all of the episodes, Pinkie Pie is so incredible!"


Tolerance means you accept something regardless of your feelings on the matter. I show tolerance through apathy- I simply don't care what a person is. Everyone gets the same baseline of respect- "you are a person, and therefore I will not go out of my way to be a douchebag to you". The end.


I've found that those who are the preachiest about something- regardless of what it is- lack the very thing they are preachy about. The pushiest religious people, in my experience, have lacked faith and therefore use weight of numbers to convince themselves of its validity. And the majority of the Bronies I have met in real life have been entitled, self absorbed asshats. Quite frankly, everyone can talk a big game about being open minded or tolerant or generous or whatever. That proves NOTHING. Action is what matters. And the louder the talk, the less the action.


As for Trump? I couldn't give a shit less what shows he likes. So he likes Pony, so the hell what? He's also a conniving, greedy assbag who routinely refuses to pay his bills OR his workers, fucks people over for profit, and outright lies about pretty much everything- despite the fact that the Internet exists and evidence proving him to be wrong is easily available. Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if prior to an event his staff hands him a list of facts about the topic he will cover and he deliberately says the opposite of whatever the evidence points to.


I like dogs, particularly German Shepherds. Hitler liked dogs, especially German Shepherds. Doesn't mean I'd be pals with the guy. < /godwin's law >

Edited by captainborgue
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And what would you do if you met a person who is as tolerant as you are?.


"Lets say you meet Donald Trump, and he happens to love My Little Pony. And he would say

"Its fantastic amazing show, the people who made it are beautiful people, i love all of the episodes, Pinkie Pie is so incredible!"


I'm much more tolerant than most people I've met or know. They're almost all ignorant racist people around me, so no one shows any love and tolerance. 


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And what would you do if you met a person who is as tolerant as you are?.


"Lets say you meet Donald Trump, and he happens to love My Little Pony. And he would say

"Its fantastic amazing show, the people who made it are beautiful people, i love all of the episodes, Pinkie Pie is so incredible!"

I would question him of what he does in his free time.

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