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S06:E19 - The Fault In Our Cutie Marks

Ashen Pathfinder

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Gabriela is a gryphon Derpy.  Sure, she's good at everything, not a klutz.  But she has a similar personality and she's a mail carrier so meh.


Also, it really ticked me off that they said nothing other than a pony has ever gotten a cutie mark.  What about Zecora?



Personally I was under the impression that zebras would be counted as ponies. On the other hand, I've heard theories that what a zebra has isn't a cutie mark; just a design they're born with.

  • Brohoof 2

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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I couldnt get past the fact that at the start, finding bones of fossils etc is what paleontologists do not archaeologists.  And that the teaching precalculas part has y=sinx with a -cosx graph on the board.  These two huge plot holes ruin the episode.


Sarcasm aside it was mediocre to me.  

  • Brohoof 1
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Excellent episode.  It really did everything right--great characterization, an original premise, and a very poignant and mature moral.  This was the CMC at their best, and top notch FIM writing.


I wasn't an instant fan of Gabby.  I found her kind of obnoxious, actually.  But she did grow on me a lot by the end.  I'm still not a super fan of her, though, but the story and message she conveyed were spectacular.  Pony culture (and in particular, the CMC) has often placed what I feel is a disproportionate amount of importance on cutie marks.  Finding one's place in the world is great, but such obsession with the mark seems unhealthy at times, especially considering that the physical mark is arguably just cosmetic.  E.g. What if a pony got their fur burned off so you couldn't see the mark, or better yet, what if the pony got a horrid scar across the mark, ruining it's appearance?  Would this detract from it's meaning or their life's purpose?  Of course not.  The mark is immaterial.  It isn't necessary, and I think it was great to have a character remind kids that knowing their purpose is something that they decide for themselves, and they don't need any sort of external sign to know that.  It's also worth noting that many people in real life never have a lightning strike moment where they discover a passion and a destiny.  Many just try their best to make it in this life any way they can, finding meaning and enjoyment when and where they can, always hoping for something deeper to happen.  And for many, that moment never comes, and life usually isn't that simple, anyway.  But that doesn't mean life is without purpose.  It's just important to show kids that not everyone is going to have a eureka moment at young age, and know what to do for the rest of their lives, and that's okay.  They can decide for themselves at any time.


I've long wanted the show to delve deeper into cutie mark lore, exploring such topics as older adult ponies who never got a mark, or even the possibility of losing a mark, or having a mark change, a personal headcanon which I strongly believe is possible.  Exploring the possibility of other species getting marks was a very good start, and they did a great job with it.


All 3 of the CMCs were fantastic, and they weren't bland or dumbed down versions of themselves for once. So yeah, their characterization was on point. Gabby is a great new character and an interesting addition to the CMC. I'm so glad this episode didn't have a predictable resolution by making Gabby get her cutie mark somehow. The resolution was a lot more realistic and meaningful, and that just makes me so happy.

Oh, yes, I couldn't agree more.  I was a bit nervous that they were actually going to give her a mark after all, which would have felt predictable, too easy, lore damaging, and would have destroyed any possibility for a mature and useful message.  I was thrilled with how it actually went.  Bravo, um, Ed.  (That's who wrote it, right?  Ed Valentine?)


Personally I was under the impression that zebras would be counted as ponies. On the other hand, I've heard theories that what a zebra has isn't a cutie mark; just a design they're born with.

Yeah, they're equines, so I assumed that they count as ponykind.  That's an interesting theory about their marks not really being cutie marks.  It actually makes a lot of sense.  Think about it--what does Zecora's mark mean?  It's the African sun thing, like the Lion King sun symbol.  What would that have to do with her talent?  She's basically an alchemist.  I'd describe her as an alchemist, mystic, and contemplative.  The sun appears to just be symbolic of her homeland.  (It certainly doesn't mean she RAISES the sun!)  Also, it's grey--the same color as her stripes.  I believe all pony cutie marks are in color.  The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that it's either a birthmark or a tattoo (which is totally something she would do, obviously.)  Yeah.   .....yeah, I'm gonna say headcanon adopted.  Zebra's don't get cutie marks until I see canon evidence to the contrary.  It's a birthmark or a tattoo.  I'm betting tattoo.


Also, just a side note, it would have been awesome if we'd actually had Zecora in the episode properly, instead of a cameo in a montage.  Speaking of which, I thought the song was bland a tad forced.  It's a minor nitpick.  Had I been in charge, I'd have skipped the song and actually had a real scene with Zecora.  Also, some of the things in the song montage struck me as strange.  What kind of maniac would let an untrained, random-ass griffon install dental braces on them?  How could she even be allowed to do that?  And where in the unholy name of Tartarus did they get a schooner ship?  Where in the hell were they?!  You know how far the coast is from Ponyville?!  They take a train for at least several hours to reach Manehattan, which is the closest coast!  The hell?!  But, y'know, it's a musical montage.  I don't place too much importance on continuity there.


The only actual complaint I have is Twilight's gullibility in immediately believing that Gabby got a mark.  Or maybe gullibility isn't the right word...maybe naivety.  She should have been a lot more skeptical when she heard the contents of that letter.  If the CMC had said they saw a mark appear, that would be different.  But Twilight should have sought confirmation before getting excited.  It made her look dumb, in my opinion.


But really, though, spectacular episode.  I also love how the CMC have a reputation now.  They should open an office and charge money for their services!


I couldnt get past the fact that at the start, finding bones of fossils etc is what paleontologists do not archaeologists.  And that the teaching precalculas part has y=sinx with a -cosx graph on the board.

Ha!  That's funny.  Very true.  I did love that opening with Petunia, though.  That was hilarious.

  • Brohoof 4


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With just one brief moment Scootaloo displayed more depth, emotion and even character growth than Starlight Glimmer has in every moment of her forced season 6 appearances.


Seriously writers and staff, just take a little timeout from crapping out another "potentially important for future plot developments" new character every other friggin' episode and actually take a good look at some of the ones you've had since the beginning. Especially little Scoots here. The potential she has for a truly great episode is staggering. There are still some people who dismiss her as just some tomboy who's obsessed with Rainbow Dash, and all it took was that one little scene with her in today's episode to completely shoot down that bullshit analysis of her. She's a determined, sensible, relateable, believeable, enjoyable young filly wants to stand out in the world and achieve her dreams while being fully aware that a major setback is preventing her from getting there that she knows she might very well never overcome. Butfoe's not gonna let it ruin her life. She's not gonna let this setback define who she is. And she's not gonna let it stop her from being the happy, optimistic lover of life that she is.


She is a damn phenomenal character and she is being absolutely jipped in terms of development. I have no idea why such an emotional and uplifting possible story arc for her is constantly being hinted at but mostly ignored while some gimmicky new character who took an entire town hostage and brainwashed them into being her friends because apparently nobody explained the concept of keeping in touch with long distance friends through letters gets a handful of episodes about her having to figure out how friendship works.


Throw Glimmer in the nuthouse, where she seriously friggin' belongs, and turn your focus back on characters that actually have potential. Potential that's been squandered since season friggin' 1.


This was just a refreshingly great episode in what has been, for the most part, a real crapshoot of a season.


That's all just strictly my opinion, of course. I'm sure you have your reasons for feeling otherwise.


Also this new character was one I honestly liked a lot.

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When I first saw the spoilers showing Gabby, I already had a strong sense that I would like her as a character and the episode.




You can just smell the excitement all the way from Griffonstone. 


The episode was exceptionally good. First off it did a nice job tying in continuity, showing a cameo of Tender Taps who Applebloom helped in On Your Marks, and showing Gilda and Greta who Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie helped in Season 5. Moreover though we see a lot of depth and insight from the CMCs themselves, particularly Scootaloo. We know that realistically, griffons probably can't get cutie marks, something that seems very dear to Gabby. Scootaloo understands this better than anyone through her own struggles to fly, perhaps a nod to her potential disability, and this level of empathy really helps bring the bonds between the CMCs and Gabby together. 


You see, Scootaloo personally goes out of her way to promise Gabby that she can get her a cutie mark, even if it seems impossible. But its not the outcome here that matters - for either the CMCs or Gabby - that matters, but rather what they learn through the process and their own show of care in their actions. Quite fittingly, Gabby later fabricates her own fake cutie mark, but not for her gain, but to rather give the CMCs a sense of accomplishment, much as they tried to do likewise by promising Gabby an unlikely outcome.


There are several profound messages here. Your purpose in life isn't necessarily what you're good at, but what you enjoy. Just as importantly friendship really is magic. Its the CMCs goodwill, willingness to help others including Gabby, and vice versa Gabby's eagerness to help and cheer others up that brought them together that truly allows her to reach her goal. There's no cheap plot device here or deus ex to wrap the episode up. Its very much a very mature discussion between the CMCs and Gabby about who they are and who she is and recognizing what she does for others.


Ending the episode with a miracle cutie mark would have killed the theme here, which is huge. Regardless of who you are, you don't need a cutie mark or some cheap reason or object to discover who you are. Its a process you have to discover on your own, but with the help of friends along the way.


Gabby is not only a very likable and well developed character, she's someone we can all live up to and follow.

  • Brohoof 3
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I quite enjoyed the latest episode ^-^ It had an interesting plot point

slash problem with the whole "griffon getting a Cutie Mark?!" idea :P


I like Gabby, but not really that much.. She seems okay but not really somepony..

or.. ... umm.. somegriffin.. I'd hang out with just due to the extreme hyperactivity..


Seriously.. She's like Pinkie Pie on a sugar rush.. but all the time! AND CAN FLY!! :wacko:


I loved that part where Sweetie Belle did a little dog bark/yap followed by a derpy face :lol:




Another part I liked the part with Scootaloo talking about things that

seem impossible when looking at her wings then the sky..


"I know what it's like to want something that's out of reach..

and just because it hasn't happened yet, doesn't mean it can't.

Maybe trying for the impossible isn't so bad" ~Scootaloo


It was so heart warming and sweet, it almost made me happy cry




Overall a pretty good episode, not so many laughs as normal, but still has a very nice lesson.. :)

Edited by Aura Dust
  • Brohoof 3
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A decent episode, nothing impressive, but nothing offensive either. If that griffon can somehow got a tatoo, I will despise this ep, but nope nothing bad happen so yeah...
I like Scootaloo's characterization, that what I expected from Ed Valentine. Gabby is lovely and likable, but I demand more than just "lovely and likable". The act 3 is kinda boring, they should not waste screentime for songs, the song is just unnecessary and it not even that good. That is my 1st impression, I may need a couple of rewatch to improve my opinions, but for now, just a decent episode, nothing "wow" me yet.



Wait... Where is Starlight? WHERE IS SHE? Goddamn THX, come on... You canT imprison my waifu with your prison called "Put on the Bus trope" or some shit... Cant afford to invite Kelly to dub? Why cant just have a Purple Equalist Horse in your background for freaking 3 SECONDS! I dont want her shoehorn in any episode, but at least give me the feel that she actually EXISTS, JUST DO IT!  :angry: I OFFER MY SOUL to "Every Little Things She Does", DONT YOU DARE TO SCREW IT UP, THX.

Edited by Lambdadelta
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FANTASTIC cold open, middle of the road episode. Gabby's....enthusiasm was a bit off putting. Also the song was not that good.


Overall I give it a 7.75/10 just because there's so many better episodes I've rated at 8/10 or better.

  • Brohoof 1
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Silly parents, you thought your filly was going to be a pirate? Everyone knows there are no pirate ponies around! Who's ever heard of one? Get in here @@PiratePony, I'm trying to make a pirate joke. :P


I thought that was an enjoyable episode, Gabby was fun to watch, she was like a Gryphon version of Pinkie Pie. x) I hope we see her sometime in the future, though if we do, it's probably going to be a rare appearance like Babs Seed. Oh well, not that I'd mind it~


It was nice to see the CMCs doing something with their new cutiemarks once again, I like watching them help other ponies. I liked Scootaloo's positive attitude as well, even at impossible odds she still wanted to give it a shot~


Song was nice too, and Twilight being adorkable is always fun to watch. :D All-around, I really really liked this one. :)

  • Brohoof 3

Check out my art thread for some cute ponies, cookies and boops. img-34212-1-img-34212-1-img-34212-1-img-34212-2-fluttershy.png



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Wow! This was a good episode! Not quiet as good as No Second Prances or Saddle Row Review, but definitely in the top tier episodes. I was expecting it to go the predictable route and have her actually get her cutie mark. I am glad they went where they did. She was a well written character, the plot was not to rushed, and it was overall just a great episode!  :D


Also, they should have ended with a joke of Gabby flying off and Twilight chasing after her because she thinks Gabby actually got a Cutie Mark. That would have been hilarious! Though regardless, I have no problems with this episode, and it was overall just a great episode! (did I already say that?  :pout:)

  • Brohoof 2
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I wasn't an instant fan of Gabby.  I found her kind of obnoxious, actually.  But she did grow on me a lot by the end.


She's a character I have to take in small doses. When I saw the preview where she first meets the CMC (BTW nice touch by the staff showing how a griffon has really good vision, there) I thought her overly-affectionate, bubbly personality was just from her being overjoyed at finding the CMC; I didn't know she was going to act that way all through the episode. While I love her sense of optimism, her hyperactivity would probably drive me crazy after a while if we were in a locked room together. XD


The only actual complaint I have is Twilight's gullibility in immediately believing that Gabby got a mark.  Or maybe gullibility isn't the right word...maybe naivety.  She should have been a lot more skeptical when she heard the contents of that letter.  If the CMC had said they saw a mark appear, that would be different.  But Twilight should have sought confirmation before getting excited.  It made her look dumb, in my opinion.


Yeah, I have to agree. I would think she would want to meet this griffon first before getting all started with the research. Then again, it showed us Twilight being her old, adorkable self again, something we don't get to see too often, anymore. So I'm willing to let it slide. =)



Quite fittingly, Gabby later fabricates her own fake cutie mark, but not for her gain, but to rather give the CMCs a sense of accomplishment, much as they tried to do likewise by promising Gabby an unlikely outcome.


Even though I suspected she might try and fake a mark at some point, I was surprised by her reason for doing so. I thought it would end up being that she was so obsessed over getting a cutie mark that she would draw one on just so she could blissfully live thinking it was true. The twist that it was for the benefit of the Crusaders was a nice moment.


Heh, I guess she didn't think it through, though - she should have realized with the CMC being friends with Twilight that they would immediately run to her and cause an epic moment for all of Equestria if it had actually been true. XD



She is a damn phenomenal character and she is being absolutely jipped in terms of development. I have no idea why such an emotional and uplifting possible story arc for her is constantly being hinted at but mostly ignored while some gimmicky new character who took an entire town hostage and brainwashed them into being her friends because apparently nobody explained the concept of keeping in touch with long distance friends through letters gets a handful of episodes about her having to figure out how friendship works.


While I don't agree with you on Starlight, I do think the show needs to go back and tackle some of the more serious issues they've left standing among their existing characters - Scoots and her wings being one of the more prominent ones. It feels to me like DHX set out to do a fluffier season this outing, unless this is just the result of the new writers on board trying to get a feel for the characters? The only real moments I can recall this season with some feels are ones like this speech by Scootaloo and Spike's betrayal of Thorax.

  • Brohoof 2

Are you a Spike fan? Click on the image above for a compendium of nearly every Spike scene in the show! =D

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 Gabby was fun to watch, she was like a Gryphon version of Pinkie Pie. 


I like her a lot more than pinkie pie.  The desire to help everyone is better in line with my philosophy than the desire to get everyone to laugh or smile.  

Send me pictures of ponies in hoodies

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I didn't like this episode that much. Gabby is way too annoying - but I'll give it props because the song was brief and propelled the plot (the Crusaders find out she's basically good at everything, during the song itself, which is interesting), and because we meet a Griffon who isn't a complete jerk. I also like the nod to the cutie pox episode. I wish they had done more with that. It could have been cause for suspenseful misdirection, without repeating said episode.


So we've done it twice now - we know of creatures from places where their stereotype rules the day, (Changelings are nasty, Griffons are mean, typical Star Trek "Planet of Hats" fare), and the writers have introduced lovable characters from them anyway.


Again, not my favorite episode, but the premise is good. Usually I'm just frustrated by the lack of time. Squeezing it all into 22 minutes has its drawbacks - like, no time to find out what Dr. Whooves / Time Turner was doing there, and no time to follow up on Twilight's "discovery" and soon to be embarrassment.

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I love this episode I love Gabriella and I love seeing the CMC again and the opening it was great I hope to see more of Gabrielle in the future she's just so adorable what did you guys think of this episode it was great for me Ed Valentine really brought his all with this one

  • Brohoof 2

Matthew Ervin

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Where do baby griffons come from? Why do griffons have babies at all if they dislike interaction? Does somecreature have to pay griffons to have kids? 


It's called hatefucking. I'm told it's rather cathartic.

  • Brohoof 2
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Overall, I would say that this episode is a step up from many of the recent episodes, but I'm still not sure that it's one that I would want to rewatch anytime soon. I found Gabby's hyper-optimism (maybe even to the point of unhealthy self-delusion) to be a little grating, but that might be more due to my personal preferences, and I could see why others might like her character. I'm also rather baffled by the CMC's becoming famous experts at cutie marks and helping others find their purpose, and I'm a little put off by the CMC's seemingly unwarranted self-satisfied attitude about their talents. And while the final solution of making Gabby a Cutie Mark Crusader and affirming her life purpose of helping others is somewhat clever and heartwarming, it also seems not to adequately address that Gabby might need to seriously consider her future life direction, and consider whether she really wants to continue living in Griffinstone, or whether she might be happier and more productive living in Ponyville or elsewhere.


First, I was under the impression that the CMC's helping others find their purpose in life would be an informal peer-to-peer thing, at least at their age. I imagined that they would mostly help others of similar age who were already their friends/acquaintances for other reasons. So I'm a bit baffled that the CMC apparently became "famous" and "experts" at cutie marks and helping others find their purpose, such that they see ponies they helped everywhere they look and adult strangers actively seek them out for advice. The idea that two adult parents are seriously "consulting" with three elementary/middle-school-aged kids about what their daughter's cutie mark means seems a little ridiculous. Also, wouldn't the problems of ponies not knowing their life's purpose or not knowing the meaning of their cutie marks have already existed prior to the CMC finding their calling? Are the CMC "competing" with already-existing guidance counselors, life coaches, etc.?


As a consequence of these misgivings, I find the CMC's self-praise a little off-putting. It's a little hard for me to imagine what exactly the CMC did to help all these other ponies, such that they feel this self-satisfied about it. The CMC call Petunia's case at the beginning of the episode "another successful cutie intervention", but what exactly did the CMC contribute to solve that problem? Unless Petunia's parents always kept her locked in her room or something, it seems like the same events could have played out with her parents realizing what her cutie mark means without the CMC being there at all. The CMC exhibit this behavior throughout the episode, and it seems like they could stand to learn to be more realistic about what they're capable of doing. But at the end of the episode, the CMC reaffirm their own amazingness, so I'm not sure that they have learned that.


In fact, in Gabby's case, it seems like her desire to get a cutie mark is misidentifying the actual problem and solution, and the CMC may not have given her the help she might have really needed. Gabby describes how the other griffons in Griffinstone are basically "mean and cranky" (to use Sweetie Belle's words), and how she's tried to be friendly and helpful, but doing that just causes her to feel like she doesn't fit in. Then she saw Rainbow and Pinkie being helpful to Gilda, and Gilda being helpful to Greta, and after that, Gabby wanted to find out why she's different than the other griffins. So I guess Gabby wants to get a cutie mark to confirm that it is actually her "calling" to be friendly and helpful (although that doesn't necessarily explain why she says she "knows" that she'll get her own cutie mark). But then what? Would getting a cutie mark magically give her the resolve to keep trying to be friendly and helpful in Griffinstone for the rest of her life, despite making no apparent progress and getting no appreciation or acknowledgement? It seems more like Gabby needs either a new strategy or to move someplace where she can live a happier and more productive life. But the CMC (and everyone else in the episode), as far as I can see, don't really address that issue.


To give another example, after Apple Bloom asks Scootaloo why she promised Gabby something that just can't be done, Scootaloo says (while flapping her wings) "I know what it's like to want something that's out of reach. And just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it can't. Maybe trying for the impossible isn't so bad". This seems like it's supposed to be an emotional moment, that Scootaloo is really connecting with Gabby, but I'm rather uncomfortable with it. If Scootaloo does have a physical disability, such that she has no prospects of being able to fly, wouldn't it be better for her in the long run not to hold onto the hope and dream of being able to fly, and instead to reorient herself toward achievable goals? Similarly, wouldn't it be better for Gabby if the CMC didn't continue to fuel her arguably unhealthy fervent dream of getting a cutie mark, when there's no reason to believe that that can happen? Scootaloo says "maybe trying for the impossible isn't so bad", but isn't it bad when done to the significant detriment of one's physical/mental/emotional well-being?


Therefore, while the CMC's ultimate solution of making Gabby a Cutie Mark Crusader and affirming that her calling is to help others might be kind of clever and heartwarming, I can't help feeling that it might be glossing over the deeper problem of Gabby not feeling like she fits in or is making a difference in Griffinstone. Is Gabby really prepared to spend years, or the rest of her life, trying to spread friendliness and helpfulness in Griffinstone, even if she's almost alone in that endeavor and there's no sign of it having any effect? Is there any reasonable expectation that Gabby's efforts in Griffinstone will make a worthwhile difference? Or would Gabby be happier living in Ponyville or elsewhere, where her apparently considerable talents, and her innate friendliness and helpfulness, might be put to better use? These seem like serious questions that Gabby should really think about and talk through with an experienced counselor, rather than just the CMC. It looked to me like Gabby seemed more appreciated and to be making more of a difference in others' lives by being helpful in Ponyville, and so I can't help wondering whether Gabby's commitment to "bring Cutie Mark Crusader values to Griffinstone" is a mistake.


So, if it seems like Gabby needs to seriously consider the direction in which she'll take her life with experienced counseling, and the CMC didn't really help her to do that, then can the CMC really tally Gabby as "another successful cutie intervention"? If we're being charitable, we could say that the CMC did the best they could, and that, as kids, they just didn't realize, or weren't capable of realizing, the deeper life issues at stake. On the other hand, a cynical take might be that the CMC's inflated views of their own talents got in the way of their acknowledging that they were in over their heads and needed to refer Gabby to experienced counseling. But regardless, this all brings us back to my earlier question of why ponies/griffons/etc. are seeking serious life advice from elementary/middle-school-aged kids in the first place, and why even adult ponies give the CMC as their first recommendation to anyone seriously trying to find their purpose in life. Or, for another example, depending on how much the CMC told Twilight about Gabby, perhaps Twilight could have or should have suggested that Gabby seek professional counseling, rather than just letting the CMC continue to do their own thing with her.


Now for some other miscellaneous observations:


It seems like an extraordinary coincidence that the spiny-backed ponysaurus fossils that Petunia dug up in the backyard were only a few feet under the earth, and that the sand/soil covering them was loose enough to be dug away with a small plastic shovel and Petunia's bare hooves.


During the song, Gabby says she'll "help you teach pre-calculus" while in the classroom with Miss Cheerilee and the CMC. Gabby has written "sin x = y" on the board, while the plot shown isn't of sin x, although maybe that plot wasn't intended to be of sin x (like it wasn't yet erased from earlier in the lesson). But also, learning about the sine function would be more in the category of trigonometry, which in my high school curriculum came before pre-calc. Furthermore, I thought the CMC were the equivalent of late elementary-schoolers or middle-schoolers, whereas trigonometry, in my experience, was at least a high-school sophomore-level class, and pre-calc was at least junior-level.


If Gabby really is good at everything, and has no preference for what she wants to do, then couldn't deciding what she does just be a utilitarian calculation of what she could do to produce the most value for others in society?


As others have pointed out, we might expect Twilight to be a little more skeptical that Gabby actually got a cutie mark, after Twilight was the one to tell the CMC that she had no reason to think that it could happen.


Twilight also tells the CMC that "you have got to get Gabby back here right away!", but what exactly does Twilight expect the CMC to do to get Gabby back "right away"? The letter says that Gabby is heading back home to Griffinstone, so it seems like the only way that the CMC could contact her would be to go to Griffinstone and find her in-person, which they couldn't do by themselves, or maybe send her a letter after she gets home, which Twilight might have to assist the CMC with anyway, and also would hardly result in Gabby coming back "right away".


Speaking of which, after the CMC go looking for Gabby, Scootaloo says to watch the skies because "Gabby can't have gone far". But couldn't she have? If Gabby had already delivered the note to Twilight's castle and left in a hurry by the time the CMC ran to the castle, couldn't she have been long gone, or at least out of eyesight, by the time the CMC started to look for her? It seems like sheer coincidence that Gabby stopped to help Dr. Whooves with his cart, and that the CMC happened upon her doing so.


Apple Bloom says to Gabby that "it looks like your destiny is a whole lot like ours - helping others", and on that basis, they make her a member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. But I'm not sure that Gabby's "destiny" and the CMC's "destiny" are necessarily that similar. The CMC's destiny is supposedly to help others discover the meaning of their cutie marks and find their purpose in life, whereas it seemed like Gabby was helping others to try to spread happiness and spur others to be helpful and friendly themselves, not really to help them find their purpose or anything. Besides, in a general sense, "helping others" is ultimately what most people do or strive to do.


Finally, as others have pointed out, the CMC seemed to produce Gabby's wooden "cutie mark" shields remarkably quickly, if Gabby immediately cleaned up and went to the CMC clubhouse right after that.

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ALRIGHT so....Finally got to watch it, and like last week I feel a need to break it down. So:


Thinks I loved:

-Gabby's design. The look of her was just the absolute cutest thing I've seen since Twilight's animation in her song at the very beginning of season three (I don't know why I found her little hair flip so adorable, but I did). The little feather pony tail and her flying animations were just gorgeous. 

-TWILIGHT! Her presence in this episode was so perfect. "You know what this calls for?! A RESEARCH PROJECT!" That's my second fave pony really stepping up and showing us all why she's so glorious. 


Things I didn't like:

-That they had to be reminded that magic didn't work. Cutie marks are supposed to be their special talents so...you'd think they'd have learned from their own mistakes there.

-In a second round of them not learning from their own mistakes, they took the Rainbow Dash method of cutie mark hunting which failed them for so many seasons and ran with that for Gabby. Girls. GIRLS. You can do better than this. You've learned this lesson - that's how you got your marks. 

-Gabby. She...was so bombastic. This might change since I used to not like Pinkie Pie or Rainbow Dash (for similar reasons - their in-your-face styles didn't gel well with my super-introvertedness when I first started watching the show - though they're actually pretty tame in comparison to Gabby) and they've since grown on me. But on this first viewing she was just so loud. Can someone turn her capslock off?


Overall Impressions

Maybe because I was hoping they'd go for a 'be the best you can be' message as the episode got underway, I was a bit disappointed with how muddy the message felt. Most of the things they did or tackled in the first half were things the CMC had already learned in their own cutie mark quest and that really detracted from the episode. They already knew the Rainbow Dash approach didn't work so why did they try it - and it would have worked very similarly, like just have Gabby come up with her own list of ideas of things she enjoys rather than the CMC throwing random things at her, which was a method that was shown to definitely not be the answer time and time again. Ok I need to stop harping on that. (But seriously that made me so frustrated throughout the whole episode.)


The bookends were the most interesting parts of the whole shebang: Before the intro we had adult ponies having tea with child ponies over a concern about their own filly's cutie mark, and I can see where they'd be confused. If I came home with a skull tattooed over my shoulder (since, well, 'flanks' aren't normally bared in American culture) my mom would probably be a bit worried too, until she found out why. But she'd probably not ask me directly, instead checking Facebook and maybe even asking my brother and my friends to figure it out. What really caught me was that they called the CMC experts. Them's some very young experts - though perhaps that's more because they're in a role that isn't really filled in pony society. Up until Troubleshoes every character that discussed cutie marks kind of just shrugged their shoulders like 'you'll figure it out, and when you do you'll know exactly what it means.' But while Troubleshoes was a bit of an awkward introduction to the concept that maybe not all ponies will know right away what their cutie mark means, it does make sense. I mean, all those hourglass cutie marks can't be hourglass makers, and all those horseshoe cutie marks can't be obsessed with horseshoes. Diamond Tiara was probably the better example since she knew she liked leading but didn't know how to do it right, and they helped her...see the light of her cutie mark  :orly: . She had the concept down but not the execution - which is something a lot of real people do struggle with. We know what we like, but we don't know how to use it to its full advantage, or something in our lives or society holds us back from that. 


Er...long rant short: Beginning of episode showed that pony society really needs more occupational therapists so adults don't have to turn to kids for answers because kids are literally the only option to turn to right now.


And the other end of the episode - It was clever how they got around the griffons can't get cutie marks concept by making her one to put on her saddle bags. She technically did get her cutie mark, just not in the traditional way. And there's still no certainty that no other creature can get one. Maybe if cultures focused more on helping their citizens reach their full and truest potentials they too could sport cute butt tattoos. The last few minutes were the only parts of Gabby that I really liked, after cupping my hands over my ears for most of the episode - I couldn't turn it down cos I wouldn't be able to hear the other characters, but dang that girl was loud. She has room for growth and she has room to grow her society...and she has the energy and optimism to do it. It's nice that Gilda has an ally out there.

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It's called hatefucking. I'm told it's rather cathartic.


Dragons must do the same thing because I couldn't figure out how new dragons were made if Ember didn't even know what a hug was. XD

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