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Posted here before, but I'll update it.

  • SoloRenektonOnly/ImaQTPie/Tobias Fate- League of Legends content.
  • The Humanist Report/The Jimmy Dore Show- Actually agreeable political commentaries.
  • DuncanKneeDeep/HoodlumScrafty/TrueGreen7/Bird Keeper Toby/...- Somewhat entertaining Poketubers.
  • PhantomStrider/SaberSpark- For their videos about animated media, usually referring to cartoons.
  • Oxhorn/FudgeMuppet- Fallout 4 stuff.
  • rabbidluigi/Fawful's Minion- Countdown makers.
  • AlternateHistoryHub- I find alternate history fascinaing.
  • Life Noggin- Fascinating videos, though fairly clickbait-y.
Edited by Duzzkilicious
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Letupita725HD, SomecallmeJohnny, The Super Gaming Bros. and SilvaGunner. Those are usually the ones that I watch in my free time.

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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My definite favourites, in no particular order are:

  • RedLetterMedia
  • Caddicarus
  • I Hate Everything
  • Colossal Is Crazy
  • JAR Media
  • OneyPlays 

I really feel that Caddicarus and RedLetterMedia don't get as much love as they should. Daddy Caddy is one of the funniest guys I've ever watched, and as for RedLetterMedia, what can I say? Plinkett reviews, Half in the Bag & Best of the Worst are better than most TV shows out there.




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The Super Gaming Brothers (Their L.A. Noire let's play is the most infamous one, due to Elliot's hilariously terrible driving skills, which must be seen to be believed.) I also loved their Punisher and Super Mario 64 playthroughs.

Redlettermedia I only just discovered




I Hate Everything

Top 5 videos


Chadtronic His Stranger Danger, You on Kazoo, and Worst Puppet Show Ever videos are among my favorites.

I'm used to be a huge fan of Cypheron48 and his Banjo Tooie let's play back in 2008, but the guy doesn't upload as much anymore. Still, that lets play is one of my all time favorites.

Edited by ultrairongorilla
  • Brohoof 2


                                    Thanks to @Kyoshi for this totally awesome signature!



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Markiplier, I find his commentary very creative (things like: "Oh yes, the Go Fuck Yourself conference is over to the left." Neverending Nightmares). I also like that he's persistent (see FNAF, Resident Evil 7, and other series), or that he loves space just like me (his rant while playing Universe Sandbox actually inspired me a short story of like eight chapters).

There's jacksepticeye, for similar reasons except the persistence part (and replace "space" with "nature" in the previous paragraph). Nerdcubed is also a good commenter, he's played a few Star Trek games I found pretty rad.

CinemaSins cracks me up with his commentary of movies. Hyper Potions makes good music, with some cute animations accompanying. I've recently discovered Narotiza, they make great music and a hilarious Spore playthrough (with captions).

There's more but I think this is a good enough sample.

  • Brohoof 1

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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There is a lot of channels I'm subscribed to, hard to pick out a favourite from amongst them, but here's a few.

Arch Warhammer - (games, Warhammer lore and social commentary)

Chris Ray Gun - (social commentary with a humerous presentation)

GradeAUnderA - (although he seems to have gone silent)

Magog of Morskar - (social commentary performed in character)

Omegon - (more social commenary.  Are you noticing a pattern here?)

Sargon of Akkad - (I'll give you three guesses)

I also watch a load of pony-related (or partly so) channels like Littleshy FiM, JollyOldCinema - (I hadn't heard of him before PonyCon UK last year, he did a panel on SFM), ACRacebest and recently discovered Dawn Somewhere, he doesn't seem to do pony videos any more but I enjoyed working through his older ones.

  • Brohoof 1


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Some of my favorite YouTuber's are: 

- Mini Ladd

- SMii7Y

- BasicallyIDoWrk

- Fourzer0seven

- Chuggaaconroy

- MLP-Silver-Quill

- Lightning Bliss

- DRWolf001

- Nexus Corps

- FOB Equestria

- PokeaimMD

- Versus

- TheRunawayGuys

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A "few" picks from my subscription list:

1. Markiplier 

2. Jacksepticeye 

3. Boogie2988

4. 4everfreebrony

5. TomSka

6. Peter Hollens

7. Chase Holfelder

8. Skallagrim

When I first started watching YouTube, I watched Charlieissocoollike. That's a name you don't hear much anymore, eh?

Edited by Kings&Hooves14

The Brony Code:

Humans are a lie, there are only ponies. Through ponies, I gain friendship.

Through friendship, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory.

Through victory, my chains are broken. Ponies shall set me free.

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FieldofReeds for lovely (mostly video game) woodwind covers. She's super talented. Without her I wouldn't be where I am today.

Otherwise, I really enjoyed ShadyPenguin's Breath of the Wild playthrough. The man has such a fun personality and was so bewildered by the game. People hate on the poor guy because sometimes he wouldn't play the game the way they liked or he would miss something, but that's the beauty of BoTW... And guess what? I've never watched a LP where I saw someone playing a game exactly the way I would, so it's really something that people need to stop making such a big deal about.

  • Brohoof 1

Everything needs more woodwind!

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  • Ashens
  • DashieGames (just for the Super Mario Maker stuff)
  • Call Me Kevin
  • Techmoan
  • Airforceproud95
  • Caddicarus

The only ones I watch and actually enjoy.

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My favourite YouTubers are those who are involved with video games including some of the following:

Larry Bundy Jr.

  • Brohoof 1


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For gaming (and game related videos): Markiplier, The Game Theorists, Roger van der Weide, Sapphirechao, BrainScratch Commentaries, SomecallmeJohnny, The Super Gaming Bros.

For MLP Reactions: DA FluffyVixen (formerly DemonAngel 13), SmurfVlogs, ACRacebest (for Bronies React) Luffyiscool, Blank Slate, RarityDash, Subzero

For vlogs (or just talking videos): Jim Jesus, Martymer 81, MindMastery

For movie reviews (and other movie/show related things): CinemaSins, Channel Awesome (for the Nostalgia Critic), Screen Junkies, How It Should Have Ended, The Film Theorists

Others: Freedomtoons, Vsauce, CGP Grey, Computerphile, AnimatedJames, Big Think

So much Pony, so little time.


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  • 1 month later...

I didn't post here? How rude of me. :V

Favorite Youtubers:

- Sargon of Akkad

- Dave Rubin

- Mark Dice

- pewdiepie

- JonTron

- Räzorfist, aka The Rageaholic

- Tim Pool

- SomeBlackGuy

- Stefan Molyneux

- Tommy Robinson

- ASpec

- Styxhexenhammer666

And, uh, Steven Crowder.

I have more favorites, but I will leave it at that or the list becomes too long.

  • Brohoof 2

“Discovery is dangerous . . . but so is life. A man unwilling to take risk is doomed never to learn, never to grow, never to live.” - House Harkonnen

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  • 2 months later...

-Cinemassacre (Mostly for AVGN, but I also love Mike's playthroughs of old-school hard games)

-The Rageaholic/Razorfist (Not into politics, but he's my favorite skeptic Youtuber who always has me cracking up with how he tells like it is)

-videogamedunkey (Even when I disagree with his reviews, his comedy is always spot-on)

-LittleshyFiM (Legitimately find his Cinemare Sins videos much funnier than Cinema Sins)

-Jon Tron (Just an incredibly funny guy who knows how to go along and make great riffs out of just about anything)

-AlphaOmegaSin (Razorfist video game edition, it's so funny to watch him rave even when I don't agree with him)

-Stop Skeletons From Fighting (An underrated gem, they're one of the few game channels I can think of who always put out insightful and unbiased coverage of game-related topics)

-Super Eyepatch Wolf (One of the few reviewing channels I can think of who always puts out insightful and unbiased coverage of animanga-related topics)

-iDubbbz (Guy seriously needs to put out more Content Cop videos, but he always delivers god-tier quality on them)

-TheGamingBritShow (His smooth, beautiful British voice, genuine passion for gaming, and love for DMC always manage to endear me even at times where we disagree)

-JustSomeGuy (I know little about American comics and his audio quality's not the best, yet this guy always manages to say stuff I find riveting)

-Wild Smile (My second favorite skeptic Youtuber, the way he covers stuff just always has me laughing at how point-blank he is)

-PythonSelkanHD (These guys changed the way I look at Hideo Kojima's work and Konami for life, the way they analyze games and reveal things I never would've noticed before always fascinates me)

-The L-Train (My favorite brony musician of all time, as if his regular songs weren't good enough, his operas, Moonrise and Fall of an Empire, are absolute masterpieces that I can never stop going back to)

-MangaKamen (In my honest opinion, the best commentary Youtuber who always times his jokes right, always has strong points to counter whatever he riffs, is generally very good at handling criticism, and the fact that he's a genuinely nice guy and a brony just seals the deal)

Though I'm not as into Youtube as I used to be (I know, funny saying that with fifteen favorites, I still have a problem :maud: ), those are all the ones that come to mind when I think of the kind of Youtuber I honestly admire and will drop whatever I'm doing for to watch.


  • Brohoof 1


Comet's still best boi. <3

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Markiplier for sure. Hes just so wholesome. Anything he says is usually positive or at the most mean in a joking way. He doesnt talk ill about any fandoms and when questioned about being associated with any he declines but respects people who are in and is happy they are in his community as well.

Jacksepticeye is a runner up...hes pretty much the same but louder. Sometimes its good...sometimes its just....no Jack...no.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Some additions to my previous list:

- I spy a Sargon of Akkad, but no mention of Bearing. Also, I have Thunderf00t in my playlists because he does chemistry.

- For a good laugh, I watch BadLipReading, TierZoo, sometimes CinemaSins (he and MatPat became less accurate and not too observant of the media they criticize, though CinemaSins at least have the decency to admit: "we are not critics, we are assholes")

- I've become a good fan of Lore Reloaded, good story inspiration material, same with Spacedock.

- Also I've recently grown fond of Minecraft-heavy channels: Grian, PearlescentMoon, Mumbo Jumbo (less and less interested in redstone though)

Edited by Feather Spiral

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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definitely Markiplier! He's super funny and caring, as well as makes it very clear of how much his fans mean to him unlike that Pewdiepie.

If anyone deserves to be the top youtuber, I believe it should be Mark


Thank you Cherribomb for the Signature!


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