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Well... my doctor diagnosed me with Schizoaffective disorder so I'm rather researching this up to look up the symptoms. Went to my doc. appointment today. Otherwise I'm doing well in my CNA class tonight.

  • Brohoof 5
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I feel good, just playing some Skyrim Special Edition on Xbox 1and it feels smooth, I have the new toned graphics, the controls feel less clunky and I'm looking forward to playing at night time in real life and raining at night in the game ... ohhh that's gonna be sick :P

  • Brohoof 4


            Signature made by Skull Kid

                      OCG Vera - Outcast Gamers Twitch Livestreams

                      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuzDghzyVjk - •_•

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Feeling a blender combination of stress, anger and worry. I might try to go on a walk soon but I know that won't help in the long run. Simply put, tonight sucks.

I feel the same way. This is so depressing. 

  • Brohoof 2


                                                    Made by: @Pucksterv


Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Sunset Shimmer are best ponies.

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Probably the only one who's actually a bit happy regarding the election result. Really, while I don't like Clinton, I would have actually been okay with her too. I'm aware of the influence the people have but hey, if the people wants a person, they vote for them, and when the vote is cast the arguments stop there.

  • Brohoof 1
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I am feeling rather uneasy right now; nervous. As you may have already guessed, these feelings are in relation to Donald Trump being elected president of the U.S.A


I am not angry, nor am I depressed. I am just feeling pure anxiety.

  • Brohoof 6
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I now feel ill. Excuse me while I vomit and pretend that my vomit is president. That is a better alternative.


I agree. I feel embarrassed right now.  :sunny:

  • Brohoof 3

Sōten ni zase...Hyōrinmaru!

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Meh... just... meh (and would've been meh, too, if Hillary had won tbh). I'm just intrigued to see what's gonna happen to all the US, my country, and the whole world.

  • Brohoof 3


Eeyup... this signature was made by: @Sparkle Speed

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I feel like an idiot .... xDDDDDDDD such smh rite now while Im laughing at the akward moment I have posted here xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD :awuh:  :wat:  :scots:


also I'm thinking of logging back into Pony.fm again ... its been soooooooo long since I have been there xDDD

  • Brohoof 4


            Signature made by Skull Kid

                      OCG Vera - Outcast Gamers Twitch Livestreams

                      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuzDghzyVjk - •_•

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well, regardless I'm breaking down. I have nobody to confide in, the presidential election has yielded it's worst possible outcome, I face punishment from false accusation, lies and greed all around. I'm still here. So if you are too, good on you.

  • Brohoof 3

veritati adhaerere
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Oneness. Where everything is love, unconditional. The purest state of being. No ego, no fear.


Which is what I sometimes do when gaining consciousness on my dreams. It's an emotional exaltation of undescribable beauty. A miracle.


It's like feeling the universe flowing through you, is a connectivity with all forms of being, despite their form of being. A silver river running down your spine.


And this I achieve, by disabling my ego completely. It looks like a miniature black hole, located bellow my belly button. It shapes thoughts into perception, and perception into reality.


Once disabled, everything loses shape, and all there's, is light. Pure life, free from dramas of individual experience.


So in this state, you realize you're the universe. Limitless.


You reach everything there is. Because all there's, is actually you. No matter what ethnicity, race origin, gender, religion, political party. Everything is you.


This life is heavy, and substance seems to be gone. Going home.


It's what I've been wishing for since I was born.


Yet, guidance wants me to stay, live life.


I've never forgotten my heart.

Edited by They call me Loyalty
  • Brohoof 3
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I'm terrified. Haven't been this scared in a long time; I'm shaking like a leaf.

I feel like the US is damned.

  • Brohoof 4

The Brony Code:

Humans are a lie, there are only ponies. Through ponies, I gain friendship.

Through friendship, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory.

Through victory, my chains are broken. Ponies shall set me free.

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Very tired and wanting to rest my head on my pillow and yet I'm not willing to do it.

  • Brohoof 2


                                                    Made by: @Pucksterv


Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Sunset Shimmer are best ponies.

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