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general What's your zodiac sign and do you believe in zodiacs?


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Mine is Sagittarius.

I don't know if I believe in zodiacs as they are usually understood. They probably have truth behind them but I think it's mostly similar to a self fulfilling prophecy because you already have a preconception of how a person is suppose to be. Even if you don't believe on it your brain is already predisposed once you learn about zodiac signs and how they are supposed to influence you. Like you learn about aries being work oriented and that idea stays in your mind subconsciously. Kinda like certain names. There's names that sound weak or strong and that probably influences your personality and growth to a certain degree. Same with this. But yeah that's about the amount of influence they can have on you and your life I believe.

Edited by Ittoni
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Mine is Aries. 

I don't believe in zodiac but I'm interested of it since it accurately predicted some parts of my personality such as being enthusiastic and being impulsive. 



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5 minutes ago, Bakugou is my Man said:

I hope you guys know that there are new dates for the signs and one new sign has been added:


I am a Ophiuchus. I sorta believe in daily horoscopes.

I'm turning 30 on Sunday, August 2nd

When did the sign of the zodiac changed. For the longest time I've always been a Leo. But apparently now I'm a Cancer. I know it's the crab but I hate giving people the idea that I have a limited time left on this Earth

Apparently you're the new sign?


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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2 minutes ago, Bakugou is my Man said:

@Will Guide

This was actually confirmed by NASA. Here is an article regarding it from Today: https://www.today.com/popculture/your-life-lie-zodiac-has-changed-here-s-your-new-t103295

But why do they feel they have to change it? The article never explained why? At least not clearly

  • Brohoof 1


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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I was an Aries, but according to the new dates I'm now a Pisces.

  • Brohoof 1

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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Sagittarius in the classical version, Ophiuchus if you follow the new version, and Horse if you’re into the Chinese one. No, I do not believe them. Doesn’t coincide with my religious beliefs. But they are interesting lore wise, and are a fun drawing theme.

  • Brohoof 2



Check out my artwork any time: http://shadobabe.deviantart.com/
"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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5 hours ago, Bakugou is my Man said:

I hope you guys know that there are new dates for the signs and one new sign has been added:


As if there needed to be any more proof that astrology was nonsense.

Anyway, mine was Gemini, now it's Taurus. I obviously don't believe in it.

  • smile 1

So much Pony, so little time.


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I don't believe in zodiacs and don't care what my sign is, but I occasionally read the horoscopes just for laughs.

The only zodiacs I can get behind:




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3 hours ago, Cash In said:

I was an Aries, but according to the new dates I'm now a Pisces.

Ye same, I was cusp or whatever anyway. Not that I believe in that stuff lol


Then there are all those ppl who say it depends on what you base the zodiacs on blah bblah. Whether it be stars, seasons, planets whatever. I think for years there were ppl arguing for a 13th starsign like a spider sign or something like that. 

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6 hours ago, Bakugou is my Man said:

I hope you guys know that there are new dates for the signs and one new sign has been added:


I am a Ophiuchus. I sorta believe in daily horoscopes.

I'm Scorpio according to the new signs but I'm of the philosophy of "you are what you believe you are", and more of like you should find your sign based in your personality not the other way around where the sign defines your personality. Like having a guiding sign for life instead of a patron sign, having both could be more fun, like you feel you are a Piscis for your personality but you got a Leo as a tutor because of the day you were born and you have to learn from them to grow into a better more rounded Piscis.

So I believe I'm between my current sign Sagittarius because even if I'm nothing like the typical sag I do like to be the more obscure aspects of it and some things do match, and between Ophiuchus. I'm like a studious centaur among the party goer centaurs. Though I'm a little bit envious that I'm not Ophiuchus just by one day. Idk much of what that sign is about. I guess is like more studious precisely and divided.

So my tutor is not a sag, is a Scorpio. Can I ask for another teacher? I feel a bit uncomfortable.

Edited by Ittoni
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The Zodiac is true, and ancient astrology wasn't nonsense at all.
Modern astrology though (the one used for fortune telling)... it's a whole another story, it's just utter BS :P
Let me explain.

When you look at the night sky, tracing the line along which the Sun and the planets travel:


This line is called the ecliptic, and it corresponds to the plane of the Solar System when you're looking at it from the outside.


The Zodiac signs are located along this line, in the deep space far away from the Solar System (so the following picture is not-to-scale):


The full circle is divided into 12 equal parts, 30° angle each piece, which corresponds to two hours of the Earth's rotation around its axis (a unit of time that ancient Babylonians called "beru"). Each sector has a certain constellation assigned for easier reference, but it was never about the star formations themselves, they were just a memorization technique. It's about the geometry of the heavens and measuring time.

The ecliptic is tilted with respect to the horizon at a certain angle that corresponds to the angle the Earth's axis of rotation is tilted with respect to the plane of the Solar System. As you probably know, this tilt is responsible for the seasons, the fact that days are longer in the summer and shorter in winter. There are thus two points on the Earth's orbit around the Sun: one at which the day is the longest (summer solstice) (think of it as the Summer Sun Celebration ;)), and one at which the night is the longest ( winter solstice). But there are also two points at which the lengths of the day and night are the same: vernal equinox in spring and autumnal equinox in fall.
These four points were called the "four corners of the world" in the ancient times. You might have heard that ancient people believed that the world is flat and it has four corners, so often ridiculed by modern scientists. But this is to make you believe that ancient people were dumb, and we are so smart now because we have science. The truth is though, they had science too, just with different terminology. The term "world" referred to what is now called an age, and "flat world" or "the plane of the Earth" was referring to it's orbit around the Sun, which is clearly planar. The "four corners of the world" were these four special points on its orbit that were used to determine what "world" (i.e. what age) is it right now. Here's how the age was determined using the Zodiac:

You get up at dawn on the day of vernal equinox, and you look at the eastern horizon to see what Zodiac sign is visible there in which the Sun will be rising (so called ascendant), and this sign determined the current age.

"But wait a minute: wouldn't it be that after one full rotation around its orbit, the Earth will be precisely at the same spot? Shouldn't the same Zodiac sign be visible there then?" – you may ask.
Well, yes and no. Short term, the answer is "yes". But in the long term, the answer is "no", because the Earth's axis itself is turning in circles, very slowly, but steadily, changing its orientation in space, similarly to how a spinning top's axis rotates when it's spinning on the table.


This causes the Zodiac signs to shift and drift with time, a little bit every year, which becomes more and more noticeable after hundreds of years have passed. This phenomenon is therefore called precession of the equinoxes, because of the backward movement of the Zodiac signs with time, so that the one that precedes the current sign, will become the current sign after a certain amount of time will pass.


The ancient people knew about that phenomenon too, which is very impressive, considering how much time does it take to observe it, and accurate measurements that we were able to perform only recently (considering the entire human history). It takes roughly 2160 years for each Zodiac sign to shift into another, and 25920 years for the entire cycle to start repeating! The full cycle was called Platonic year by ancient Greeks, so the "ages" were kinda like "months" in that "year", each "month" having one Zodiac sign assigned that determined the age.

And that was the original purpose of the Zodiac: it was a device for measuring time and orientation in space that would work well throughout millions of years. It was an astronomical device. It was supposed to tell you what age it is right now, and where is the Earth located in space of the Solar System and the Galaxy. But smart-ass people started to use it for fortune telling to extort money and other goods from naïve people, by extrapolating the idea of predicting the positions of celestial bodies into an idea of fortune telling: "Hey, the Zodiac is about telling time, it tells you where the planets will be, so it can also tell you your fate, right?" :q  That's how science became witchery. And this view is being perpetuated by modern people to this day, ridiculing the ancient knowledge in one hand, and exploiting naïve people on the other.

If present day astrologers knew the true purpose of the Zodiac and the scientific machinery behind it, they would also know that the Zodiac signs are no longer at the same positions as they once were in the past, due to precession. They keep telling you that Aries is in March, Sagittarius is in December, etc. If they knew the truth (which is as easy as getting up early in vernal equinox and looking at the sky :q ), they would know that we're almost in Aquarius right now in March.

Ever heard the term "Age of Aquarius", so often associated with woo people from the New Age movement? The origin of that term lies in Zodiac as well, and the way ages are determined. When you get up early on vernal equinox and look at the eastern horizon, you will se the constellation of Aquarius before the Sun rises. Therefore we're at dawn of the age of Aquarius. The age we're moving out of, is the age of Pisces (which means fish).

If you ever wondered why was the symbol of a fish associated with Jesus Christ, now you know: he was born when the age of Pisces started, roughly 2000 years ago. If you got up early on vernal equinox at that time, you would see the constellation of Pisces on the eastern horizon. There's also a story in the Bible about the apostles asking Jesus how long will he stay with them, and he replies in an enigmatic way something in the lines of: "Until you see a man carrying a bucket of water". They didn't understand what he meant, because they took that seriously. What he meant was Aquarius, and that Christianity will have its rule on Earth until the age of Pisces ends and the age of Aquarius starts.

There's a couple of more evidence of this "age" thing in ancient scriptures (including the Bible). Remember that story when Moses came down the mount Horeb with the "ten commandments" he received from the gods on its top, and got mad when he saw his people praising a golden bull? Well, he wasn't mad because of the bull itself, but because of the fact that the bull was the symbol of the previous age, the age of Taurus (which is the constellation of the bull), also known as Ba'al or Apis in ancient Egypt from which they escaped into the desert shortly before that. Moses knew already from the gods that the new age has just started, the age of Aries (the ram) – the Zodiac sign that precedes Taurus. But his people were still believing in stuff from the previous age, praising the bull which was the symbol of the previous age, associated with religion of ancient Egyptians.

You might have also heard about the "god's lamb" or stuff like that – legends that were the theme of another era in the Bible, preceding the arrival of Jesus. That's because the next age in turn is the age of Aries, the ram, which started with Moses and last until the arrival of Jesus. At that time, everything is about lambs, rams etc., because that was the symbol of that age.

If you shift by roughly 10000 years back in time, the sign that raises with the Sun at vernal equinox is Leo, the lion. And surprise, surprise, there's a giant statue of the lion with human face in Giza, Egypt :)  Scientists date it roughly on ten...eleven thousands of years B.C. Coincidence? I don't think so ;)

If you want to know more about how ancient mythologies were based on ancient science and astronomy, I encourage you to read a great book "Hamlet's Mill" by Giorgio di Santillana. The entire book is available online for free. I must warn you, though: it's not an easy read, it's kind of dense and dry. But it's worth it. The author studied ancient mythologies from all over the world and figured out how it can be translated into astronomical knowledge. That's where I learned about this stuff. But there's more, and I'm sure now you'll find it now when you know what to look for ;) There was once a great website about that too, with pictures and calculations, its author tried to calculate when was the "day 0" of the Zodiac calendar, because that's most likely when the "gods" visited the Earth for the first time and established that calendar for their own purposes of space & time navigation for the next millions of years. The "day 0" is pretty much when all three planes cross each other with the Sun at its centre: the plane of the Earth (that is, the celestial equator, which is the Earth's equator projected upon the night sky), the plane of the Solar System (the ecliptic), and the plane of our Galaxy (called Orbis Lacteaus by the ancients).

Oh, as for the NASA stuff: I'm pretty sure it's bull crap too. There's no 13 Zodiac signs, because it was never about the constellations. The constellations were only for orientational and memorization purposes. There might be 20 constellations and it wouldn't change anything. Same goes with the boundaries of those signs – it was never about the boundaries of the constellations (which are imaginary as well), but about dividing the full circle into 12 equal parts, because that was the geometry used to construct it: You take the radius of the circle, use it to cut the circle at equal distances to construct a regular hexagon, then you bisect its angles one more time to get a 12-gon. And this corresponds to how Earth's rotation divides the orbit into 12 equal parts called months when you add the Moon into the mix. It was all about astronomy and geometry.

They're right about one thing, though: that the Zodiac signs are shifted and they're no longer the same as those used in ancient Egypt and Babylonia 4000 years ago (the Zodiac sign associated with March is no longer Aries, it's Aquarius).

As for fortune telling and horoscopes, that's total BS for sure. My mom believes that crap too, and I once poke fun of her when she asked me to read her horoscope for this month: I read the horoscope for the entirely different sign, and still she said that everything fits her and all the predictions are true. You should see the look on her face when I told her that it was not for her sign :umad:PRICELESS!

Edited by SasQ
Added some nice pictures.
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@SasQ that is correct. But either way zodiaco as they were in ancient times might have been correct for that time and place but not for modern times starting from "there's more wold than we thought and it's also round so the seasons and how they affect earth change depending on where you are standing in it despite it following a set path during the year". So yeah, they are a novelty because . And as such I think they need to be reinvented if they want to stay relevant. Like the Myers 16 personalities.  And the durations change, the usefulness of it too. 


Also, thanks fir the book recommendations. I'm gonna check them out ;)

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They don't have to be reinvented, because they work fine they way they work. The shifting of the Zodiac sign is supposed to work that way, because that's how it measures the ages. And it was designed to work fine throughout the ages, for millions of years. In comparison, human science is roughly 4000 years old, modern sicence not older than 500 years. Don't mess with what the "gods" designed – they knew what they were doing, they can travel through space, while we barely touched the Moon ;)  Adding or removing Zodiac signs by NASA wouldn't do it any good, because as I said, it's not about the constellations, it's about the geometry of the Solar System and surroundings. Messing that up would only make it more hard and obscure for the people in future to trace back the ages by matching it with astronomy, especially to those who believe that BS about fortune telling & stuff – it would be even harder for them to see that they're being bullshitted all the time (and I'm pretty sure that's what NASA is aiming at, considering how they bullshit us about their space programs; NASA: Never A Straight Answer ;J ). It's similar to how orthographic reforms, when done wrong, can make it more obscure where certain words originated and harder for linguists to trace them back to their original meanings. Or how modern science ridicules the scientific heritage of the past (stuff like Alchemy, for example), causing people to appreciate less about how much the ancient people actually knew despite having more crude tools.

I agree, though, that people should know that the Zodiac signs are shifting and they're no longer the way they were ~4000 years ago in ancient Egypt and Babylonia. They should also know what was the true purpose of the Zodiac and that the ancients weren't as dumb as modern science pictures them. That's for sure.

(BTW I added some cool pictures into my post ;) )

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Apparently Sagittarius. But it doesn't matter to me. I'm pretty darn certain the alignment of the stars has no effect on anything.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I'm Virgo, and I don't believe in those alignment of stars bullcrap. Here's the kicker: it's everytime in the lines of "continue but don't push too much" "you're loved, remember that" and "star aligned for you, do it!"

NEVER something negative. I rather go to the proverbs like "Early bird get the worm, but the second mouse get the cheese", it make you think, rather than a wholesome quote. I can go to reddit for that...


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I'm going with what NASA actually said and sticking to the original 12 signs system. I'm a Libra, and going with the same logic as @Ittoni

@SasQ So what are the signs for the rest of the months if Aquarius is almost in March?

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@SharpWit They are still in the same order, just shifted by two with respect to the "original" configuration they had ~4320 years ago. So if the original one in March was Aries, just count two signs back, going through Pisces and stopping at Aquarius; if Taurus was originally in April, now it's Pisces; and so on...

You can go to Stellarium website and see it for yourself. Turn the Constellations on, and in the View Settings menu turn on the Ecliptic Line as well to be able to find all the Zodiac signs easier (they will be arranged along this line). Then set up the date and time, and see what Zodiac sign is there on the eastern horizon (E) where the ecliptic crosses it, just at the moment the Sun is raising from behind the horizon (you may also want to turn on Landscape if it is turned off).

When you have everything already set up, and you see the raising sun on the horizon as well as the Zodiac sign above the horizon on vernal equinox (March 20th), you can now start switching months and observing how the Zodiac signs will start changing above the horizon (you may need to adjust the time to have the sun at the horizon again when the time of dawn will change).

You can also try changing the year to see the effect of the precession. (Although it doesn't allow to go past the year 0, it resets itself to 1858 from some reason :q )

Edited by SasQ
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Nah, I don’t believe there’s anything real to zodiacs; it’s just for fun. I do occasionally take a glance if I see them in the paper and they can be entertaining, which is all I need. I'm a Taurus, for what it's worth.

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My zodiac sign is cancer (why does the animal and the illness have to share the same word?). I don't believe into the zodiac signs. I also never read a horoscope. I more find the real constilations interesting and also usefull when I search something on the night sky (like a star or a comet like Neowise a few weeks ago). 



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