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Things You Hate!

Parties like Pinkie

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Might as well get these out of the way:



- I hate it when people get mad at you for doing something they blatantly do themselves.


- I hate pseudo intellectuals. You know who i'm talking about; people who stuff their sentences with big words in an attempt to make themselves sound smart, when in reality they have no knowledge on the topic they are ranting about.


- I hate it when people use the microwave and remove their food before the timer hits zero. I don't know why, but this enrages me.


- I hate it when people type 'u' instead of you, or 'ur' instead of your/you're. Speak English for Christ sake.


- I hate it when I can't hear someone and ask them to repeat themselves more than twice. It makes me feel like an idiot.


- I hate it when someone borrows money from you and never pays you back. It's even worse when you ask them about it and they try and play dumb.


- I hate it how the media cares more about celebrities than actual world events that matter.


- ^speaking of media, I hate it when people actually take Fox news seriously. It's propaganda and nothing else.


- I hate cooking. I eat out quite a lot but I don't care, I hate my own cooking.


- I hate people who think having no sense of humor somehow makes them intellectual. Stop being snide and laugh at a goddamn joke you smug prick.


- I hate people who don't get it when i'm being sarcastic and just assume i'm stupid.


- I hate it when people have the nerve to think it's okay to push their morals on others. I don't give a F*ck if you don't approve of gay marriage, you do not have the right to stop two people from being happy. Get over yourself.


- I hate it when young kids act like ignorant snots. I don't care if he's seven years old, he's wrong dammit!


- I hate 'swagfags'. Someone yelling 'Yolo' makes me want to kick a puppy. Stop it.


- I hate it when anyone under the age of thirteen complains about their life. You're still a child, your problems are laughable.


- I hate it when my internet connection cuts out for no reason.


- I hate the Call of Duty series. They are unoriginal and boring, and they discourage original ideas in the game industry.


- I hate it when non gamers complain how videogames are a waste of time, when they themselves spend their time watching mindless reality television shows.


- I hate overly patriotic people. It's fine to be proud of where you're from, but you come off as obnoxious.


- I hate the double standard our society has put on gender. If women want to be treated equally as men, that means that they must share our shortcomings, same vise versa.


- Adding to my point above, I hate it when women try and play the 'weak and helpless routine'. You look ridiculous, stand up for yourself dammit.


- I hate spiders. They are unholly demonspawn.


- I hate it when you are in a debate with someone, you have them cornered, and then they pull this; 'I'm not even going to dignify that with an answer'. Bullshit, you can't think of anything to say and you don't want to admit I won.


- It bugs me in movies when a character sits down at a restaurant, orders food, then leaves before getting his/her food.


- I hate it when you walk into a store and they don't have what you want in stock.


- I hate it when girls wear low cut shits or really short skirts then complain how all men are perverts. Wear something less slutty if you don't want male attention.


- I hate it when people complain how a movie/game will suck when it's not even out yet. If you haven't played/watched it then shut up.


- I hate it when you sweep up dirt into a dustpan and it leaves that little line of dirt that you can't get rid of.


- I hate it when couples display their entire relationship on Facebook. I could care less if you 'just miss him so much' or 'are so done right now'.

Edited by Eljordo
  • Brohoof 1



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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  • 10 months later...

What on this blasted tortured and scarred earth do you hate with a passion? It may be a video game to a food to a country, Personally I have no particular hate the closest is how the PM of my country (New Zealand) grew up on the socalist safety net that taxpayers paied for so the baby boomers wouldn't go through what happened in the years between WW1 and 2, now he is burning it down for his investors selfish needs.

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People. I hate people more than anything on this horrible god awful planet. Online, it's fine, but in real life, it's horrible. They are all cold hearted and cruel individuals with no sense of care left in those black hearts of theirs. One of the reasons why I prefer not meeting anyone in real life that I meet online. It would only end horribly for me.


I also hate roaches with a passion. I rarely ever see them, but when I do it's bad. It's not that I'm even scared of them is the thing. It's just that they are so grotesque that I can't stand them.

  • Brohoof 5



IF is best girl.

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I do dislike most of the kids and teenagers in America that are all "swagyolo" talking about gangs and how they had sex a few hours ago. Those around the teens specifically.


Now, I'm not gonna blame them. I'm just a different person. I don't like the whole "yoloswag" thing or facebook thing. I don't like the idea of the stuff or slang they use, but I really think it's pretty natural for things to turn out this way.


I don't blame them, but I can't say I don't hate them.

Sometimes, they also disrespect me and any morals or opinions I have because of the personality they have.

As long as they keep away, I'm fine with them existing. So far, I don't mind them existing too much. They haven't really bothered me physically nor talked to me much.


Though, they do change how class time goes sometimes at school, which tends to be annoying.


Know what i hate more, though? I hate violence. The world needs violence for certain things, but for others, it really doesn't.

Most people use violence for the things that it really isn't needed for. Why? Maybe they just want to LOOK superior? Maybe that's all they could think about at the moment?

Or maybe, sadly, they were raised like that and normally will act violent?


Anything I say I hate tends to have a reason for existing, but that won't stop me from hating it.

Maybe "hate" is too strong of a word, though.

Edited by Hampnie Hambart
  • Brohoof 4

"Real life is just a crappy game."

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I hate the amount of hatred this world bestows.


Now I sound like a hypocrite...


Life's too short, so spread the love.


Y'know it is. Y'know it is.


Do great things where you know they must be done.


Somebody's got it worse than you.


Y'know he does. Y'know she does.


So I'm asking you spread. the. love.

  • Brohoof 5


Rabbit-Kin                                                                 ~Paris' Waifu

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i cant stand people who can stay close minded in a society that is so open now, sure i can understand maybe like 60 years ago, out on a farm, but i mean, come on. I've got family that just made me sick. it was horrible how close minded they where, people stuck 60 years ago should at leased watch the news sometime. sure ignorance is bliss but ignoring the world around you is just a stupid idea

anyone can become an artist, but a true masterpiece can only come from someone who is truly in touch with spirit and mind

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I can't really say I hate anything in particular. I could say I hate war, disease, and stupid people, but those are sort of given.


Oh, wait. There is but one thing on this planet that I hate with a burning passion, a hatred that could fuel the DeLorean time machine for eons.













  • Brohoof 12
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Myself. Yep. I hate myself with a deep passion. I am immensely flawed, my personality is idiocy, and my mind is f*cked up in many ways. There are many things that I cannot do that others can and I am worthless overall. Everyone around me tries to say I am a good guy and all of that, but I just don't agree. I would love to accept myself for who I am, but at this point it is proving impossible. I just wish I was a completely different person or non existent.


Beyond that, American society, society as a whole, the media, most people, elitists (which this fandom is full of), religious fundamentalists, and a bunch of other stuff. People get a special nod.

  • Brohoof 1



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Oh, wait. There is but one thing on this planet that I hate with a burning passion, a hatred that could fuel the DeLorean time machine for eons.








As do I.

Most things in American media, too, actually.

Why do they think THAT is cool, sexy, or worth their money/time?


That's why I like Japanese media a lot more.

  • Brohoof 1

"Real life is just a crappy game."

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I despise these things:

  • Ignorance
  • Homophobic People
  • Religion 
  • Nicki Minaj
  • Honey Boo Boo and all of that reality TV junk
  • Duck Dynasty and stupid shows like that.

I don't really hate a lot of things with a burning passion...meh.

Edited by WheatleyCore
  • Brohoof 4


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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I hate the fact that people don't know what an orchestra sounds like anymore. Producers, directors, and anyone in charge of movie music these don't seem to understand the variety that medium seems to offer. Whats making it worse still is that people getting into electronic reproduction of orchestral music don't understand it too. I went on pony.fm today, clicked on a orchestral track only to hear Hans Zimmer wantabee music. Seriously guys go listen to some late romantic stuff, it will blow your mind. Thank the higher power Austin Wintory got nominated for that Grammy for Journey, the guy really knows his way around an orchestra. Seriously if you are the person who is doing that Hans Zimmer stuff on pony.fm go and listen to some John Williams, Straus (any of them), Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Wagner, and well anything classical and epic. I don't want to hear any more slap in the face strings music, that style isn't long for this world so learn how to make something else.


end rant 


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People who are undermine others for no reason.



how people go crazy when a fight breaks out, and video type it but don't try to stop it. 

Edited by SkullCrusherX
  • Brohoof 1


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It will take a century to explain what I hate, but here are quick ones:

  • Mainstream music.
  • Most current celebrities.
  • Honey boo boo and Toddlers and Tiaras.
  • Humans.
  • Stupidity.
  • This generation.
  • Racism.
  • Boy bands.
  • Most music after 2000.
  • Drama shows like the Fosters.
  • Twilight, the vampire movie series.

And so much more....

  • Brohoof 2
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I also can't stand people typing and writing with things like "you're" being typed as "ur".

Call me a grammar nazi, but I really hate it.

I can tolerate it only one twitter and whatnot where you have limited letters.


Know what I also HATE with EVERY fiber of my body!?

People who leave a SPACE between a question mark and a sentence.

It somehow irritates me MORE than not even putting a question mark!


If I catch you saying "hw r u ?" you can consider your hopes and dreams eaten for my snack. I will charge you with the wrath of TWO BEARS! TWO BEARS!

"Real life is just a crappy game."

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Sexism, racism, homophobia and the powerful organizations in society with no foundation which disguise these human flaws as "morality" (because their ethics are no more progressive than that of Bronze Age people).


Naturally, I also hate violence and war. And I also hate our messed up society which attempts to paint war in such a positive and necessary light, even to the point of making people see killers as 'heroes'.


That just makes me sad. =(

Everything needs more woodwind!

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Sexism, racism, homophobia and the powerful organizations in society with no foundation which disguise these human flaws as "morality" (because their ethics are no more progressive than that of Bronze Age people).


Naturally, I also hate violence and war. And I also hate our messed up society which attempts to paint war in such a positive and necessary light, even to the point of making people see killers as 'heroes'.


That just makes me sad. =(

I know that feel. To me keep war on tabletop games like warhammer but then we humans are selfish greedy apes with slightly more powerful brains... if only we could live in equestria! 

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War, homophobes, today's society, sexism in the video game industry, and








I'm not kidding, raisins are gross man.

  • Brohoof 1



"Sunshine sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake~"

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People who are jerks, how people can be so cruel to someone can really get me ticked off, i mean yeah i can and anyone can be a jerk at times, but i'm talking about the cold hearted people who always seem to be.


I dunno how passionate my hate is, but i certainly don't like it.


Other then that I can't say theres much of any things I passionately hate, atleast that I can think of really.

  • Brohoof 2


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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With every fiber of my being, I hate most people in America.


You don't even know a quarter of the people in America, much less most of them.


Incidentally, I hate people who make stupid generalizations that expose their own narrow-minded ignorance. I also don't care much for vegans who bitch and moan anytime they catch me eating beef jerky.

  • Brohoof 2
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You don't even know a quarter of the people in America, much less most of them.


Incidentally, I hate people who make stupid generalizations that expose their own narrow-minded ignorance. I also don't care much for vegans who bitch and moan anytime they catch me eating beef jerky.

Okay, okay. I guess I kind of meant to make it a bit more specific rather than blaming America as a whole.


For sure there is a staggering amount of people who are the kind of people I dislike and disagree with, but you're right, it was pretty ignorant of me.

"Real life is just a crappy game."

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I cant stand bad people, anyone who has a specific purpose to hurt others. other then that i don't really hate people, i just would rather not be around them.


"You WILL be heavily judged on how you treat others."

"Opinion is about perspective, peoples who opinions matter to me the most are those who have the ability to understand different perspectives while maintaining their own opinion."

"Projecting your insecurities on other people doesn't solve them, so don't."

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I really hate when people Judge a country purely based on the media surrounding it, Eg america. And I don't even live there!


I also really hate Buttons, WITH EVERY FIBRE OF MY BEING!!!

  • Brohoof 2


                                                                                                       ~ siggy by Me~

                                                                    Saxophonist|PW:AA fan|Bass Guitar Enthusiast |K-On! fan

                                                                                                 ~Ema Skye is my Waifu~

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There is one thing that I despise having to encounter more than anything else:








I cannot stand the taste of lemon candy. The scent is only slightly less unbearable. Coincidentally, this also means I can't stand lemon-scented cleaners. Just... there's something wrong with it. I mean, I'm fine with lemonade and other lemon-based products, I just want to have nothing to do with lemon drops and Lemon Pledge.

  • Brohoof 1


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