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Characters that grew on you (or did the opposite)

Silly Lily

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It seems the popular response, but, to be honest, I didn't like Rarity in the beginning. To me, she was basically the personification of the "girliness" the show had, but as the show continued, I began to appreciate her more, the twist in "Sisterhooves Social" at the end confirmed that. She's not my favorite pony, that honor still goes to Fluttershy, but I do like her more now, and even appreciate her more "proper" manner.

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I wasn't really a fan of Rainbow Dash or Rarity at first, but as their characters developed (especially in the sisterhooves social episode for rarity), I liked them more and more. There is only one problem now... I just realized my top 6 list is officially broken because everypony is tied for first! :(


Twilight is awesome, Pinkie is awesome, Applejack is awesome, Fluttershy is adorable, now Rarity and Rainbow Dash are in same category as the rest! Oh well, I suppose some things just weren't ment to be ranked...

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Probably out of the mane six, would be Twilight Sparkle.

I never really liked her rather geeky intelligent look and style. But her voice appeals to me a lot out of some of the others in the show.

Though Spitfire does have the best voice. :unsure:

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Am I the only one that still dislikes Rarity after watching every single episode? Out of the Main IV, I only dislike Rarity.


Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Applejack are my top three favourites. (They are not placed in any specific order whatsoever.)


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Main IV? That means four, you know.


I'm loving the fact that so many people are cottoning on to what I as a long-time Rarity fan has known all along... which is that she's fabulous, darling. :D I used to like Applejack a little better, though, until Suited for Success came along. Right then, Rarity became number 1 for me, and she shall never be dethroned. Never I say! LONG LIVE THE HAM!

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


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Definitely Pinkie Pie.


When I first saw her, I just couldn't get used to her attitude and the way she sung songs and whatnot.


That definitely changed after I heard some musician's song remixes and I finished both seasons. Now she is near the top of my list...right next to Rarity.

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I have to say Spike. At first, I thought he was just a random character there because Twilight needed an assistant, but then I saw much more of him.


Other than him...I'd say, well, not anypony else.


There are many ponies of which the opposite is true, however. I liked Rainbow Dash at the start, but then started disliking her arrogant personality. Fluttershy seems extremely cute, but then it gets used a lot in her episodes.

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Until A Dog and Pony Show, I strongly disliked Rarity. She just didn't capture my interest and seemed like a rather...well..she seemed like a bad Pony to me. But ever since that episode, I find her hilarious and love her just as much as the rest of the mane six.

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Why the great and powerful Trixie, of coarse!


At first Trixie was just a show-off, but i like how she makes a perfect rival for Twilight sparkle. Both of them are talented with magic, its just a matter of how they use their powers that separate them.

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Rarity. From least to favorite pony in 2 seasons flat.

At first I thought she was snobby and a bit boring, but every episode I started liking her more. She has an interesting character, a lot of hilarious moments, an appealing color sheme and an amazing voice :D


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I used to HATE Rainbow Dash. Her narcissistic attitude just ground my gears so hard. But now, I think largely because of fanfics, she's my third favorite.


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Rarity really grew on me after a while, which I didn't think from the beginning. To also state the opposite, I thought I would like Pinkie Pie more than I do, don't take me wrong, I don't dislike her, but I am not that fond on the pink, hyper pony either.


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  • 4 months later...



I think every character in the entire series has grown on me by this point to be honest, however there are several that are worthy of special attention.


Rainbow Dash


Ha ha, she's always been my favorite but my appreciation for her character is growing constantly. I'm a much bigger fan of her than I was even a month ago, and season three has given me a lot of great moments from her :)


Pinkie Pie


When I first started watching the show I found her kind of annoying to be honest, but then Party of One came around and I actually was fascinated by this side of her that I hadn't even imagined existed, and then my general fondness for Cloudcuckoolanders kicked in, and somewhere in season two she inexplicably became my second favorite character.




Always liked her a lot, but after some excellent moments in season three and a particular explanation of her worth as a character she has moved up to third on my list.




Didn't particularly like her for the first half of season one, liked her for the rest of season one and season two, and lately she's inexplicably been climbing my list :). I genuinely enjoy every line she says and I find her a complex and interesting character.




Can't particularly explain this one. I was kind of indifferent to her in the first two seasons, but when she appeared in Magic Duel I had a mini freak out XD. I'm not sure what, but there's something about her that I find very mysterious and interesting. I want more :).


Princess Celestia


This is extremely recent, but after listening to Lullaby for a Princess for about two hours I did a lot of thinking about what it must like to have her responsibility and to have made the decisions she made, and I emerged with a new appreciation for her.  I enjoy her sense of humor and dedication to her subjects as well. I still want a flashback episode about her and Luna's childhoods.


Cloud Kicker


Best background pony reporting for duty! After reading The Life and Times of a Winning Pony I fanboy out most every time she appears in a scene XD, last episode being a prime example.

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Rainbow Dash

She has been my favorite, since the beginning.



Pretty much, my 2nd favorite pony she really did grow on me.



Now that she is no longer evil, I say she is a pony that will grow on me sooner or later.



She is growing on me but, I never understood her. She is the most beautiful pony, I have ever met with a adorable sister, besides Applejack.

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As for the Mane Six, I have always liked each of them, but with each passing episode I find myself loving them more.


Twilight Sparkle is still the most adorkable.

Fluttershy is the cutest pony ever.

Pinkie Pie brightens up every scene she's in.

Rainbow Dash is still the coolest.

Rarity is the most fabulous.

And Applejack is still the most dependable and down-to-earth and I love her to bits for it.



I have to give a big shout out to the Cutie Mark Crusaders. I know a lot of fans could take them or leave them, but these three went from being pretty borderline annoying to being almost as entertaining and lovable as the Mane Six, if not just as much so. They've been getting better and better all the time. I thoroughly enjoyed One Bad Apple and Sleepless in Ponyville.

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I haven't had any major characters go down in my estimation but a couple of notables went up


Rainbow Dash: I liked Rainbow Dash but at first thought she was somewhat over rated but after the Sleepless In Ponyville and Wonderbolt academy episodes she became my third favorite.


Rarity: When I first started watching the show I had a mild dislike toward Rarity because I found her annoying. But after re watching some episodes I started to notice a bit more of her positive traits, she is still my least favorite of the Mane 6 but I did start to like her a little more.


Twilight Sparkle: I always tend to overlook the "leader" characters and for a while Twilight Sparkle was one of these characters. I liked her don't get me wrong but I didn't really start to like her until fairly recently after a friend telling me that I am a lot like her made me stop and realize that he was right and she soon became my second favorite behind Applejack.

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I just wanted to hit her (well not really, because she's a pony xD), she seemed like the generic drama queen that loves fashion and cares about nobody but herself.

But I was wrong, Rarity is a very outstanding character with a wonderful but mysterious personality.

Generous but then a drama queen.

Snooty to nice.

She's a very complex character with many flaws, I like that, also she's beautiful.

"Rarity is a beauty wrapped in an enigma."~Saberspark

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To be honest, at first I hated Discord. I don't really know why either I just couldn't stand him. I even avoided the first two episodes of season two when I re-watched all the episodes. But after seeing alot of fan made stuff about him I decided to give the episodes another chance. I like them and Discord now.

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I've only been watching the show since about October or so, when my wife introduced me to it.  As such, I'm not as familiar with the secondary and background ponies as many of you. :)  But at this point, I've watched almost all of the first two seasons (mainly just missing out on the Cutie Mark Crusaders episodes) and the first 8 episodes of Season 3.  Since we don't have cable, I'm always going to be a bit behind until we find alternative ways to catch up or they release the episodes on Netflix.


Anyway, characters that have grown on me:


  • Rainbow Dash: In Season 1, I thought she was the most deliberately irritating character in the whole show.  She was a brat, plain and simple, and I honestly didn't like her much.  In Season 2, though, she started to grow up a bit and become less obnoxious and less self-absorbed, and now I really like how she's maturing in Season 3 so far.  She's gone from being a self-absorbed, arrogant tomboy to a much more likable, confident tomboy who has a sensitive side.  I particularly liked how she agreed to take Scootaloo under her wing. :)
  • Pinkie Pie: Similarly, in Season 1, I found Pinkie to be pretty obnoxious (as did Twilight).  She was always calling too much attention to herself and not taking anything seriously, and it felt like her only real purpose was to be comic relief (and not particularly good relief at that).  But over time, I started to really like and even crave her special brand of random silliness (it's much like my own), and even though she's gotten just downright neurotic as time has gone on, I somehow think this makes her much more endearing.  She's actually now my #2 favorite, just behind Fluttershy.
  • Whichever minor character it is that was the barking nurse in Rainbow Dash's reading episode (is that Derpy Hoof?  I honestly don't know).  Not sure you can call that "growing on me", because I thought that was one of the funniest cartoon moments I've seen in years.  But I thought that warranted mention. :)

And for me, characters I've started to like less:

  • Rarity unfortunately is moving down in my list.  I actually really liked her in Season 1 - her obsession over fashion and her aspirations to become a famous designer blended well with her dedication to pleasing her friends.  Unfortunately, I think over time she's just become more of a diva.  I want to like her more, but I think her personality just rubs me the wrong way a bit.

It's good to see such a broad range of opinions here, tho. :)  I'm glad that we don't all agree on any one character as the best or the worst of the bunch - it speaks well to how well-balanced they all are.  And honestly, I like all of them almost equally well. :)

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- Pinkie Pie: I didn't like her that much when the show started, she was annoying and I didn't like her mane that much. But after several episodes (Party of One being one of my personal favorites) I started liking her more, she is so funny and now I reaally like her mane!


- Rarity: She was meh to me at first. But now I find her character to be one of the most complex of all the characters, and she really has great moments.


- The CMC: They were annoying little brats to me at first. But they grew on me, and now I really like the CMC episodes, they are all funny and cute.


- Spike: Honestly, I didn't gave a damn about him at first, he was so uninteresting and boring, plus, he is not a pony... so I didn't care about his character at time, but after season one finale (and most of season 2) my view of Spike changed massively. Now Spike has becomed the most interesting character in the series, with awesome potential for cool stories. 



- None.  ;)

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Rarity, she used to be my least favorite of the mane 6, then Suited for Success and Sisterhooves Social happened. Now she's my second favorite overall character

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When it comes to characters that grew on me, there is only one character (or two).




-?Twilight Sparkle: When I originally began watching the show, I never paid much attention to her. I found her too annoying for my liking originally and I didn’t even blink an eyelid to her or gave her a second look.  It wasn't until the season two finale and wedding episodes that something began to change, and during the first part of the episode towards the end that she showcased her "true colours" and seeing her crying really got me a tad weepy.


From that day on, Twilight has slowly crept up to become a third favourite character behind Rarity and Fluttershy. 


-?Spike: Again with Twilight, I never paid much attention to Spike either at the start. Too annoying for my tastes. But it wasn't until the beginning of the third season that Spike started to become a little more likeable and hearing him sing in the premiere and the "Just for Sidekicks" episode actually made me smile a little. 


In a way, I didn't think much about Twilight or Spike at first, but as they say, don't judge a book by its cover:


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Rarity's gone up in estimation to the point that she's my favorite of the Mane 6.  Initially I wasn't a huge fan of her snootiness, but then I started to realize how interesting her personality was.  She's *vain* yet generous, egotistical yet kind, and she somehow manages to be a character who is self centered and concerned with others at the same time, and it *didn't* feel like a contradiction.  Frankly, the more I thought about her, the more interesting and likeable she became.


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