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Any Dreams?  

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  1. 1. None/Good/Nightmares?

    • None recently..
    • Been having great dreams!
    • *Shiver* Had some nightmares..

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I did have a crazy-long post here, but then my computer ran out of power.


I wake up in ponyville! More details coming soon.


I'm thinking of writing it out fully as a fanfic. Would that be too cliche, or cheating? I promise not to make my character too muuch of a marey-sue.


I just came up with that on the spot. I'm not sure if any mlp writers already use that term, but I think its pretty funny.

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was akin to a slow death. If I must live as I did before then... -Lelouch, Code Geass - My NEW DeviantART: http://SilverStarApple.deviantart.com/Want to make money for being an AWESOME PONY? https://www.tsu.co/Epsilon725

My fanfic, starring Silver Star Apple: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/224996/the-shining-silver-star-of-the-apple-family

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Had an interesting dream during a nap earlier today. I was an astronaut on the International Space Station doing a spacewalk to help install a livestock module on the station. NASA was experimenting with the idea of bringing farm animals on deep-space missions, and they wanted to test how things like milking cows would be different in zero gravity. Oddly, though, this experiment used a robotic cow, instead of a real one.


Once the module was installed I noticed a big, blank surface on one of the other modules of the station. So I did what any sane, space-fairing Brony that suddenly had a set of paints that worked in space would do, I painted a mural of the Mane 6 on it.


Ponies in space FTW!!

Edited by StratoPegasus


Follow me on Tumblr! http://stratosthestallion.tumblr.com

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Got the most frustrating dream ever last night.


I was on a boat. A big boat, like a ferry or something. Everything looked extremely realistic, I had completely no clue that I was dreaming. Suddenly I got the idea to do a reality check. I was extremely surpised when I realized I was dreaming. I would begin to have fun in my newly induced lucid dream.




Until someone in my dream comes and tell me : "You can't do that faggot ! You're on the anti-lucid-dream boat, you can't do anything here ! You're stuck until you wake up !"

Indeed, when I tried to fly or change the scenery, nothing happened, and I finally went back into a normal dream state, where I would continue to wander on this *yay*ing boat.


I hate myself :mellow:

Edited by Akihiro
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I didn't use to be able to do this but sometimes lately when I've been dreaming I can sort of lucid dream? Like I don't realize I'm in a dream outright, but my brain no longer regards it as reality, so if I think I should be able to run really fast or fly or something like that, I usually can. Sometimes in the dreams I get frustrated because I'll end up just taking really long strides instead of running really fast or gliding instead of flying, but that sort of makes it better. If I could do everything I wanted it would be really boring. Being creative is a lot more fun!


But then other times I have stupid nightmares about spiders falling on me. /:

Ponysona - Lucky Guess

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i can say that i'm a pretty weird dreamer, for one thing, i know when i'm in dreams... i thought that was normal but apparently it isn't, for another thing, sometimes i can change my dream...

for example, a recent dream i had took place in school, one of my science tutors moved me next to someone i strongly disliked... i can't remember what this person said, but i got really tired of her, and i concluded that seeing as she just won't stop making fun of me, no matter what i did, how i tried to reason with her..  i would have to beat her up, because that would be the only thing that would work.  Well i did, weirdly enough i wasn't angry at all, i kept a complete straight face while i was doing it, and she didn't cry or yell or anything, she ended up a little bruised on her stomach though, and she was rubbing it because it hurt... 

it started to get reaaally uncomfortable in the dream later though, because it turned out this girl was pregnant, and her kid had brain damage because of me... which as you can imagine was pretty akward ... also she was acting stupidly because of the hormones that come with being pregnant...

i really didn't want to find out what would happen once she gives birth, so i made it so she had already given birth before i punched her ._. .... that was the most uncomfortable dream i think i've ever had :wacko:  

Got the most frustrating dream ever last night.


I was on a boat. A big boat, like a ferry or something. Everything looked extremely realistic, I had completely no clue that I was dreaming. Suddenly I got the idea to do a reality check. I was extremely surpised when I realized I was dreaming. I would begin to have fun in my newly induced lucid dream.




Until someone in my dream comes and tell me : "You can't do that faggot ! You're on the anti-lucid-dream boat, you can't do anything here ! You're stuck until you wake up !"

Indeed, when I tried to fly or change the scenery, nothing happened, and I finally went back into a normal dream state, where I would continue to wander on this *yay*ing boat.


I hate myself :mellow:

wow... that must of been pretty dayum frustrating :I, it looks like their are a lot of people who can lucid dream on these forums, i'm starting to think bronies are people with higher than the average brain capacity...


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Well, basic criterias of a lucid dream are being aware that you're dreaming and having at least some form of control on it (being able to simply walk where you want does count). There are multiple levels of lucidity.

From what I've read, high levels of lucidity provide highly emotional experiences, where your senses are more developed than they are normally when you're awake. You can also easily control your dream.


So there's a gap between being aware that you're dreaming and having total control on the dream, but both are considered lucid dreaming.


Side note : you can be creative while doing everything you want ! But I agree that practicing total control is not recommended at all, because it's like leaving your subconscious alone, and then he don't cares anymore and all you get is utterly bland dreams.


Anyway, I'm not a regular lucid dreamer, so I'm just writing stuff I've read, not personal experiences.

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For me it depends, each night is different. Sometimes, I don't dream at all. Many times, my dreams are just random events that occurred during the day. Sometimes, I can actually control what happens in my dreams, and sometimes I have complete control.


A lot of my dreams are really, really weird though. Its as if my mind just says "Screw it all." Sometimes, it can turn into interesting results, like Fluttershy taking care of a Chao from Sonic Adventure 2 (complete with status windows...) Sometimes, its just a mix of so many different things, its not even funny (Like a Rainbow Dash Colored Shinx. WTF, Shinx is already blue, but every other part of him was a Rainbow.) Sometimes, I just dream that I'm on MLPForums at 6 in the morning when I should----wait, that's not a dream?


Usually, my dreams consist of my activities during the day, that is, if I spend more time with ponies (on the forums, watching the show, play with the toys) my dream will be able ponies. Likewise, if I've played a lot of Sonic Adventure 2... well, you get the point. So in a way, I can control what my dreams will be like in advance. Its really weird.

"No, I am not going to run, I am not going to hide, I am going to take a stand and fight!"

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The craziest, most random dream I've ever had was this:


I first start off in apparently a space module - I'm viewing Earth from space, and there is a pig slowly making its way down to Earth from space. Someone tells me on a radio "what this means for our planet". A quick cut to my school's grounds, I remember asking a teacher if a pig had fallen from the sky. He responded "Yes... there was" so I head over to the sports grounds across the road, and find a pig, apparently alive, just sitting on the obstacle course. I pick it up, then there's a jump cut to a small village that I somewhat recognise. A guy from my school says "See? It's turned into a goldfish." I look down and I'm no longer carrying the pig, but a goldfish in a bowl. Then there's a chase scene where I tale the fish home, and my dad says "I knew it all along." Dream ends and I wake up thoroughly confused.



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I had so many interesting dreams during my stay in Istanbul. I noted six, four of which were crossovers.


First, the crossovers.

Being a winged secret agent, skating with a jetpack, tailing The Incredibles; there was an entire plotline, similar to the movie except with me as this hero secretly watching and helping them. Running a race with swing-like contraptions, with my family and Tom&Jerry as my rivals. Choking like Buck, in Jack London's Call of the Wild, when he gets his first beating from the red-coated man. And um, doing things with a certain character from a certain blog that I daren't mention here.


And the two others.

Riding on a boat up a river, grabbing a rope to drag us further, then the boat being turned over at some rapids. And uh, doing more things with a certain stranger whom, ironically, I would avoid even approaching in reality.


Fun stuff overall.










I tried putting down everything I could remember, but there are a few details that I forgot.

Copy-pasted from Notes (most basic text editor for the iPad), removed a couple of names from the beginning for anonymity reasons.



Longest Dream Ever



-house: "Istanbul apartment" (right before we moved to Fance) inside, summer house (until it was sold) outside

waking up in bed with my parents and sister, dad ranting about my sister opening a packet of coffee-flavored biscuits (that we have IRL) and eating a couple, until I tell him I opened the packet and ate one first (which I did IRL)

petting invisi-stray at the corner outside

grandmother's late dog licking my face in one of the rooms


-apartment (entire building for us)

talking to my mom at top floor room (forgot the subject)

walking-jumping-gliding outside, trying to flirt with a cute kid but dream "glitches"

-back outside house

horelike sentient animal, been fighting someone mean

I comfort horse, and investigate a huge, popped (broken) swelling on the side of his head

he leaves, returns with balm on the swelling, I hold his head and peck his nose


-following sister to shopping errand

she drops plasticbag on the road and doesn't even turn around while I pick it up, then she teases me as usual

-at the market/mall

she buys whatever she was asked to, I buy something I want and abandon her because of not caring about bags and teasing me on the road

security officer stops me to verify if I paid for what I'm carrying, I pull out something that isn't sold in that shop (somehow changed it in my pocket), he lets me off with a joke (merchandise name containing "planets")

-returning from shopping

walking then gliding home straight ahead, lost

coming across father&coworkers, tracing opposite direction to find home

going higher to get better view, sight of the shore

sea more attractive, turning my back to the city to fly over it


-speeding away over the wavy waters

sight of pole: 2 tall icebergs, become numbers (2012 and 10010?), then a huge pile of geometric shapes

calling out to them, they return to numbers and twist around to look

huge ice-dude comes out and chases me back, me flying backwards while he skates on the ice with wicked grin

about to get caught, snap my fingers to shatter his arms

he gets angry and keeps hunting me down, snap again to break legs

waving my arm to rebuild limbs out of mercy, but he chases me again and I have to repeat

repeat above once until I reach the shore


-back on shore

caught up by giant walking on water with huge-bladed sword, snapping my fingers to break the blade

hand-to-hand combat, somehow we're the same size (the other giant is chubby-ish, I'm lean), he tries to hit me and I just block and dodge and counter and throw (starting with a blocked kick countered by knee to the nads), still trying to talk

he sees he's being beaten and gives up

I tell him to stay away from his sword's shards (they're unstable but he doesn't seem to get that), his face is like "whatevs"

the pieces quickly degrade and become paper, I send them into the sky folded like Origami birds, then swing my arms outwards to make them explode

Edited by Feather Spiral

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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Unlike most people in this thread I haven't had any overly detailed, anime, video game, adventure dreams. My recent dream was short and violent. In my dream I basically got killed by a total stranger.


For some reason I was in my backyard of my house in Long Island and I was a kid again. I was playing in a sandbox that had toy school busses in it. Almost immediately a man cloaked in shadow walked up to me. I obviously couldn't make out what he looked liked but he had a cowboy hat on and a trench coat. Next thing I know he shoots me in the chest with a shotgun I think and I woke up. 


My chest was hurting where I got shot in the dream after I woke up. I'm guessing I probably hurt myself in my sleep. 

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There is only two dreams I've had that I remember, one of which was a nightmare. Also, these are my only vivid memories from when I was a kid.


In the first, I'm in some kinda of blank, featureless town. Everything is white, except the streets, which are dark grey. I'm there alone, looking up at the black sky. But the sky isn't black because it's night, the sky is black because it is entirely covered by black storm clouds. And there's some lighting here and there, but that's irrelevant. Then, I see, rising from the horizon, the silhouette of a giant humanoid. When I can finally see details from it, I realize I am looking at Poseidon. Then, he rises he's arm holding his trident, and a tsunami forms from the horizon, coming in the direction of the town. Suddenly, in the empty town there are lots of people running agains't the tsunami, while I stand still looking at it come. The end. That was a wacky dream. Now to the nightmare.


I wake up, and see I'm covered with a white blanket. I remove it, and realize I'm in the back of a grenn army jeep, that's going very fast and shaking a lot, in the midle of the desert, and the sun is really strong. I look to the driver's seat, and see my cousin driving it. Immediately when I see him, we crash in a white featureles tower, and the dream ends. I guess because I was scared shitless from thinking my life depended on him.

Blank Flank and proud.


Some Old Horses Can Always Hear Their Owners Approaching.


I can't believe out of all the things I did and said, not reaching the required amount of characters was what gave me a warning.

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I dream just about everyday, but many of the dreams are insignficant, and I just forgot them. However, recently I did have a nightmare, which is something I very seldom have. What happened was that I in the locker rooms getting ready for swimming when I didn't feel too well, and one of my tooth fell out. A few seconds later, all of my teeth from the top row dropped as well, and I woke up right away, breathing loudly, almost freaking out. After realizing it was just a dream, I was very relieved. I thought for a moment what may have caused me to have that dream. When I have strange dreams, I always try to think of things which may have cause my dream. I usually come to a logical conclusion. In this case, I realized that my top retainers were probably pushing on my teeth a bit more than usual, which probably caused me to unconciously think that they are being pushed out of my mouth. 

Edited by Flip

-"My little pony, not yours!"

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I thought this would be relevant:




Dang, 100 minimum. Am I awake or is it a dream, Inception, with many actors that were on Batman.

Blank Flank and proud.


Some Old Horses Can Always Hear Their Owners Approaching.


I can't believe out of all the things I did and said, not reaching the required amount of characters was what gave me a warning.

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I had another dream, this one was about Princess Luna, I dreamed that she was in the forest area across the road from my house, it was night and I went over there to see her. We talked for ages about different stuff including our mutual love of the night and stuff, it was  really cool!

Gonna head over there tonight and stare up at the stars like I do some nights.

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I had a dream that, I turned into a pony, and I met Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. They told me to go to Ponyville, to meet the other ponies. So I went there to meet, Applejack, RD, Rarity, Fluttershy, Twilight, and Pinkie Pie. They all gave me a good welcome, I might go back there tonight to see what else happened.

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This is the dream I had the night before last night, since I don't particularly feel like writing it out again, I'll copy it's description from my blog:


 I dreamed that I was heading to Boston on a business trip, for a job interview (Boston is only about an hour or two away). I was driving there in a seemingly generic car. I drove into the city, and headed towards a large office building. People were walking around, and going on with their lives. I walked into the lobby, and up to the desk. There was some clerk there who looked at me and said "We'll get right to you, why don't you wait in the lobby?" so I walked over to a waiting area.

I sat down in a chair, and there was a TV over in the corner (One of those ceiling ones that you often do see in waiting rooms, especially in hospitals and the like). There was the news channel on, and they were talking about how there was a storm on the way. Suddenly the TV went to static, and I glimped outside to see ash falling from the sky. I was confused by this, it appeared to be volcanic ash falling like snow.

Then I heard an alarm sound, and the building briefly shook. I looked outside to see some kind of military convoy including several APCs and infantry soldiers, for some reason the infantry were wearing gasmasks. I covwered behind a desk, while the other people in the waiting room panicked and ran around, trying to find a place to hide. Then I heard a helicopter outside, it fired rockets into the siding of the building.

After that I woke up.


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I had a kinda freaky one the other night...


My dream is to join the circus as some of you know.

And in this dream there was this big circus in the center of this huge island. The island was full of really dangerous animals and stuff.

I was in the circus doing the wheel of death (Its this giant rotating thingy) and when I finished I left the place where the circus was being held. I ended up going to the edge of the island where there was a cliff that just dropped into the ocean, Then I was chased by this gigantic poisonous snake down the shore of the island, I was shot at by these evil guys and then a whole bunch of other weird stuff happened...I cant really remember the whole thing but yea.
I also had a dream were I was turned into a pony, I didn't get to enjoy being a pony as much as I would have hoped because a whole bunch of really crazy weird things happened at the place I was staying...I cant really remember the whole thing but that is pretty much it. 

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Unlike most people in this thread I haven't had any overly detailed, anime, video game, adventure dreams.

Really no such dream, ever?

I mean, I don't often get such structured dreams either. A lot of them are really short, with a clearly-defined theme (grim, calm, erotic, exciting...), no real story. Like doing someone, being strangled, running from something (excited rather than scared)...


But uh... not even one?


I sometimes get very intricate, intense dreams... then I forget their content. I don't recall anything, except my feelings of the moment.

Also happens with most of my shorter dreams, but it's more frustrating with long ones.

Do you get that sort of thing too?

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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Really no such dream, ever?

I mean, I don't often get such structured dreams either. A lot of them are really short, with a clearly-defined theme (grim, calm, erotic, exciting...), no real story. Like doing someone, being strangled, running from something (excited rather than scared)...


But uh... not even one?


I sometimes get very intricate, intense dreams... then I forget their content. I don't recall anything, except my feelings of the moment.

Also happens with most of my shorter dreams, but it's more frustrating with long ones.

Do you get that sort of thing too?


To be honest most of the time when I go to sleep I don't see my dreams. All I see is nothing, only darkness. The most intense dream I ever had was the one I mentioned here in this thread. I only had one other detailed dream like this one but it was very short. 


For some reason I was chasing a train while I was riding a bike. after a few seconds of chasing this train I was suddenly sitting on a stage with rows of chairs. Next to me was an older man with a beard and short hair. He was smiling at me and seemed to be trying to catch his breath. For some strange reason I then turned around in my seat and a few rows behind me was Rarity from MLP. She was sitting in a chair and was wearing a summer hat. 


That when my dream ended. This dream and the one I mention were the only detailed dreams I ever had. 

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I had a dream a couple months ago where I was in a city. The city was very white, very bright. I suppose you could draw a comparison to city from Mirror's Edge. Anyway, the city was beautiful, with neomodern-style architecture and enormous elaborate statues. It was completely deserted. The reason the city was deserted was because the government decided that there was too much pollution. At first, they tried to make everyone drive Smart Cars. This proved to be a feeble solution, however, so they became a bit more direct with their attempts to wipe out pollution: They built drones (rather like the sentries from Bioshock) to kill all of humanity. I was one of the lucky survivors. I don't know how I survived, but somehow, the government knew that I survived, and sent more of the drones after me. The next thing I knew, I was up in space on the ISS, fighting off the drones. I eventually got rid of them all, then I blacked out. When I awoke, I found myself back in the city. I had just begun to explore the city when I woke up.

how even is otter and how can it be if

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There are a few dreams that really stick with me. In one dream Tuco from Breaking Bad drove by me on a motorbike and shot me right in between my front teeth, and I spat the bullet out along with a tooth. In another I was swimming on a beach when I noticed a shark in the water. I quickly swam to the shore and thought "Ha! You can't get me here!", after which the shark grew a pair of legs and came after me. I woke up just before it bit down on me.

I also vaguely remember dreaming about ponies once or twice.

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So I was riding home from school on my bus, and there were only around 8 or 9 people on. I think there were only 2 or 3 people that are really on the bus (outside of the dream) So we were pulling up to one of the bus stops when I figured I'd move to the back of the bus. So I moved to the back of the bus. The end. Not really. So as the bus stops, I get the great idea of opening the emergency door and jumping out. I don't know why, but the bus stayed. I started walking up the road when I saw 6 girls that looked somewhat like Brazilian teenage "mean girls" all with braided hair and angry (violent) looks on their faces. So I figured I'd fight them. For the first 10 seconds, my arms felt like they were 100 pounds and I could barely move them, so I had to stick with kicking, which failed miserably. After a few seconds, a couple people from the bus come out to help me, so we magically took down 2 of them and after about 30 seconds of hard to remember fighting, the area changes to a SSBB stage somewhat like final destination from the gamecube SSB. Next thing you know, Falco with a lightsaber from one of Fox's games and Raul Tejada with a combat knife from New Vegas come out of no where and start helping me. Then I woke up feeling like a complete idiot. The end.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I dreamed that I was lying in a bed or couch, not in my bedroom but someplace else, with some sort of small dog-sized animal by me. At one moment, it licked me all over the face, it was pure bliss.

I don't remember the rest of the dream; I didn't try to keep it in mind, since it wasn't the kind of dream that inspired me for later, but rather enjoyed in the present.


I'm confused by the creature though; could've been my grandparents' late dog (who passed long ago), or a Little Pony (like the Fluttershy filly that I posted in the Pony Dreams thread). But it was too thin and elongated to be the former and didn't have equine mane+tail, so I'd say it's rather some kind of unknown creature (or a different breed of dog).

And I knew it was a dream, because the wall was on the wrong side. Plus, when I pushed a hand over the "free" edge to check, I felt the real wall. I didn't wake up though, having practiced this sorta thing.

Edited by Feather Spiral

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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I almost never have dreams, and, if I do, I don't remember it.


One time, when I was really young, I had a dream the Flood from Halo attacked my school. So I started chopping up Flood with a Plasma Sword. Pretty badass.


Once I had a recurring dream were I was running down an endless highway being chased by a massive monster engulfing everything behind me. terrified the piss out of me when I was younger.

Have no fear, El Presidente is here! - El Presidente

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The only scary dream I've ever had was quite a long time ago: I was in a dark void. There was nothing there except for an old, dilapidated mirror. I walked up to the mirror, and as I stood in front of it, the mirror shattered, and a very disturbing humanoid creature climbed out. It had two arms and two legs, but it was a sickening brown color, and it had tentacles coming out of its chest and stomach area. It almost looked like its intestines had burst out of its chest and were sticking out perpendicular to the creature's body. After this thing popped out of the mirror and scared the shit out of me, it proceeded to jump up on top of the moon. At that point, I suddenly knew that its name was "Apocalypto". Then I woke up.

how even is otter and how can it be if

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