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What if FiM Never Existed?


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If MLP:FIM never existed, I would never even have known about so I wouldn't have done anything. I just would have went on with my life not knowing about the show and the fandom.


If what you mean is how my life would be without MLP:FIM, then that answer is simple. Just like how it was before I became a brony. Angry, lonely, resentful, self loathing, cynical, pessimistic, etc. I would have about 1 friend who's never around and I'd have left my parents by now. :/

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I would only really be into Minecraft and would still hold the opinion that, aside from a few shows dying out, there's nothing worth watching on TV anymore.


On the other hand, I probably wouldn't have had some of the hardest times in my life as of late, and my parents wouldn't have another thing to use against me. We also probably wouldn't be on as bad of a relationship.

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I don't know what I would be like right now if My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic never existed. The show has helped me through so many periods of darkness and depression in my life. 


Also, I just realized something. Yesterday, me and several other friends spent several hours with one of our friends whose mom passed away, to help him to feel better. First we were at the funeral parlor with him for awhile, then we all went to his house and hung out. We had a ton of fun, eating food, watching videos, watching a movie, and talking. He seemed much like his normal self, he told us how he already felt like he was a good way through the grieving process. He told us how so many of us being there for him had helped him to feel a lot better. 


Going back in time, I used to argue with this friend all the time. Back in 9th grade, I wasn't really friends with him, because I just got annoyed at him all the time, and said mean things to him. However, after awhile of watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (he got into the show to, along with my two best friends), I suddenly felt like my anger toward him was just gone. Or, if not gone, severely decreased, and I lost the will to argue with him. Instead, I had gained the will to be nice to him, to want to be friends with him. Thanks to MLP, he and I became friends. If he and I hadn't become friends, I wouldn't have been able to be there yesterday to help him. If I hadn't been there yesterday to help him, he might not have been able to be helped as much as he was. One of my best friends who had gotten to the funeral parlor earlier than I had said that he seemed to get happier and happier with each one of us who showed up.

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Seeing as MLP helped me get through some rough times, I might have sunk into depression or something like that. Back then I didn't even know about bronies (or maybe I did? I don't quite recall but I do know that I didn't associate with it), I just watched episode after episode on Youtube until I could get some sleep and now, thanks in part to Ponies I'm living a pretty happy life. 

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I would just be one slightly depressed kid, with absolutely nothing to
do at home, with no friends who have shared similar experiences that I
have. MLP FiM has unexpectedly introduced me to people I never thought
existed, and I'm glad of it. I feel sorry for me in a parallel universe,
because they'd be having a hard time right now :/

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I'd probably be content with living in the same rut I've been in for the last few years, not knowing a better way. Admittedly I'm still for the most part in it, but now I'm taking steps to work my way out. I'd probably still be fighting depression. And I know for a fact I never would have picked up learning the guitar or digital art.

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I would be extremely confused and probably panic.  Not because of the loss of ponies, but because things like this don't just vanish completely overnight.  If I ever came to terms with that though, I would be disappointed, because MLP has done some great things for me.  I'd still exist though, and I suppose that that's enough.

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Disregard the title, I mean what if everything FiM disappeared? Not never existed.

Whilst rewatching The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya (great movie by the way), and interesting idea popped into my head.

What if, suddenly, you came onto the internet one day.

And everything MLPFiM-related vanished? All without a trace. Including this forum.

Personally: I'd frantically go onto every forum I know of, asking for bronies, with this:

playing in the background. Everyone would scoff at me, saying, "People who like My Little Pony, are you high?". Then someone, accidentally or not would tell me, "Bronies? Yeah, there's a forum like that.." I'd grab them by the neck of their shirt, frantically saying "Where!?" They'd tell me, and I'd run out, and I'd turn back at them, and say "Hey! Thanks!". I'd log onto said forum, and find all the bronies I knew, but not MLP. Then I'd find that a brony I knew left me a way to revert to the way everything was. The only way would be to inject the person who changed it with a something. The person would be a friend(Let's call them Z). I'd go up to them, ready to inject the something but then..!

Out of nowhere, would come someone I knew, knife in hand. The knife would peirce through my stomach, blood seeping. "I can't allow you to stop Z." Then I realized I don't remember the final battle of TDoHS very well. But beyond that, I'd save the day, and turn everything back to normal.

And you?

You know this explanation you gave me would make a great fan-fic. There are two things you could write about

1) you could write about one day a brony wakes up and finds that, as you said, FIM never happend.

2) this could be in the pony universe. Suddenly the events that Twilight went through never happend. I don't mean she goes insane I mean she wakes up, back in canterlot, Nightmare Moon's escape never happend, and she has to deal with the problem. She never met her friends and never went on her adventures. Truly a sad tale.


Off topic:

Okay seriously this is getting sad for me. I have hundreds, seriously hundreds, of good fan-fic ideas, most of which have not been done. I know i have the idea, but I lack the writing skills to make a story. And for me that's sorta frustrating. Can anyone please give me advice on how to write a fan-fic or tell me where to go for help.

Sorry for making this about me now.

I'm so sorry please don't be mad at me.

Edited by Phoenix237
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If it just flat out disappeared? 


First I'd




Then I'd try to find the nature of the anomaly that's caused all this.  Was it something that changed in the timeline that caused it to not exist, or was it simply plucked out of existence from this world?  If it's the former, I'd try to track down where the timeline diverges and set things right.  Was Lauren Faust never born?  Did Hasbro never come into existence?  Maybe Bonnie Zacherle never came up with the idea for MLP in the first place.  Then I'd post a message online looking for any fellow bronies with any recollection of the series to propose a meetup.  At this meetup, we build a time machine and get going. 


If the show was plucked out of existence?  Well, same call for meetup, but instead of building the time machine, we *rebuild the show ourselves*.  With so many creative artists, writers, musicians, etc. here I'm sure we can pull off something pretty good!

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I probably would never have taken up writing, or singing. I'd have nothing really special about me, sunk into being completely uninteresting and bored with life.

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If FiM wouldn't exist, I think I would spend boring time like always... I don't know any brony in my country, and I don't have any brony friend on internet, I am just trying to exist here, but I kinda fail at that. So I don't really know what would change if FiM wouldn't exist....

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If the show as a whole never existed and the whole fandom was not to be known of. Lets see I would most likely would continue being my same old self before liking the show. Yeah this show/fandom has changed who I was as a person in a way. Before, I used to be a quiet close minded person and upon becoming a fan of this show I have opened myself to new things. I would just continue liking anime and music that I enjoy now. Not much would change for me but I would absolutely hate to see this show/fandom up and vanish like that.

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I would be out of the job, then! A lot of the commission income I make is solely from MLP existing. I also would still be in the depressing state I was in a year ago. If MLP just up and left one day then I don't know what I would even do. Probably try to contact my friends to see what they had to say. <:

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itsa good thing i have half of the MLP episodes on my computer. That being said i would rage so hard if i found there were no more forums to kill my boredom with. quick question though. would i be the only person to remember MLP or will the Bronies still exist. If they dont and eveything that was connected to this forums was forgotten about....well then...i lost 2 months of my free time i will never get back. I would be uber mad cause i made some friends on here that are cool and worth talking to unlike some of my IRL friends.. If the other Bronies around the worls still remember MLP than alls good, we can rebuild...we have the technology

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Eh,I'd still probably be a depressed,whiny beta pussy who's too self-invovled to see that life is actually good when you realize that,holy shit,you just gotta stop being so melodramatic and stuff before proceeding to win at life.


So glad I watched FiM and joined the brony fandom.Made me realize how stupid I was beforehand.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If i never found the ponies i would probably be an even more miserable b*****d and i would be more cynical than what i am already. Plus i would have wasted my whole winter break in front of the computer. Mind you i already did but when its ponies, its not considered wasteful.

  • Brohoof 1
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I think my life would be different without ponies because, if my friend never told me about My Little Pony. I would not be on this forum, listening to  Pony music, watch the episodes, make OCs, and be here on the forum. I just like to call you bronies & pegasisters my family.

  • Brohoof 3
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My life would only change in a few ways, but they have big effects (IMO). I would be less happy, more apahetic, probably be making worse grades than what I am now. So yeah, a more sad/depressed version of me.

  • Brohoof 1
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Going along with the original post, if ponies suddenly disappeared from my life, I wouldn't give two shits. The only pony-related thing I do is come to this forum. 


However, if ponies were to have never existed, my life would probably be a billion times worse, because I would have never met the people that I know now that I can finally comfortably call friends. 

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