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How open are you about ponies?


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I'm pretty open with it. I don't wear pony T-shirts every day or anything (I do occasionally), but I do have a lot of keychain swag. My phone lock screen is my OCs and I post about MLP in Facebook all the time, even with stuff from Bronycon. My family knows I'm into MLP. My little sister and I are both crazy into it but my parents just sort of tolerate it.

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Now that's a riddle, wrapped up in a mystery - concealed by a question.




Okay, seriously? I'm somewhere in the middle. I don't go out my way to hide everything pony about my life (most 12 year olds - like I - either don't give a damn or don't know what to think, so I'm fine in school) but I don't go out and scream "HI EVERYONE! I LEIK A SHOW MAYD 4 5 YEER OLDS! ARN'T I A SPECHEL SNAOFLAYKE!" either.




@Rainboom Dash


Besides the being a closet brony, It's the same here. I'm the only proper brony around, but I have a friend who is a poser semi-brony.






Exactly my philosophy as well!

Edited by Neighsayer


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I'm fairly open about it! Usually, I like to wear a pony shirt from time to time as well as buy a Funko figure at my nearest store, but otherwise I don't like sharing my love for MLP: FiM to others since it isn't their business to know. -3- The only person who knows I like ponies is a friend of mine, and he isn't the biggest MLP fan himself. :P

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I'm quite happy to admit my love for this show when people catch me drawing ponies, or point out the wallpaper on my phone. I feel it's more or less the same as someone finding out you love anime, or read comics, or own a Star Trek leotard, or... okay, so maybe that last one is a little weird.  :please:


Basically, while I don't go around advertising that I love MLP, I'm not ashamed of it either. It's a harmless hobby, one I'm quite happy to discuss with other interested people!

  • Brohoof 1


The Crystal Minstrel Pony Tumblr

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Not at all. At first, at my old school back in 2011-2012 I didn't care because I was new there so I was more open about it, I made a friend of mine there a brony and I met a pegasister whom I dated until I moved back to where I grew up (where I am now). I was more open since I knew people irl who were into it and so I even drew ponies in the middle of class. But after leaving the fandom and returning, now it's like my dark secret. I have a reputation that would be utterly shattered by news of this, I know that sounds trivial, but it's my life right now. I'm way more secret about it and I don't plan on telling anyone for a long while.


One of my friends has already had his experience with bronies (he was a mod on a site that got overrun by bronies) and he already has an opinion (and big shocker he thinks they're gay).


I kinda miss knowing bronies IRL.

Edited by NotoriousSMALL
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Well most the time the only people I keep it quite around are people who seem they would not take it so well


soo I am open about it I would happy to talk about it and the fandom even show some of my art or merch but if I know if someone knew it would not go down so well...




I keep it quiet.

Edited by Everleaf

The deepest of the Everfree!

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I'm open about it once a person befriends me. 


My girlfriend, on the other hand (or hoof, I should say) is EXTREMELY open about it. She'll watch MLP on her phone, while we're at school, she'll draw stuff in a restaurant, and she even hums some of the songs when we're walking or something. (which I'm not complaining about, she sings like a friggin angel)


So, yeah, she has more guts than I do.




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Well, I pretty much treat it like I do anything else.


For example, I am a BIG Spyro the Dragon fan, and I tend to show it sometimes with things like desktop wallpaper. If someone asks, then I will tell them I'm a fan and that I've been playing the games for years.


Likewise, if someone asked, then I'd tell them I like the show and that I'm a fan of it. I won't advertise it, but I'll share if someone is interested. :)

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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I'm very open, mostly because i look at the good in pople.  I expect people to treat me with respect, as I do with them. This can be difficult when living in a suburb of Detroit, but I feel its a positive way to look at things. Sure there will always be people who call me "gay" or "faggot", but those people are just ignorant to the truth.

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I mean I do express that I'm a brony. I have a lot of pony merchandise in my room, I have Rarity as my Facebook profile picture, I have a Rarity T-Shirt. I'm very open about being a brony. 


My shirt is of Rarity's cutie mark, so only fans, bronies, and anti-bronies would recognize it. (I'm wearing that shirt right now.)





Applejack Fan Club

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Open enough to go around school and public wearing a Rainbow Dash shirt. 


So yeah, I'm open about it... But I don't let people in real life know exactly how much I like the show. I'm obsessed.

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I am 100% open about it. I went through school as a pariah never fitting in so in grade 11 I made a shiled around me of "I dont give a Buck what anyone thinks of me." and to this day I dont care if someone hates me for what I like no matter what it is I wont hide myself againg.

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  • 5 weeks later...

if it came up in conversation I would be like  POOOONNNIESS <3

but I wouldn't just tell people about it though, if I had a good mlp themed hoodie or T-shirt I'd totally wear it, and I wouldn't care what anypony thought about it. :pout: though I have to admit the I tend to avoid aisles at stores if the have pony toys in them. so I guess I'm a little bit of a hypocrite.

as for my friends, well I know all of them through the internet so it would be impossible for them not to know about my love of mlp since I get the post ponies fever from time to time :smug:  



*OC Lucky Star*


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I've become increasingly open about it over the last couple of months. I go out and buy pony Kerch quite often and I have a Rainbow Dash shirt which I have worn in public.

Friendship isn't always easy. But it's definitely worth fighting for.


Twilight Sparkle is Best Pony!

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My willingness to express that I'm amenable to the show has declined rather quickly as of late, as evidenced by the language I used in this sentence; notice how I didn't describe myself as a "brony," or even a "fan" of the show.


My reasons for my disinterest in the show proper are my own, and I won't go into detail here. Suffice it to say, I don't really find myself motivated to watch the show, even if I do still consume art, music, and fanfic on occasion. The problem arises when people on my college campus mistakenly assume I am still the pony fanatic I once was. I become embarrassed when this happens, because I just do not feel that I am comparable to their perceptions of what a brony is, and, more often than not, their perceptions are colored more negatively than otherwise. Back in my heyday, I would eagerly explain what being a fan of the show truly means, but now...I don't even wish to try. So, I have taken steps to make sure those situations never arise, which means I have "regressed," in a sense, back to being closet about my liking of the show. An example of this is that I don't wear my all-over Luna shirt out in public any more.


Everyone who knows about it still does, of course; I've not tried to burn all bridges to the show, nor will I refuse to talk about ponies when I'm with other fans...that's why I've stuck around here, after all. It's just...I don't wish for any more people to know than is necessary. They will assume it is my identity, just as it was a year or two back, and that simply isn't true any more.


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I'm completely open about it. You ask me if I watch ponies, I'll say I like it so much I fart glittery rainbows. I'll walk around in my Daring Do shirt and not feel awkward. I don't care if people judge me for it. If people want to tease me about it I just say, "I've donated days of my time to spend time with the elderly in homes. As well as helping disabled people find and hold jobs. I never turn down the offer to donate a dollar to a charity when asked, What have you done to make the world a better place?" I'm a Brony and this is the kind of stuff we do.

I fart rainbows of unicorn magic with glittery flakes of iron and chrome...

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I sometimes take Applejack out for a walk and wear my Rarity T shirt often. I'm going to take both Rarity and Applejack out for walks when my Rarity plushie comes in. My phone is ponified, my computer is ponified, I have a lot of pony toys. I will go in the girl toy isle to play with ponies. I'm very open about ponies.

  • Brohoof 1





Applejack Fan Club

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I could possibly tell if i had close friends nearby. But other than that, i just keep it to myself :)

But i am a very open person that can talk about everything though.

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I'm pretty open about it. I mean I would love to be totally open without a care but I have major social anxiety so...


My whole family knows about my pony obsession. My sister and me have nicknames for each other, I'm Pinkie and she's Gummy lol. Sometimes I get my mom to sit down and watch a few episodes with me. But the biggest relationship is with my brothers when it comes to ponies. I got both of my little brothers into ponies a couple years ago when I first discovered the show. My parents and sister buy me pony merch sometimes, after my jaw surgery my dad went out and bought me a Fluttershy plush to make me feel better. So I would say they know very well :P


Friendwise...not as open but I don't try and hide it. My 3 best friends know how huge my obsession is. My other friends only really know that I watch the show with the exception of a couple of other close friends. I get really embarrassed when people first find out. Like my friend who I've known for 11 years, from 1st grade all the way to our senior year now. Like the first week of school she noticed my binder had ponies and asked if I was a brony. I got really nervous and quiet and was all "I guess..." I face palmed so hard is my head. There was no guessing. I know darn well I'm a brony. I just get so shy, I swear Fluttershy is like my spirit animal. She bursts out at every chance she gets.


I wear merch like my pony hoodie, and lanyard. I have a pony phone case and my room is decorated in ponies. I don't really physically hide it well at all. But I don't really talk about it unless I'm cracking jokes and stuff. Although the only person outside of family I talk to about ponies seriously is one of my friends I've known since 5th grade. She likes anime and cosplay and stuff so I feel less judged talking about it with her. I don't even like talking about ponies with fellow bronies in real life. I feel as though a million eyes are glued on me if I even mention the word ponies. :maud:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not that open. If someone asks are you are brony I'll say yes and I only talk about MLP to my friends that are bronies. So I'm guessing about moderately open.

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