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How open are you about ponies?


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Not at all, lol. Only my little brother knows (but that's just because he likes the show too) and he nearly gave it away unless he already told someone behind my back...


I think it might already be obvious to my parents though. I was making pony-themed friendship bracelets and I thought my brother would keep it a secret, and then while I was making one my brother said "Is that a Pinkie Pie one??" right in front of my parents...

Edited by cleva
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My little brother told me about it, I will sometimes give the hint to my friends that MLP is awesome, but most of the time they don't catch on. But I have pulled a couple in to the herd. Otherwise I am not open at all. My parents don't even know I'm a brony.

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Im kind of open half my friends dont care and 1/4 of my friends hate them but what can you say dont judge a book by its cover who knows what you will find. After all i found out my childhood best friend is a brony after flipping through channels he brought up MLP and that was one of the first times watching MLP



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I'm closed about it in a chest, which is put into wardrobe, which is buried five feet underground and has a large rock lying on top of it.

Really, I haven't told anyone yet.

However, in September, there's gonna be an article about Bronies in one of the magazines my family reads, and I'm slowly preparing to come out with it when they read the article. I'll tell my family then.

I'm still unsure about my friends though. I'm progressing a tolerance research on them to find out whatever would it be a good idea to tell them about it or not.

The main problem with being an open brony here in Czech Republic is that many people don't speak English here :/ My parents quite suck at English, so I can't use Ballad of the Brony as an argument, but that doesn't really matter since they are both pretty open-minded people. As for my friends, well, none of them would probably be capable of understanding Ballad of the Brony either :/.

Also, the show isn't that popular here, there still aren't many bronies around.

Mainly because the Czech translation of the show literally sucks. It is absolutely horrible, the voices are awful (Twilight sounds like some drunk prostitute :/), translation is awful (Nightmare moon is translated into some lame name that makes her sound like fluffy cuddly little pony), generally, they screwed the translation up.

So, those who watch Czech version get awful and inacurate picture of the show, and there aren't that much that are able to watch it in English :/


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In my neighborhood, noone really cares, but I don't go praising it around. I just might have some pony toys to show and wear a shirt.


In my school, however, people are strict and consider you 'weird' and 'immature' because of it. So I stay quiet....wish I could express it more.


But anyways, I'm considering on wearing my Derpy shirt to school this year, to see what happens.

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Well, I'm not somebody who runs through the world yelling "Hey everypony! I'm a bronie!" but I don't hide my like for the show and I have noticed people being quite respectful about it if you don't make a big deal about it.


I've got a pony as wallpaper to every PC / Phone I own and nobody ever said. "Oh! Pwnies, Ewww gay" but I've had people asking if I was brony, if the show was as good as everyone said, if the thing on my wallpaper was a pony or if I like Thelivingtombstone.


Only exception to this rule was my brother, he noticed that the word pony came up pretty often when listening to my music. When I told him it was because of MLP he agreed to watch an episode and later told my mom, the conversation was pretty hilarious:


- Hey mom! *RD* watches a show about ponies

- Is that so?

- Yes, it's pretty good and it's really popular among adult guys in america.

- Ah! Ok


So yes, if you don't make a big deal about it people won't make it either.

Edited by rainbovv dash
  • Brohoof 2

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Well, I am wearing my Hot Topic Brony Shirt in school today (summer college classes). I am fairly open, when it pertains to PONIES!!!

  • Brohoof 1


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As open as I am about any other Fanbase and considering that I'm wearing a Sonic the Hedgehog shirt while typing this very, I already recive alot of interesting comments from the interesting types of people I happen to attract so I guess don't realy care anymore.

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Im open with it if you can understand my words. Iv told a few friends about the show and how good it is and for it to be a "lil girls show" its really badass. Most of them take it as a joke or brush it off but then again i dont think they get that i like the show when i talk about the show. Ill quote sayings from the show around them like the fun has been doubled or a hop skip and a jump you guys get the idea. So im open with it but i dont think people catch on to it

  • Brohoof 1

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I don't go around saying im a brony to everyone, but if it has to come up around my friends they think I first joke about it and tease me about it, but I tell them I'm dead serious then they aren't really accepting of it :/ My best friend has watched 3 eps and says its okay (being my best friend he doesn't care that I watch it) but two of my friend that have watched it, one says ep 1 isn't as girly as he thought be he still doesn't like it and my other friend watched ep1 and 2 and swears to never watch it again lol


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Every time I see some cool fanmade song/art/animation/game/video, whatever, I show it to my mother. She is amazed every time :)

  • Brohoof 3


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I'm pretty open about it. To me it's no bigger a deal than my love of Adventure Time or The Marvelous Misadventure of Flapjack. I wear my Doctor Whooves t-shirt, and my custom Andrew WK is best pony (complete with nosebleed pony) shirt, and I talk openly with my brony-in-law about pony-related things. No biggie.

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my friend works at the prison and enjoys " harvesting tears" or enjoying how enforcing the rules gives inmates a hard time (prison is not supposed to be pleasant) and i find equal joy in "harvesting wtf's" or expressions/looks of "WTF?" so i strive now to get those looks, be it weird looks for a purchase at walmart (like digging through the blind bag boxes as i did today infront of a lady and her daughter) or for a combo of things, like walking around walmart with a handful of brightly colored nailpolishes and several game guidebooks headed to the ammo counter, and then walking through produce, like a sir.


Imagine the looks you get when you go to Walmart and buy a machete, duct tape and spray paint at 3 in the morning. That's nothing compared to buying ponies for me, though. Strangely, I still get the same cold sweat dread getting caught looking at pony toys in the aisle as I got when I went to the sex shop and accidentally wandered into the 'toy' section.
  • Brohoof 2


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Imagine the looks you get when you go to Walmart and buy a machete, duct tape and spray paint at 3 in the morning. That's nothing compared to buying ponies for me, though. Strangely, I still get the same cold sweat dread getting caught looking at pony toys in the aisle as I got when I went to the sex shop and accidentally wandered into the 'toy' section.


lol nice, about a month ago or so i went and got 3 blind bags along with 2 six packs of beer. don't sound like much, easy to explain as going to my bro's and got those for his kid or whatever, well i have a beard on par with zz top, a welding cap, and a classic brony shirt which is mostly obstructed by the beard. the clerk gives a quick curious glance at me when he puts the toys into the bag with one of the six packs, so with my left hand i move my beard aside and indicate the large RD logo and "BRONY" with my right. now he has to speak, "huh?" "i'm a fan of the show," i say somewhat flattly, almost unable to keep a wide grin off my face. he looks back at the toys "ya mean you watch my little pony?!?" in a way that also says "i haven't heard about this" so i simply say "yup. check it out sometime." left with 3 ponies, 12 beers and a belly full of "wtf's" lol
  • Brohoof 2
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im super open about it i wear mlp shirts all the time


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i have a shirt that i wear and a sticker on my phone/ski helmet. i share pony pics that i find funny on fb and my profile pic is me doing a cork 9 with pinkie pie jumping next to me lol. i also say quotes to people to see if they know what its from (i make sure to not force it so i dont sound autistic saying something that wouldnt make sense in the situation).

Edited by Flutter

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I am SUPER secret about my bronyness. My Aunt walked into the room when I was watching MLP:FIM and I Immediently turned off the PC. So I am not telling anyone anytime soon...

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My whole class knows pretty much. But they generally don't really care for it because... well yeah, I am pretty much the Pinkie Pie of reality, except more sadistic, evil and more dark than normally. They kinda get used of weird shit coming from me. There's a chance that with one or two I've might have sparked an interest... Maybe... Not sure though.


I keep the information away from the obnoxious homophoebes though. Don't want ten of them stalking me around.

  • Brohoof 1

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