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How open are you about ponies?


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Only my family really knows that I like it, but if someone ever pops the question about it, I won't be ashamed to admit I like it. I guess it's easier to admit it if you're a girl. Still, there's always the "You're too old for that" rebuttal.


Now I don't run around wearing Pony tees nor do I collect the dolls. Not that I won't pick up merchandise based on the show, but it's gotta be something special.

Edited by Sugar Cube
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I'm totally open about it, I get a few looks at people when they see me wearing my custom Pony Shirt, and a few of my friends are like ".....why???" when we have like a random discussion about it but hey, we all like stuff and we all dislike stuff.


I like Ponies and if anyone starts hating me just because I do, well they should all just *puts on sunglasses* deal with it. :D

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I'm not very open about it because there's not many people I can discuss it with (I only know one brony in real life...and he just got into the show a few weeks ago, so he still has some catching up to do.)

Edited by Pinkamena Diane Pie
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I'm definitely having brony problems now, getting abusive emails (nothing to do with here). Some people seem to take everything too seriously...


I'm definitely having brony problems now, getting abusive emails (nothing to do with here). Some people seem to take everything too seriously...

Edited by Lupus
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I'm definitely having brony problems now, getting abusive emails (nothing to do with here). Some people seem to take everything too seriously...


I'm definitely having brony problems now, getting abusive emails (nothing to do with here). Some people seem to take everything too seriously...


Email from somepony you know in real life? I hope you can block them and forget about them. It's sad that some people have nothing better to do than harass somepony for what they like.
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I've said before that I'm very open about ponies, but a few of my friends aren't. I can understand why they wouldn't be, but I just find it freeing when you don't care who knows. I told my parents as soon as I decided that I was a brony, and they thought it was weird, but they understand why I like it, so it's all okay!

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At work, one senior tech is on extended leave and I've been filling in for him. So "my" computer, upon which I have put a brushable Rarity, is actually his. I'm thinking of leaving it there for when he gets back next week. I wonder what he'll say or if he'll even notice.

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When class got boring...


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On those days I borrow the family iPad for University, my classmates like to fangirl over their Korean heartthrob's YouTube channel. So one day the internet went down on campus and they opened the videos app to kill their boredom. They found the ponies.



Edited by St. Pinkie
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Pretty open. My college is mostly art and theatre types, so MLP is not the weirdest thing out there. I bet there's a bunch of secret bronies and uh... lady-bronies at my school, so I don't worry about hiding it. Somepony's gotta be the one to come out first!

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Since it takes guts to be open about this (mostly due to ignorance we hope to correct), I thought it would be appropriate to share this letter I found in the issue of Game Informer that showed up today.




To paraphrase the moral of Dog and Pony Show, just because ponies look frilly doesn't mean they don't kick ass.


BTW, Mario isn't flashing because of a Star. He got caught in a Sonic Rainboom.

Edited by Vinyl Scratch
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Pretty much everyone I know knows about it, I go to my university's animation society where probably a majority are bronies, so it's pretty acceptable.

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90% open about it, I don't lie and I don't judge or get embarrased due to people laughing when I tell them about it, due to this behavior I've turned several steam friends and even a few real friends into bronies.

I design, sell, and buy subtle MLP shirts on redbubble which I wear proudly, and by subtle I mean no pictures of pinkie pie with "brony pride" written in big font. Stuff fans will notice and appreciate, but just look cool to other people. I can't tell you how many people have given me compliments on my red shirt with Big Macintosh's cutie mark and the word "EEYUP" written under it in a western font.

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I'm proudly open about it to the point where I'm starting a school club for it lol. My whole perception on life has pretty much changed because of this show, and it's just made me a happier person. I'm usually singing whatever pony song decides to fly in my head, and ponified every electronic device I have. I'm not one to force the show upon people, but I never hesitate to showing my love for it if it comes up. I've even managed to get a good number of my friends watching and loving the show, so that's a plus :)


I'm definitely having brony problems now, getting abusive emails (nothing to do with here). Some people seem to take everything too seriously...


I'm definitely having brony problems now, getting abusive emails (nothing to do with here). Some people seem to take everything too seriously...


I usually deal with flamers by either ignoring them or laughing at them. I know I have good friends to back me up and give me support, and I know I'm not the only one who loves the show. So I wouldn't even worry about those mean people. Never be ashamed in something you like; always remember that you have all of us here to back you up. ;)

Edited by Kodiak
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I've already said how open I am about it but I want to add that just yesterday, my cousin and I went to Toys R Us and I bought some pony merch for the first time irl. (the TRU exclusive collection set) I waited until the kids left the aisle and then walked over, grabbed it, walked to the register, paid, and walked out. No one said anything or gave any weird looks. In fact, the cashier (a young lady) was very nice and offered me a rewards card. (which I accepted even though I never go to TRU)


Anyway I feel even more open about ponies now that I've had a real life pony buying experience.

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I've already said how open I am about it but I want to add that just yesterday, my cousin and I went to Toys R Us and I bought some pony merch for the first time irl. (the TRU exclusive collection set) I waited until the kids left the aisle and then walked over, grabbed it, walked to the register, paid, and walked out. No one said anything or gave any weird looks. In fact, the cashier (a young lady) was very nice and offered me a rewards card. (which I accepted even though I never go to TRU)


Anyway I feel even more open about ponies now that I've had a real life pony buying experience.


I've seen some MLP toys in our stores and they aren't what I'm looking for. hehe :3
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I don't really tell anyone, other than my sister and some friends.

I only bring it up to my sister to sort of troll her, she doesn't know that I seriously watch it.

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My mom, brother, and little sister know, as do most of my friends. My dad is embarrassed about it, but I only visit him every other weekend. I am actually getting my little sister to like the show, but she is the target demographic so I don't think she counts as a brony. My mom accepts it but thinks it's weird. My little brother makes fun of me, but I am slowly converting him. And my friends joke about it, but in a playful way, like saying, "I'm worried about you." Then everyone laughs. So all in all, I'm pretty open about the ponies.

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Im very open, its only when someone mentions MLP i start going balistic over it... does anyone also know how or where i can find some mlp merchandise or clothes in New York?

hmmm not sure, I would guess at a toy store (no joke) or over the internet.

I think there is a thread about merchandise, they might know more about it than I do.

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I Just hate it when all my friends are like " Oh i`d rather watch Care Bears, Strawberry Shortcake, Barney, Tellitubbies, & Other stupid shit...


The only show`s they rather watch MLP over is Spongebob & Dora the Explorer

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I haven't told anybody in real life that I watch MLP. I don't plan on doing so either. I could see the news that I'm a brony spreading around the school very quickly.



-I'm not very open about it either, at all...


I usually don't tell anyone about anything I do, but I do draw ponies in public, especially at school, when I'm bored. If anyone asks, I'll immediately admit to liking the show, though. I don't force it on anyone, but I'll stick to my own opinion.


I don't have any friends who've actually seen the show, but my usually stoic and play-it-cool-type best friend actually think it's cute that I like them, so there's support in that. And I watch it with my mother and aunt, when they feel like it. XD


I tend to do the same ;p
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