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I'll drop a few facts about myself :D


1. My full name is Riley Haden Barrett.


2. Rarity is a very important part of my life. 


3. I'm pretty lenient with my choices of music, but I'm an indie rock enthusiast.


4. I've been a bassist since the age of 13, and I've gotten pretty good at it...now just to get an amp so I can hear myself, since I recently broke my old one.


5. I can also play guitar, but not at the same level.


6. I'm a clopper.


7. I despise the fact I live in Texas, and I hate this state with a passion, enough so to be ashamed of my Texan drawl I speak with.


8. I like hamburgers more than any other food :D


9. I drink 2 cups of coffee every morning, but I'm really only supposed to drink one because of my diet I'm on due to my heart problem.


10. I really need to stop doing number 9.


11. Trixie is one of my favorite characters in the show, and makes a good case for being #2, behind the obvious #1, Rarity :D


12.I hate Chili.


13. I've gotten drunk 3 times, and I promptly got extremely sick when I sobered up all 3 times, with a side of unbearable heartburn.


14. I started chewing tobacco at 14, but I recently quit cold turkey a few months ago. Haven't had a dip in 4 months now :D


15. I will always say "Yeahh," not "Yeah." I consider the latter to be a typo because I've gotten so used to saying the former.


16. My favorite color is purple.


17. I was raised by a single father until I was 10, and I spent time in an orphanage after his passing. It was a short amount of time, because I was promptly taken in by my grandparents, whom I've lived with ever since .


18. I didn't get a touch-screen phone until I was 16, when all of my friends had them at 13 or so.


19. I stand 5 foot 7 and half inches tall :D


20. I weight 145-ish pounds.


21. I'm a huge baseball buff, and I used to play for my school :D #infielderswag


22. I'm Seventeen years old.


23. I've always liked sea turtles, but my reasons why are unknown even to me.


24. One of my biggest guilty pleasures in life is being a Pewdiepie fan, even though I don't like the vast majority of his fanbase because of the way they go on to other YT Gamers and thrash their videos - this especially irritates me when they do it on Cr1TiKaL's videos, because I like him much more.


25. I get irritated with things I find to be overrated, whether I like them or not.


26. I want to grow up to write for the news :D


27. I also desire to be a life-long bachelor :D

  • Brohoof 1


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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1. You probably guessed it, but I like space.

2. I often threaten to send people who annoy me to space.

3. I am actually close to the means to do so.

4. I hate the idea of life being a twisted path, I'd rather the easy way out.

5. I often find I am not what I preach.

6. I find myself sometimes singing Pinkie Pie's 'Smile' song out loud.

7. I once had a crush on a deaf girl and I don't quite myself understand why.

8. Then again I find myself falling for women I don't understand why and/or are what I feel are the wrong women and often feel like I am under Pasiphaë's curse.

9. I am at times too sloppy for what I want to be. :P

10. Would rather watch all the responsibilities of adulthood burn brightly.

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23. I've always liked sea turtles, but my reasons why are unknown even to me.

This reminds me of when we were playing boardgameonline and you died and reincarnated as a turtle and you were like the happiest person ever lol

  • Brohoof 1
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But... but bass guitar is VERY interesting,my friend.

You're wrong! Everyone's wrong! THE WHOLE DANG SYSTEM IS WRONG!!





1. You probably guessed it, but I like space.

2. I often threaten to send people who annoy me to space.

3. I am actually close to the means to do so.

You're not a space unicorn, I am!

Edited by Blue
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1. I am a Socialist.


2. I own a genuine functioning German gas mask.


3. I have 2 axes and a collection of knives.


4. I'm 14.


5. I am prone to outbursts of Nostalgia for...old stuff in general. Music, tv shows, movies, commercials, you name it.


6. I have a ridiculously varied musical taste.

  • Brohoof 1

In this world...In this world, it's not about how determined you are. It's about how far you are willing to go to get what you want. You punch me, I'll stab you, you stab me, I'll shoot you, you shoot me, I will murder every last member of your family. However far you're willing to go...I'll go further.

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-I have PDDNOS, ADD, and I'm clinically depressed.

-I've been obsessed with Pirates of the Caribbean since Curse of the Black a Pearl came out on DVD.

-I love thrill rides!

-I'm an adventurous person but my family is way too over protective to let me do anything cool and adventurous.

-I can't tan. I only burn.

-I took choir and I just signed up for Drama

-My dream includes meeting Lauren Faust, going to Disneyworld and Universal Orlando, etc.

-I never see my mom a lot. Only about 5-10 times a year.

-My other dream is for her to see me walk the stage at graduation

-I live with my dad's side of the family but I don't fit in well with them.

-I'm obsessed with plushies!

My cider brings all the ponies to the yard and they're like its better than yours, damn right it's better than yours. I can teach you, but I have to charge


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Instagram     Cosplay.com

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• I have Autism, Depression, and Suicidal Tendencies (Runs in my family..)


• I have a OC named Gayburn.


• I am African American and Native American.


"Stupid Sexy Braeburn is best Braeburn" ~ NightGuard

Signature Image by ~ Aeron-Quillson

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Oh you.


This isn't a place for criticizing each other.

I wasn't criticizing, I was just surprised. ;)

But like Rainbow Dash would say: "I'm totally cool with it."

  • Brohoof 3
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Only one person IRL knows I'm a brony, and he isn't one.  Ironically, he is the reason I am one.  It's because he used to randomly use "ponies?" as an interjection sometimes on skype.  I asked him why, and if he watched MLP, he said no he's not; and no he doesn't.  And then I got curious about MLP anyway.  And then I became a brony only after watching the pilot episodes, and now I've seen all episodes of all 4 seasons a few times thru, lol.

I have ADHD, but I'm an introvert... Go figure *eyeroll*... I don't have attention problems, just random impulsiveness/hyperness, but I got on adderall a year or two ago and it has helped me mature alot.


I got a motorcycle from my parents as a high school graduation present.  I was very, very surprised, in a good way.  I had experience on dirtbikes and quads, have been riding since I was 4, so learning to ride a motorcycle was a cinch.  Unfortunately, last summer I wrecked it.  It wasn't my fault.  Some idiot was driving 20 over the speed limit, around a moderately sharp corner on a backroad - a corner one should take at about 40 or 45, but he was going 65... in his car... in MY LANE.  I had to slam both front and back brakes, but I couldn't stop in time.  My instincts took over.  *I have chills writing this, btw*... So I leaned right and dropped it, going about 35 (this is mph, btw).  I tucked my arms up to cover my chest and rolled to the side of the road.  The a-hole driver didn't even stop.  Luckily, I had no broken bones, all I had was scraped up arms with rocks and asphalt deep in my arms.  It didn't hurt at first due to the adrenaline.  The shower when I got home was when it hurt... It burned like no other.

When I was 17 I had an appendectomy - surgery to remove the appendix - as I had appendicitis.  The day before I was riding roller coasters at six flags and had no idea.  I got so lucky.  Thank the Lord it didn't burst.  


I'm a Christian.  But I respect other's opinions about religion.  I know I'm supposed to be an evangelist (one who trys to spread the word of God and convert others), but I don't push my views onto others when I know they aren't going to change.  But, I'm still a Christian.  I believe that God created us, that Jesus died for our sins, and that the Holy Spirit resides in our souls so that God is with us and protects us.


Lastly, though some may know this from some of my previous posts, I'm a country boy.  I live in a small country town in central IL, population of about 2500 people.  Being a country boy, I hide my love for ponies IRL because I'm afraid of being made fun of.  I'm a sensitive person, and I would either be really embarrassed, or I'd blow up on them for being so cruel.  So, for now, I stay an internet brony behind my username.   

  • Brohoof 2



~ Rise And Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions ~

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-I am a Playstation and Nintendo addict

-I use the RD Hyptnosis *or however you spell it* every day

-I have lots of PS2 and Wii Games

-I hacked my wii.

-I own a 3DS

Edited by Sony-Playstation


Complete with Sandviches!

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  1. I am a very shy IRL like Fluttershy.

I can't kill anything, not even an ant or a fly.

I hate soda and other fizzy beverages.

I hate blue cheese.

I love cats.

I love banana pudding, banana frozen yogurt, banana popsicles, banana Laffy Taffy, banana smoothies, banana bread, banana yogurt, banana cream pie, and anything else that is banana flavored including plain bananas.

  • Brohoof 1


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1. I'm a Whovian
2. I'm a Gamer
3. I'm a HUGE Legend of Zelda fan
4. I run two YouTube channels
5. I'm jobless and broke
6. I have never had a girlfriend
7. I'm a born-again Christian
8. I hate Princess Celestia
9. I don't find the appeal in Princess Luna
10. Best pony for me is Pinkie Pie without question
11. Best cmc for me is Scootaloo
12. Best episode for me is Twilight's Kingdom 2-parter
13. Favorite episode is Sleepless in Ponyville
14. Favorite minor pony is The Great & Powerful Trixie
15. Favorite background pony is either Vinyl Scratch or Lyra Heartstrings
16. Favorite music genre is classic rock
17. Favorite musicians are Queen, The Beatles, BlakGryph0n (and Michelle Creber), and The L-Train
18. IMO, the best song ever written is Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody.
19. My favorite brony song is Crusader (Are we There Yet) by BlackGryph0n and Baasik
20. My favorite cover of a song is Beat It by BlackGryph0n and Michelle Creber

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I've liked My Little Ponies my entire life.


I play Final Fantasy music on the piano.


I like to eat my cottage cheese with maple syrup in it. 


I used to nom glass as a toddler. Among some other things that are too embarrassing to mention.


Had a pet purebred Tonkinese kitty at one time that was chubby, cute and reminded me of me. Her name was Plummy Plum~


I like a dash of caffeine in my sugar drink~

Avatar designed by my beloved VinylShadow~




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I use to play the alto sax and I still own one. I really want to get back into playing it, maybe once I have some money I can start taking lessons. 

I use to play the alto sax and I still own one. I really want to get back into playing it, maybe once I have some money I can start taking lessons. 

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I use to play the alto sax and I still own one. I really want to get back into playing it, maybe once I have some money I can start taking lessons.


You should definitely get back into playing it!


So should I, although tenor in my case. Just hard for me to think of whether I should take oboe lessons or saxophone lessons. =/

Everything needs more woodwind!

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Oh boy where should i start 

1# my real full name is: yazed osama saleh sulimani (don't worry not a terrorist) 

2# though applejack is southern American and i am Arabian i love her so much 

3# am lazy! Lol 

4# am fat.....Well kinda not overweight or really fat just fat (i need to work out) 

5# am a man of my word 

6# like ghostie am a clopper! (but only if they are humanized) :ph34r:  

That sums some of my life 

Edited by Saudi brony
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You should definitely get back into playing it!


So should I, although tenor in my case. Just hard for me to think of whether I should take oboe lessons or saxophone lessons. =/


I'll get back into playing it when have the money to afford lessons. Unfortunately the life of a student isn't very conducive to being able to afford them xD 

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I'm a male

I work at McDonalds

I have epilepsy

I have an ability to see my future

I am a very random guy

I am much like Humphrey from Alpha and omega

I'm unable to play physical contact sports

I can't tell the difference of sarcasm or serious

I have a secret fear of being abandoned

I like to make jewelry

I have a hard time trying to be a brony

I cry no matter how unmanly it is

I can be wise at times

I have this ability that makes people want to talk to me

I'm an eclectic

I have several favorite MLP characters

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  • 5 months later...

Let's see...  :P



-I've lived in... about seventeen different places now? 

-I once injured my eye and went temporarily half blind.  :(

-I've been to Disneyland and Disney World.

-I've worked at Disney World! (two internships) 

-I've gotten to explore the Disney's Fantasmic stage, and I've touched the giant animatronic dragon from the show.  ^_^

-I've lived in my car.

-I've helped a teen couple deal with an unplanned pregnancy in the best way I could (the guy told her parents about the situation, and they adopted the girl's twins so they'd be well cared for)

-I've self harmed before. :/ 

-I've won poetry and art contests

-I broke a guy's arm once (by accident!) 



...I think that's enough. I probably shouldn't write my entire life story on here.  :P


Me in a nutshell.

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-I have to live in two houses because... Shall we say: "Infighting."

-A lot of my pony fan art is fat or tubby ponies. (How I came up with my signature.)

-DOOM is my favorite game.

-I was never fond of touchscreen devices.

-In real life I have hair that is below my shoulders, even though I am male.

-I love Pizza, sandwiches, and soda.

-In real life, I try to avoid conversation with others. (School.)

-I am only fourteen.

-I broke my right wrist one time when I was seven.

-Super Smash Bros. Brawl is my favorite Nintendo game next to Super Metroid.

-The Wii is my favorite Nintendo system. 

-Pinkie is best pony.

-I have a Steam. Add me pls.

-I have aspergers.


This is all I can think of, for now.

Edited by Tera The Unicorn

out of my swamp

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Lez do this!


- I stole an item from Walmart when I was about 4 or 5. Nobody has known about it 'till this day. :ph34r:

- I find watching sports on TV boring but I love playing actual sports.

- I went to Italy when I was 7.

- I've been to Florida 4 times. :o

- I'm an only child.

- I have dark brown hair but everyone mistakes it for black. :maud:

- I watched A Canterlot Wedding the day it premiered.

- Scootaloo is best pony (for me, at least.)

- I don't own any kind of pony merchandise.

- Club Penguin is my favorite virtual world of all time. :wub:

- Spaghetti is my favorite food.


That's about it.

Edited by PonyLaces



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