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Creamy Arty

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I've been waiting a long time to say this to an admin, but did you know we have a search feature?







The big difference is that I have the power to merge threads. You are forced to merge them, pleb!


In all seriousness, I simply made a mistake. I can merge the two.


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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Last year I missed "Bronypalooza" so I could get enough sleep to get in the autograph line by 4 on Sunday morning. By getting there a day early this year, instead of half-way through the first day like I did last time, I shouldn't need to do that.

Sleep? Lol, what sleep? I went to Bronypalooza, stayed up all night, and still got in line for autographs. Though, because of that, I fell asleep during John de Lancie's panel. Hopefully that won't happen again this year.


Signature by @Nico.

Come join us for movies and more! Every Friday on

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I will be going this year. It will be my first brony con. I live in New Hampshire but if I got up at 3AM and drove to Maryland which is an 8 hour drive I should be able to get my badge and check in at a hotel. I think it will be worth it anyways. So I will go, be nice to meet you all there.

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After seeing how this Bronycon looks in the brony documentary movie, I wanna go so badly now. :( But I can't because a few things:
1 - I need to be at least 18 to travel around the world by myself
2 - It's a long way between Europe and America which makes me really sad :(
3 - money...damn this thing
It's like the only thing I want in life. Meeting other bronies at Bronycon would be a dream come true. Oh well...maybe someday. (unless the whole fandom is gonna be history before I get to go)




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im going again!  hope this year we have an even bigger meet up! (and gain more mod friends muhahahahah!)  so yeah hope to see yall there!

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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I wish my music was bountiful enough and good enough to be apart of bronypalooza XD maybe next year! I would love to preform with other brony musicians... Guess I'll have to make do meeting shit tons of bronies and just having a blast! haha

  • Brohoof 1
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The big difference is that I have the power to merge threads. You are forced to merge them, pleb!


In all seriousness, I simply made a mistake. I can merge the two.





I know. Actually, I didn't expect you to do anything, I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to give you a hard time about it.


Sleep? Lol, what sleep? I went to Bronypalooza, stayed up all night, and still got in line for autographs. Though, because of that, I fell asleep during John de Lancie's panel. Hopefully that won't happen again this year.

What kind of a commute did you have? Driving 6.5 hours alone was incredibly hard for me when running on so little sleep. When I was approaching Fredericksberg on the way home I pulled over into a rest area to get some more. Caffeine doesn't avail me much because I'm a coffee addict.



During the panels I often stood to the sides. The reverb from the speakers turned everything the guests said into "WAHWAHHGNUMMNININN" if I sat in any of the chairs. There was a speaker on the left side, about half-way down the rows of chairs I think. It was near this stand that was selling overpriced food. I got a gyro from them and was stuffing my face with it behind that speaker for the duration of John's thing. No way I could have fallen asleep for that one. Getting to see him in person was to me what meeting the president or something might be to any normal person.


Kyoshi made this ^^



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Equestria.tv on Fridays at 6 PM Eastern for our weekly movie nights!
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I'm going to be coming down from Canada to attend. Blew a load of money on getting there, but I'm really excited to meet some people from here. It'll be odd for me to be seeing the faces behind the screen! *laughs*


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BronyCon seems like a bit "much." It looks like a lot of the people there are obnoxious, judging by the atmosphere and panels, etc.

Edited by ~Vallo~



Your breath stinks.

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Go? Hell of course I'm going. I'm also Producing the 1st Annual Brony Awards. I don't expect much sleep  but I can certainly promise I will do all I can to record as much as possible.

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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I'm most likely going to go.

I hope.



I live in Pennsylvania so I might just drive down.

I definitely have to save up some freaking money though. 

Maybe I'll cosplay as Tom.


Like music? Of course you do! Here ya go: http://www.youtube.com/user/concertoldham


Rarity is best pony because she is refined, poised, strong and genuine all wrapped up in a beautiful package.




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 What kind of a commute did you have? Driving 6.5 hours alone was incredibly hard for me when running on so little sleep. When I was approaching Fredericksberg on the way home I pulled over into a rest area to get some more. Caffeine doesn't avail me much because I'm a coffee addict.



During the panels I often stood to the sides. The reverb from the speakers turned everything the guests said into "WAHWAHHGNUMMNININN" if I sat in any of the chairs. There was a speaker on the left side, about half-way down the rows of chairs I think. It was near this stand that was selling overpriced food. I got a gyro from them and was stuffing my face with it behind that speaker for the duration of John's thing. No way I could have fallen asleep for that one. Getting to see him in person was to me what meeting the president or something might be to any normal person.

Three hour flight from Tallahassee, Florida. Thankfully I was able to get a little shuteye on the flight back.


As for de Lancie's panel, it's not that I wanted to fall asleep. In fact, that was one of the main panels I was looking forward to. It's just that I couldn't help it. I had stayed up all night and stood in an autograph line for most of the day. My body couldn't take anymore.


Signature by @Nico.

Come join us for movies and more! Every Friday on

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My hope is that they will have proper acoustics and logistics for the convention. As I shared in my rant from BronyCon 2012, the logistical problems were grave: they simply underestimated the demands of 4,000 attendees in a single space. Hopefully a larger convention center---or one which permits distribution of panel rooms and artist alley---will alleviate the congestion. I would really prefer not to have an entire pathway blocked because John Joseco (no knock on him) has a table set up at the end of the line.


@@Apple Bloom, I can readily understand being drained by the autograph/voucher lines. My friend and I got about two hours of sleep for the second day in the hope of getting on the line early enough in the morning.


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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The center is larger to my knowledge and on staff were a decent amount of new people to running cons. This con will be better. Now volunteers will be better trained/prepared along with the rest of the staff to help keep flow going.

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Well...I posted before about how it was Unlikely I would be able to go.

It just got more likely. So there is a small chance.

Keep an eye open for the super duper Sexy guy walking around wearing a Fluttershy shirt (Made by my friend)

But I am not sure...I dunno. There's a 50 50 chance I will be going.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd love to go but I am about 8089 miles away from Baltimore (The said destination of the next BronyCon) and I am not old enough to be able to afford a flight!! So I guess it's a no-go for me, :(  *Falls on knees and shouts* NOOOOOO!

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I really want to go. And I am looking at options. I can most likely do the plane ticket, but then comes the hotel fees. If I do go, I would have to consult my manager. Okay, just kidding. I don't have a manager. But I would be on panel if I can go (most likely). So I won't have to pay for a pass. Which helps out money wise somewhat. But we should try to have a MLP forum meetup, even if I can't go. It would be cool meeting everyone from here. It would be awesome to go to my first convention, for a fandom of which I only became a part of just a few months ago.


By the way, I found out that it is cheaper to fly out of my home town, which is about 1hr away from where I am now. Then to fly out from the city I am currently in. Anybody know of any cheap hotels by the convention center? Within reasonable walking distance? I don't mind, and I actually like walking.

Like, don't underestimate my power man.

Come join us Friday nights for

Movie Night @ The CMC Clubhouse: 5pm CST.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Until I can get a part-time job in the summer, I'm afraid I'll have to miss out the BronyCon once again due to suffering from budget strains, so I'm afraid I won't be able to go this year. Sorry guys. :(


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Ya know..I'v always wanted to go to Bronycon.

But after what i'v heard happened at Las Pegasus, i'm kinda weary on if its safe to go to the next one without problems.


Hence i don't even own a car yet..


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There is a very small possibility that I might be able to attend but it'll be decided at the very last minute assuming they don't run out of tickets and everything goes smoothly.

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Ya know..I'v always wanted to go to Bronycon.

But after what i'v heard happened at Las Pegasus, i'm kinda weary on if its safe to go to the next one without problems.


Hence i don't even own a car yet..


What happened at Las Pegasus was something different, it were the hotels that suddenly started charging people more or something.. I don't really remember it, it was rather unorganized.. You don't have to worry about that happening at bronycon, they have more experience. If you don't have a car, then you could always just hitchhike.. I prefer driving though. If you have the opportunity to attend a con, you should not give it up because you think it might not be safe, because it will be safe.. What happened at Las Pegasus will hopefully not happen again.


I would love to go too bronycon.. But because i live in the middle of the atlantic ocean at a mystical island.. It is harder for me to go too cons. It has it's perks living in the middle, the perks being that i can actually choose between the european conventions and the american conventions. But instead they are both really expensive.. But, if i lived somewhere in Germany, i would just be able to drive too the cons, the same goes with America. But instead i have to take the flight, which is really expensive in my country, then it would be getting to the con. Which might be a problem... Then the hotels, then having enough money to bid at the auctions and for buying pony merchendise. Then it would be getting back home. It's just rather expensive. Which, is the reason for why it's more likely that i won't go to a convention.


If i will have the money for it, which i might actually.. Then you could expect to see a guy running around dressed in a full pony suit waving the Icelandic flag. I'm actually not joking with that, this is what i will do at the con. But i'm probably not going, it's too expensive, and i plan on using the money for something else.. I might actually, go too the crystalcon in Sweden.. But even that is too expensive for me. I will try to attend a con, but it would not surprise me if i can't.

  • Brohoof 1
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