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What rustles your jimmies?

Boxxi The Brony

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Not a lot really rustles my jimmies, but there is one thing in specific. 


Since I don't really have a lot, it kinda bothers me when people don't just tell you about something they have or about something that happened, but they just go on and on about it. 


I also absolutely hate cheating. When I hear about someone who cheated on their bf/gf I immediately just wanna go out and do something about it. 


Last thing would have to be people that run around shouting "YOLO" or "SWAG" or any of that nonsense.

  • Brohoof 1
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I dislike how I try and talk with someone and never talk with me, and only do when its about them..


I dislike how I say something to them and they never say it back to me... its as if they don't care anymore.


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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What really rustles my jimmies is arrogant and self-righteous people. You know, the kind of person that bosses you around thinking they're better than everyone else. That and when people dis MLP:FiM when they've never even seen it before. Otherwise I think that's about it.

  • Brohoof 1
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  • When people add "phobia" after something and call it a form of hatred. Also, this pretty much sums up what I think: "I hate the word homophobia. It's not a phobia. You are not scared; you are an asshole."
  • When kids get a hold on a mic and start talking on online games.
  • A lot of the teenagers and kids these days
  • Narrow-minded people
  • When I have to do group work at school
  • Students at my school
  • "Swag" and "Yolo". It spreads like a damn virus.
  • USA's two-party system

More coming soon.


Yay, here comes more.

  • Gender roles and people who believe in them especially piss me off. What pisses me off more is when people try to enforce them on others.
  • When people make me food without telling me first. Dunno why, but it annoys me.
  • When people try to be "cool" and do a bunch of stupid things to "prove" it.
  • Fake "nerds".
  • People who wear fake nerd glasses.
  • Anti-bronies.
  • Bronies that give us bad names.
  • The United States. It's not the worst country, but I'd say it's pretty bad.
  • Having a Mac.
  • Arrogant people.
  • People who push their religion onto others, even a minority. *Ahem* adding "under god" to the Pledge of Allegiance *Ahem*
  • Both the Republican and Democrat parties.

I would have added more, but I think I'm adding too much.

  • Brohoof 4
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What rustles my jimmies is any phrase including a conjugation of the verb 'rustle' and the noun 'jimmies'.


When at work (grocery store) and I'm looking for a code and the customer tells me what they think the price is. The price is useless! I need the bloody code!


I hate getting gifts. I don't like buying gifts for other people, and getting gifts leaves me with an awkward sense of obligation. If I want something, I will either buy it myself or offer some form of payment. On the same note, I annoys me when people make a fuss about birthdays. Unless someone has a terminal illness and living for a year is a feat, birthdays are meaningless. Whoop-dee-doo, you went a year without dying, you're not the bloody king or queen for a day.


People who fawn over celebrities or royals. I pity anybody who can't fart without it making the front page, I can't stand people who create demand for this puerile garbage, and it annoys me when these celebrities act like they are brain-dead just to get attention and money.


Human nature "rustles my jimmies". I won't be a hypocrite by pretending I'm exempt from this. Humans are greedy. Without the incentive of having more and being better than everybody else, we can't do anything worthwhile. Communism isn't a bad system, people just won't do anything for the greater good, meaning nothing gets done. The only thing holding society together is that humans can't survive without a herd. We are arrogant. Animals eat other animals, I have no problem with that, it is survival, but when e act like we are inherently and abuse animals needlessly, that rustles my effing jimmies. When we rape and destroy our Mother Earth, myopically tearing out resources, not giving a damn for the future of either ourselves or the rest of the world. The purpose of life is to reproduce, everything else is extra. From the largest life-form to the smallest, the life-cycle is birth, reproduction, death. quit pretending we are special or have some purpose, every aspect of society exists to create an optimal environment for population growth.


A few other things related to politics, religion, and general idiocy make the list, but those things have been beat to death, so I won't post anything specific unless I feel the need to rant.

Keep flyin'


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What are you asking? Are you trying to ask what annoys me? If so, just ask that. There is really no need for the asinine 4chan terminology. It's not cool or anything, just really sad.

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Political correctness: there is being respectful and polite and then there is just bending over backwards, and I don't mean the fun kind. No I am sorry your case of butthurt dosen't entitle you to use the hand of government to censor things just because you don't like them. And claming to speak for groups of people without even listening to what they have to say is a great way to piss them off and make you look like an ignorant asshole.


Idiot drivers: I am not a fan of stupid people in general but if you have a death wish than that is your business but do me and everyone else a favor and please leave us out of it. I am going to be seriously pissed if I am put down for an early dirt nap thanks to some shmuck who just couldn't wait to see their new text message or some doofus who thinks he owns the road.


Violence: No I don't mean on TV, movies or video games I mean in real life more particularly societies completely illogical and hypocritical attitudes regarding it. Depending on who you talk to pre emptive wars of aggression and torture are okay but abortion isn't or abortion is okay but pre emptive wars of aggression and tortue aren't. Call me crazy but I think all of those things are wrong and we have no right to arbitrarily pick and choose which ones just because. And violence seems to also be considered more acceptable if a police officer or a soldier is doing it because apparently someone with a title and uniform is above the law according to far too many people.

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Whoever is in charge of Road construction where I live deserves to be slapped in the face repeatedly

"Oh hey, we should totally do this construction during the busiest time when everyone is trying to get to work/school/home! That won't horribly jack up the traffic, right?"

Edited by Franziska Von Karma
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People who drive slow in the passing lane really get under my skin. I don't care if you are doing the speed limit. If you drive in the passing lane, you need to be keeping with the flow of traffic. If you wanna do 55 in a 55 then get out of the passing lane.



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