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Save Derpy Hooves  

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  1. 1. Derpy Hooves: Hate or like?

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I think people aren't seeing the big picture. We don't know what could happen which is the problem. Some people are worried about:


*Can Derpy's role ever in an episode ever go up to Lesson zero or Luna eclipsed or will she be just a pony to find?


*How does Jayson, (The show runner), feel about this?


*Whats our relationship with Hasbro?


*Can we ever get fan service again?


*How will Hasbro affect the show?


Its really more the mystery behind it. We are just using Derpy to show our fears. Theres is one thing people can usually be afraid of, and thats the future.


Now yes, I like Derpy, she was incredibly special. I've joined this fandom in July, which is two months before the 2nd season started. I've been attached to all the known background ponies.


Now lets take a look at the Derpy scene. It was as pinkie described it, "A moment in time that would never exist again." I saw it live on a TV. I was right there with every brony thinking, "Oh sh-!" I started staring blankly at the screen with my mouth open, then when she talked I got all excited! :)


Now let's look at what Hasbro/itunes has done.


They changed her voice: I could understand that.


They got rid of her name: I guess...Derpy could be offensive to parents...


But they did something horrible...They changed the eyes...The eyes that Laruen Faust gave to us in feeling Pinkie Keen. Eyes that shouldn't have been touched. They should've just left it alone.


Also, think what this means for other background ponies we know and love. How much of a chance do you think of them getting a spotlight as big as Derpy's now?

  • Brohoof 1
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I'll admit, I havent been a fan very long. I'm basically catching up to everyone else on brony-ness.


But, for the short time I have been a fan, Ive been in love with Derpy. Derpy harkens back to a better time for cartoons. I'll be honest, most cartoons these days are horrible. They go for the easy joke, or just being loud and obnoxious. MLP, on the other hand draws inspiration from the likes of Looney Tunes (Pinkie Le Pew, anyone?), it presents itself as well written and thought provoking, and it helps spread a very important lesson, love and tolerance.


So for the show to take that message and change it to Love and Tolerate as long as you are exactly like me is just heartbreaking.


I am sad to say I live in a world where something like Derpy is offensive. At this rate, we will never get a clumsy, likable character in any media. The only way to avoid offensiveness is if everyone is exactly the same, with the same abilities and characteristics.

  • Brohoof 1
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What really bothers me is that they just pleased the community and then they just take it away because it was making fun of mental illness, that isn't even true




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Oh, oh, hasbro you've much to learn. Do you really let people just command you? Have you not any strenght and determination? I now Derpy is a fan character, but we didn't demand for her to be put into the show, you decided to do it as a gift. It was HASBRO'S DECISION.


And now, because a small group DEMANDS for her to be removed, you do it?! IT WAS A SMALL GROUP! If they don't like it, they don't watch it, end of story, you can't just let anybody control you! It's like if a president just did every little thing people asked, the country would turn into chaos! You need to be determined! YOU MAKE A DECICION AND YOU KEEP IT!



You know what, I don't even care about derpy. I downloaded the original version and will forever keep it, but what about the future? Will she be totally deleted? Will her eyes change? What about any other fandom nods. I'm not asking for them to add more of our characters, but they have seemed to point the show a little more towards our direction. What about more world or character building? Continuity nods? Those things little girls dont care about? Will we ever have more of these?


I just hope Hasbro doesn't hate us! I'm sorry Hasbro! I promise I'll never bitch again! Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!


Im really really really really really really really really sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I expected this topic to blow over fast so I've stayed neutral for the past couple of days. I now see that this is something more than just people overreacting to something politically incorrect, so I shall share my views.



I came to this show to escape from the real world where we have racism, segregation, and name calling. This show is a bright shinning light in my life and has saved me from depression because of the values that it teaches. It's really hard to believe that in our own community there are people who will still judge and feel the need to call something like Derpy offensive. Derpy Hooves is the symbol of being different in a good way, and for people to call her names such as "retard" or "offensive" really destroys the name that we try to create for ourselves. We are supposed to love and tolerate, not hate and segregate. If anything, this show teaches us to love and tolerate people who are not normal and it teaches us to accept other for who they are and not what they look like.


I am not really angry at all, I'm just....... disappointed. I'm disappointed that we can't see past Derpy's appearance and have the need to label her as mentally handicapped right away. This may sound silly (as the show is meant for a younger audience) but are we not mature enough? Can we not see past this tiny issue and not have the need to blow it out of proportion?


Hasbro has been so kind to us, almost nicer than any other company out there. They actually listen to us and respect what we have to say. Derpy was fan created, we all loved her and will continue to love her to this day, but for them to listen to us and actually give her a speaking line in the show is great all by itself. We were able to influence the show and now we want to change it? Do you know how that will make them feel? We asked for something and they gave it to us only for the community to get angry and shoot it down. You don't bite the hand that feeds you boys and girls. I'm terribly afraid that they won't listen to us again just because of the controversy this has created.


I'm juggling a lot of things around in my mind right now, but please take what I have to say into consideration. I come to you as a fellow brony, and a friend.



Please, don't let Derpy go.

Edited by The Lightning Fast Dash
  • Brohoof 1
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I'd just like to add my support for those who have said that we shouldn't be attacking anypony over this, whether within the community or elsewhere. We can take a fair guess at why this has happened (and personally I suspect Apple had a hand in it) but we don't know for sure and getting aggressive is totally counterproductive. I'd like to think the community can come out of this stronger rather than imploding and burning our bridges with those who gave us the show in the first place.

I too am very disappointed by the situation but not entirely surprised. What I find really bizarre is that by editing Derpy's appearance, it sends a much more negative message than even the most fanatically politically correct complainer could ever have taken from the unedited scene. Here we a have a pony who is "different", who has become a beloved fan favourite not in spite of being different, but because she is different. I think this is a wonderful thing and to try and airbrush her out because she is not stereotypically "normal" is arguably far more offensive than the original scene. It's also a little odd seeing as no-one kicked up a fuss about Snips and Snails, or indeed the crazy barking pony from Read it and Weep... Anyway, Derpy is still Derpy to me, and long may she remain so.

Edited by janglehooves
  • Brohoof 1
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This really changes nothing, especially since she'll continue to be a background pony with derped eyes, as confirmed on EQD. Isn't it that role that brought her fame in the first place?

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This really changes nothing, especially since she'll continue to be a background pony with derped eyes, as confirmed on EQD. Isn't it that role that brought her fame in the first place?


It's not that why we are all mad. Its the big picture.

If you read my before posts I made, you will understand this big picture. One of them included that Derpy may never even get as big as role she had in lesson zero or Luna eclipsed. She would just be some pony we see in the back.


Plus its how Hasbro reacted and treated Derpy. Its also how they lied to us about not changing Derpy. Theres more if you are not convinced yet.

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I really must say the the fallout over Derpy, and especially the way the community lashed out at certain individuals, leaves a terrible taste in my mouth. Events like this explain my dislike for fanon very clearly.


That being said, I really don't have an opinion on the Derpy issue itself. I'm probably among the few who would have preferred she remained a lineless background pony, but I was never up in arms over her canon portrayal and I don't care equally about the remodel on her. The show is the show; no individual brony has the ability to change that.

"new knowledge is the most valuable commodity on earth."

kurt vonnegut, cat's cradle

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Hasbro has been so kind to us, almost nicer than any other company out there. They actually listen to us and respect what we have to say. Derpy was fan created, we all loved her and will continue to love her to this day, but for them to listen to us and actually give her a speaking line in the show is great all by itself. We were able to influence the show and now we want to change it? Do you know how that will make them feel? We asked for something and they gave it to us only for the community to get angry and shoot it down. You don't bite the hand that feeds you boys and girls. I'm terribly afraid that they won't listen to us again just because of the controversy this has created.





Another person who thinks Hasbro created the show? Well I got news for you. They are not the ones who gave us Derpy. Hasbro is a client. The real people who gave us Derpy was Studio B.


I really must say the the fallout over Derpy, and especially the way the community lashed out at certain individuals, leaves a terrible taste in my mouth. Events like this explain my dislike for fanon very clearly.



The thing is. The only lashing out I've seen is the one where the animator told us to love and tolerate Derpy, basically meaning to smile and ignore the problem...You can kinda see why some bronies would hate that. You are kinda overreaction on how you think bronies are overreacting.



And if I haven't posted enough, Jayson thiessen, (Show runner of MLP: friendship is Magic), is following Save Derpy...thats unsettling...

Edited by RaccoonBL
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The thing is. The only lashing out I've seen is the one where the animator told us to love and tolerate Derpy, basically meaning to smile and ignore the problem...You can kinda see why some bronies would hate that. You are kinda overreaction on how you think bronies are overreacting.


Eh, I wouldn't really define my thoughts as overreaction... After all, the only "action" I've taken is to make that there post! It's just my opinion on things; you're welcome to yours and I'd hope that I would be welcome to mine as well.


I hope this all settles down sooner rather than later... Unrest in greater bronydom is never fun. ):

"new knowledge is the most valuable commodity on earth."

kurt vonnegut, cat's cradle

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Eh, I wouldn't really define my thoughts as overreaction... After all, the only "action" I've taken is to make that there post! It's just my opinion on things; you're welcome to yours and I'd hope that I would be welcome to mine as well.


I hope this all settles down sooner rather than later... Unrest in greater bronydom is never fun. ):


Hehe, I don't know what the right choice of word was so I just used the closest thing I could think of. Also trust me. Things like this don't die very quickly. They take time. I've seen things like this. This is a very important character to the brony community so yeah.

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I suppose I should post this




Really... REALLY.... words cannot describe how I feel right now, DERP is a term to describe doing something... well... kinda stupid, like me putting the milk in the cabinite and the cereal in the fridge

Honestely I think the voice is what triggered it though, I think the current voice is cool, but changing the derped eyes and REMOVING HER NAME!!!! WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH MENTAL DISABILITIES?

Derp, ONCE AGAIN, means doing something kinda stupid



My brain hurts in ways I cant explain Posted Image


People complaining about Derpy being "offensive"?. Good cod, what the heck.


Since we're complaining about things that are not problems...


The little fat pony in Family Appreciation Day? No, that's insensitive to people suffering from childhood obesity.


Fluttershy's shyness? No, that's insensitive to people with antisocial personality disorder.


Pinkie Pie's constant need to party? No, that's insensitive to the suicidally depressed, and to people with PPD and autism.


Twilight Sparkle having more magic power than all the other unicorns? Why does she have more magic power than all the unicorns that aren't powerful like her? All unicorns of all colors should have equal power, otherwise it's racist.


The Cutie Mark Crusaders looking for their 1 special talent, and failing? No, that's insensitive to people with Savant syndrome.


If everything is 100% "politically correct", you cannot have a story. Because for every completely innocent character or aspect, there's someone to blow it out of proportion and claim it's offensive.


Same thing I was basically gonna say,


Yes this is a kids' show, but I HAVE SEEN SO MUCH WORSE ON OTHER KIDS' SHOWS,

you see, anything, and ANYTHING can be argued to be one thing or another, hell if you really were a wack job you can argue that the whole thing with Luna and Celestia could be offensive to people who have family issues, that sounds stupid right?

How ever it would not surprise me in the slightest if some one tired to say that, I can't even fathom what goes through people's minds when they try to protest this.


It's almost like that circumstance with portal 2, remember how GLaDOS and Wheetely kept making fun of chell for having no parents and calling her fat almost all the time? Some one protested that, they tried to say that portal was educatitonal...... WHAT.... WHAT!!!!


Valve never advertised this game as (educational), yes in theory you can learn more about physics (.... I guess?) but just because a game is rated E - E 10+ does not mean its educational


HOW EVER GUYS!!!!, it still boils down to one fact, my buddy last night was very upset by this and this is exactely what I said


"I understand you are furious with this, hell I am the biggest brony of this group and you don't see me getting all worked up, am I upset, you bet I am! However, what can we change? There is not much that can be done, I'm sure the creative part of Hasbro is also upset by this, but then you have the business part of Hasbro, they care about money. We are not there target demographic, young girls are, and whilst this is gotta be the most stupidest reason to get rid of Derpy, the big fat guys in the business department don't care about that, they care about money, case and point there is nothing we can do. It's best to not let this bother you so much, Derpy is not dead, you really think that they can kill of derpy that easily, the fadom will always know her as derpy, nobody can change that, just remember that!"

Edited by marco23p
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Another person who thinks Hasbro created the show? Well I got news for you. They are not the ones who gave us Derpy. Hasbro is a client. The real people who gave us Derpy was Studio B.




The thing is. The only lashing out I've seen is the one where the animator told us to love and tolerate Derpy, basically meaning to smile and ignore the problem...You can kinda see why some bronies would hate that. You are kinda overreaction on how you think bronies are overreacting.



And if I haven't posted enough, Jayson thiessen, (Show runner of MLP: friendship is Magic), is following Save Derpy...thats unsettling...



By Hasbro I meant everybody who was affiliated with creating or involved with the show, I didn't mean to cause any aggression.

Edited by The Lightning Fast Dash
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Oh I and I have one more comment to make,


If these people really want to help out other people with mental disabilities, they should try to make there lives more successful, and try to help them personally, instead of trying to announce there issues and remind them off it by protesting this, I bet people with mental disabilities have never thought of derpy as what these people are making her out to be until now, help these children with what they really need, not fighting something that vaguely if at all points out these kind of people.

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By Hasbro I meant everybody who was affiliated with creating or involved with the show, I didn't mean to cause any aggression.


...Aggression? This is why I hate communicating like this. I didn't mean for it to sound like aggression.

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