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Your Study Methods?

Strawberry Tart

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So, in about three weeks I have semester finals. WOOO! I just wanted to know how all of you study for finals/any tests. I usually have a LOT of trouble with studying, and end up winging it, but right now I'm studying my head off (so much for winter "break"). 


My question is, what are your study methods? Share~ Maybe yours are better than mine, or someone is better than someone else at studying or has good ideas. 


My study methods are as follows:

-For history (AP World), "World History Crash Course" is awesome. I'm currently watching all 40-some episodes, they're really funny and teach a lot. They're on Youtube.

-For math I just go in my math book and choose 5 problems to do for each chapter section. 

-I'm good enough at English that I never need to study.

-Not sure what to do for science...? Any ideas?

-For Spanish I'll probably get flash cards or the like. 

-I have no clue what to do for choir, I don't even have ideas...


I hope this topic doesn't exist - I looked it up and nothing came up. 

  • Brohoof 1


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I remember asking my grade 11 math teacher a long time ago for study advice and he responded to me with one word. "Do." Seriously, there is no better way to study math and physics than to just throw yourself against a wall of questions. Right now, im using something called mymathlab for college and you can use it to generate UNLIMITED QUESTIONS!


Just think of the possibilities! Unlimited questions not generated from their textbook with instant feedback on whether or not you answered the question correctly. It also offers hints using material from their text book and even has the option to help you solve the question you're struggling with. After you see how to solve that question, you can apply that strategy to similar problems. This system has been unbelievably helpful for me this year and I think integrating technology like this in courses is the right way to move forward in teaching.


If you don't have access to this tool, just do questions from the text book. If you feel confident, do even more questions. It's that simple.


For English, there really isn't much you can do. Just pay attention and do your work and you can write your way through anything. The same goes for history, but it's best that you know your events. A good tip one of my history teachers in the past gave me was to study objects and events by defining them and then knowing their significance.


Other languages, I am not that sure. I studied German in high school, but I can't remember what methods I used to study. As for choir, you could probably just practice. I played and continue to play the clarinet and I was far behind the others in skill and experience. By grade 12, I could outplay them all. The only way to get better in music is to practice.

Edited by Celtore
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I really don't have study habits.  I really can't study.  I find that studying makes me forget it easier then if I don't study.  What I used to do however was read my notes, then I just went to sleep, it's proven that if you do this you'll remember everything.   Along with that you can try.


Science- I would just take notes, but order them like.

1 column on left for titles 

column in the middle for facts about the title.  


Choir- I don't think you really can study for choir


For Spanish 

Flash cards work perfectly

Edited by Dusty Soul
  • Brohoof 1


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I am sure it is late at this point, but I'll share anyways... I take notes by hand in class everyday. The act of handwriting helps me remember the information better than typing for some reason. When I go home I always discuss what I've learned in class that day with my boyfriend during dinner. If that doesn't work for you, talk to a stuffed animal or a photo of a friend. The act of explaining vocally the information confirms that I understood it. Then before class everyday for about 10-15 minutes I always read over and review my notes from the last class. That way if I do have sometime I don't understand or don't remember too well I can prepare to ask about in class before we move on to new material. Yes I really do this for every class I take. It is alot of work, but school is supposed to be alot of work. And by the time finals come around, I have been studying all along and I do not need to do any heavy studying at all because I am already prepared. I just review a few times right before the exam to make sure I didn't forget anything or leave out anything and wa-la, I'm golden.


There are also many studies that prove the most affective studying habits involve reviewing information atleast once within 8 hours of learning it. So like if you take notes during a class, read over them once or twice right after class or once you get home and you will remember it much better than if you wait until right before a test to go over it. By that point you are re-teaching yourself, not studying.

"I read somewhere that 77 per cent of all the mentally ill live in poverty.

Actually, I'm more intrigued by the 23 per cent who are apparently doing quite well for themselves."

-Jerry Garcia


Say hi to me on Gaia, username: SkrinkleAndSkrod

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I have eidetic memory which means i remember things i saw for a couple seconds. So i just read through my subject notes once and that's about it. There's only another guy like in my in class and we are both friends.

f3e947f4e815bd778e9905b.gifOh Yeah! Da Great Escape!

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Hm, I cant really speak for study methods I just remember everything. I never study and get 90% and up on my tests.



A good way that could help I guess would be to take notes. not even massive amounts of them. Just jot down facts you think'll be on tests. Thats how I do it if I have to study .



Buck yea parasprite!

Edited by yourmomsponies

"It's either Blue Cheese with wings or go fuck your mother!"- Joey"CoCo"Diaz

"I come in peace. I didn't bring artillery. But I'm pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you f*ck with me, I'll kill you all." - Gen James 'MadDog' Mattis USMC




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Zink's Study Method and Execution Guide 0.1.2


Before the test:

Place head on book.

Run Study.exe.

Backup all page photos to internal memory bank.


During the test:

Reload all page photos from internal memory bank.

Fill out answer document.

set phasers to hug.


Edited by Zink


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I suck at studying. :c


I have so much trouble focusing on anything. Especially at home. I normally stay at school because there's nothing else to do but study.


Sadly it doesn't always work. Sometimes I'll find a rubber band and shoot projectiles with it. But, it always gets taken away by the teacher.

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I myself am a visual learner(despite the fact that I'm near-sighted). Excluding math, if I read over my notes every evening after school for about half an hour with breaks in-between and get quizzed, I do just fine on tests. Otherwise for math, I have to do problems on Khan Academy and get my father to write down problems for me. I have to learn math using kinetic methods.


And while I'm studying, I play TWEWY music.

Edited by MagicalStarRain

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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Well for Science I can tell you one thing!

Confused about anything then feel free to ask me...

For History keep watching and also read up on Wikipedia or something.

Maths. Try and do some sums related to what your doing or measure something...

For Spanish you can just repeat the phrases for a few minutes at a time.

Did you know: 20Kv's of electricity can kill you from up to 5ft away?

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To remember all of the things I need for a test write it down a lot of times. Writing things helps you remeber them and it also helps if our teachers allow you to make a cheat sheet like mine did. CRAM like there is not tommorow!

The mind of the host will desperately try to create memories where none exist. Simple right?

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Basically, I do an hour, and then take a break. I mean, I'm quite fine with it. It's pretty easy for me, considering that I love my subjects. I end up doing about 4 hours a day. Then I normally take a break.


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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My basic study method is to try to make studying interesting. I try looking at videos based on the topic. Videos help me a whole lot. I even learned history by looking at videos made by the History Channel. Choir doesn't seem like something you need to worry about studying for. I don't know... that's just me.



No matter how much you try.... you can never hit that f***ing dog from Duck Hunt.

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I've got lucky in that all of my recent professors have made it clear what they're putting on the test by study guides. From there I answer the questions/fill in information/definitions. Then I go through the filled in study guide and memorize it, mainly paying attention to the information that I don't have memorized already. Sometimes I even do it all in Word and then highlight the answers with black, and that really helps me to see which ones I have down.


It may not sound like much, but it made me ace my comprehensive Biology final, and has helped me in countless other classes.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I have an excellent memory and most subjects are fairly easy for me so I usually just have to look over my notes or maybe take a quick look at the textbook and I am fine. The only subject that has given me trouble has been math, it seems no matter how much I try to study or how I study for that I don't retain anything.

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  On 2012-12-29 at 8:51 AM, Reani said:

Choir doesn't seem like something you need to worry about studying for. I don't know... that's just me.


Believe me, my teacher treats the classroom like Sparta, except she doesn't actually explain anything, then gives us extremely hard tests on music-reading and music theory. Then she yells at the class for failing. 


  On 2012-12-29 at 12:03 AM, Dusty Soul said:

Choir- I don't think you really can study for choir

Yes you can, I just haven't figured out how. My choir does so much more than just sing: we have to learn music theory and how to read music. Music theory is basically rhythm, Roman numerals, Minor vs major, etc. It's really hard especially since my teacher doesn't even explain that much, then expects us to know everything. 


Credit to MatrixChicken for Signature

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My studying methods include:

-Start studying after I'm done with dinner.

-Keep studying for a few minutes.

-Lose focus and stare at wall for thirty minutes.

-Snap out of it, forget what I was supposed to be doing.

-Go watch ponies.

-Get on MLP forums.

-Play TF2, Kerbal Space Program, or DayZ for a few hours.

-Remember I have school the next day.

-Fall asleep at two in the morning.

-Wake up at five in the morning.

-Go to school.

-Fail test.

-Finish studying.

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Its important that you don't work yourself too hard in studying. Part of the reason people have a tough time remembering is because they focus rather hard and their brain shuts down. Its best you study in a way that you don't work yourself too hard but aren't slacking off. Plus, listen to some music that is smooth and doesn't have vocals. Instrumental music along with chewing gum because its proven gum helps increase your memory and it keeps you focused while the music keeps you from distractions

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It still actually amazes me how I ever finished High school without studying any of the lessons they thought us. Even more when I fared better than those who did, most of the time.


My basic study method back than was, frantically read through an entire chapter 30 minutes before anything involving a test.

"Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa...

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I have never studied. I get the feeling that may hurt me at some point before I finish college since I don't actually have a very good memory in terms of ability to recall anything verbatum, and I don't think that studying would have a negative or insignificant impact, but I just never have done it and can't really force myself to change that.

This space intentionally left blank.

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Studying for me is rough... On exams and test I have never done so well at. They always give me a hard time no matter how much I can study prior to taking them. I get very stressed out and usually do not do as well as I wish on it. However learning from homework and class I get a lot out of. Tests and exams under a set time limit ahh just I do not do well.



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Chill, game, and make music all week and pile literally all of my studying and homework into the night before any give class.



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I always condition myself to like to study whenever I have to. I always challenge myself with the subject, just like "can you learn it in a day?". those ponies helps me a lot to enjoy my study. :)

For any subject, I learn it from the books the school gave me. I managed to read the whole book and try understand everything.

  • Brohoof 1

My Ponysona

Earth Saphina : http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/earth-saphina-r2097


"Saphina" stands for "Subphoena" which is the synonym of "call", so her name means "Call of The Earth"

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  • Practice, practice, practice!!! Seriously, the only way to ensure you know your stuff is to do it. Then do it again!
  • Ask your teacher for extra questions.
  • If you are totally lost, seek extra help from your teacher(s), classmates, or online. Khanacademy.com is a really good one to try (also teaches science, too!)



  • Create concept maps. More often than not, many things are linked together (ex: Stoichiometry>moles>Avagadro's number>carbon-12)
  • Explain a concept to a stuffed animal or a real person. This shows you (and your audience) how much you understand, and what you might draw blanks on. If you do draw a blank, be sure to study that blank area a bit more.
  • Drawing diagrams can really help (ex: food chains, protein synthesis, cell division, etc). Writing out explanations for these diagrams ensures the knowledge is locked down! Draw and write a few times to make sure you know it well.



  • I don't have much to tell you for this one. My English tests are usually skill based. Be sure to have an open mind to let the creative juices flow.
  • Practice spotting poetic devices (alliteration, metaphors, imagery, satire, irony, etc) in pieces of work. It will help you to understand the piece, and there may be questions about these things.


Social Studies/History

  • This is usually my worst subject. Please take these suggestions with a grain of salt.
  • Again, create concept maps. These can help you remember what things were happening when, consequences, etc.
  • Create a time line with summaries of events. It can help you to picture the sequence of things.
  • Pretend that the events are taking place in a story/movie. It's easier to remember plot-lines than straight up facts. I wasn't very good at this tactic, but I bet it could work wonders if you can get into it!



  • For definitions, use flash cards. They're awesome, portable, and they teach you the information quickly. You can make games with these, like matching cards; One card would be the word, the other would be the definition... Match em up! You can also do Jeopardy.
  • Re-do all relevant tests and quizzes. For a test, you'd only need to re-do the quizzes from the chapter/unit. For exams, re-do it all!
  • Don't try to learn everything all at once. Take it in chunks and take your time. Be sure you know the chunk before moving on to the next one.
  • Writing out your notes is more effective than highlighting text. When you write, you process the information more throughly than if you were to skim and make occasional markings.


That's all for now! I will add more tactics if I can come up with it. Good luck studying, bronies! I edit to add things, or because of typos.

Edited by D1SC0RD


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