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Name something that you strongly dislike and explain why


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No prob. Not sure why the kid called me a hobo. I mean, sure I dress weird, I might look like a hipster, but a hobo? Surely not. Although, being that he was only a kid, it's possible he didn't know what a hobo was and just called me a hobo because he heard the word somewhere and thought it was an insult. Wretched child...

Wait for it. Being called hobo is still good, the real shock comes when teens start calling you "mister". That's when you realize your youth disappeared. 


Oh and for the "simpleton". They are everywhere. I worked in KFC for a month while I was in school and I've met several of "these guys". Walk in, stare at the menu for 5 minutes and then go " Ummm. Chicken?". "Yes, you genius, chicken, even cola is made from freaking chicken here!"


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There are 2 things i extremely do not like at this moment:
1- Gangnum Style: I swear to Celestia if i hear this one more time i will destroy the world D:< I heard it before it was popular and got bored of it really fast and now everyone is playing on the radio and stuff and there's only a certain amount of times you can hear a song before you can't stand it. I'm at that point.

2- (another one I dislike so much its hard to write it) Cockroaches : They are my fear. My mother says "Lauren, they can't hurt you so you shouldn't be afraid of them" That is a false statement cause they carry diseases and aside from that they are NASTY! They way they walk, how they don't die, how some can fly, and various other reasons are why i extremely dislike them. Since my house is located about 4 yards (idk measurements.. however long my backyard is) away from a dirty reservoir there are lots of roaches that come in during the summer. That's why my family has to clean like twice a month to keep the evil at bay... 
thats about all i have to say on that matter.

  • Brohoof 2


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

What do you think of me?:


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-Korea, Japan, and China are NOT the same thing.

-The United Kingdom ≠ Great Britain ≠ England. THEY'RE NOT THE SAME THING!








And lastly,



Edited by Bloo47
  • Brohoof 2

"For those about to rock, we salute you!"- ACϟDC
Signature by Gone ϟ Airbourne (click the signature) My Tumblr

Member of the Equestrian Gaming Clan


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I hate prejudice against groups that can't control what they are and also don't harm anybody (like racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.), and with that I hate everything that bolsters up those prejudices in people, and even makes them out to as if they are the moral high-ground.


Only one thing really has to power to do that... But I'll leave that there.


I also strongly dislike violence of any kind.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I strongly dislike some of my classmates - Really, they're just so annoying, you ask them to stop doing one thing politely in a civilized manner, but they don't listen. Then you have to go all monarch on them...


I dislike Dogs. - Now before you start calling me a "Horrible person" or start the "A dog is your best friend" tale, just understand that there are people who simply dislike them, who find them annoying, hard to keep, sometimes dangerous.


I dislike people who can't keep their mouth shut. - Pretty self explanatory.


I dislike being lazy or bored - Yes, i dislike the fact that i'm quite lazy and 'am constantly bored... I really need to do something about this...


I Strongly dislike modern movies about teenagers with musicals... - For heaven sakes, everyone of them is just portraited as a Mary Sue. It seems that everyone can play guitar and own a 3000$ Gibson or Fender. Not only guitar of course, any instrument, or do literally anything! 

Edited by Concord


Thank you MatrixChicken for the Signature!

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I'm smack in the middle of Ontario (well maybe a littttle more northern), so I get the best of both worlds :P

I do say "eh", but only in the context of something like, "I know, eh?" Besides that, I'm pretty much clean, though I do use a lot of British terms.

We do hoard maple syrup...like that maple syrup heist! STRAIGHT TO THE CANADIAN PRIDE

(On another note, every time I see someone say they're from Ontario, I'm all "ERMERGERD WAT IF THEY LIVED IN MY TOWN" XD)


Now that my idiotic patriot rant is over (well, just patriot) (LOL REFERENCE), I'm going to say: the human race!

People that say "ecsetera" instead of "et cetera", girls who wear promiscuous makeup and clothing and act stupid to be "cute", guys who wear pants around their knees, and people who walk really slowly RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU with no way to get past are at the top of the list, though. Oh, and idiots in general, such as in HylianTwilian's example.

i hoard maple syrup and bacon... and i live in England :3 i'm not amazingly patriotic, apart from the fact i love top hats... and monocles... and waistcoats! and ballgowns! and suits! and dashing moustaches! and corsets! and spotted dick! and umbrellas! and rain! and the countryside! and... yeah...


i don't like mould, and people.  

i cannot be in the same room as mould, be it bread mould, or the good kind to flavour cheese.

i don't like people because they aren't to be trusted =_= ... unless they're on the internet! :D... makes sense huh? it's actually a lot easier to talk to people when they're called "rainshimmer" or "berrypie" XD


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For me, my family drives me up the wall... My mom's got major issues with asylum seekers- to the point she doesn't think they should have the right to maintain their traditions, my little brother thinks he's better than me- to the point of bossing me around, my older brother's to lazy to get a job- to the point of living on practically nothing and my dad... well, he's fine... He just hates video games- to the point of not letting us get any more...


SO, out of that, there are a few things notable that i strongly dislike.


1. ____ism... Be it Race, Sex, sexuality or religion, I don't like people thinking that these people are below them and shouldn't be given the same rights... That goes for interests too! I will stand up for bronies on youtube under attack, but when they think they find a quote and it's not actually from MLP, I can't help but glare at the screen and explain how not everything is a quote! Although, the odd one is... And usually then the person I'm watching is being attacked too...


2. People who think they're better JUST because the get better grades/are better at sport/are great at art... All humans on this earth are equal and deserve equal rights! Unfortunately, because of greed, this doesn't happen, but that doesn't give people the right to put others down. And often the people who aren't top of the pack here or there have more balanced talents. Some of them make up for lack of talent or beauty with amazing personalities.


3. Lazy people who won't do anything. Well, they don't contribute to society and are payed money to sit on their asses all day. Yeah, it's not much, but it's money going to people who are capable of getting jobs, just haven't tried.


4. Gamer haters... Or haters in general. The amount of flak one receives if you were to play pokemon, zelda or mario in public. Or even more hateful if you play WoW (I hated the athletes who bullied me over the 2 years I played it), CoD (because the fanbase is stereotyped as "CoD rules! Everything else stinks!") or, like everyone here, you watch a show designed for a completely different target audience (Being thought of as "Man children," "Gay," or "People with no social life," the nerve of some of them! Really! would we call them gay if they liked cute critters? Absolutely not! I mean, who doesn't like cute critters!


Okay so those are the ones covered by may family, now for the "Others"


5. Having things too clean, why? Because too clean means germ free, which can actually cause ones immune system to become underused and prevent you from developing resistance to cold and flu! You don't need to clean everything, everyday... Once a week is enough!


6. Having things too messy... Yes, I'm picky, but you know why? It's because if it's too messy, there are more germs and you're more likely to catch the flu... That and creepy crawlies will infest the place and, well, creep the hell out of me... Especially spiders... I ensure there aren't any spiders on my bed-clothes when I go to sleep...


7.Highly social people, because you never know what rumors are spreading, and it's these people who spread them... If you didn't hear it from the original source, don't believe it! Or at least ask if it's true if you're really worried about it! If someone told you that your best friend was seen on the edge of a cliff, ready to leap you'd probably ask!


8. People who "only want what's best for you" because they often don't know what's best for you! The amount of times I've had a chat to a teacher or parent about how "I can do better than a C," that "I can get I swear! They just don't get it! Maybe I'n trying my best! I bet that If I gave everything, I might get 2 A's a 3 B's and 1 C... And by everything, I mean I'm giving up all my leisure time for schoolwork. No friends, no games, no MLP... I'd be a success, and miserable! I couldn't do that to myself... I'd have to give up everything I love just for some good grades... Grades don't ensure anything... Sometimes a Dropout is better suited to lead than a straight A student. If the dropout works hard afterwards, they could go anywhere!


9. Unruly teens... Why? Because I'm a teen who has to put up with the bad wrap they get... Especially with the load of teen crime sprees as of late. I mean, I don't really look like one, with no tattoos or piercings, nor skimpy clothes...


10. Australians taking themselves too lightly... Why? Well, we have a reputation... And yes, I'm Australian... Just don't go poking around and you should be fine! Well, almost... Jellyfish can be kinda hard to see, and may be anywhere...

  • Brohoof 2

I am prone to leaving both short and long posts as well as with my profile feed...


I made this I am so proud of myself!

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For me it is a pretty long list and since I don't have time to type an entire book right now I will just give you a few of them.


1. People who judge what they don't understand: the way some people treat bronies has got to be a textbook example of this, most of the hard core haters never really watched the show yet I keep hearing the most outlandish and ridiculous accusations such as homosexuality, immaturity and perhaps the worst one pedophilia.


2. People who don't mind their own business: don't like homosexuality? Don't like porn? Don't like video game violence? Fair enough you don't have to do or watch any of that or even like it, just leave people who like those things alone and we won't have any problems.


3. Most of the garbage that passes for entertainment these days: while I am not one of those people who flees at the sight of sex or violence I do agree that entertainment has really gone down the crapper in the last 15 years. Most of the music coming out sounds like the same generic notes and chords played over and over again, many of the "artists" don't even write their own songs anymore and some of them are actually lip synching instead of actually singing. The only halfway decent live actions show on is The Walking Dead and re runs on the Hub of Hercules the Legendary Journeys and most of the cartoons are so dumbed down that it is insulting even to two year olds. And do we really need more reality shows? Come on those are obviously scripted and all appeal to the lowest common denominator of the celebrity infotainment culture.

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I really REALLY dislike when people chew gum with their mouths open. I don't mind bubbles popping or when their mouth is shut, but on god that smacking and sucking sound the gum makes when their mouths are open drives me nuts.


If I can't get away from the person, I glance at them now and then or put in my headphones if I have them on me.


Just thinking about it is making me twitchy.

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The character limit:


Something absolutely unnecessary, due in part to RP allowed as official posts.




The elite rule it and you have to be rich or religious to fit in.


Gravity Falls:


Seriously? It's just another dumb cartoon by Disney.




Long, boring, and stupid, its also poorly written and thought out. :/

Edited by SamtheLegoman
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One word: Advertisements.


I seriously can’t stand advertisements. They’re everywhere! Thankfully I have DirecTV so I can fast forward the commercials when I’m watching TV. I also hate ads on youtube too. I know they need them to make money but I hate having to sit through them.  I’m just glad there are some ads you can skip over in five seconds. Ads wouldn’t be so bad if they weren’t forced down your throat every five seconds.

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I really dislike incompetent doctors. I watched recently a VHS tape of my birth and saw a doctor tell my mother and father my physical diagnosis. He told them that I would be born with my brain outside of my head. He was dead serious to. In another case, I was in the emergency room (I can't remember why) and they nearly made me overdose on the numbing agent they used. A random nurse had to convice them to wait for the dosages already injected to take affect. Go nurse, show that doctor who is boss.

Edited by XrosOver

The mind of the host will desperately try to create memories where none exist. Simple right?

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Oh boy.


I hate babies and children up to 12.

I hate violence (Other than self defensive)

And drugs + alcohol

People who think all FPS games are just shooting around mindlessly. Including my mom (Until she watched me play Portal 2, those 10 minutes changed her opinion hugely)

People who play FPS on PS3 or xbox


People living on welfare money and smoking weed all day

Women (All they want is money and dick)

Men (violent stupid closeminded jerks)

Transsexuals (Prostitutes and attention whores)


Pyro noobs in tf2


Extremist Islamists





People who take ponies seriously

Sauli Niinistö


Soccer moms

People who hate Jews

Ppl who think all classical music is Mozart

Most of Mozart's music

People who say Alkans music is worthless and purely technical





Black ppl

The modern society and popular culture

Rainbow Dash fanboys

Vinyl x Octavia shipping

Pop "music"

Battlefield and Call of Duty.

Stupid people


  • Brohoof 1

Insert quote here.

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What's the term for the kind of people you see raging that because their friend didn't ask how their movie went after they suggested it as something they saw recently that might make their friend feel better about a problem, they only care about themselves and never listen to them? Just wildly out of proportion reactions to very minor things while assuming the worst. I'm terrified to be around these people because they seem to be constantly upset and I never know when a single missed syllable is going to make me the target.

Edited by Balamb
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Things i dislike:


People Nowadays: mentally challenged idiots who just gather in masses and push the level of being ignorant to a whole new level.

2008 music and onwards: Dubstep is noise. Rap is noise because of that wannabe 'Lil Wayne. Plus i don't want to say anything about those two freaks: Justin Bieber and Nicki Minaj.

Government: Bunch useless people who keep promising things to brainless idiots and they never realize nothing is going to happen.

My thought on government:



  • Brohoof 1

f3e947f4e815bd778e9905b.gifOh Yeah! Da Great Escape!

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I "strongly dislike" stupid bull****. I'm not what you'd call a people person to begin and I knew there was a lot of it to go around, but I never anticipated the shear metric ****tonnes of it. I also "strongly dislike" those who just make assumptions. I also don't like the pejorative connotation Dubstep has taken on thanks to a few artists. I'd say that there are vegas odds probability of everyone who calls "Bangarang" Dubstep hasn't heard Dubstep.

I can neither confirm nor deny myself being the cause of electrical related malfunctions. Anyways, you wouldn't happen to have a jar of replacement magic smoke would you?

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People that random trade me in RotMG


I would like to play the game, stop trading me, you can't have free things.  Earn it yourself.

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Political sheeps, too lazy to vote and only good at complaining afterwards? Ah, the political system at it's best. See, I couldn't care less if people go with the most conservative or liberal of political viewpoints, but they should at least research some of their stuff beforehand. 

"Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa...

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Hm. I dislike people who are just totally jerks, I dislike when people bully others especially people I am acquainted with.

I also don't really like people who think they know it all. And I have a bit of a dislike for people who can't shut up during class, (I know nerd ain't I?) However outside of school I could talk a storm up to anyone I'm comfortable around, so I don't blame them then.


Any cruel behavior of any kind towards others pretty much, I don't like to see people suffer. Infact I like to help people not suffer.


I think thats about all I can think of as of now.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Wow...didn't think people would be as specific as they are here.


Anyways, it HAS to be an atmosphere of negativity just for negativity. I was on GameSpot's forums from 2004 to early 2012 and actually left when it was the biggest group of some of the most negative people you'll ever meet. And then I find out that they allow for trolling now...glad I left when I did.

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Well, I don't really have many but here goes..


1. I strongly dislike intolerance/hate, I mean it is okay to dislike something and have boundaries and all, but it irks me to see people spread pure ignorance and hate among others and target them as an attempt to ruin their life and make it hell for them. To me, hating on someone or something is just pure negativity that is unnecessary and only damages your self-character and others around you. Everything ought to be approached with some sense of reasoning before harsh judgement. I have nothing against people that do hate and are intolerant though, but it just bothers me sometimes.


2. I strongly dislike drugs and alcohol as well as smoking. I have nothing against people that consume them and I have no intention on creating or being associated with campaigns to make it illegal and what not, I may support the notion to quit and live a sober and straight edge life, but it's not on my agenda right now. Not everyone that consumes these kinds of substances are bad and can still live on successfully in life, but I would prefer to stay sober n such.


3. I dislike coercion and control, everyone should live their life the way they want without much interference. Live by the golden rule and the non-aggression axiom and you should be able to life your life the way you want it.


4. Gender Roles, again, people should be able to love and enjoy what they like and desire, even if its something unusual to someone else. As long as it isint harming anyone else, it's completely fine. There is no need to judge them negativity or think of them any different. Live and let live.

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 1 year later...

Haters of all kinds.... 


I dislike them because they make life so much harder on everpony.. all because of what we like... its a sad world we live in where we can't be are selves without someone giving us their 10bits on the matter.....


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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