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Best friend BUSTS me on being a brony

(I apoligize for the length of my post x_x I talk about interesting things though)


Alright, so I've been hiding my love for MLP in my personal closet of self-shame. Right now, I'm a junior in High School. If I say so myself, I'm pretty average. Got average grades, I play one sport (track), I have a good circle of friends. 


I've had my fair share of secret-swaps in my time, but my assocation in the brony fandom is something I'd like to remain hidden. Even until death.


For all you high school bronies that can actually say "Yea, I'm a brony. Fluttershy is best pony" in public, then I congradulate you. Not too many bronies do come out of the pony closet in high school (in my opinion) because one of the major aspects of High School is fitting in... and what kind of male teenager could fit in with other people knowing that he enjoys a show meant for little girls?


Girls, no offense, but you got it WAY easier. You won't believe how many times I cringed my teeth when some of you walk around school with that goddamn "20% Cooler" T-shirt with Rainbow Dash on it. Now, I'm sure some of you pegasisters are worried about your self-image, and thats all good- but you'd be lying if you said that bronies and pegasisters are looked at by society equally.




So, my best friend was sleeping over the other night. We pulled an all-nighter on COD, and when we woke up, he asked if he could take my laptop with him to the shower (to listen to music as he washes).


The only reason why I let him take the laptop was because of the system I devised for hiding my MLP stuff. I use Google Chrome to look at anything MLP related, and I use Internet Explorer as my general browser. I hid the Chrome shortcut in this file in my documents.




My friend literally got out of the shower, took the laptop downstairs, and started blasting that goddamn MLP theme song as I was playing Dead Space. He didn't even take the time to clothe himself- he was fully naked...


Worst of all, he even took the liberty to READ THE FIRST PARAGRAPH OF THIS MLP FANFIC I HAD BEEN READING!!! (That's WAY worse than watching MLP, reading a fanfic means your way too interested in ponies)


(Oh btw he put his clothes back on after he blasted the theme song... reading a fanfic in the nude would be considered creepy)


He was laughing A LOT, and I was REALLY REALLY REALLYx5000 embarrased. I tried to play it off, but he laughed some more because "My cheeks were red as hell".




I made him promise not to tell anyone, and he swore that he wouldn't. I mean, I do have some pretty good dirt on him- but THIS DOES NOT COMPARE. I gotta be careful not to piss him off...


*BTW, no one but us was in the house at the time*




The purpose of me posting this was to share my own "Brony-Bust" with people who will never know my true identity (No one else needs to know about this). Comments on my own situation would be nice :)


Also, the other reason was to start a discussion on other brony's opinion on the whole "Open-Brony" policy for our teenage society. If your in high school, I'd like to hear reasons on why you do or don't tell people about your love for MLP.


If your out of school, mabye you could tell us why you would or wouldn't share your love for MLP back in school.


And most importantly, if your friend(s) "Brony-Busted" you, feel free to share the experience here ^o^

Edited by FlutterLegacy
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You're in junior high, so feel lucky that it happened so soon. The sooner it happens, the faster your friends will accept it as being a part of you. By the time you hit high school, they won't even care, because teasing someone about the same thing for years gets old for both parties. In fact this might actually help you. He's your best friend. You two are closer now as a result of sharing a secret. And he might even get you some pony merchandise for your birthday. In any case, I wouldn't worry too much about it. I don't mention being a brony to people I randomly meet because I don't think they'd really care, but I do keep some pony merchandise in full display near my workspace. If people ask about it I just tell them the truth. Its bad to hide things, they'll eat you up inside. 


So you can just relax and not worry about it at all. He's your friend for a reason. Nobody will leave you just because you like My Little Pony. There will be a bit of friendly teasing, but in the end, it's part of who you are and not your entire character.

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I read your entire post and I can relate. I use to hate the brony movement back in 2010 because I never understood it. But in time I gave the show a chance and I became a brony myself. This happened to me when I was in college and not high school. But give it time and you will feel right at home in the community. You also don't need friends who aren't accepting of what you like. They wouldn't be your real friends if they acted like that. Also be happy that your out now. Because I tried hiding it and that didn't pan out to well.

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You're in junior high, so feel lucky that it happened so soon. The sooner it happens, the faster your friends will accept it as being a part of you. By the time you hit high school, they won't even care, because teasing someone about the same thing for years gets old for both parties. In fact this might actually help you. He's your best friend. You two are closer now as a result of sharing a secret. And he might even get you some pony merchandise for your birthday. In any case, I wouldn't worry too much about it. I don't mention being a brony to people I randomly meet because I don't think they'd really care, but I do keep some pony merchandise in full display near my workspace. If people ask about it I just tell them the truth. Its bad to hide things, they'll eat you up inside. 


So you can just relax and not worry about it at all. He's your friend for a reason. Nobody will leave you just because you like My Little Pony. There will be a bit of friendly teasing, but in the end, it's part of who you are and not your entire character.

 Reading this does give me some ease, so thanks.


Oh, and he did actually get me pony merchandise, just to make fun of me some more- hehe. He got me a Applejack. I still gotta tell him that my fav pony is Fluttershy xD

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I can relate. Personally, I was a closet brony for a long time, then as I started being more outgoing, my friends found out. Unfortunately, their reactions were...less than preferable. Simply put it, I was blushing too, but more than that, I nearly teared up the next day. It doesn't help that in choir I had a solo to practice. In a classroom full of fellow students. The entire time I thought I was going to break, and I was (insert photo of my index finger and thumb close together) this close to it happening. I made it out alive, somehow. Just be glad that your friend "busted" you back at your own house. Alone. I was busted in front of our entire Honors English class.


For your situation, it depends on the personality of your friend. If he's an open-minded person, then consider showing him the show. If not, it may be best to just drop it. If the teasing persists, you link him "Cupcakes" and make him read it. That'll change his opinion...(evil laugh).

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Not gonna lie. That was quite an amusing story.
This really isn't a bad situation to be in. I mean, having a good friend find out and just joke about it a little is far better than having your cover blown school-wide. Even if he does find it funny right now, he'll get used to it and not care too much, kinda like with my friends.
Speaking of which, the way I shared my "bronyness" (albeit only to friends) wasn't quite as interesting. Just very subtle. I'm pretty much in the same situation, in High School (Secondary School in the UK). I decided to change my avatar on Skype and Steam to this.

At first no one said anything, then one friend asked what it was. I just said "Luna :D ". Theeeeen he searched it and queried me on my affiliation with ponies, so HE knew at that point . After a little while, it seemed to just SOMEHOW get to the point where most of my friends knew and were just okay with it. They don't like to talk about it though -___- . Doesn't mean I don't like to make the most of it - a friend asked me to play some good electro while we played games. Naturally, the first stop was Silva Hound. He hated the pony samples :D


And I have to ask - what was the fic? :P

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This really isn't a bad situation to be in. I mean, having a good friend find out and just joke about it a little is far better than having your cover blown school-wide. Even if he does find it funny right now, he'll get used to it and not care too much, kinda like with my friends.


I actually use to bust down on him for watching Glee and too much Batman, but I guess I got what I deserved xD


Also, the fic was A Bluebird's Song http://www.fimfiction.net/story/5082/a-bluebirds-song It's pretty good if you ask me- it deals with an emotional past and learning to accept yourself :)

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Also a Junior in high school, although I spend most of my school day in an engineering class off school grounds. Never been a closet brony myself, seeing as I'm a bit shy and don't talk to people in person much, so I don't care if people care if I'm a brony, because I wouldn't be talking to them either way. I have 3 close friends, 2 who are bronies (one male one female, both call themselves bronies, not pegasister. The female one lives on the other side of the country now though.) one of whom(the male) I showed mlp. The other one is my ex-gf. So I've never worried about fitting in, because I hate talking to people. If he accepts it, then no problem. If he doesn't  he probably wasn't too good of a friend anyway.

Edited by Brosparkles



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If he accepts it, then no problem. If he doesn't  he probably wasn't too good of a friend anyway.


You act like being a brony is something to be ashamed of, I assure you, it is not. If he is really your friend it shouldn't matter. Don't let it bother you that he knows.



Your both probably right, it's not that I'm ashamed of being a brony... I guess I'm just too embarrassed to admit it. But why should I be embarrassed? Just like track team and other things, its something I like. I should really stop being so insecure 

Edited by FlutterLegacy
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Well I since wrote 5 paragraphs that were deleted and I don't feel like explaining it all again.


Fitting in isn't something to worry about. You shouldn't use Chrome to hide your stuff because nobody wants to use IE.  Try Opera, it could be easily  be mistook for a app. I opened myself wearing MLP shirts and having a Derpy Bag I use as a BP everyday in school. Girls do get it easy. It's cute about how you blushed. My friends don't care I'm a brony, I'm nice so nobodies mean about it, people defend me when I get bashed on. I'm open about it. I'm not friends with other bronies because it's hard to talk to them. My I'm kind of buff and have records of beating people from the past (not about being a brony, before that) So nobody doesn't want to make me mad about it. I can troll people who think it's bad, and they get pissed off. 

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This is what the bronie community is meant for!  We will be here for you if you don't chose to tell your a bronie to the outside world. It can get pretty embarrassing at times, but it's like the MLP forums is a safe place with nice people, hidden away from haters. If your friend didn't accept it, then maybe he never was your friend if he would stop being hanging out with you because of your show selection.

Edited by TheGreatandPowerfulZecora
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I feel ya bro, but I have never been in that kind of situation before, mainly all my friends i have at my school are bronies/pegasisters which is a massive relief, for wearing shirts i am a dude just like you, i wore my Derpy/Rainbow Dash shirt to school(Like a bawss) and my friends loved my shirt, and for everyone else they didn't seem to give a F*** on what i wore, no one but them said anything so that means that the people in my school don't care what you wear cause it's none of their business.


But my non brony friends know i am a brony and they support me on what ever interest i have cause it doesn't matter to them, they don't look at me any different other than a friend and a human being so that's a relief.


I've came across one of my old friends and he laughed at me a little bit and said "Wow you're a brony?" I said "Yea, problem? deal with it bro" and he just walked away without saying another word.. so it's like yea that's right B**ch LOL.



I came out of the closest and started to open up my awesomeness infront of others cause i don't really give a crap... i wore my Pony shirt at the mall and it was no big deal, and i saw a shit ton of bronies... i'm like "Oh my god, this is brony heaven!" XDD.

and went into the hot topic store and omg there were alot of bronies in there like hell to the yea!.


Other than that, don't feel ashamed, it's okay to be a brony.. and i'd be damn well proud of it! ;)

Edited by ~Chaotic Fluttershy~
  • Brohoof 2


Thanks MiniKirby! It's soooooo awesome! wub.png

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I myself have never really been a closet brony/pegasister at all. Of course I did try to hide it from some of my friends when I first got into the show, but soon enough everyone in my school knew that I was a Pegasister. And of course, I was totally fine with that.


The reason I didn't tell some of my friends at the beginning is because I do have a lot of friends who judge people on everything they do. And if they found out that I liked My Little Pony, they would probably just judge me like they did to everyone else. But, soon enough again they found out. Of course they judged me on it, but I told them I would not be their friend if they judged me on the fact that I loved the show. They of course are not my friends anymore, big surprise.


Anyways, I love the fact that I'm a pegasister and will share it will anyone. It's a part of me, and if someone can't except that fact about me, they can't be my friend.

Edited by Galex Dj
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Signature by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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I was a closet brony...and then my friends looked at my friends list and noticed all the brony friends I had on Xbox LIVE.


P.S A week ago at my school there was a girl in my Geometry class who wore a Rainbow Dash jacket.

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I've never really hidden the fact I like ponies. At first I was kind of shy about it, but I began to not really care after a while. And I'm glad I didn't keep it a secret, I met my best friend from being open about my love for MLP. I was still new to the fandom at the time, and was not very open about it.

I was in art class and we had some time to draw. I was drawing Fluttershy. It was hard to tell it was Fluttershy though, because it was in my own real-horse style. Just a pegasus with lots of little animals running around her. The boy who sat across from me asked what I was drawing.

"Oh, just a character from a TV show. A Pegasus." I said, showing him the drawing. 

"You should draw My Little Pony ponies." he said. 

"This is. It's Fluttershy." I told him, "In my own style"

"Wow, you watch MLP too!"  he said, and we began to have a discussion about it. We soon discovered we had more in common after that. And so we've been friends ever since. 

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I was a sorta closet brony, then I couldn't take it anymore. I was at my ex-best friend's house, and I was listening to brony music, and she asked me what it was and i just told her the truth. She laughed at me and I continued to listen to the awesome brony music. 20% cooler!xD I am not longer her friend for other reasons too, but that was the main reason. I was also very surprised to figur eout THAT MY SCIENCE TEACHER WAS A BRONY AS WELL! so I just went with it and now I talk to my science teacher about it all the time! :P She is best science teacher. <3 I also got my (new and way more improved :P) bff into MLP an now I have nickname dher Rarity because she has Rarity-like characteristics. So now I don't care who I tell, they know I'm unique and awesome anyway so they just think it's typical of me. B)

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This is why I duel boot my laptop. One OS for work and one OS for other. Also, I would never let anyone else put their hands on my laptop if my non work hard drive was even in the computer. I also encrypt my non work hard drive.


It's kind of suspicious that they found you're other browser and checked your history. I suppose they might have gotten suspicious as to why you hid that browser, but why would anyone's first instinct be to look for a hidden browser on a computer they borrowed?

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Turn the page, and thousands die. And for what? For the greed of two powerful leaders. 
Turn the page and floods, earthquakes and volcanoes are destroying the world.

It is a time for acts of despair and of bravery as well.

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There are countless pages to turn. And to all things comes a beginning!

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I have one foot out of the closet right now. I don't feel the need to tell people. If they find out, then they find out. I did my cousin because he goes to the same university as me and he would have found out anyway. I told my sister because I thought she like the show. I told her a bit about bronies, she found it weird, then wanted to see an episode. She enjoyed it. But I doubt she is watching it right now, she is quite busy with school and other tv shows.


I did forget to tell my other cousin who goes to my university as well. When he came over, I just waited for him to venture into my room and see my Rainbow Dash wallpaper. Which he did. Of course the first words out of his mouth were, "you're gay". I said something, I don't remember. I just know I said it jokingly. He then told me he knew a brony, but she had a 4 year old daughter and therefore had an excuse. I mentioned something about not needing and excuse and then it dropped. Hung out the rest of the night without saying anything about ponies. He came over a few days later and when I was giving him some tv shows, he saw I had some MLP episodes on my computer and his comment was something like this, "you weren't joking!". I just replied, "I never joke." And that was it. My cousins don't care.


I'm not really sure what my brother would think, but if anyone finds out, whatever. I have been learning to be more accepting of myself. The song in my sig has been a big help with me learning to accept myself for who I'm am. I've always been accepting of myself to an extent, but the song is helping me to just not care if anyone finds out about anything I like. We are who we are, and there is no changing that.

Edited by Mr. Dash

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So your friend found out you watch MLP while he took your laptop to shower so he can fa- listen to music and then came to harass you about it. Naked. And you feel embarrassed.


I'm sorry, you're overdoing it. Really, you are. It's a cartoon show and community of people talking about all sorts of stuff. There isn't much of a reason to really hide it, the biggest problem is the drama people impose on themselves, by themselves. If you treat it as a terrible secret and hide it as such, then don't be surprised someone will come looking for it.


There are so many things everyone can be embarrassed about, but this isn't one of them.

Edited by Jessper
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If you think you have it bad, I fall in less then 5% of the demograph.  Over 30, full time job, builds audio systems, fixes cars and manufactures ammo.  Somewhat of a jack of all trades for the most part.  If it needs blasting, bumping or boosting, I can help.   


I'd rather be caught watching porn then leaving a window open of either this forum, EQD, FIMFic.net or an episode left up on youtube.


I hide my tracks well.  Always keep multiple windows open to divert, erase all history every session, and never tell a soul.

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Ugh. The whole "closet" brony idea annoys me. You like a bucking TV show, its not a big deal. Its not like you're admitting you're gay or something. 



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My best friend somewhat dislikes the fact that I watch MLP, and I do get some crap from him about it. But, I know he's joking an it's all in good fun. Both me and him have known each other since we were around the age of 3.


It's pretty much an unbreakable bond, so to speak. We're bros. We're both trolls, we joke around, we like to have a few laughs, blow things up, annoy people, etc. It may sound immature, but, it's completely healthy to have fun, and I see nothing wrong with it.


Anyhow, it started when they first found out I was a Brony. They being my best friend and another friend of mine. (I consider all of my friends good friends, but some I know more than others.) They criticized me for a while, until I sternly told them that if they were going to make fun of me for what I like, the weren't my true friends. Because, obviously, a true friend is one that doesn't care what your like, what you look like, or anything of the sort. A true friend would like me for who I am, not for who they want me to be.


They both apologized, and now we've put the dispute behind us. Since then, I've made another person that watches MLP:FiM and has engaged in the fandom. 


Just be yourself, don't mind what others think. If they despise, correct them.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by me. ^-^


Ask Discord thread!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/52658-ask-discord/


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Ä̛͍̟̯́͊ ͈̟̟̒̅̀G͚̻̳͂͆̀l̨͍̞͋́̊í͕̠̰̾̒m̤̙̮̆̃̕p̗̣̞̒̓̕ṡ̨͖̩͆̔e̢̙̭̍̈́̿ ̼̜̹̅͘͘ỏ̢͓͙͗͆f̯̬̎̓͜͝ ̟͍̮̅̓͠E͚͓̱̅̈́͑v͚̟̘͊̀͘ȩ̝̱̊̈̽ŗ̱̮̒̒͠ÿ̧̝̱͂̅ẗ͖̼͔́̀̉h̨̛̯̘̀̐í͕͕̜̏̈́ņ̭͕́̌͘g̰̻̖͂͐̾.̙͙̽̍̿ͅ.͉̪͔̽̂̏.̰̬͉̏̈́́

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Well, my best friend knows that i like the show, i told him about it, and he didn't really cared about it, and even wanted to watch the first episodes to know it better,but he is too lazy to do it  :P  he just don't want me to be the kind of guy that is obsessed with MLP and buys everything pony-related that i see in my way, that's what he said.


Made by the awesome Angels_Gal

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Lol honestly I think your friend should be the one embarrassed,  I'd never just walk over to my friend naked blasting the MLP theme...awkward.


I used to hide it too, mainly from family and friends since I didn't want to deal with any teasing but not quite to your extent. Once you let other people find out about it it's not a big deal really. Maybe for the first two weeks or so they'll tease you a bit but eventually they just think of it as a part of you. And if the person actually cares about you they let it drop. For me personally I feel better about myself for not keeping it a secret anymore, lifts a heavy burden off your shoulders and you're not forced to hide a part of yourself. And for me back when I was hiding it and people made fun of the show and Bronies I ended up feeling a deep sadness and like something was wrong with me and that no one would ever accept it and that did some self confidence and self esteem damage. All of that vanishes once it's out there and for the most part everyone accepts it, you still deal with haters but you stop caring what they think and just be yourself.


Fitting in is overrated and only exists in high school, once it's over you'll talk to exactly three of the people you thought were your best friends anyway since everyone moves on to different things. And you won't even remember your classmates names anymore either so they don't matter. Better to be unique and yourself and simply live by the mantra "haters gonna hate."


Being a Brony isn't something to be ashamed or embarrassed about, quite the opposite actually it's something to be proud of. Just take a look at the community around you right now, where else would a thread like this exist where people were offering actual help rather than trolling like mad and just trying to bash you for expressing any kind of emotion? Internet's a scary dark place and I think the Brony community is a speck of light in that. 

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