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S03:E13 - Magical Mystery Cure



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Yes. This is one of those, "should have been a two parter" episodes. Other than that, I have two questions. (1) What exactly is Twilight the Princess of? (2) If she is the Princess of Ponyville, then what will happen to the Mayor? Other than those three things I say, it's a pretty good episode.


(Also, I think it's safe to say the Cutie Mark Crusaders get there cutie Marks in Season 4.)

Shoot, I just realized that I have a typo in my original post, I put wit instead of with near the end, but that is a great question that was never answered.  What exactly is she the princess of?  This is going to bug me all the way to the beginning of Season 4.


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I loved the songs (going to be listening to those in my car). I feel this was a bold move in the plot line, as this will change the outcomes and plotlines of all future episodes. I feel an episode like this would have been better suited to be the very last episode to ever be aired.


And I also didn't watch it until late tonight (as I was away from home this morning), and it was impossible to dodge the spoilers. First, Daniel Ingram posted on his Facebook about writing a song about ponies switching their cutie marks, it took a little while to get that off my mind, and then I foolishly come to this site and get a nice glimpse of Twi as an alicorn which completely ruined the suspense when I got to the point in the episode where Twi and Celestia were talking. And I played TF2 today and saw someone with their name being "Twilicorn." I didn't even think about this though and didn't know what it meant yet. No big deal though, still an amazing episode.


And this will be me when I wake up on a Saturday morning and realize that there is no new MLP:



And also, seven songs in one episode?


That has to be an Academy record!

Edited by Hamez
  • Brohoof 2

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I quite enjoyed it and have had the songs stuck in my head all day!

However I really would have loved it to be spaced over 2 episodes. It just started and came straight in with 'oh no! The cutie marks have switched!' I think it could have been about 20% cooler if it had been more detailed and less rushed.

But they can't help it so I'll try to put that behind me!

I was also a bit frustrated when Twili's friends bowed to her. I get that it was out of respect and all but they are her best friends... For me, it kind of made Twilight too... I can't really put it in words but it made me worried Twili was going to drift apart from them or something!


However the animation was awesome, the plot was great (Apple Jack's attempt at sewing I can soooo relate to) and I enjoyed the music :)

So yeah!


I've heard it's possibly 3 parts too so I'm kind of excited!


  • Brohoof 2
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This wasn't the best episode I would of expected for a season finale although it was a very musical episode indeed, not that that's a bad thing xP Although the episode was way too rushed and didn't have that much of a story, they should of put this in season 4 in my opinion and make it a 2-3 part episode from there. The coronation gave me such a heart-warming moment with Twilight's speech <3

I liked most of the songs for sure and I'm predicting a bunch of remixes for every song xP Although I can't say some of them were as good as others. So yeah... it was an okay episode I guess, now we just have to wait for season 4...


~Signature created by Chaotic Discord~

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anypony else have a feeling somthing......is going to happen in part 2 of this? if this does turn out to be a 3 parter i have an uneasy feeling that some "stuff" is gonna go down. either way HUGE SQUEE WHEN CELESTIA WAS SINGING!

  • Brohoof 2

Fallout Equestria: The Wildest Dreams  221K words and counting!
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I literally cried watching this episode. The songs gave me feels, Twilight's transformation to Alicorn made me cry with joy, and the part when Celestia sang before the transformation was the part that hit me. xD This was the best ending to a season ever imo. I'm glad it ended with a bang. Honestly I was sorta expecting disappointment, but nope!


However, I think the episode should have been two parts, at least have an episode where it mainly focuses on Twilight's mistake on switching the ponies' cutie marks, and their destinies. That *would* have been better, because everything about that episode happened TOO FAST. lol

  • Brohoof 1
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There were some okay parts in this episode, but compared to other finales, I found it a little lackluster. The transition to alicorn seemed very rushed in the confines of the episode. Sure, there were less-than-subtle hints dropped along the way throughout many episodes this season, but it just didn't fit in my mind from a writing perspective. It seemed crammed into a 30 minute slot and just didn't do the event justice. I know there's a lot of angst/counter-against over the subject of Twilight's 'ascension', but I don't want to get into that debate. I just think the writing of the episode could have been a lot better.


There were songs though, so... that's a plus. :P

  • Brohoof 1

Original Characters? Guess I truly am addicted now...


I write and do physics too. Crazy, ain't it?


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Don't worry

Season 4 is confirmed with 26 episodes

and this Season Finale was pretty much a 3 parter according to Megan

here is your proof :)



I keep hearing people say that this season finaly was aweful, but honestly, I loved it. Sure it seemed rushed and the songs could have been a bit better, but overall it was just great. The animation and visuals were great, the alicornification was cool, and we got to see rainbow dash be happy with twilights new wings. I may be in the minority though. Not to say that you said that you didnt like it, this has just been on my mind.

  • Brohoof 3

Everything will be ok in the end, if its not ok, then its not the end - anonymous


A good friend, like a good book, is something that will last forever - Twilight Sparkle

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I just finished watching it about an hour ago, and my head still hurts.  Sure, I loved the songs (I can't stop listening to I've Got to Find a Way), but the episode just seemed way too rushed, and way too much story was crammed into a 22 minute episode.  It was sort of like rapid fire, Twi wakes up, BANG! cutie marks swapped, BANG! problem solved, BANG! Twilicorn.  I think making it a two parter would have improved it a little bit in my opinion.  For me, I would only go back and re-watch this episode just to hear the songs again.  I'll just give the episode a rating of "slightly below OK," as a rushed episode wit good music to re-listen too.  


It should of been a 100 parter that way we get more seasons before they ruin her. XD


Oh well we can always watch Equestria Girls....


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Ugh... I'm sorry, I hated this episode. A terrific comedic premise wasted to shoehorn marketing for a new toy. Most of the songs weren't very good and I counted only two real laughs. By far my least favorite episode of the series. I really hope they won't have to put out more pandering crap like this in the next season.


At least there's still the comics...

Edited by n1029
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Okay, I gotta show this to you guys, some of you have probably already seen it but what the hay, what do you think of this explanation for Twilight becoming an Alicorn,


I like it, would make an excellent cross pollenizing add for MLP and Red Bull (although the company themselves could never have made it because they would get bad PR for marketing energy drinks to young children). XP



OMG that clip was just plain epic!!!! But perhaps PR wouldent get out of hand with the utterly HUGE brony fan-base. Theres m0re bronies who watch MLP as children... At least thats the case where i live.

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I keep hearing people say that this season finaly was aweful, but honestly, I loved it. Sure it seemed rushed and the songs could have been a bit better, but overall it was just great. The animation and visuals were great, the alicornification was cool, and we got to see rainbow dash be happy with twilights new wings. I may be in the minority though. Not to say that you said that you didnt like it, this has just been on my mind.

oh i really really liked this Season finale

i loved all the new songs and can't wait for the remixes of all those songs!

I have faith that we will DEFINETLY see some of the previous villains return :)

  • Brohoof 1
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Well this episode certainly raises some interesting questions. 


First things first this is the only season I've watched while it was airing, and that definitely made a world of difference.  It is truly satisfying to look forward to and anticipate these episodes as they arrive, compared to merely cycling through them after they have all aired. It was a bit annoying at times, I've never really watched a television show as it aired before so the idea of waiting a week (or months) for a 20 minute episode was a cause for consternation in the beginning, but I gradually got used to the idea. It is rather nice actually, because then I get the oppurtunity to appreciate each episode individually and seperate. Regardless of that fact, here is my opinion on this episode. 


I never really worried much about the Twilicornication thing. We have been with these characters for a remarkably long time and there was certainly a lot of good times and character growth to lead up to this point; the nicely done flashbacks Celestia showed us were proof enough of that. These characters have grown time and time again under our watch, and I think that Twilight turning into an Alicorn came at a rather good time. The Mane six as a whole have already shown to be adept at taking down enemies and friendship problems alike, and I think it is the appropriate time to have a different type of change in the series. I do think they could have anticipated this episode a bit better by including more episodes featuring the Mane six. This season we've had a lot of side stories, I'm looking at you Spike as well as you three Crusaders over there! Personally I think they should have moved some of the stories focusing on the side characters into season 2 and had more episodes with our girls in season 3, at least one for each of the Mane six. In season 3 we have an episode featuring Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy, and I think and episode for Pinkie and Rarity would have psyched us up quite nicely for this season finale. Heck, if only to remind us why we love them all so much! The Cutie-Mark Mixup in this episode was a rather nice way of doing this, but i felt that because it was so short it could have used a bit of help. Regardless, I still think Hasbro's team made it work splendidly, although there was quite a bit of Daniel Ingram to digest in this single episode. Not too bad of a thing to suffer from, but a tiny bit overdone perhaps. This will no doubt be paid for in full when the musicians get to work. (YAY WOODENTOASTER!) 


I'm also quite enthusiastic for the next season, I highly doubt Twilight will be moving to Canterlot (this a BAD IDEA Hasbro, not terribly good at all), and if I had to guess (really now, what am I writing this for again?) I would say the most significant change thematically would be that the series now will focus less on Twilight descovering new aspects of friendship and more about her dealing with the advent of new responsibilities. We know the ponies, they know eachother, now it's time to give everyone some more stress and see how they react. Hopefully this will mean some more intense storylines, and even more responsibility for all of the Mane six, not just Twilight. 


Now I promise I'm done belly-aching, onto the speculation! 


Now Twilight's alicornication brings about many questions. For one thing I'm interested in how the other alicorns came into existence. Was Cadence one of the three regular types of pony before? Celestia and Luna? Now obviously these aren't new questions, but now that artificial alicornication (or perhaps Assisted Alicornication, if you prefer) is canon we have even MORE incentive to seriously consider them. The other point I want to bring up is the subtle foreshadowing that goes on between Luna and Celestia. Way back in the season'a first episode Luna made some hints that there is a big shitstorm coming, and during this episode Luna and Celestia keep passing looks that make me wonder if everything is really as jolly as Twilight believes. That look they give eachother at the end tells me that season 4 will see the arrival of something deeply concerning to the two princesses, which should be interesting. Most of the time the Big Bads of the season arrive unexpectedly, or at the very least Celestia doesn't seem terribly worried about them. To see both Celestia and Luna so genuinely concerned about some unknown thing approaching in season 4 that they know about THIS EARLY in the game is worrisome. Somehow I think Twilighticorn will need all of her new power and her old friendships to take it down with any sort of success. And that is just assuming it is an enemy, the equally concerning possibility is that the two Princesses are preparing Twilight and her friends for their absence, a bit of a wild theory with nothing to support it but it seems to fit the mood and foreshadowed hints. At any rate, I'm rambling now. 


Now that season 3 is over I am quite excited. The season went well, I was glad to be a front-row observer to the whole thing instead of seeing it second-hand for once, and I predict that even though I must wait for my new episodes I will have PLENTY of fan content to satisfy me until they arrive! It has been an awesome journey, the most thrilling part is knowing that it isn't over! 


So, what were your favorite parts of the season? 


Oh, and please don't forget that

Ann lies.

  • Brohoof 1
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Tell me, what role does the Third princess of Sweden fulfill?


In the same way, Twilight is A princess of Equestria, but not THE princess. It's just a title, really.

That doesn't apply here. Equestria is different from the real world. In Equestria, princesses clearly have real authority and serve an essential purpose.


At least they did, until now. I really have no idea what Twilight's purpose is. Princess of the library, maybe?


I've seen people agreeing with me on this, so at least I'm not alone in thinking this episode was less than brilliant, but let's not overstate things, okay? Let's think about what we're saying. The people who watched and enjoyed this aren't necessarily wrong; I understand very well why they liked it. Twilight wasn't "a moron," they just forgot who she was and used her as a means to an end. It wasn't the worst episode ever, either. Unlike the two Wells (Owl's Well & Mare Do Well) which at least had the guts to revel shamelessly in their own badness, this episode felt like...nothing. I didn't hate it; it left me feeling empty, and somehow that's worse. Not one episode in Seasons 1 or 2 did that to me. In this season with only half the episodes, it's happened twice. (The other time was Magic Duel.)


I can't believe the pacing is the biggest problem most people have with this. True, it was fast-paced by necessity, but if that was its greatest weakness as an episode of My Little Pony, I would be thrilled. Keep Calm and Flutter On was rushed. It still delivered. This one had nothing except for one decision we didn't want (with good reason) and a lot of nice songs in place of dialogue, character development and explanation. If you look at it that way, Sks_Burns was right: the time they did have, they used poorly. When you have only 5-10 minutes worth of story constructed, a two-parter is not going to help matters.


I didn't think it was at all necessary for Twilight to be an alicorn. I didn't want Twilight to be an alicorn. Now it's happened, and it wasn't even for a good reason. It had "we have to do this cuz Hasbro" written all over it. Nobody has the writing chops to make something like that feel natural or right, at least not to me, and it's almost like Larson realized the same thing and gave up in the second half. That or the execs swiped his script and rewrote the last 8 minutes themselves. Either way his hands were tied.


Given my earlier doubts, I don't think I had unrealistic expectations for this. Even near the end, all I needed was one moment--one moment--of doubt or uncertainty on Twilight's face, to foreshadow something, to be true to her character, to hint at any kind of depth in this episode--and I was still waiting for it when the credits rolled. I'll still be waiting at the Season 4 premiere. "Good" is not good enough to make this work for me. It'll have to be flat-out brilliant.


I have to level with you, guys. I respect all of you too much to pretend. I could go on all night about why I hold this opinion, but those arguments can't compare to--or really express--my disappointment. This episode makes me a little misty-eyed, too. But I'm sorry to say it's not 'liquid pride.'




This is going in my profile, and may very well stay there until I have a real answer. Because I sure didn't get one today.


Edited by TailsIsNotAlone
  • Brohoof 4

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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My little pony: The musical.


Way too many songs, they knew they was screwed story wise so they just jammed it all into as many song as possible. Its transparent and to be honest most of the songs don't even sound that good, they have there moments and sure there are a few good ones but since their basically using a song for a scene to cram all the story in, it all means that if the song doesn't tickle my taste I am already at uneven ends with that part of the scene/ story segment.


No, I didn't like Celestia singing. Lauren said once that they made her to be some sort of figure that no one really knew her limitations or at least what she truly knows and does not know. While I don't know if that definition still truly fits Celestia after the end of season two I do think it was meant to be a part of her atmosphere and for some reason seeing her jump out and basically sing expedition feels as artificial as a bunch of men in suits attaching puppet strings to her limbs and making her dance.


Story pacing is horrible, it doesn't have the intrigue or wonderful hooks to make you in awe at the concept alone so they have to be developed, which they are not because the pacing is terrible. This isn't doctor who...hell..doctor who had more pacing than this and that Series has made no qualms about rushing scenes by back and forth in order to prod the story along but they also had whacky and insane ideas to chew on at least even if it was quick at times.



Generic nonchalant ending(refering to the end screen shot here), the only way it could be worse is if they made them all jump into the sky and freeze frame with their hooves in the air. Twilight Personalities basically melts away under the sea of crap suddenly forced onto her, its like someone grabbed her and suddenly started ripping her flesh off and then yelled "YOU'RE A PRINCESS, YOU'RE A PRINCESS" Like some sort of agitated, obsessive schizoid murderer.


In the end I don't really see how twilight thinks about this because she given as little time to process it and as we are. So they just skip to presumed acceptance and joy. Random gratitude speeches don't make me accept it, twilight might be grateful but I'm not, make me happy for her. Don't just say it and give me a few tears.


Expedition was not given when it was needed most: Where the song that explains why the other are not turned into Alicorns, the elements of harmony are a team. She doesn't exhibit all these traits, she works in a unit where these traits are combined together in a uniform, a squad. Why is she a princess....WHY...there no explanation actually given...


"heres a spell"


"ok thanks"


"you fixed it, welcome to the void dimension, lol"


"you be a princess now cuz I watched you and...for some reason that spell makes you a princess"


"ok, thanks. Oh noes. I'm a princess"


"yes you are"


Nothing explained. Its basically "How does Twilight become an alicorn" and celestia replies "princess" and why the hell is Twilight using Star swirl work. She finishes the last page and she gets the reward, what did the magical legend who is implied to have mastered and changed magical art not good enough. Oh, no. He just didn't have someone 99% of the studying and life work for him thats all...


Studying friendship maybe but still...standing on the shoulders of giants and then getting the benefit of all his stuff and due recognition (yes. I am suggesting he should be an alicorn. If wer handing it out like candy we should probably give it to the most prominent spoken lore name in the show that used as a powerful none god/spirit/ alicorn)


Whole idea in a nut shell:


Twilight becomes an alicorn.


How it was handled and told:


Yeeeeeeeeeeeees (its drawn out because its a song)




Maybe I'm just failing anal fortitude rolls(raging and butthurt). People who read my status updates know I just had my hope revived for silent hill-my childhood love- and it destroyed again within a span of a day, so the smoke is still steaming off me. But, I honestly couldn't watch this. I had to force myself too, I felt embarrassed for the show half way and un-interested during it all. So, I'm not going to lie I got reasons to be bias about my fandoms right now and the shows they are devoted too.



P.S: I wasn't even apart of the twilicorn debates before this.






What if THIS is a part of the destiny bending spell...?


Maybe not but that just hit me, that would make a cool plot twist.

Edited by MiStErUnMeRry
  • Brohoof 2

A Head Butt is just a more confrontational meeting of the minds.

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Ah, this was the big one. The one we've all been waiting for. And to be honest, I wasn't worried, I knew that I could never lose faith in the gifted people who work on the show to just blow it out of nowhere. It's the way it will always be, in my opinion. I was interested to see how they would take the formula of, not only the whole cutie mark switcheroo thing, but making Twilight Sparkle an alicorn princess.


First off, I was curious as to how they would cram a finale this big into 22 minutes of showtime. Regardless of the fact that the multiparter will end with the beginning of season 4, a lot of people have been saying the whole thing was rushed. I admittedly agree, I mean they had to end this episode with Twilight's transformation anyway, like it or not. But anywho, they had a grand total of seven stellar Disney-esque musical numbers packed into the episode, so I'm assuming that's part of the reasoning. The songs were great, especially the unexpected ones, namely Celestia's, so that leveled it out for me.


The cutie mark swapping portions of the episode were also rushed, but they were slightly less relevant, so I see why it was taken in that direction. Surely was a much-needed concept for the show, I've wanted something like it for a good long while now, and I'm glad it has finally taken place.


Also, nice to see Derpy returning, not once, but a surprising 6-ish times. For this reason and many more, I know the right thing is to have absolute faith in the wonderful staff that have given us the gift of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic for the same reasons that have brought us all here in the first place. Hear me out; they have started something of a revolution. It wouldn't be like any person with half a brain to just let all that success just die and fall to pieces in an instant.


As for the third season of the show so far, I thought it was pretty good. We've had good fanservice, excellent episodes, many finally-canonized theories and terms, and a heck of a finale. I, for one, am eager to find out how the story continues once we get information on season four. In the meantime, I will enjoy this hiatus by further kicking back, watching the fandom do its thing, and catch up on some LPS.

  • Brohoof 2


My journey in the fandom started on April 5, 2012. I joined here on April 24, 2012. Where that journey is headed now, who knows...

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The episode was very rushed and not as authentic as many other episodes have been. But I do think this is just a cliffhanger and we're going to see the outcome of this next season.


I'm putting my money on "Twilight gives up her princess title because she doesn't want to lose her friends."

  • Brohoof 1
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 I'm going to ask questions here.


1. Are Celestria and Luna planning to step down as Canterlot rulers,so that Candance and Twilight Sparkle could take over for them?

2. Is the Alicorn Amulet returning in a future episode,and be used by TS?

3. Will AppleJack and Fluttershy also change their forms?

4. Will Discord make another appearance?

5. Will Zecora join the now main 5,to make it 6 again?

 1.That's probaly not gonna happen until show finale, or never.

  2.It all depends on the writers.

 3. ...what? Where did you get that evdience?

  4.Prbably, since there would be episodes in Canterlot Castle if Twilight's still a princess by the end of the Season Four opener.

 5. Who said that they still were'nt connected? They'll probably be moving to Canterlot, or Twilight will be given a trial by ruling over Ponyville as a Duchess or Countess before taking her full possition.

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That doesn't apply here. Equestria is different from the real world. In Equestria, princesses clearly have real authority and serve an essential purpose.

Now tell me, prior to the re-emergence of the Crystal Kingdom, what purpose did Cadance really fulfill?


And then there's Prince Blueblood, who proves my point to the T, even if he happens to be a prince rather than princess.



I swear, people here are just grasping for reasons to whine, even when they have to ignore facts, or even lie to do so.




Frankly, I don't see what makes this episode "terrible". It has less plotholes than ACW, and less annoying new things added to TS. This episode gave her wings. ACW retconned her backstory and forced in two characters that were relatively terrible... one of them an Alicorn. Shining has redeemed himself somewhat.


ACW was a wreck in the plot department, but it saved itself with action scenes. This episode did the same with songs.



Oh, and the first Season Finale was weak too. The Finales in this series are weak as a rule. MMC was better than both, yet still in the bottom third.

Edited by RWB

"The meaning of life? Humans create their own meaning. They always strive onwards, upwards, to break the limits of their knowledge, the limits of their bodies capacities, and the limits of their technology.
We have to take the good with the bad. We created the nuclear bomb, but we also created penicillin."


Max Lundgren, Author, 1981         (Translated from Swedish)

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Just watched the ep, spilled some liquid pride.

I was especially glad to see Twilight use their friendship to fix their cutie marks. Rather than pulling a kind of Deus Ex Machina, like the Memory spell in Return of Harmony.


Though, now that Princess Twilight is canon, I understand people are worried it'll change her relationship to her friends, distance her from them.


It's a real issue in the cartoon's world, actually.

Whether she'll move to Canterlot, whether her friends will follow if she does; whether they'll be able to spend time together, whether she'll ask them for help. Whether it'll change the way other ponies (and zebras and gryphons and...) see her, etc.


Of course, in private, they'll still be the old friends they've always been. But just how much time will they have like that? And will they be able to enjoy it, will Twilight have royal matters on her mind?

I'm getting pictures of them having a picnic, royal guards hidden in bushes and/or in supposedly "civilian" disguises. Or a taster following her everywhere with a poker face, awkwardly getting in the way every time she wants to buy food.


I'm personally curious to see how the writers will work that out.

Edited by Feather Spiral

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I will express more of the respect which should have been returned just now, and say I'm glad so many other people here enjoyed this. I was afraid it would be a divisive episode, but looking over the amount of positive replies here that is clearly not the case.

Edited by TailsIsNotAlone

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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What if THIS is a part of the destiny bending spell...?


Maybe not but that just hit me, that would make a cool plot twist.





Holy mother! That is genius! Twilight takes care of the other mane 6 ponies and her destinies, but she forgets about her own! Genius! Let's hope this is true!


Thank you MatrixChicken for the Signature!

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