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Anypony You Overlooked? Did you hate one pony but like them now?


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Girlfriend's kid?


Interesting.  Explain.


Yep, I've changed my mind about a few ponies.  I used to hate Granny Smith until "Family Appreciation Day", and Pinkie Pie used to be my third favorite of the Mane 6, now she's at the bottom.  Also, Rainbow Dash keeps going up my ranks because she's less of a jock now than she was before.

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Girlfriend's kid?


Interesting.  Explain.


Yep, I've changed my mind about a few ponies.  I used to hate Granny Smith until "Family Appreciation Day", and Pinkie Pie used to be my third favorite of the Mane 6, now she's at the bottom.  Also, Rainbow Dash keeps going up my ranks because she's less of a jock now than she was before.

My girlfriends daughter said that Rarity is best pony, so I forced myself to watch the Rarity centred shows ( Sisterhooves social, Rarity takes Manehatten) and thought, hey, she isn't that bad!

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I hate her shyness and how flat of a character she was. I also hated her because the brony community seemed so smitten with her, which frustrated me because in my opinion- she sucked.

Totally not true now! Thanks to season 3 (and late season 2), I've really become a fan of Fluttershy. She's such an awesome character.

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I don't see why anybody would hate any of them, I mean really, they all are great characters and I just cant pick a favorite! :D


Usually "hate" towards something can be driven by misunderstanding, I strive to be an open minded person. 

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This may be a bug SURPRISE to all of you that know me but, here goes nothing.

I actually used to hate  FLIM AND FLAM (there I said it, now you all know my little secret) after I re-watched Super Speedy Cider Squeezely 6000,a few times I actually started to approved them being good characters to me and somehow felt sorry for them,and I still do to this very day! 




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I used to be anti-RD. I hated how her cockiness was "a character building flaw" in the eyes of the fandom, while Rarity's own (and somewhat similar) flaws made her "bitchy."


Honestly, that just bugged me to pieces, especially since it seemed that people were just too scared to say anything about RD because of how large her fanbase was and nothing more.


Pretty soon, though, I realized that I was treating Rainbow Dash wrong just because I hated how she got praise for what Rarity got crucified for. I shouldn't take it out on her; I should get my ass up and do something about it. So, I gave RD a second chance about the time I started relentlessly defending Rarity, and, I gotta say, it made me realize that none of the mane 6 are hard to like; some just take longer to warm up to than others :D



And on a personal note, I'd like to say good job to the OP for being open-minded by giving Rarity a second chance after she initially rubbed him the wrong way. Nice job, dude :D

Edited by ghostfacekiller39
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Scootalove, on 18 Mar 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:

Good to hear that you found a change of heart. I used to find Pinkie Pie annoying, but now I really love the heck out of her. :P

Same here. I can't believe that I used to find her annoying. Now she's one of my favorites!


Anyways, I never really liked Rarity initially. She seemed a bit dramatic. However, seeing her do her whole "do you want to hear whining" bit made me an instant fan of hers. I've liked her ever since.



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Rarity used to be my least favorite of the Mane Six but she has fought her way up a great deal. I'm pretty sure Pinkie Pie will always be my favorite, but Rarity might just snatch the 2nd spot away from Twilight Sparkle. It helps that I put Suited for Success on almost every time I'm working on costumes. Art of the Dress rocks!

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My girlfriends daughter said that Rarity is best pony, so I forced myself to watch the Rarity centred shows ( Sisterhooves social, Rarity takes Manehatten) and thought, hey, she isn't that bad!

Ironically it was this friend of mine who is a hard core Rarity hater that was part of the reason I started liking her, I kept thinking "she can't be that bad." I never actually hated Rarity partly because as an Applejack fan I kind of understand what it is like to like a pony that isn't as popular as the others but I didn't like her that much at first. What also helped is starting to write this fanfic with Rarity as the mane character because it kind of made me have to see things from her point of view. The fic is linked in my sig for anyone who is interested in a good comedy. Rarity is still not on the top tier at least not of the mane 6 but I did slowly but surely start to like her.

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I'm somewhat ashamed and embarrassed, as well as downright fearful of Batbrony, to admit that I really detested Derpy back in the day. As an Applejack fan, it really irked me to see the fandom go so berserk over her minor speaking role in The Last Roundup. I could understand the hype surrounding that, sure, it was a moment that made an already perfect episode even more groundbreaking. What I couldn't relate to was the fandom's constant burying of Applejack after that episode aired. AJ was already starting to suffer from the oft-maligned background pony jokes for going so long without an episode, and after being "upstaged" and having her spotlight stolen from Derpy in this one, at least according to the fandom, I grew to really resent the little cross-eyed pegasus for those reasons.


Fast forward to now, and time has healed those bitter and misdirected emotions. I got over that silly hatred and grew to like Derpy a lot. She is hooves down my favorite background pony. :)

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How much I like each of the Mane 6(besides Rarity, she'll always be my top fav) seems to fluctuate every now and then- I'd say especially so for Pinkie Pie. I've went from liking her, to not really liking her as much, to really liking her as I do now. It usually stems from the show's portrayal of her at the time, I've found, more than any other character it seems. Deep down though, I know I'll always like Pinkie in some way though. :lol:

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Rarity is the perfect example of judging a book by its cover. I think all of us were thinking the same thing when we 1st got into the show. Rarity just seemed so stereotypical and uninteresting in the beginning of the show. However, underneath her talk of fashion, spas, and romance you'll find a character who may as well be one of the best written characters in a cartoon in a VERY long time.


While I've begun to like Rarity more and more, I'm beginning to like Fluttershy less and less. I just find her to be a very boring character now whose charm has faded away a long time ago. I'm pretty sure all of us found Flutters to be cute and funny since she was so shy and timid. But now that its been 4 seasons, we haven't really seen much growth in her character. She still acts the same way like she did way back in season 1 (though to a lesser extent).

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I disliked Rarity at first but now I love her. I used to like Fluttershy the most, but she became annoying, shyness is cute, but she takes it way over the top to the point of obnoxious, at least for me.

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I used to like Fluttershy quite a lot and now I just don't really care for her.


Also, Princess Celestia wasn't my favorite pony when I started watching the show, it became like that later on.


I am proud however to claim that I have disliked Luna for the entirety of my viewing experience (Yay for consistency).

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