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Things You Miss About Being a Kid


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I think the one big thing for me that I miss the most about being a kid. Is that I miss all of the old friends I used to have that are now gone etc. But that happens to everyone and everyone has to go their separate ways. I miss going to school and just simply being able to be with my friends from day to day. Really miss that now since I have moved and am waiting to transfer to a college nearby. But all in all I would not trade being a kid again from where I am at in life now. The future holds many great things and I look forward to those things.

  • Brohoof 3



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Seeing things for the first time. Not thinking the worst of people. Not knowing about the f-ed up stuff that happens every day all around you. Just being innocent and not having a care in the world.

  • Brohoof 2

If your going through hell, find cover and return fire!

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What do I miss as a kid?


-Nickelodeon being actually GOOD


-People not being brainwashed by Call of Duty


-People not being brainwashed by Phones or Tablets


-My favorite Cartoon Shows


-Nobody called you "Gay" or "Homo"


-You didn't have to go through Puberty


-Kids at your school were too stupid to make fun of you for being who you are (well, not when I grew up)


-Veggie Tales


-You weren't made fun of for liking Nintendo

Edited by DerpyPie
  • Brohoof 1

*Insert amazing signature here*

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I hated my childhood and am glad its over. I'd say the simple things like not having a job, but I've been working since I was 10 (in the summers every summer until 17, then I started full time and haven't really stopped)

It was just a barrel full of crappy memories and sub par events. Sure my life isn't perfect but its better then it was

  • Brohoof 1

Can't visit Ponyville? Show up and say you can't!


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I miss being able to express how you feel and your emotions without being judged as "gay" or a "pussy."

I miss my childhood friends who actually gave a shit.

I miss my dad being innocent, kind and wonderful and not a piece of shit who refuses to help support me.

I miss always feeling safe and secure because I knew my parents would always be there to protect me.

I miss being happy every day.

I miss innocence.

Edited by jackw545
  • Brohoof 1


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5. Playing tag

Oh my gosh yes! I loved playing that game so much. Also in the dark, I enjoyed flashlight tag. Such good times.

18. Coloring books

Absolutely... Freaken... YES! I had so many. Honestly I believe I had an old old old MLP one. But they were mostly spongebob  :blink: 

  • Brohoof 1
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I guess I have quite a list now that I think about it!


  •  Sleepovers
  •  Making Smores
  •  Really believing I could be anything I wanted
  •  Watching Nickelodeon & One Saturday morning
  •  Homework
  •  Archie comics
  •  Celebrating holidays
  •  Making neighbor friends
  • Brohoof 1
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- Less responsibilities

- I didn't have to deal with hormones

- No periods

- Chances of kidney stones were non-existant

- I could leg press 165.

  • Brohoof 2

Young, Incredible, Free, and Fly. That's how Veronica rolls.



On 4/1/2013 at 7:43 PM, Feld0 said:

It's a wolf. Wolfy Sparkle! wub.png

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I'm 24 and there is nothing on that list that I, with my own apartment and stable income,  can not do.



In fact, I think i'm going to do a few of them later today,  what with it being Sunday and my day off.  

  • Brohoof 2

   -signature under construction-

Going to a convention I'm going too? ---   http://breakfast-tee.deviantart.com/

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I miss not being afraid to be social.  I was apparently very social when I was little, but some time in grammar school I morphed into this shy, asocial monstrosity.


I miss when everything was either good or bad and there was no confusion between them.


I miss the time before I knew of the internet.  Those were good times.


I miss the friends that I used to see everyday.  Many of them are still my friends, but going to different colleges in different states obviously has an impact on time we spend together, and I've made no comparable friends at college.

  • Brohoof 1

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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I miss not having the feeling of rage and self pity of having to whore myself out for a few measly dollars in a crappy dead end job


I miss when holidays weren't depressing reminders of what I had


I miss life actually making sense



This whole topic is making me depressed I had better quit before I start crying.

  • Brohoof 1
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Sorry to say I miss nothing about being a kid, except Halloween and Christmas and a few of my birthdays. The rest of it sucked. -_-


EDIT: Wait, I miss liking girls and being able to flirt with them. That's it though. Now I'm watching a pony show to enjoy the childhood I never had. It's working out well.

Edited by TailsIsNotAlone
  • Brohoof 1

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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I miss everything else being so much bigger than me!  Seriously, I used to be able to crawl and hide anywhere; not anymore!  Probably the worst is not being able to jump on the bed without hitting my head; gosh that was a fun thing to do as a kid, when you're about 3 or 4 feet tall.  B)

Edited by Batbrony
  • Brohoof 1


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Remember how, as young children, we would all want to grow up? :) And look at how we yearn for youth again.


The thing I miss most about being young was having limited capacity for debate and doubt. I just took things as they came to me, no questions asked. That's what made life simple for all of us - we did stuff without any real, deep appreciation for it, our happiness was just spontaneous. I wish it was still like that, I would really love to play one game, one last time, with no tactical analysis, no worrying about what's coming up next, just simple, happy preoccupation with what's in front of me.


If that made any sense... :3

  • Brohoof 1
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I had a terrible childhood, but i do have to say i do miss it.


1. Staying up late.

2. Hanging out with friends.

3. Not having to worry about getting a job.

4. My dad. 

5. Sleeping in.

6. Having fun.

7. Just being myself...



All this is making me teary. OH HOW I HATE GROWING UP!  :(

  • Brohoof 1
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I miss the days where I could eat whatever I wanted and not gain a pound. I swear, metabolism breaks somewhere around the 20s.

yeah mine just refuses candy and such, of most any sort. I don't gain a lot of weight it just makes me very ill... So I am forced to eat healthy regardless if my brain wants to or not


you know as an adult I am more myself then I ever was as a child...

Edited by Princess_Molestia
  • Brohoof 1

Can't visit Ponyville? Show up and say you can't!


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yeah mine just refuses candy and such, of most any sort. I don't gain a lot of weight it just makes me very ill... So I am forced to eat healthy regardless if my brain wants to or not


you know as an adult I am more myself then I ever was as a child...

At least, as a kid, I didn't need to exercise constantly and count calories to keep a consistent weight. How I maintain 120, I'll never know.

  • Brohoof 1

Young, Incredible, Free, and Fly. That's how Veronica rolls.



On 4/1/2013 at 7:43 PM, Feld0 said:

It's a wolf. Wolfy Sparkle! wub.png

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At least, as a kid, I didn't need to exercise constantly and count calories to keep a consistent weight. How I maintain 120, I'll never know.

yeah that's a struggle for many people, one that alot don't do as well at

I guess I am lucky with all the walking and such I do, I have to-I don't drive

that and my metabolism, but my whole family is like that

  • Brohoof 1

Can't visit Ponyville? Show up and say you can't!


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Been feeling very decoupled from my past. Things just wouldn't be the same if I went back. The things I've come to know are not things I wish to give up either. I'm not the same person I used to be and am not sorry for it in the least.

Though if you were to send me back with all of my memories, people would get hurt. Badly. Going to the principle's office for defending against bullies used to be a very scary thing for me. Put me back in that environment with all the wickedness that developed in me as I learned to defend against vulnerability and you will see me turn into a monster.

  • Brohoof 1
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Oh boy, here we go...


Me and my two younger brothers used to play a bunch of games... SMB3 on our NES, Sonic on our Sega, Super Smash Bros, Donkey Kong 64, etc. on our N64... I remember teaching our friends how to play games and they ended up getting way better than us at them. Then they got a PS1 (back when they were new) and we would play Rayman and Crash Bandicoot a lot.


I had one friend who I would play hockey a lot with in his garage, and he had a ton of NES games that we would always play.


I also had a lot more friends when I was younger, and I was way less shy than I am now.



I think most of those experiences are from when I was a little bit older than the age mentioned in this topic, but it's really all I remember, other than watching my dad fail miserably at what he called Stupid Mario Bros when I was like 4...


But all this nostalgia reminds me of this super-duper-nostalgia from this other forum where I met my current best friends about 5 years ago (I still go to that forum a lot because of all the friendships I've made there), but I think that might be going a bit off-topic, seeing how this is supposed to be when I was younger(?)

  • Brohoof 1


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You may know me elsewhere as DXIndustriesInc or Dxthegod

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I miss alot of things as a kid playing with legos and matchbox cars. Not haveing to worry about chores or haveing a job. Not haveing to worry about colleage or getting a second job I miss those days as a kid. Heck somedays I wish i could go back to being 5 years old again rather than 20.

I also miss my dad god rest his soul,my old house and being the youngest cousin in the family.

Edited by ThePoliticalBrony
  • Brohoof 1


I BUKING LOVE AMERICA AND POLTICS. some wise quotes "An armed society is a polite society." "if it neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg, It should not bother me if my fellow man believes that there are twenty gods or there is no god" Thomas Jefferson.

Don't worry I'm a pinkie pie fan and I have my random moments of cupcakes.

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Truth be told I still consider myself a kid.  The only thing I miss about being younger is seeing certain things for the first time and playing games for the first time.  For a while now I've been on the same boring schedule, but not too long from now I'm gonna be more independent and start experiencing new things again.


Always try to look at the world through the eyes of a child.  "Grown ups" are...  boring.

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So many I could think of now. I'm gonna keep my list short however so I don't end up Crying about how sad and pathetic my life really is.


-No Health Issues


-Can Eat whatever I want.






-Birthdays meaning something to me other then turning "One Year older"


- Less worries.


-A false sense of Optimism.


-Not worrying about jobs/money


-Less chores




-My old friends when they were my friends not some people who I hang with.


-Playing Tag, Hide and Seek, etc.etc.etc.


-Being happy


-Thinking I can be anything I wanted.


-Christmas when it used to mean a whole lot more to me.


- Playing N64 and Super Nintendo.


- Family Vacations


-Summer camp

  • Brohoof 1

Facebook: Josh B.

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