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Rainbow Dash is beautiful. Agree or disagree?

The Crystal Maiden

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How is this even questionable?! She's amazing! Those gorgeous magenta eyes, that adorable smile, her great sense of humor! She rocks! Oh, and when she laughs or giggles, I can't help but let my heart burst!  :wub:

  • Brohoof 3
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Ah ah, she wouldn't approve of being called beautiful.



She's downright adorable and awesome, that's what! :D 



Yes. She's adorable. End of story.

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Rainbow Dash is absolutely incredibly gorgeous when she wants to be. All she needs is a beautiful dress, and she looks incredibly stunning.




Dashie is beautiful, I love her so much  :wub: 

OMG!  That pic is wonderful.  Of course she's beautiful.  Rainbows are beautiful, and Dash is all about the rainbows.  Beautiful, awesome, and loyal.  Honestly, if I met a girl like Rainbow, I'd be all over her.






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I would agree, but it's worth noting that Rainbow Dash gets a lot more cute/beautiful in fan works of her rather than in the original show.


She has some of the best fan art ever *gestures at signature*, but I do admit that in the show she has a sort of "rugged beauty" or something like that. :P

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  • 3 years later...

Your dame right Rainbow Dash is beautiful B) . She is like a rainbow soaring through the blue sky. (Primarily because she IS a rainbow soaring through the blue sky.)

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Yes, Dash is beautiful, though she would prefer the words awesome, cool, daring, adventurous, maybe dashing, but no to cute. Oops! *Starts running, though knowing it will be of no use and to be of no good.*.

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She's stunning in that gala dress.

No. :l

She's way too annoying to me to really be beautiful, let alone even cute.

If she is depicted in a more humble way that doesn't give off a vibe they she thinks she's hot shit, then I can and do at times think she is cute.

Otherwise, hell no.

If you want someone who is naturally beautiful in every single way, then Ditzy and Applejack are perfect examples! :wub:

Into the trash your opinion goes. XD.
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She's stunning in that gala dress.

Into the trash your opinion goes. XD.

As does yours and every one to come, sir.

Even more so since you felt the need to quote a dadgum four year old post for whatever reason.

Ecks dee.

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Dashie is the most beautiful mare, and woman in general, in existence. I find her to be gorgeous and cute beyond words in many ways. The cute little raspy voice of hers is the greatest thing to listen to. She's the greatest combination of awesome and cute, and by far the best fictional character in general.

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 Well, let me go into detail... thing is that one single aspect can throw the aesthetics off entirely. Let me cover the good points of RD's design first.


  Firsty, looking at her, I can't imagine any other color but blue would fit a pegusai. Almost seems natural, like how most fish are a shimmery, metallic blue or grey. It matches their environment. Plus, its calming enough that it draws attention to her expression. RD without wings would ruin it all, she's as pegasus as pegasus comes!


  The... eyes... are disconcerting. Some say its violet or something but... that looks more red to me. You know what red eyes typically means...

What with as big as a pony's eyes can be, especially on a mare, it only draws more attention to what is an unnatural color. But I can bypass that, I usually forget they're like that anyhow.


 The SHAPE of her hair is wonderful. That natural wind-blown look that says that she doesn't need to take care of it, because her hair doesn't help her win flight competitions, does it? Can't help but think how much more beautiful it might look with a simple, sandy-blond color like Applejack's.


No... what just... outright murders her design...  She... she literally is a rainbow. Look at that hair. It's Roy G. Biv. That's the mnemonic for the colors of the rainbow. And their ALL, IN, HER, MANE. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo & Violet. What kind of a drug-addl-... *ahem* who's horrible idea was it to put SEVEN colors in one aspect of a character? Look, were it just red,green, yellow it might work; purple & blue don't work as they only serve to darken her overall tone, but...   look... let me put it this way. Let's reverse it. Imagine if you will, were it her mane that was blue, and her coat was the rainbow. Kinda a cluster of color, right?

   I can't look at that horrid mess of an overdesigned mane & not think of it as some blatant ploy of the show's developers going "Lookitme! Lookitme! Aren't I a flashy character kids! Buy my toys!"

   The mane colors just kill it for me. Lauren Faust's original concept art fit a bit better, Blue mane on a sorta fleshy pink. Still sticks out like a sore thumb a bit, but gets across that clash of colors that give you the impression of an attention seeker.


    That being said though... as much of an eyesore it is, it does fit Dashie. She didn't NEED to be a blasted rainbow, but all put together it has that "Yeah?...so what? You got a problem with rainbows, buddy?" look.

   I have a headcannon. That one day as a filly, perhaps on a dare or something, she stuck her head in that rainbow pool the Weather Factory uses to make rainbows. She was ridiculed for doing it, but she took that in stride. She knew she looked silly, but she enjoyed the feeling of taking a risk & coming out stronger for it so she's always kept her mane like that since.


   Maybe its how her design gets cobbled together, the way the animation holds her, or the pride she strives for, but I've always gotten that sort of Alpha Mare vibe from her. Courage not just for showing off, but in facing her fears when needs be.

   In that... yeah... I do find her rather attractive.        

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