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gaming First videogame you played ?


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SNES was awesome.  I still remembering finding all of the secrets for this game.  Pretty sure it was the first game I'd ever played.


Oh wow you actually played "ET?"  Was it as bad as people say it was?  O.O    Have you ever played this?  Lol.  The most counter-intuitive game ever.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uYzVsjybK8

Not only I played it, but I actually owned the game. And it wasn't bad. It was weird. Most games you'd just plug it in and play it. For ET you needed the manual to understand it. You had to find pieces for the telephone, hidden in holes while running away from a guy. It was a bit confusing, as far as I can remember. It got boring very quickly because I couldn't figure out at the time what to do and the layout was a bit confusing. The gameplay was "fall into hole, climb up, run, repeat"... It was "valid" but there were much more fun games to play.


And the Raiders of The Lost Ark. I missed this one. Fortunately!


By the way: the SNES was the best of it's time IMO. Super Mario. F-Zero. Star Fox... That console was my best friend for a long time!


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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Wow, the first game I ever played........yeeeeah, I'm pretty sure it was Mario Kart on the badass motherbucking Gamecube!!!! Ahhh.......You gotz to love gaming!!!!

I wish more people would call me ,"sir"....without adding, "You're making a scene".

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I believe it was either Sonic the Hedgehog or Probotector, which was basically Contra Hard Corps, but every character was a robot for some reason..
Good ol' memories, way back on the Sega Megadrive (or 'Genesis' as you chaps over the pond called it)

Have a nice cold pint, and wait for all this to blow over..

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8 Bit Mario and Zelda  original not the new ones ORIGINAL!  *Flex* yeah im an ol fart ;P get off of mah lawn ! *laughs* Thoes games gave me lots of joy and we still have them today.

Purple Dragon Studios is here to bring you Custom Pony art and Custom pony toys!



<3A big Thank you to Ciderbarrel for my banner<3


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Welp, I'm a typical nostalgia-c, so it would be everyone's favorite: Ocarina of Time. The 64 was the first thing my dad bought for my older brother, and then I moved onto the Zelda series once I was old enough to actually play video games correctly. X3 Other than that, most of my nostalgia comes from me watching my brother play these instead of me. You actually notice a lot more when you're the observer other than the player.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

It was first Warcraft back in 1994, and that designated my gaming life - RTS is my favourites, and one of games I've spend most of my time was Warcraft III, that's why I never had console, and always played on PC :)

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Pokemon Silver was my first game ever. I got it when I was 5 or so. I loved that game so much! I'm playing SoulSilver right now and the nostalgia is amazing! 


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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The first videogame I've ever played would have to be either Spyro the Dragon (PS1) or Crash Bandicoot.

Back when the dragon was a dragon and the bandicoot wasn't doing drugs.

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While i'm sure I've played online games before this, the first honest to goodness video game I can remember me playing was Space Invaders on the Gameboy Color


That game was even old then :P


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I may have posted in here already but possibly not, too many threads to keep up with! :D

It was either Space Invaders 64 or Banjo-Kazooie, I can't remember exactly. 

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For me, it wasn't even a console. I remember always bothering my mom for quarters to go down to this laundramat near my home that had an arcade machine in the back that played a Metal Slug game. I may have played something else in the past. But that's the farthest memory I can conjure up.


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Growing up in the 00's, I had this incredible little game:


Super Mario Land: 6 Golden Coins. I had so much fun with that game when I was younger. It's a shame that my Gameboy no longer works, I feel a case of nostalgia coming on.



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  • 2 weeks later...

My very own first videogame was SSB for Nintendo 64!


Oh god I love it!


Then I played Donkey kong 64 , diddy kong race, star fox 64, super mario64!


And when I was 8 I started to play Argentum  :wub:



ID: cloby604

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I think it may have been an arcade cabinet of Nintendo Tennis that my church own for its youth group. I might have been two. I didn't own a game system until I was like 10.


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The first games I owned were:

1. Hotwheels Velocity

2. Shrek

3. Pokemon Firered


All on the Gameboy.

I tried to follow everyone on the DS and PS3/XBox later, but I'm stuck on the gameboy and gamecube games, it's my video game era!

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My first exposure to video games was when I got a GameCube for my birthday in like 1st grade. I got the original Super Monkey Ball and some 3D Pacman adventure game. I still love Monkey Ball lol

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The first game I remember playing was Super Mario Bros. on the NES. You probably not going to believe it, do to the fact i was born in '98, but my brother had just set it up and asked if I wanted to play it. Probably could explain my love for retro games and consoles :)

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Born in 1998 a lot of good games had already come out but i never played them. The first system I got was the PS2. The first game I played on it was Lego Star Wars. I still remember first playing it. Now I have a N64 (best system ever), 3DS, Wii U, and Gameboy Advance, and a Gamecube (kinda of a Nintendo freak.)

Edited by that_cool_nerd_js
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It was that black and white Tetris-like game in Game Boy. What a nostalgia. I could spend hours playing that thing. Then the racing game, still in the same Game Boy. My favourite Game Boy game was that tank thingy, still blank and white. Then my friend introduced Sonic in Sega and Power Ranger stuff. Then Crash Team Racing in PS1. That's when I started losing my childhood.



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Well when I was like 3 I remember (probably one of my earliest if not earliest memory) was of watching my sister play one of the Sonic Games. Only parts I remember are sonic somewhere in a city, and defeating that guy with the mustache that rides around on a drill.

Also I remember watching my sister play one of the Mario games.. 64? With the penguins and the stars and stuff? Maybe.

I bet I tried to play these so these were most likely my first games. I always liked watching games more than playing them. First ones I remember playing are Banjo and Kazooi:Grunty's Revenge? And Pokémon Sapphire (still have the game and play it).


So in short: Most likely Sonic or Mario but could be Grunty's Revenge.


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

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Crash Mothabuckin' Bandicoot 2! This was my first game of all-time, as the PS1 was the first console I owned. Loved it to pieces, and no matter how difficult it got, I would still try my best.



Super Mario 64. I don't really need to explain why. Who wouldn't buy this if they had an N64?


Sega Mega Drive (Genesis)

Sonic The Hedgehog 2. Didn't own a Mega Drive for long, but this was definitely the best I had for it.



Super Mario Bros. Deluxe.



Link To The Past. Never owned the SNES version (I had a SNES but I kept thinking it was a NES lol), but I was given this by a friend and played it to completion.



Super Mario Sunshine, Sonic Adventure 2: Battle, and Luigi's Mansion. Got them with my GameCube, and I got SSBM, Pikmin and Wind Waker in the same year.



Ratchet & Clank. Got this from my bro very close to its release, and still own it today.



Ty the Tasmanian Tiger, and Blinx the Time Sweeper.






Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith. Surprisingly good game.



Wii Sports. Bundled with every Wii console.


Xbox 360

FIFA 09.



Heavenly Sword and Folklore. Launch bundle with the PS3.



Ocarina of Time 3D. Only game I got for it.


PS Vita

Everybody's Golf. Big fan of the previous game in the franchise, so I bought this as soon as I got my Vita.

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