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Which was your favorite gala dress?

Mia Angelle

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Oh my. That IS a hard choice. I really like Pinkie's, with all the candy on it, but I'm strangely attracted to AJ's dress for some reason. It just looks really well done, and the way AJ's got here hair, it all just sort of clicks together incredibly nicely.

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I'm going to be honest, i didn't care much for Fluttershy's dress, the colors didn't quite fit right. Also Pinkie Pie just looked a little too old western for me. However Twilight's dress suited her perfectly and Rainbow Dash's was just amazing, The headpiece definatly fit beautifully with the rest of it and Rarity even kept it nice and aerodynamic for her.

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Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash. I liked how Rainbow Dash got to wear her olive branch crown she won at the young flyer competition.

Edited by Krystal
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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I was curious to see the answers. I prefer you put it in an order like I am.


My oppinion on them:

6. Rarity

5. Applejack

4. Twilight

3. Pinkie Pie

2. Rainbow Dash (tie we with 1?)

1. Fluttershy


I have to say, Fluttershy won by merely a nose. Fluttershy's dress looks really adorable, and Rainbow dash's is really cool! More Rainbow Dash in dresses please!

Pinkie's was cute, but a little random, but extremely cute.

Twilight's isn't bad, just not my favorite.

Applejack's isn't really.. A dress.. But I admit it really makes her look neat!

Rarity's I don't like.. Why? No idea. I just no like.


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