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general Who's in a relationship?


Are you in a relationship?  

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  1. 1. Are you in a relationship?

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Oh God, my experience in a relationship. I apologise in advance because i'm going to ramble, but with it still being fresh in my mind, it helps further bury it in the dirt.


I'm 21. Coming out of a relationship that lasted 7 years (Yep, my best years. Since I was 14. Young love doesn't really transition well through the ages.). It was long distance and online, mostly started through roleplaying (My poor RP kids, having to go through the divorce...), we'd met twice (for a combined time of a month) over the course of it. In the end, we broke up because.....well, I don't know. We first broke up roughly two years ago, got back together after a day. Broke up again a year ago, got back together after a week, and four months ago we broke up permanently. She said it was because of the distance, because she just didn't love me anymore. Hearing those words after SEVEN years makes you kind of want to walk outside and shoot something.


I loved her to bits, really wanted to patch things up, and honestly did try and repair something to the point where we could still be friends (I still believe her to be a halfway decent person who deserves a happy life and deserves a good man. It's just that even if I never saw her again, it'd be too soon.) and still did until I found out that she quickly picked up a new fellah about a month after we broke up (After she'd given me the whole sob story of "We can't do long distance", when this guy is a fair distance from her. And how she said "I can't find anyone else after you", "You were my soulmate" etc;etc;) and was insulting me behind my back. Saying she was hostile to me and making me out to be the worst boyfriend on Earth (Yes, we had our arguments. Yes, I will admit sometimes I got out of hand in them. But there would be times when she would snap at me, insult me and generally bite my head off when I just logged on and asked how she was. Probably should've read the signs there and then.) So needless to say, I may be having trust issues for a good while. And if I see a person who plays a guitar (As her new bf does), then I may just use their guts to make my own strings AND PLAY ALOUD THE SONG OF MY PEOPLE.


That being said, best of luck to everyone in an actual solid relationship. Just...for fucks sake, cherish it.



At the same time, though, if you're not in a relationship? Don't sweat it, fellah's. My Dad rushed into his first relationship, got married, and the thing fell apart. His second marriage (to my Mom) and he's perfectly happy, and they'll be celebrating 25 years together next April. These things take time, and it is better to live your life and not try and force yourself into a relationship,, then it is to worry about not finding love and leaping onto the first available person. Because that's the sure-fire way to get introduced to the pain of love, and trust me: It's painful.

Coming out of this relationship, i'm happier for the first time i've been in a long time. I've got several plans on the table, and i'm hoping to get some money together to travel the world on my own. So being single definitely has its perks.

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I am not in a relationship for a few reasons;


-Social Anxiety.


-Lack of romantic experience with the opposite gender and the fear of saying/doing the wrong thing.



That's the same with me. I don't know how to fit in socially/start conversations. I get really nervous around people and if there's a girl I like, I act even more shy/awkward then I already do. I have never been in a relationship (as I said in my previous post) and that drives me insane. Honestly, nobody judge me for saying this, I am jealous of anyone who is in/has been in a relationship (talking about the healthy ones).

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I am married :wub: . Have been for over two years now.  He's my best friend more so than my husband. We've known each other for over 4 years.  We never dated, but instead decided to get married because we were discussing why people thought we were dating (and we thought it was ridiculous for people to say that). We were then engaged almost a year before our wedding.



Edited by Treble Bolt
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I am currently in a relationship... well, I've been jumping through at least three different relationships for two years. Loads of pain and conflict and confusion throughout all that. There was a very brief period where I was single. Being on the internet sure does get me hooked up a lot, huh? :P


Anyways, this one's different from those others. I'm living with the guy, firstly. And I know him in real life now. He moved all the way from Arizona to Florida just for me. :3 And he's my best friend in the entire world. The one who always stands beside me and takes good care of me. We have loads in common and it's really quite amazing. Almost like we're female and male versions of each other respectively. Our transition from internet to real life was very smooth and we took to each other almost instantly. Mostly due to the fact that he seems to operate much better in real life. He is a man whose full hilariousness and glory you can only see through his physical actions and his ridiculous habit of changing his voice every five seconds. Text just didn't cut it.


It changed my life entirely, and has impacted me significantly. I have a strong feeling this is the big one, so to speak. One day, when enough time has passed, we plan on making it super official. If you catch my drift.


Oh and I met him right offa here too. His name's Lunaris. Goes to show you can get lucky in the strangest, most unexpected places. The universe's RNG sure has a strange sense of humor. 

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Honestly, nobody judge me for saying this, I am jealous of anyone who is in/has been in a relationship


Oh no, I sympathize with you entirely.  I feel that way every now and then too, but whenever that comes up, I usually just think of how difficult it sometimes is to manage my time/life and knowing (read: convincing myself) how much more difficult it would be if I threw a relationship into the mix.  That will usually shut me up for a little while at least ;).


In any case, I'm content (or have at least accepted) being single for now.  I've made no conscious effort to change it anyways, so I don't really have a choice other than to accept it.  Perhaps one day, but that day is not today.  It's not looking good for tomorrow either.

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Am I the only one who would think it would be cool to see if you clicked with someone on here because of your love of ponies and how you are as your oc then after like a month you both reveal who you are and be surprised that you still wanna talk to them because you enjoyed their personality.

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Still not, but my mind has changed. I feel like I need love, and can't find it in anypony. Though I do have crushes (most of which, unfortunately, are straight guys... Sucks.)


Though I don't feel secure enough to be in a committed relationship...

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Am I the only one who would think it would be cool to see if you clicked with someone on here because of your love of ponies and how you are as your oc then after like a month you both reveal who you are and be surprised that you still wanna talk to them because you enjoyed their personality.


There was a thread a while back that tried to act as a dating-ish thread.  It looked promising, but we quickly realized the ratio of single men to single women in this fandom.  It gets revived every now and then, but the results are always the same: A bunch of guys grumbling about how they're still single, a small number of women who get bombarded with (and probably overwhelmed by) PMs, and a group of sensible people telling us how futile the effort is on a MLP forum.

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There was a thread a while back that tried to act as a dating-ish thread.  It looked promising, but we quickly realized the ratio of single men to single women in this fandom.  It gets revived every now and then, but the results are always the same: A bunch of guys grumbling about how they're still single, a small number of women who get bombarded with (and probably overwhelmed by) PMs, and a group of sensible people telling us how futile the effort is on a MLP forum.

thats why it shouldnt be a thread thing more of an rp thing i think

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There was a thread a while back that tried to act as a dating-ish thread.  It looked promising, but we quickly realized the ratio of single men to single women in this fandom.  It gets revived every now and then, but the results are always the same: A bunch of guys grumbling about how they're still single, a small number of women who get bombarded with (and probably overwhelmed by) PMs, and a group of sensible people telling us how futile the effort is on a MLP forum.


I agree with the ratio thing but effort is never futille :) 


Speaking from my own personality I am not the type of person who treats a crush differently to a friend, though obviously I do crush towards some people I still treat them the same :) Too me the two things, a friend and relationship should be only narrowly separated and in fact someone would have to be my friend first or at least someone I could get along with in a friendly / natural way to be my partner :) 


Though yeah the way females get bombarded here is a bit... I don't know, it ruffles my feathers a bit (no that is not a pun for my avatar xD) Some guys really do take it too far and sounds to desperate :P  Sure, im chomping at the bit to meet somebody, but when it happens it will happen :) 

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No. I haven't found the right person yet and it isn't a priority of mine. I don't have a crush with anyone either.


I'm 15 and I have zero interest in dating. I just find the idea too time consuming and very pestering. I'd much rather be alone right now. I'll try dating later when I've grown up a bit more, but for right now I'm staying single. Plus, girls my age have no interst in guys like me, they want some asshole who's probably going to end up on the streets. I'm not the kind of person that they're looking for, and I'm not looking for them.

Oh yeah, and this.

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I'm in a relationship with Pink Mist on the forums here.


Been together with her for almost three months now. It will officially be our "three month anniversary" by the 13th of December, which is in less than two weeks from now. It's been a wonderful experience, and whenever we get the change to talk on here, it's amazing. The stuff we share with each other that we don't normally share with others, the trust, and care we have for each other. Even though it's only been... well not even three months, the relationship already seems really genuine, and I only hope for it to last. :)


I love my Misty Pie, and I'm really luck to have met her. :)


Unfortunately this relationship does have some serious obstacles that can be really hard to overcome at times. For starters, I end up missing her a lot, really easily. :( And to make matters more difficult, her mom seems to severely limited her time on the computer now. She's also usually busy with other stuff, especially with making her reviews and analysis for MLP episodes on her YouTube channel.


Here it is if you want to check out her stuff. :)




I'm so proud of her and I support her completely in just about everything she does. And even though she doesn't have as much time to get on here, I always look forward to her messages for whenever she does respond. 


With all this going on, I sometimes come to a point where I think, "how do I even handle this?"  ^_^


I am actually quite surprised with how well I have been taking this, and the whole limited communication issue. I don't know really. I just wait. I've noticed that thanks to my experience in this relationship thus far, my patience and tolerance in general has grown immensely. It's really challenged my self discipline. Overall, I think all this struggling in the relationship has made me a better and stronger person in heart.


Plus what I think it really comes down to... is the fact that I know she loves me... a lot!  ^_^


So even when we're not "together" online. Even when she is offline and busy with stuff, I know she cares. She's with me in heart. :) And I think that's been the ultimate source of my motivation in keeping this relationship alive.


And I've always been that kind of passionate person who holds on to hope, faith, and love. I know that as long I have all three of these attributes, I will make it in life, and hopefully, so will our relationship. :)


I would love to meet Misty Pie someday. I mean that would just be like the happiest day in my life. Until then, we'll be making the best of the time we get on here. :)


I gotta definitely thank Feld0 for making this wonderful forum site, because this is pretty much the only thing keeping our relationship truly alive.  ^_^

Edited by Dsanders
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Emerald Rose and I are engaged. We joined the site together after I found it. She's the only person that I've ever been in a relationship with. Hell, I still don't exactly understand how I got her. I'm happy she's mine, though.

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I'm the only engaged one around here? img-1562507-1-blink.png


Not the only one! :]


Engaged to one incredibly swell pony fan too. At the risk of sounding stereotypical, many people compare us to Modern Family's Cam and Mitchell...and it's pretty on-point, haha

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I agree with the ratio thing but effort is never futille  


Maybe futile isn't the right word...  I guess a better way to phrase it is that a guy has a very slim chance of finding a female romantic partner on a forum obviously dominated by males.


Also, about the the PM bombardment issue, I wouldn't say that it's the fault of the guys.  I think that the problem there is that twelve single guys see one woman post in the thread, and each one sends one PM.  That's twelve spontaneous PM conversations with twelve separate guys who may or may not be looking for some sort of romantic relationship.  While I can't speak from experience, I would imagine that to be quite overwhelming.


Other than that, I agree with you entirely, even if I personally have a hard time with treating friends and crushes the same (I tend to be terrified of crushes and avoid interaction with them at all costs, and yes, I know that that's completely counterproductive).

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Aww sad faces here on some of these posts... some say they want to be alone while others say they dont have a relationship and really want one? Meh... I hope you all get what your wishing for

I want what I'm wishing for but I don't think I'll ever get the self-confidence to be able to actually get it.

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Single, only been in one relationship. I prefer online talking  c: 

Its not because i cant, its because i dont really want to that much.. To find a special somepony yet. 

My first love was at the age of 21. Im 23 now. It didnt go so well for complicated reasons, and we parted ways, it was sad, but to be honest, i knew i wasnt ready somehow, my interrest wasnt so big, it was clear.

I love to just make friends.. and if things unfold, let it do so.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm single at the moment. Not really looking for anything right now is my reason I guess? lol but I've been enjoying being by myself getting to do my own thing and what not. Plus I've had a bit of a "losing streak" with girls so at this point I've just accepted the path of the lone wanderer. :)

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