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Merriwether Williams does a good job writing Rainbow Dash (also Applejack, but that's less controversial) 


Good animation and music is very important to the quality of an episode


Spike is at his best when he's playing off of Twilight Sparkle


Lesson Zero had a pretty feelsy ending


There is no reason why people should like the "Spike's Worst Fear" sequence and dislike Owl's Well That Ends Well at the same time


Season 2 was a great season for Rainbow Dash


Stare Master was the best Fluttershy episode in Season 1

  • Brohoof 6

Latest Video: Come On: An Ode To Best Friendship


"Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube

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I'm very fond of Rarity and Applejack


Cadence is my favorite princess and I wish there was more of her


Derpy is a little over rated


Luna is as well (But I still like both Derpy and Luna when they do make appearences, Luna is my second favorite princess, but she is a little over rated)


I liked Mare Do Well


I don't mind Twilicorn

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  • 3 weeks later...

I hate Ponyville confidential.


The Crystal Empire is my favourite season premiere.


Best night ever is my favourite finale.


I am neutral about Derpy.


I like Chrysalis more than Discord.


I like Celestia more than Luna.


Rainbow dash is my least favourite mane 6 member.


I don't want an episode of Rainbow Dash teaching Twilight how to fly because I feel it would be boring and predictable. I would prefer it if Twilight learnt by herself.

Edited by shocker1991
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I liked Sombra. :3



She has a sleek and memorable design that flows well, her voice actor is amazing, she's been shown to be laid back and mature, while capable of being a hard-ass when her job requires her to be, and being the leader of the greatest flying team in the known world, she has a lot of untapped potential for more use in show :3

That reminds me: I don't think Spitfire should have been used as the instructor in "Wonderbolt Academy". Apart from making her fans happy, her appearance serves no real purpose, and her behaviour seems to me contradictory to her previous appearances.  Yes, one can justify that by saying this the first time we've seen her in a position of authority, yada yada yada, but it just rubs me the wrong way. Using a new character in that role would have sat much better with me. Besides, why would the lead flier of the Wonderbolts be in that role in the first place? Wouldn't she have to concentrate on her own training rather than overseeing raw recruits?

  • Brohoof 1

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


Signature by Midnightive

Check out my blog! https://mlpforums.com/blog/1083-sunny-side-den/

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I love Babs Seed (Not the bratty pony, the song)

I'm fine with Twilicorn

The Cutie mark crusader episodes are some of my favorites

I want more Luna

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy has very complex personalities. They aren't just "awesome" or shy/cute.

I love Rarity's whining

I never got why the background characters are so dang popular. I mean, some of them are cool but still. 

Shining Armour sounds like a surfer dude

Cadence could use some character development (along with Shining Armour) 

The crystal empire thing seems...okay to me, I guess. I never liked the Crystal Empire plots that much.

  • Brohoof 1


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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Twilight doesn't need wings and the S3 finale disappointed me.


I don't hate Diamond Tiara and I love Silver Spoon.


There's nothing special about Derpy and Discord wasn't the best villain.


There's nothing special about being a brony either.


I don't care about 4chan.


They tried too hard to make Fluttershy cute.


I didn't like Lesson Zero, Luna Eclipsed, or Magic Duel. On the other hoof, I did like Over a Barrel and Boast Busters.

Edited by TailsIsNotAlone
  • Brohoof 1

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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-My favorite pony is Fluttershy. but not because she's "cute." She's actually more complex than she's given credit for. I'm glad that she didn't stop being shy after confronting that dragon, because that would have been VERY unrealistic.


-I think A Canterlot Wedding is MUCH more flawed than Magical Mystery Cure. (but I still enjoy it)


-Games Ponies Play and Boast Busters are the only two episodes I don't like.


-I wasn't disappointed by Sombra, because I was expecting him to be much worse. I don't mind that he was a weak villian because the episode is more about Twilight anyways.


-I think Babs Seed is very underrated.


-There is no such thing as an "unpopular" opinion regarding Twilicorn. Both sides of the argument are popular.



And The Pony Of The Month Is: Princess Celestia!

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-I enjoyed Owl's Well That Ends Well.


-The season three finale was a good episode.


-I dislike Gilda.


-Dragon Quest was a pretty bad episode. (It had it's good moments, though)


-Rarity is one of my favorite characters.

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I hate Appledash

I love Equestria Girls

Rarity is best pony

I like Princess Twilight


I hate Bon Bon x Lyra

FlutterMac can go and shove it


Fluttershy is overrated


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-I'm not a big fan of Spike Episodes


-I didn't mind Twilight becoming an Alicorn

-I actually liked Magical Mystery Cure


-Didn't hate Mysterious Mare Do Well


-I thought season 3 could've been a bit better


-Canterlot Wedding is my favorite two-part finale


- Crystal Empire episodes could've been way better 

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That reminds me: I don't think Spitfire should have been used as the instructor in "Wonderbolt Academy". Apart from making her fans happy, her appearance serves no real purpose, and her behaviour seems to me contradictory to her previous appearances. Yes, one can justify that by saying this the first time we've seen her in a position of authority, yada yada yada, but it just rubs me the wrong way. Using a new character in that role would have sat much better with me. Besides, why would the lead flier of the Wonderbolts be in that role in the first place? Wouldn't she have to concentrate on her own training rather than overseeing raw recruits?


In my opinion it made Dash's defiance of her a bit more powerful, in that you know she isn't just turning her back on a lifelong dream, but also somepony who she's respected and idolized for a long time. I think that made the episode a bit better than if she had been turning in her badge to a faceless drill sergeant character than we wouldn't recognize or know Dash's history with.


I think it's interesting that several people have posted that they support Alicorn Twilight in here. Going from every poll that I've seen and from general impressions of the fandom, that's hardly an unpopular opinion.


Also, I don't think Magical Mystery Cure is close to the best or the worst episode in the show. At the moment I feel pretty much the same about it as I do towards the Mare Do Well episode, that it was a bizarre collection of wonderful moments and ones that I didn't enjoy watching at all. It makes watching the episode kind of odd.

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-Twlight is my least favorite of the mane six

-I'm not a fan of the spike-centered episodes.

-I liked Equestria Girls

-I like Trixie and Luna

-I didn't mind Babs seed, but her character design was ugly (mainly the brown)

-I want to go more places than just ponyville, and I want to see the Manehattan CMC

-The music for the ending credits is too loud

-The background ponies hardly interest me

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I don't really understand the hype for Spitfire. I never cared for her at all. I don't even like or dislike her. I just think she's of meh.


-Canterlot Wedding is my favorite two-part finale



Isn't Canterlot Wedding the only two-part finale? Best Night Ever and Magical Mystery Cure are both one episode long, or did you mean it is your favourite two-part episode overall?

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I have a few...

- I don't care about Luna all that much. It's nice to see her once in a while I guess and the episode Luna Eclipsed is fine, I just don't really get her huge fanbase, I mean it's fine if your a fan of her but she's just not all that great to me.

- While a lot of people loved it, I don't really care for the episode Sleepless in Ponyville. Between being laden with fanservice, the reuse of some bits like the Headless Horse thing, the way some of the characters acted, and the missed opportunities to develop Scootaloo I didn't find a whole lot to like about it.

- I liked episodes like Dragon Quest and Spike at Your Service while a lot of others didn't. I find them to be good, entertaining episodes, sue me.

- I really don't like the episode It's About Time, not sure what the vocal majority is on that one though.

- Magical Mystery Cure is an amazing episode, and I support Twilicorn.

- I love most of the show's music... save the theme song, it could be better and doesn't really reflect well on the rest of the show for someone's first impression.

I think that about covers it. :unsure:


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I liked season 3. I've heard people say it was an abomination, and I completely disagree. Although I liked seasons 1 and 2 more, I still thought season 3 was a very enjoyable season.

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I have a few...

- I don't care about Luna all that much. It's nice to see her once in a while I guess and the episode Luna Eclipsed is fine, I just don't really get her huge fanbase, I mean it's fine if your a fan of her but she's just not all that great to me.


I've always feel the same. Luna is really fun to see in several episodes, but I don't understand how she can be on top of so much craze. I know a lot of people hate the word overrated, but if I were to make of a list of most overhyped ponies, Luna would be #2 on my list, Derpy being #1, of course.

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Season 3 is my favourite season

"Magical Mystery Cure" is my favourite episode.

"Hearts and Hooves day" is my least favourite episode

Season 1 is my least favourite season.

I really dislike Derpy.

Trixie is overrated

The squirrels that built the dam and flooded Sweet Apple Acres are the best antagonists.

  • Brohoof 1

Twily's favourite! ^_^

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I would put King Sombra as one of my top two villains. Though his portrayal in the two episodes were disappointing, I still find him to be one of the more interesting villains; he seems to be the most evil. The fact that he enslaved the crystal ponies makes me wonder just what the 'realities' of his reign must have been. In the show, we were only shown a few seconds of it; but it is definitely something that can be expanded. What ways were the crystal ponies abused? How many died? How did he rule the Crystal Empire in the first place? Of course, I don't expect that they would go in-depth with his reign considering the show's rating, but the concept of it highly interests me. I'm often reminded about real-life corrupted leaders when I think about King Sombra. Edited by 115Predator
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Pony Art Thread

Brony since ~25 July of 2011.

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I hate Spike. 


I think King Sombre was a great villain. 


Flash Sentry is overrated.


Trixie is best villain.


I liked season 3.


Twilight is my least favorite Mane 6 pony.

  • Brohoof 2


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Flash Sentry is overrated.

That's an unpopular opinion? Just about everyone I have known so far hates him, I still have yet to find someone who likes him

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Looks like a fun thread ;) Erm...


- Discord is my least favourite of the major villains. I dislike random silly humour.


- I don't really like Pinkie Pie. See above.


- I kind of hate Babs Seed. Accent and character.


- I don't really care about the likes of Derpy/Bon-Bon/Lyra/Time Turner ;) and the majority of other background chars. Speaking role or gtfo. Derpy got 1 point.


- I have no major dislikes with MMDW. I just didn't hate it.


- The Smile song is one of my least favourite in the show :o


- I'd be more than happy with another mane character showing up this late in the game? :/


- Read it and Weep bores the heck out of me? 


I dunno.

We were meant to rule together, little sister......

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I really don't like visual design of baby ponies.
Although I really like most of the songs on the show, I do not care too much about whether they are present in the episode. I do not understand why for some people the presence of songs is crucial to a positive assessment of the episode.
I also don't care much about background characters.
Apart from totally wrong presentation of Spike character, i found Spike at Your Service a very fun and enjoyable episode.

I found Pinkie Pie very annoying in A Friend in Deed.
In my opinion The Crystal Empire is the worst season opening.
I think that Rainbow Dash is overrated.

I don't like Trixie.
I think that Fluttershy become even more background character than Applejack. Even her own episodes can be considered stolen by other characters. I think her character is as complex as the rest of Mane6, but she just suffer from bad writing, and repeating boring pattern related only to her shyness and fearfulness but not her kindness.

Edited by spacestorm
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Twilight is a Mary Sue. Being comically OCD is not a character flaw; a true Mary Sue actually has one or two insignificant, laughable flaws to make them funny.


Rainbow Dash wasted her potential by obsessively caring about nothing but the Wonderbolts.


Applejack was primarily designed as a marketing ploy towards American Southerners.


Fanon personalities are often better thsn canon personalities.


Fluttershy isn't a Mary Sue; instead, she may actually have some neurological problems.


Spike's maturity level is above that of a child, meaning he really is a kind of slave.


I may prefer Trixie never returning to a redemption episode. Canon recognition of "redemption" ruins her character, turning her into a Tsundere Mary Sue (those can exist, too).


The morals to the episodes are not insightful life lessons; they're messages that Kindergarteners think are getting old.

  • Brohoof 1



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