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•Rainbow is an obnoxious self-centred show off, and very rarely shows any type of loyalty.

•Fluttershy is an offensive stereotype, infering that those who are shy, are in fact, that dull, weak and boring (which isn't true at all in reality).

•Pinkie Pie does funny over-the-top things… and nothing else.

•Apple Jack is literally a background character.

•Twilight is simply a cliché we have all seen before.

•Rarity would make a great supporting character, but that's not saying much.


  1. Dash may have been like that during the first couple seasons of the show, but since Season 3 she has matured significantly. And even in the first 2 seasons, Dash clearly loved her friends and was loyal to the core.
  2. The show is not implying that at all with Fluttershy, you're completely misinterpreting her character. The show is saying that it's okay to be shy, and that you aren't weak or worthless because of it (as evident by Fluttershy being a loved pony by many who contributes to society), and that you can overcome your fears over time with the right support.
  3. Pinkie Pie does plenty of things besides random humor. There's plenty more to her character than that. See: Pinkie Pride, Party of One, Too Many Pinkie Pies, and other episodes.
  4. Applejack is literally not a background character
  5. Twilight becoming a princess is cliche, sure. But there's way more to her character than that. She's more than just a typical bookworm. She has had clear development from Season 1 to Season 6 not even taking into account her wings.
  6. I admittedly didn't care much for Rarity's character for awhile. But nowadays, I think she's a great addition to the mane cast. Her dynamic with other characters in particular is what I like about her (especially with AJ & Fluttershy)
  • Brohoof 4
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•Rainbow is an obnoxious self-centred show off, and very rarely shows any type of loyalty.


•Fluttershy is an offensive stereotype, infering that those who are shy, are in fact, that dull, weak and boring (which isn't true at all in reality).


•Pinkie Pie does funny over-the-top things… and nothing else.


•Apple Jack is literally a background character.


•Twilight is simply a cliché we have all seen before.


•Rarity would make a great supporting character, but that's not saying much.


You understand none of the ReMane Six.

  1. Rainbow Dash is far beyond merely being a show-off. What makes her so endearing is she has a huge balance to her character. Her ego is proven by how she's able to accomplish flight tasks better than almost every other flier out there. Yet, she cares. A lot. She's very close to Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Tank. Season 3 is easily her best of the show simply because she matured significantly and had the episode quality to back it up. Outside of Rarity, she's the most complex character in the show.

    And rarely shows her loyalty? Hardly.
    1. Pilot: Stuck with her friends over choosing the Shadowbolts.
    2. Griffon the Brush Off: Defended her friends against Gilda and told her if she was too concerned about just being cool, then our friendship was over.
    3. Sonic Rainboom: Saved Rarity's life.
    4. Party of One: Dragged Pinkie Pie to Sweet Apple Acres when when Pinkie was clearly not being her usual cheery self.
    5. Hurricane Fluttershy: Supported Fluttershy when her stage fright and mocking by everyone around her affected her psyche. In the end, she decided that it wasn't worth breaking the record anymore, sticking to her morals, and rallied around Fluttershy in the resolution.
    6. The Crystal Empire: Trying to keep the Crystal Empire's citizens distracted to not let them succumb in fear and keep her end of her promise to Twilight.
    7. Magic Duel: Along with the rest, helped research the Alicorn Amulet and was part of the plan to trick Trixie into taking it off.
    8. Sleepless in Ponyville: Became Scootaloo's mentor and surrogate sister.
    9. Wonderbolts Academy: Chose to abandon her dream over her friends, because all she saw was an academy that rewarded recklessness.
    10. Flight to the Finish: She scolded Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle for leaving Scootaloo behind, and they all rallied to support her, Dash leading the way.
    11. Rainbow Falls: Chooses her team over Cloudesdale's.
    12. Pinkie Pride: Apologized to Pinkie for getting too carried away and promised that she's always their number-one party planner.
    13. Tanks for the Memories: Dedicated herself to prevent winter from coming out of fear that Tank's hibernation will leave her alone.
    14. Lost Treasure of Griffonstone: She and Gilda made up and became friends again.
    15. The Cutie Re-Mark: Trusted Twilight's word and became friends with Starlight.
  2. To echo @, you misinterpret a character with an implication that doesn't even exist. It's okay to be shy and overcome your fears if you have the right support group. And just because you're shy or have a strong fear doesn't mean you're weak or useless. Fluttershy is a widely supported character because thousands of people can relate to her conflicts. When done right, they're some of the best. Dragonshy, Hurricane Fluttershy, The Cutie Map, Scare Master, and Flutter Brutter are excellent examples of her character done right.
  3. Pinkie's beyond simply being a flanderized random pink blob. She's a character, too. Very sensitive to those around her, a workaholic with a huge dedication to make others happy, very intelligent, and dedicated to keep her promises. Party of One, Too Many Pinkie Pies, Pinkie Pride, Testing Testing, The Cutie Map, Party Pooped, and Spice Up Your Life are some examples of how much of a character she is.
  4. You're objectively wrong. AJ is many things. "Background pony" ain't one of them. The only time where you can say she was a background pony was during the second half of season two, and even that is a stretch. Besides, she has a résumé of many great appearances, including Sisterhooves Social (her best episode as a secondary character) with other great episodes with her being a main star, including Fall Weather Friends, The Last Roundup, Apple Family Reunion, Pinkie Apple Pie, and especially The Mane Attraction.
  5. No. It would be a cliché had Twilight been literally handed the title as princess or acted like a stereotypical bookworm. But she isn't either. Out of all eight mane characters, Twilight is the most developed outside of the CMCs. She underwent many trials over the series and learned them, from adapting in a tradition-conscious environment in Winter Wrap Up, to using her smarts to outwit Trixie in Magic Duel, to realizing how much she sucked as a friend in her early days and learning a PAINFUL lesson in front of a hurt Moondancer in Amending Fences, to treating Starlight as an equal and convincing her to start over in Re-Mark.

    In addition, she had to work to achieve princesshood; quality notwithstanding, she wasn't given it on a silver platter. She earned it.
  6. Rarity is the most complex character of the show. What makes her so fascinating is her multiple layers of character. An oozing charisma. From treating her craft with respect to willfully spending time to help others even when she doesn't have to to breaking down when she feels hopeless or violated. As a character, she's been in several great episodes at the lowest of lows or the highest of highs, including Suited for Success, Sisterhooves Social, and Rarity Takes Manehattan. While Rarity Investigates! is average, she was in her prime, a clear focus on one of her biggest strengths: attention to detail.
  • Brohoof 7

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


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  • I hate Fluttercord  (Dislestia/Lunacord ftw!)

I'd rather the show go away from slice of life

I hate humanized ponies

I don't like EQG, (but I still "enjoy" it)

Sombra is my favorite villain

Starlight is better than Sunset, (she grew on me)

I don't get the hype with Luna, but I still love her (I love all princesses equally)

I enjoyed "The Crystal Empire"

I loved "Daring Don't"

I looooove Daring Do

I looooved "Bats!" *chants* Bring back Flutterbat! Bring back Flutterbat!  :love:

Season 2 is overrated 

Edited by ElementalFluttershee
  • Brohoof 1

"I'd like to be a tree!" -Fluttershy :squee:
(Everfree Explorers Discord Group) (Equestria: Into the Wild Trailer) (Map of My Hikes.) (My PATW Photography)


A Cinematic Mini Nature Film. Coming Fall 2019.

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1- love McFlurry :wub:

2- Season 6 didn't suck (ok, guys, it's been a pleasure, I'm about to be branded as a heretic )

3- I think people missed the point of Newbie Dash (again, I'm a heretic)

  • Brohoof 2


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  • 3 weeks later...

While Mare Do Well was a really flawed episode, I actually liked it or at least it has grown on me. It has one of the best scenes of Rainbow Dash in the whole show:



This scene alone makes me forgive the episode, mostly because it was one of the very few times in which I could sympathize with Rainbow Dash back in seasons 1 and 2 (she has grown a lot on me since season 3).


3- I think people missed the point of Newbie Dash (again, I'm a heretic)


Let's be heretic together! Personally, I think that it is one of the best episodes of the show. I was honestly surprised to see how much hatred it got, specially since I wasn't aware of it until very recently. the Wonderbolts are likable for once, The joining the Wonderbolts arc is finished but not shown as the end of the journey, and the conflict was pretty good. I don't get why people wanted that episode focusing more on her abilities, we've already had a lot of episodes telling us why she should already be in the Wonderbolts, and some of them make it seem she's too good for the Wonderbolts, it's nice to see that dynamic change once she gets in.

Edited by Baykush
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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't think William Anderson is a very good composer. In my opinion, only a few of his melodies have a natural progression of notes, while most of them feel forced and contrived, and I also feel that most of his score is little more than musical sound effects, and note that I don't mind mickey mousing when it's done well and feels natural, like in a classic cartoon, or in a comedic scene from some more modern film, but in MLP it just feels amateurish and juvenile, though not as much so as some other underscores I've heard. From what I can tell, this isn't his fault, as he appears to be emulating other Canadian composers, many of whom are no better. I also think a lot of the orchestration on this show, even in a few of the songs that feature a fake orchestra, ranges from slightly below mediocre to terrible, with some exceptions, most notably anything done by Steffen Andrews. I would explain myself better if I were more knowledgeable on the technicals of composing for orchestra, perhaps someone more knowledgeable might understand what I'm referring to.


One thing I notice often on these types of discussions is that the popularity of the supposedly unpopular opinions posted is often debatable, and that people seem to confuse controversy with near-unanimous hatred, even though logic tells us that there would be little to no arguing over any near-unanimous opinion, positive or negative. 

Edited by ihhh
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For the most part, I think Spike episodes are pretty good.


I thought Rainbow Dash imitating her friends in Newbie Dash was the best part of the episode.


I don't think the show lost it's touch after season 4. I don't know if that's an unpopular opinion here, but I've come across people that think it hasn't been as good since season 4. Although I did think the second half of season 6 was weaker than older episodes. Still liked it, but not as much.

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3- I think people missed the point of Newbie Dash (again, I'm a heretic)

Oh yeah, totally. It's not one of my favourite episodes, but there's a whole lot going on under the surface which the episode never gets credit for. I'd even argue it's one of the show's more nuanced episodes.

  • Brohoof 2
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1- love McFlurry :wub:

2- Season 6 didn't suck (ok, guys, it's been a pleasure, I'm about to be branded as a heretic )

3- I think people missed the point of Newbie Dash (again, I'm a heretic)

Let me join the cult. Newbie Dash is an episode that Rainbow needs.
  • Brohoof 1
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Mlp is better than Steven sjwniverse


Starlight Glimmer is a giant mary sue and garbage character handled poorly and now kinda unuseable.


Season 6 mostly sucks

https://mlpforums.com/topic/158860-emerald-stars-crazy-adventure/- My Fanfic, featuring my OC Emerald Star and his Stand, Grey Justice. The Mane Six also get Stands in this fic, so if you like awesome fights, Stands, and epicness, check it out!

NOW ON AO3! - http://archiveofourown.org/works/8505844

MLP:O/C - Order/Chaos, an original MLP Fighting Game featuring Original Characters! Apply within! https://mlpforums.com/topic/159347-mlp-oc-orderchaos-mlp-fighting-game-with-a-cast-of-ocs/?p=4726269#entry4726269

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The Tirek fight scene wasn't all that great. I'm probably in the 1% of male MLP fans that don't think it was awesome.

CMCs cutie marks felt like a big step that took them absolutely nowhere, when it should've given them tons of story potential. They aren't doing anything with their marks now that they couldn't or weren't doing before. Just think of the possibilitiies for new characters, arcs, and the CMCs having to struggle with splitting up their time between their marks, each other, and still helping others with their marks.


-Scootaloo would be constantly improving her acrobatics, most likely with Rainbow Dash's help and/or that of a new acrobatics character who trains her, or even put in a program with other acrobatics ponies.

-Sweetie Belle would be honing her singing. She could join a choir, a small time band, anything. She could even be taken in by one of the greats like Sapphire Shores or Coloratura. She would probably feel the most distant from the CMCs with a consuming stage life, and struggle appropriately.

-Apple Bloom could've been a carpenter or an artist, I think that's what they were hinting at. Even her being a pest pony would've been really cool.


Idk, their marks now seem a waste, and S6 didn't disprove that feeling.

Edited by PonyMage
  • Brohoof 4

This isn't pretty but it's what I am tonight.

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Mlp is better than Steven sjwniverse


Starlight Glimmer is a giant mary sue and garbage character handled poorly and now kinda unuseable.


Season 6 mostly sucks

She isn't a Mary Sue, she got reprimanded by Dash. She has issues, thus character development and is usable. Season 6 had more content than season 1. 

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  • 1 month later...

I don't liked how the show has treated Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. The two have been written as one dimensional bullies for five seasons, and only one of them has been given proper background. It's disappointing that the writers never bothered giving them defined personalities even when they were jerks. Also, the whole "blank flank" thing got really old.


Now let's talk about their redemptions. Diamond Tiara's wasn't bad, but it could have been stronger. I feel like instead of the CMC wanting to check up on her, they should have attempted to rub it in her face how she lost to Pipsqueak in the school election, only to back off when they see how her mother treats her. Silver could have also gotten her own redemption (before or during Diamond's) instead of it being ignored. Oh well, now that they're friends with the CMC, they finally have a chance to shine, so what do they do? Throw them into the background. Serious?!


I really think these two should have been reformed back in season 3. The fact that Trixie, Gilda and Discord were reformed before them disappoints me. I still have some hope that they will get an episode in season 7 that has both of them be three dimensional characters.

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I think Starlight Glimmer should've stayed a villain. I found her more interesting as a villain than I do as a hero. The writers missed a big opportunity when they reformed her instead of making her a recurring villain. Starlight Glimmer could've been the Professor Moriarty to Twilight Sparkle's Sherlock Holmes.

Edited by Aurora Glimmer
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She isn't a Mary Sue, she got reprimanded by Dash. She has issues, thus character development and is usable. Season 6 had more content than season 1. 

While neither think she's a mary sue, I think how she was handled felt kinda... odd :huh:. Yeah, sure, she shone at the end of the season, but before that I don't think she was written that well. The fact of having so few episodes didn't help 


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  • 3 weeks later...

I don’t care much for the Equestria Girls movies. They’re not terrible (with the exception of the first one), but are mostly pointless. Stuff involving high school and teenagers usually aren’t really my thing. The climaxes get weaker and weaker with every passing film. The fourth in particular with the human mane seven getting super powers is the biggest jumping-the-shark moment in the entire series. The only thing I really like is Sunset Shimmer in the sequels, who I couldn’t stand in the first movie. Also Geeky Twilight is enjoyably geeky. Other than that, I really don’t have any intention to watch these more than once.

Edited by Odd Ball
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-Twilight's Kingdom still stands as my favorite episode of My Little Pony(partially because of Tirek)

-I would like to see more of a woobie Starlight Glimmer

-I prefer Pinkie Pie crying over Fluttershy.

-I highly prefer 28 Pranks Later over The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well

-I prefer Fluttershy when she's angry(Angryshy?)

-I want to see a Sunb...I mean Celestia episode

-I thought the Yaks were funny

-I like Twilight whenever she's made a jackass

-I'm still waiting for a Pinkie Pie/CMC team up.  Where is it Hasbro you lazy Son-of-a-Submariner?

-I want to see a more Bugs Bunny-like Pinkie Pie

-Prime Surname>>>>>Prince or Princess surname(Ex: Celestia Prime.  Luna Prime.  Cadence Prime.  Twilight Sparkle Prime)

-I wanted to see a more protective Discord, and "To Where and Back Again" FINALLY SHOWED IT OFF!

-I want more episodes focused on background characters(Especially Derpy Hooves/Muffins)




-I want to see a Post-FiM era My Little Pony be more of a 6 minute-style short series focused on not just the Mane 6/Discord/Spike/Starlight/Celestia/Luna/Apple Family, but also on other characters(Like the Equestria Girls shorts, but with Ponies)

Edited by SaburoDaimando
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-Seasons Five and Six took the beautifully-crafted characters from the first four seasons and proceeded to drag them through the mud in terms of characterization, with Twilight, Rarity and Rainbow Dash getting hit the hardest


-Twilight Sparkle is not good princess material


-Discord should not have been redeemed


-Starlight Glimmer should not have been redeemed

  • Brohoof 1

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Fuck the season 6 finale, it's probably the worst episode of the show.  


Though I'm having a hard time between it, Every Little Thing She Does and the Season 5 finale for that spot. 

  • Brohoof 3

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

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I have no problem with the concept of Starlight Glimmer being reformed, but my main problem would be that of the execution of it.

And to be honest, I wasn't really that big of a fan of her in the season 5 premiere as a villain either.

I was liking her more in the season 5 finale, before her pretty weak backstory, and rushed out reformation happened.

  • Brohoof 2


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Discord has been 99.99% neutered since his reformation.


The sixth season finale was a waste of airtime. The second season finale was pretty awful too, but least that had a good fight scene with the Mane Six. I literally didn't care about seeing Starlight Glimmer, Reformed Discord and Trixie doing anything, let alone being the focus of a two part finale and saving the day like the friggin Powerpuff Girls.

  • Brohoof 3

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Reformations are almost always a good thing--they're in the spirit of the show.

Starlight Glimmer's guilt is punishment enough, and she's effectively been sentenced to a lifetime of community service. She doesn't need more punishment.

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