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gaming Pokemon X and Y Discussion Thread


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In pokemon fire red I found a shiny zubat. I still ran away though, screw them. I wanted out of the cave as fast as I could. 


And in pokemon diamond I found a shiny drifloon. I was about to just pass it up as I walked by valley windworks, but I thought "eh, why the hay not?" to my surprise it was a shiny so hecks yea I caught it!

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First legit Shiny I ran into was a Scyther on original Silver during the Bug Catching Contest. Before I found (and caught it) I didn't know others besides Gyrados had alternate colors so I was pretty stoked when I won the contest with it.


I also found a Shiny Gastly on Leaf Green outside of Lavender Town, caught that one too. Then there was the Safari Zone moment where I ran into a Chansey while looking for a Lucky Egg on Fire Red. It got away. TWO Pokemon encounters later, I found a Shiny Venomoth. Which also fled. Without an ActionReplay those were the only Shiny Pokemon I've encountered.

Little Pony that happens to be Mine

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uuhhhh. *thinks hard*

Shiny Shroomish: Sapphire

Shiny Lotad: Emerald

Shiny Kricketune: Pearl

Shiny Totodile: HeartGold

Shiny Growlithe (I gave it to my sister): HeartGold

Shiny Watchog: White 2
Shiny Seedot: Emerald


all chance encounters.

(edit: I knew I was missing something!)

Edited by Destiny


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I never get shiny Pokemon I actually like. Last one I got was a shiny Durant. I guess I should be grateful, some people never even see shiny Pokemon.


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I've found two shinies in my life: Geodude in Pearl, and Gulpin in Emerald. I think I still have the Gulpin, but I have no idea what happened to the Geodude.

Y'know, I've been on this site for almost ten years and I've never had a proper signature. Ain't that something?

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Congratulations! I recently came across a shiny quagsire. Other than that, I've ran into a shiny ponyta in gold (gbc) and a shiny skarmory in gen 4. I've also caught a shiny basculin by chain fishing, but it's honestly crap in colour and species.


I really want to breed myself a shiny vulpix in X and Y eventually too. Ninetales is one of my favourites and she has an amazing shiny.

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Shiny Pidgey in Fire Red

Shiny Beldum in one of the Gen 4 Game's (forget which one)

Shiny pre-evolution Weevile (forget the name) same game as the above

  • Brohoof 1


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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Congratulations on the Shiny Noctowl! I think Noctowl has a nice shiny forme. *u*


My first shiny encounter is a Hoppip in SoulSilver. One day, I got tired of training my Pokémon, so I tried to look for a Chansey holding a Lucky Egg. I didn't really had much success in the first two days, but upon the third day around 5 in the morning, I encountered the green, sparkling blob.


After that, my luck on finding Shiny Pokémon has increased greatly. From 2011 to 2014, I have found 14 Shinies, which I find surprising since I couldn't find any Shinies before then.


And since I'm rather proud of the Shinies I catch, I'm going to leave this photo I took of a certain one I found. Take note of the form differences section on the right. :D




  • Brohoof 1
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I remember on Pokémon X when I encountered a shiny Dwebble and a shiny Riolu in the Friend Safari. I certainly was lucky to find those Pokémon.


However, I also hatched some shiny Pokémon while breeding. For example, I hatched a shiny Bulbasaur and a shiny Gible. That's all I can remember.

Edited by Photon Jet
  • Brohoof 2

Dark thoughts are banished! Dark thoughts do not exist!


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(The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.)

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I have had all of two encounters with shinies since I started playing Pokemon. The first was a shiny Jinx in Gold when I had no idea what shinies were (apart from the fact that you could catch a red Gyarados) and the second was a shiny Gligar in Y. I'm pretty sure my family heard my squeals of joy from the floor below me.

MLPForums "Self-Proclaimed" Kamen Rider Nut
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Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi.

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I once found a shiny gyarados, but it broke out of EVERY SINGLE POKEBALL I threw at it! Even my master ball!!! So I had to faint it. I had about 20 hits clocked in with my caterpie anyway and needed the XP.

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Shiny pre-evolution Weevile (forget the name) same game as the above

SNEASEL!! My favorite Pokemon!

Oh and I forgot to mention the one shiny I did get through breeding on Y Version. I did manage to get a shiny Seedot that I evolved into Nuzleaf, and I decided to give him the nickname, DeezNuz, traded him away for a shiny Mawile, though.

Little Pony that happens to be Mine

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I once found a shiny Seaking, and had no idea what a shiny was at the time...  :okiedokielokie:  Luckily my friends were watching me play and they told me to catch it. I owe them. I still have it in my PC now...  B)

  • Brohoof 1
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I have never found a legitimate shiny pokemon. The only ones I had ever encountered were the result of a hack after emulating the game :(

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Hm, we talkin' shinies now...

In gen 4 I got a shiny Octillery randomly fishing in Diamond and a shiny Slowpoke while EV training my Machoke in HeartGold, and I made sure I got all 3 of the shiny event legendary beasts(I got 2 Suicune even). Gen 5 however, no Pokémon would shine for me sadly...

This game though, it gave me 4- Abra and Shuppet from the Friend Safari, Zweilous randomly in the wild, and a Charmander from egg hatching when I wasn't even trying for one. Generous, game, generous. :D

Anyway, I haven't done much in this game lately actually.

  • Brohoof 1


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Speaking of Shinies, I've literally found 4 shinies in Gold that weren't a Gyarados. And I couldn't do jack with any of them. 3 of them were in the same Nuzlocke run too.


They were:

Shiny Voltorb

Shiny Drowzee

Shiny Krabby

Shiny Ursarang

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I haven't been playing X and Y much recently to be honest, I played it once to get my Vivillon Pokeball and Vivillon Fancy, but that was like it. 


As far as shines go... I can only remember running into 2 shines in my lifetime. One was a shiny wurmpule a long time ago, I no longer had it. It was in Emerald. It became a dustox, but i think I lost my save anyways.


The other shiny I got was a shiny Sligoo, However I actually ended up trading it for a friend of mines shiny Eevee, because I love Eevee and all it's evolutions(if you haven't noticed.) But I don't really care for Goodra personally. 


So I took the shiny Eevee, and turned him into a shiny Umbreon, so now I have a shiny Umbreon, which considering Umbreon has an awesome shiny form, and is my favorite Pokemon, it's pretty awesome :D.


Now while I haven't encountered many shinies, I've encountered several pokerus viruses on my Pokemon randomly before.


Infact, one time I actually got Pokerus twice in one day in two different games! I think I was playing Pokemon White or something and got Pokerus there, then I went to play Heartgold for something(I think it was Heartgold...) and I got another Pokerus! In the same day!


Not really as valuable as a shiny in my eyes, but it was still cool considering the chances.

Edited by Zygen


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Anybody here have a Fire Friend Safari with a Nine Tails and/or a Magmar? If so PM me so we can exchange Friend Codes.

Edited by Asbel Lhant

The White Shinigami

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