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Rarity or Rainbow Dash? Who is best pony?



217 users have voted

  1. 1. Between the two of them, who is best pony?

    • Rarity
    • Rainbow Dash

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Who is best pony?  That gets asked a lot, and while there are a lot of other popular ponies, Rarity and Rainbow Dash always overwhelmingly top out the charts.  So let's try and end this debate once and for all.  Between the two of them, who is best pony?


I suppose I'll vote for Rarity because I like her a smidge more than Rainbow Dash.  Though I'd say they are about even in terms of quality, I do have to make a clear choice.

  • Brohoof 1
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Rarity.  She is the most humorous of the mane 6 and she uses her own ladylike attributes to make the show awesome.  Rainbow dash is awesome, but Rarity is the one I like more.

  • Brohoof 3


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I think Rainbow Dash is better due to the fact I hate people who seem to base their life in clothing and thinks overly highly of themselves, but I don't really like either of them because rainbow dash thinks she is overly cool.

  • Brohoof 1


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Rarity is way too self-centered for me. Besides, she's the stereotypical girly girl, and I just can't stand that. Rainbow, on the other hand, is adventurous and down to earth. That's my kind of woman.

  • Brohoof 2

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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RainbowDash for me, hercharacter has a lot of potential especially considering that most people with an atitude like hers (her "im im awsome" atitude) have it as a sort of deffense mechanism. And we saw in flashbacks that her and Fluttershy seemed to get teased a lot in cloudsdale by the local bullies and probably others too.  So i think her character could be explored a lot more.

Not to mention shes really fun to watch and usally most of the budget on animation is used on her awsome moves img-1379355-5-xtWXQl1.png

  • Brohoof 1

Rainbow Dash is best pony.


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Well... Between those two, my personal favorite would be Rarity~ I've always likes her type of character in every other show I watched (the prissy, girly character), and I also think the producers made an awesome job at balancing her positive and negative attributes. Besides, she can be pretty funny sometimes too. :3

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Rarity is way too self-centered for me.


Not like she's the element of generosity or anything. Y'know, I'm sure that doesn't count at all.


Rarity for me... I honestly don't really like RD too much. Unlike Rarity (cough cough Justin ZW), RD can be quite self centered.

  • Brohoof 1
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Not like she's the element of generosity or anything. Y'know, I'm sure that doesn't count at all.


Rarity for me... I honestly don't really like RD too much. Unlike Rarity (cough cough Justin ZW), RD can be quite self centered.

While i do like her, to be honest she shows as much greed as she does generosity. She manipulated Spike into giving her his birthday present. She didnt want to come to her best friends brithday because she could hang out with the upper class ponies and drink wine and when she paid spike for taking care of opel she gave him a 1mm gem even tho he helps her get most of her gems so yeaaah...

  • Brohoof 2

Rainbow Dash is best pony.


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Well based on the fact that Rainbow Dash simultaneously plays each and every pony's part during the show, in a way there is no definite answer considering they are basically the same pony. You could say Rainbow Dash is best pony because she plays the part of Rarity or you could say Rarity is best pony because she is Rainbow Dash.


Any way you cut it, it's like totally "whoa dude, like whats going on bro" But that's just me, but that obviously means i'm definitely right in every possible way. But who knows, I could also be completely right as well. I bet my good buddy "The Dude" would back me up on this though considering we are fairly similar when it comes to this topic. 

Edited by Earl Hickey


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I vote Rainbow Dash as Rarity focuses on small thngs that don't matter (pointed out in the Slumber Party episode), but Rainbow Dash acts cool as well as having some significant character traits, probably one of the best representations of her element of harmony out of the ponies (each in comparison to their own)


Rainbow Dash, as she represents her element of harmony much better as well as the fact she's "20% cooler"


I LOVE all the mane six ponies.



*Repost, but I made my point more concise.

Edited by Twilight Sparkle


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Wait, since when do they both "overwhelmingly top the charts"? From what I've seen in terms of polls, Rarity trails behind a lot, while Twilight and Pinkie are up there with Dash. In fact, on this forum, Rarity's ranked sixth whereas Rainbow Dash is ranked first.


Anyway, voted for Rainbow Dash; I like them both equally in terms of comedic value, but Rainbow Dash is more of a playful character, and seems to be more of a fleshed-out persona. I like Rarity too, of course; but picking one over the other, Dashie takes the biscuit.


(So that's where all my biscuits went.)

  • Brohoof 4
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as well as the fact she's "20% cooler"


Really, why does everyone say this? Rainbow Dash wanted her dress to be "20% cooler", she didn't say that she was "20% cooler". I love Dashie and all, but too many people say that as a reason just to be quick about things.


Like, I love Dash for being unable to control her character around others; she wants to be cool in front of her friends but often descends into innocent poses devoid of any coolness; I think that's a really funny character aspect n.n

  • Brohoof 4
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I personally prefer Rarity. Rainbow sometimes just comes off to cocky for my liking, while I agree Rarity can sometimes be overly girly or dare I say... sometimes stuck up, but she also has alot of strengths in her extremely feminine ways. Mainly her charm and using her almost overly dramatic damsel routines in her own favor. The classic trademark of the female species. wink.png

  • Brohoof 1
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I can't vote for Fluttershy?  :(  She's topped a few popularity charts of her own.


With that said, my vote goes for Rainbow Dash.  She was the one who turned me from a curious onlooker into a serious fan of MLP:FiM.  I also think that Rarity is a fine, well-rounded pony in episodes where her true, mutli-faceted character is put on display.  But if I'm asked to choose between these two, Dashie gets the biscuit. 


(Flipturn isn't the only one with missing biscuits). 

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(Flipturn isn't the only one with missing biscuits). 


She cannot do without a biscuit or two. Pinkie must have shown her that door of deliciousness.




Oh yeah, that's another reason I prefer Dash over Rarity. The latter doesn't nearly have as much artwork as Dash. Dunno how quick you could find Rarity eating a biscuit all cute n.n

  • Brohoof 1
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Rarity is best pony(aside from Fluttershy, of course.)


She is far deeper a character than people sometimes give her credit for. Just because she is feminine doesn't mean she's shallow. Rainbow, while still a pretty good character, is not as good as Rarity.


And besides, even if Fashion isn't your thing(it certainly isn't mine), her passion for it as an artist is quite relate-able.

  • Brohoof 1
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Out of those two it is Rainbow Dash, she is cocky and can be a bit reckless at times but she has shown a great deal of progress and maturity as a character in season 3. We saw a kind and gentle side to her in Sleepless in Ponyville and her mature and responsible side in Wonderbolt Academy, it is a shame that season 3 wasn't as kind to Rarity she does have potential as a character but really needs the most development out of the mane 6 in my humble opinion as it seems alot of times like the writers don't even know what to do with her.

Edited by EarthbendingProdigy
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Rarity hands down. Her character is one of the deepest of the 6, and her demeanor and attitude (gleaming with possible conflict) means she has much to give and learn when it comes to attacking and resolving issues. Because of this, she has some of the best episodes.


Besides, dat mane, those eyes, dat accent... no competition.


Edited by Gears of Halo Duty V
  • Brohoof 1
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Dashie of course....then again I'm biased with pegasi and Dashie in general. Dash is also kinda hot with her mane and eyes....But I voted Dashie.

  • Brohoof 2

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page


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Huh? I've never seen Rarity top a popularity chart. If anything, she's usually on the bottom of the barrel with Applejack, whereas Dash is always at the top of the pack. (Of the Mane Six of course.)


They're both excellent characters. I would have said Rainbow Dash in the past without batting an eye, but Rarity has grown on me so much. For the sake of the underdog, I'll vote Rarity. There's just something about her that continues to pique my interest. :D

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Do I have to choose? I mean, they're both my favorites, I may express certain bias sometimes, but I don't really like choosing between the two, so I usually try to find a way for them to sound equal(example: Rarity's the most beautiful pony, Rainbow Dash is the hottest).


But I have a harder time finding the equivalent for "Best"

  • Brohoof 1
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Both characters are beautiful ponies. Rarity always has the best appearance, always makes some of the best parts in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic more funny than it really is. But, I am going to have to pick Rainbow Dash. She brings all of the action into the episodes that are lameo, 20% cooler than Rarity, awesome, never cares about her style and because, she is so darn pretty. Rainbow Dash wins hands down. Deal with it. img-1379355-5-xtWXQl1.png 

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Oh yeah Rarity! all the way baby! I love her songs! she looks beautiful, she's damn funny! and top of all that I love her to death! I love Rainbow Dash too don't get me wrong! 



  • Brohoof 1


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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