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Does Rarity's characterization influence your opinion negatively?

Tenor Clef

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  1. 1. what do you think of Rarity

    • Awesome pony! love her!
    • She is a great character
    • Yeah she is a good pony
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    • not a fan
    • Ugh, not that pony
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How do I dislike thee?  Let me count the ways.  She's a fashionista.  My knowledge of fashion could be inscribed on a speck of dust.  Then, if you took my interest in fashion & hid it under that dust speck, you would never see it again.  She is obsessed w appearances, (McLuhan's comment of "style over substance"), a diva, a drama queen, a glory hound, a snob, & a social climbing suck up (Suited For Success) (She reminds me of 1of my  sisters.  This is NOT meant as a compliment)


The way she sweet talked that ruby out of Spike in The Secret of My Excess brings back a horde of bad memories.  She reminds me of the popular girls in High School. (Again, NOT a compliment)  As shown in Dog and Pony Show, she is a Jewish American Princess.  (Okay, that was a ploy, to get over on the Diamond Dogs.  It was easy for her. Practice makes perfect)


She is the Element of Generosity?  Yeah, what has she ever done that is so generous?  Other than not murder Sweetie Belle, I mean.  Zecora has been WAY more generous than her.


In her defense, I admit she is willing to go to almost any length to satisfy a customer & to work her tail off if needed.  She also puts up w more crap from Sweetie Belle than I was willing to take from my siblings.  +She does have some feelings for Spike & it's not her fault he feels more for her than she does for him.  Finally, I admit she isn't greedy.  She probably wanted that ruby because it was trendy, not because it was valuable & she is a fabulous tipper.


She is still, by far, my least favorite character of the big 10 & I would be glad to see her fade into the background

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She's a fashionista. My knowledge of fashion could be inscribed on a speck of dust. Then, if you took my interest in fashion & hid it under that dust speck, you would never see it again.

Just because she's a fashionista,is Rarity instantly labeled as "boring and stupid"?



You are just judging a main character for your own tastes.


The way she sweet talked that ruby out of Spike in The Secret of My Excess brings back a horde of bad memories. She reminds me of the popular girls in High School.

Again,you're misjudging a whole scene.Rarity liked a lot the ruby,but at any moment she didn't showed any hint of wanting to take it away from Spike against his will.In fact,Spike has choosen to give it to her.


Although is better to read this,as it explains perfectly how the sce was set:



She is the Element of Generosity? Yeah, what has she ever done that is so generous?

Read this whole blog for an explanation of all the generous actions that Rarity made through the show



I admit she isn't greedy.

Just a bit ago,you compared Raroty with a teenager girl who manipulates boys into doing whatever she wants,without caring for them.


She also puts up w more crap from Sweetie Belle than I was willing to take from my siblings.

Watch Sisterhooves Social,specially the scene of the competition,and watch how Rarity's behavior evolved.


This show tries to teach us lessons,and that was one of them.Even the kindiest of characters can have errors,but they can always fix them and lead to a better ending,where everyone is happy.

She probably wanted that ruby because it was trendy, not because it was valuable & she is a fabulous tipper.

Let's think on what does she work again:

-She's a fashionista

-Her special talent is gem finding,according to the scene from Cutie Mark Chronicles.

-She uses the gems to make dresses that sells to her costumers.


Yeah,she loved the ruby,but it was also a gift,and not a normal gift.

She already acknownledged that Spike really cared for that ruby,and if he gave it to her,it was because she would be happier with it,so that ruby had an special meaning for her.


It's not just because "it's trendy".That ruby was something that his friend cared a lot about,and he gave it to her for seeing her happy.


a social climbing suck up

Ok,we can debate a bit about that.


Is true that Rarity wishes some social recognition,and she would do anything to level up on the social ladder.


But,let's think another brief moment on the episode that you named before(Sweet & Elite)


When she had to choose between the social position(ignoring her friends),or the friendship(ignoring the social position),what did she chose?


I would be glad to see her fade into the background



I have to disagree

Edited by Carl Sagan
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Rarity is awesome, favorite pony! Though I really haven't seen that much hating on her, just a lot of people think she is really prissy. Though I suppose if you've read "The Secret Life of Rarity" then that could make many people hate her(still trying to forget that fanfic happened even though I thought it was good), though of course that isn't canon thankfully.

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Rarity knows Spike has a crush on her & she took advantage of his feelings for her.  No, she did not say "Give me that gem or I will hate you but if you give it to me, then I will love you"  Not in words, but her actions strongly implied it.  When I was young & foolish, I got victimized that way often enough, I know it when I see it.  In Rarity Takes Manehatten, she is generous, but usually only to her friends.  To my mind Zecora epitomizes the Element of Generosity far more than she does.  Z has always done her best to help everyone & never charged for it (Well, once w Spike.  But, he did rob her.).


In Suited For Success, she wishes to disavow her friend because he is just a window washer & she name drops all she can.  At the end, she does the right thing, but it is a struggle.


As to "judging her from my own tastes", doesn't everyone judge everything that way? As to "boring & stupid", I never said she was boring. Not in so many words.  I did strongly imply it, though.  I never said she was stupid.  Actually, she's probably the smartest after Twilight.  AJ is the least smart, & she's not dumb, just average.  

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I don't get it either. With her long run of good episodes, Rarity is my third favorite pony (right behind Twilight and Fluttershy). If anyone thinks Rarity is stuck-up, I suggest they go watch any one of her episodes, particularly the ones where she's quite generous. (For example, "Suited for Success" or "For Whom the Sweetie Belle Tolls.") If you want an example of being stuck-up, look at the ponies in Canterlot or Manehattam. Being classy doesn't automatically mean the same as being stuck-up.

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Rarity is awesome, favorite pony! Though I really haven't seen that much hating on her, just a lot of people think she is really prissy. Though I suppose if you've read "The Secret Life of Rarity" then that could make many people hate her(still trying to forget that fanfic happened even though I thought it was good), though of course that isn't canon thankfully.

Agreed on the level of 'hate' being overstated. From everything that I can see, the overall appreciation for Rarity has grown Suited for Success and Dog and Pony Show raised a few eyebrows. All in all, her featured and co-starring episodes are great entries in the series.


I know Jewell Pone isn't for everyone though, and that's perfectly fine.


Oh, and you are 6th person to mention that fic. Never read it. But it's reputation does preceded itself.

  • Brohoof 1



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Agreed on the level of 'hate' being overstated. From everything that I can see, the overall appreciation for Rarity has grown Suited for Success and Dog and Pony Show raised a few eyebrows. All in all, her featured and co-starring episodes are great entries in the series.


I know Jewell Pone isn't for everyone though, and that's perfectly fine.


Oh, and you are 6th person to mention that fic. Never read it. But it's reputation does preceded itself.

If you do, try to think happy thoughts, I've read and watched a lot of stuff, but that has to be the most gruesome thing I have ever seen. I dare say it is more messed up than cupcakes, little bit of bias being Rarity as my favorite pony, but that just ended up making the fic more chilling. Regardless of that, it is really good on an ethical level as it can make you think, made me justify things I would rather not irl throughout it.

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If you do, try to think happy thoughts, I've read and watched a lot of stuff, but that has to be the most gruesome thing I have ever seen. I dare say it is more messed up than cupcakes, little bit of bias being Rarity as my favorite pony, but that just ended up making the fic more chilling. Regardless of that, it is really good on an ethical level as it can make you think, made me justify things I would rather not irl throughout it.

Having read The Secret Life of Rarity, I'd say the main difference is believeability. Cupcakes, while graphic, pretty much crushed my suspension of disbelief three chapters in, and I had no reason to connect it to real Pinkie at all. TSLR pretty much rewrites Season 1, so you're going to find yourself connecting things even though you don't want to. It was so good at it, I had to wait until...a certain someone died before I could safely shuttle this away in an alternate FIM like most other "ugly" fanfictions. It's that extra special kind of twisted that's only reserved for things like Cheerilee's Garden. 

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Oh come on, Rarity doesn't get any more or less hate than the other characters. I mean, at least she didn't get turned into an alicorn princess and make half the fandom explode... but I guess that's another thing entirely huh? :P

Anyway, the main argument I always see against her character is that she doesn't follow her element of Harmony, Generosity, quite as closely as the other characters do. That's a fair point admittedly, but the other characters go out of their Element much more than she does, with the worst offenders probably being Applejack and Fluttershy, who are far from honest and kind all the time. Besides, it would be kind of boring if a character was generous and just giving people stuff all the time, no? ;)

Anyway, I think Rarity's real problem personally, as a huge and diehard fan of hers, is a lack of signifigant development to her character- the best we got was in Suited for Success, Sisterhooves Social, and Sweet and Elite, and we haven't got much since. She has certainly shown she is stilll a great character on the side in episodes since of course imo, but she really, desperately needs more episodes to help flesh out her already complex character and hopefully gain her more fans, I pray that season 4 will bring these to us. Then again, maybe it's because some people don't understand Rarity's complex character is the reason some people rag on her with rather petty and nitpicky reasons in the first place, but that's their problem I guess. :huh:

Ah yes, and in season 4 she was indeed developed much more, she was very well explored... sure, some moments weren't the most flattering(that one moment in RTM where she was mad at her friends yet felt bad about it immediately, swooning over Trenderjerk, the whole thing with the magic book taking her over), it all only made her stronger, I gather, because the good moments were her best in the series. So, if season 4 didn't warm up anyone's opinion of Rarity, I dunno what else would. :please:
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Having read The Secret Life of Rarity, I'd say the main difference is believeability. Cupcakes, while graphic, pretty much crushed my suspension of disbelief three chapters in, and I had no reason to connect it to real Pinkie at all. TSLR pretty much rewrites Season 1, so you're going to find yourself connecting things even though you don't want to. It was so good at it, I had to wait until...a certain someone died before I could safely shuttle this away in an alternate FIM like most other "ugly" fanfictions. It's that extra special kind of twisted that's only reserved for things like Cheerilee's Garden. 

Yep, I just found it really hard to actually block it out though I eventually did as you did and split it into an alternate universe. With that said though I don't think I could read the sequel even though its rating is T and doesn't seem to disturbing, I'd much rather prefer to forget about the whole thing, tbh I think I am gonna stay away from those disturbing fanfics from now on. I just needed at least one really messed up one to say I've read it even though it was rather good in terms of writing and the challenges it brings upon readers. Couldn't look at Rarity while I was reading that without thinking about what happened in that book, thankfully I watched the series passed the events that occurred in the book.  Anyways I have veered way off topic, but I just wanted to respond.

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A lot of nronies don't like Rarity because they feel like she was a wasted opportunity.

Elaborate? That's pretty vague

Rarity knows Spike has a crush on her & she took advantage of his feelings for her.  No, she did not say "Give me that gem or I will hate you but if you give it to me, then I will love you"  Not in words, but her actions strongly implied it.  When I was young & foolish, I got victimized that way often enough, I know it when I see it.  In Rarity Takes Manehatten, she is generous, but usually only to her friends.  To my mind Zecora epitomizes the Element of Generosity far more than she does.  Z has always done her best to help everyone & never charged for it (Well, once w Spike.  But, he did rob her.).


In Suited For Success, she wishes to disavow her friend because he is just a window washer & she name drops all she can.  At the end, she does the right thing, but it is a struggle.


As to "judging her from my own tastes", doesn't everyone judge everything that way? As to "boring & stupid", I never said she was boring. Not in so many words.  I did strongly imply it, though.  I never said she was stupid.  Actually, she's probably the smartest after Twilight.  AJ is the least smart, & she's not dumb, just average.  

She does a lot for Spike: As in Dragon Quest


And in Sweet&Elite she did not try to disavow her friends at all. To say she did is completely wrong. She only didnt go to her party because she feared not going to the Garden Party would destroy her dream.

And she name drops once, without meaning to.


I don't see how you could be more wrong. 

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I think it's dumb to hate a pony but I guess people still cling on to the "girly girl" image even though it's been shown she's not some helpless damsel as far back as season 1. I can't really imagine I mean if you don't like the girly pony because of her high-class and her being so feminine, it's pretty ironic considering you're watching a T.V. show made to sell little girl's toys.

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Rarity is an awesome character. People don't like her because they think she's too "girly". Bullsh**. She's a complex character that deserves the praise. More so than a lot of other characters on the show. And I've seen people say she's selfish, and goes against her element the most. Not true. If anything, Rainbow Dash is the most selfish (as well as arrogant) and is disloyal quite a bit. To me, RD is the most overrated character on the show. 

But most of all, I think some people don't understand her because she's too complex of a character to follow.

But that's my take. :D  :D  :D

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   Next to Rainbow Dash, Rarity is my favourite pony, and I love these two ponies for the reasons people hate them, for one thing Rarity is funny, Tabitha St. Germain does a fantastic job providing Rarity a voice, she can give Rarity a serious voice, or a incredibly humorous side. I believe most of the hate is directed at her greedy side, Rarity is the element of Generosity, regardless, the ponies are not servants to their elements, and all of them have gone in conflict to their element, however it is the fact they show promise in what their element is, Rarity has been generous to her friends, Ponyville and to other ponies, the contemptible attitude some fans have for Rarity stems at the fact they don't like to see avarice, despite the fact we see greed real life, and we all have it in us, it come down to choice, display raw greed but not have redeeming qualities, that is not Rarity. There is also another ethical paradox, that Rarity is too snobby, but unicorns in this world have been seen as snobs, in Hearth's Warming Eve, Chancellor Pudding Head referred to unicorns as snobs, it is hard not to be jealous of such magical power, and how that can make them wealthy, but their are snobby earth ponies too, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon for example, nevertheless, if we constantly point out the poor qualities of each pony, their good sides rarely get acknowledgement, whether it's Rarity or Rainbow Dash, they are the ponies I admire, because they are funny, and have great traits omitted by some fan's opinions, yet I see the diamonds and the rainbow bear the most treasure. 

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Read "The Secret Life of Rarity"  Clearly written at the end of Season 2 & will need some work updating it.  IMO, it would have worked better w Fluttershy, but I liked it enough to read all 27 chapters.  It's been 50 years since I read Bullfinch's Mythology but I still remember Orpheus.  Best Road Trip Ever!


Oh, and Celestia?  Perhaps Luna failed because you rushed her.  Possibly, she could have done better with more time.  Also, I guess there is 1 rule for princesses & another for lesser ponies.

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I honestly had no idea people ever hated on Rarity? I mean, I know some can bicker from time to time, but that's just how things are. I like Rarity, though. ^^

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  • 3 weeks later...

She's as good as any other mane six. Had I have issues with my self-esteem(Ego) sure I would see her in a negative manner too.

I do like Rarity, because I get her. Look deeper and you will see this contrast on her, between canterlot and ponyville style, .

It's not just another snobby pony :please:

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I like Rare,  yes she can be selfish to a center

and all but strange as it might sound,  she also

gets stressed out by her job, deals with her little

sister but well family, I think she seems the most "human"

of any of the ponies in the things in every day life

she has to deal with outside of AJ .


Pinkie's always on a party/sugar rush...


Dash spends her free time doing tricks.


Twilight well, reads and can do royal stuff...


Fluttershy spends her time taking care of animals for free...


Yet Rare also makes time for her friends when they need her, goes

on quest which means she looses money if not doing her job and loves

her little sister and makes time for her, even if stressed out!   Yet Rare also

runs and owns her shop by her self so yah...


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