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I'm outraged by this Facebook anti-brony page

The Crystal Maiden

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Don't let it bother you, the whole point of it is to get a ruse out of bronies and start an argument. If you get on to him you will only be playing into his hands. Be the better man.

Edited by TheSteampunkNinja (TSN)
  • Brohoof 1


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I'm fine with not giving a fuck, and I try not to every chance I get.


However, and it must be said, it's really impressive how much hate our little fandom seems to get. I've been part of many, many fandoms and while they all have haters, I have to admit I've never really seen anything quite like this. I don't think even the notoriously hated furry fandom has to deal with this much grief.


I get that people can be annoyed at bronies, and I get that some bronies are genuinely annoying, and I get that to some people it's wrong to like a girls' show, but to put this much energy into all but campaigning for the "destruction" of what amounts to a handful of people watching a television programme... well, to quote GLaDOS: "That would be funny, if it weren't so sad."


For my part, I feel better that I'm putting my energy into something that makes me happy rather than focusing on something that pisses me off.

  • Brohoof 3


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Nothing else to do but ^


I tell ya a lot of people have nothing to do in their time than just to hate on others just because they think they're "cool like that". But they're not cool, they're downright disrespectful. Alright, let's get something straight, there's a good type of trolling and there's a bad type of trolling. This right here, is the bad type.  

  • Brohoof 1
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I find it stupid that if someone hates something they create a whole page dedicated to the one thing they can't stand. If you hate something, just ignore it.






Don't feed the parasprites man, if you do they'll just keep getting stronger. The best way to bite this in the bud, is to just ignore them and keep being your brony self. :)

Edited by Sir.Flutter Hooves
  • Brohoof 5



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Eh, I'm probably a little desensitized to stuff like this. It's standard internet hate, just trying to make people mad. Ignoring it is the best course since it looks like he just mostly posts comments from the page. Awful as it is, there are always going to be people who won't show any form of courtesy on the internet. I just don't get involved with those types. 

  • Brohoof 2


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I wouldn't pay attention to trolling and unkind stuff on the internet about bronys. I’d say the best thing to do if you find a hate site of any sort is just to take a deep breath, not give the trolls the satisfaction by getting angry back, and just move away into sites that are full of good stuff like MLP forums or whatever other sites you enjoy looking at that aren't full of people out to be mean to your interests 

  • Brohoof 1
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Yeah, you guys are right. We should just ignore it and not give the haters the attention they're looking for. :)

I admire all your attitudes, thank you. <3

British Pegasister, aspiring writer, and dedicated Rainbow Dash fan.


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Check this page out. 


I have to admit I'm pretty disgusted by the things posted on this page. This guy completely takes the piss out of the MLP fandom and says some insulting things about us as well as others do. 

I don't want to do anything drastic, like try to take the page down, and I don't want anyone else to try that either. And I haven't been completely explosive-mega-angry-hateful-person towards the page either. But I did post a little something on the wall voicing my opinions, with no swearing or hateful comments, and he deleted it. Well, isn't that nice? I spent ages writing that out and he goes and gets rid of it.  :angry:


What do you guys have to say about this page? I can't believe some people can be completely disrespectful and intolerant like this.  >_>

What's there to be outraged by? It's just stupid, punk kid who wants to make himself feel better by hating on bronies. Seriously. He's not worth your time, so stop worrying about him. By getting this angry, you're giving him satisfaction.

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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What's there to be outraged by? It's just stupid, punk kid who wants to make himself feel better by hating on bronies. Seriously. He's not worth your time, so stop worrying about him. By getting this angry, you're giving him satisfaction.

Yeah I just wanted to let my annoyance out a bit, but I've learnt just to ignore people like that now. :) Thanks for the advice, everypony. <33

  • Brohoof 2

British Pegasister, aspiring writer, and dedicated Rainbow Dash fan.


Creativity is life. ♥

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Meh, usually when people feel the need to be that spiteful, they're doing it for attention.
Stop giving them attention and they'll fade away, or try to become more destructive and end up putting themselves in the hot seat.


let'em be.

topping it all though, If we've garnered this much hate, we've clearly done something right.
Think of all the hate and rage that was directed at Trekkies for a long time, even today people still give'em a bad name. Despite them trekkies have made some of the best advances in tech that the haters are using to slander them!


Or how about the hate the twilight fans have, the ton of hate Lord of the Rings fans endured for YEARS on end until the movies were made (and still some continued to hate...)

Seriously, if your getting this much attention, negative or positive, you've done something truly right :)

Edited by GrimCW
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Check this page out. 


I have to admit I'm pretty disgusted by the things posted on this page. This guy completely takes the piss out of the MLP fandom and says some insulting things about us as well as others do. 

I don't want to do anything drastic, like try to take the page down, and I don't want anyone else to try that either. And I haven't been completely explosive-mega-angry-hateful-person towards the page either. But I did post a little something on the wall voicing my opinions, with no swearing or hateful comments, and he deleted it. Well, isn't that nice? I spent ages writing that out and he goes and gets rid of it.  :angry:


What do you guys have to say about this page? I can't believe some people can be completely disrespectful and intolerant like this.  >_>

First thing I do when I find pages like this is I rise above and ignore it, no exceptions, if you respond with anger A. you will most likely feel like using insults and thus lower yourself to their level, and B. you will fuel their anger and/or give them some strawman justification for their actions.

As long as a FB page doesn't advocate violence against you it can't actually hurt you because it's just some ninnies opinion boo hoo. If they are advocating/inciting violence then not reporting it is a silly thing to do.




Next I have to say what were you expecting? If the page owner dislikes bronies enough to take the time and effort to make a FB page about it you can pretty much guarantee that nothing you have to say will convince them and they probably haven't heard of "love and tolerate" in one form or another either. And speaking as someone who owns their own FB page it is not a democracy, I personally don't censor diasagreement as long as it is civil BUT I CAN silence whoever I feel like for any reason, or even for no reason, I have that power, it's my page, my way or the highway :P and if people have something to say against my page they can do so... on their own page or wall. And you kinda have to expect that from the anti's they will be actively anti in their speach and action, including deleting your posts because "omg U so pathetic U waste ur time replying to me but i just click and poof u gone".

Seriously it is like that, sucks but true.




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Scrumpy is cider made in the West Country of England,[1] particularly a band through Devon, Somerset, Gloucestershire and Herefordshire, though it may also be found in Kent, Sussex and East Anglia. The term is especially used to distinguish those made locally in smaller quantities and using traditional methods from mass-produced branded ciders.

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I've seen plenty of these Anti Brony topics and let me make myself clear.




The Anti Brony FB Groups, Steam Groups etc... are one of the most dumbest things in existence.

The reason for them is because they are just abunch of Attention Whores. They are really just jealous because they don't have the kind of respect or toleration that we do. Honestly they are just abunch of immature kids that doesn't know the difference between love and hate and never learned the definition of respect for a persons like or interest. 


Anti Bronies really can never get a long with us because they think it's funny to bully, shit talk us and do all kinds of crap because they just want attention. They are really just abunch of trolls. The number of bronies in this world beats the anti bronies by 2:1 easily.

There's over 100+ Million bronies in the entire world which is only like 5% of the worlds population. It's still a huge number compared to anti bronies in which I don't know how many there are.

The internet is full of pony stuff, pony this pony that... I love it because we are spreading our love for the show across the world.

However it can get out of control but I won't say a thing about it. They anti's make these groups because like I said, they are just abunch of attention whores. This fandom is one of the best things on the planet, they can't just realize it. The fandom has a ton of positive sides to it for example: It saves peoples lives, It gives someone a thing to look forward to everyday, it's a great way to make friends and plus, us bronies look out for eachother. We are like a family, we stick by eachothers side through any scenario in any day of any week of any year and anywhere. This fandom has grown to be one of the best fandoms that the world has ever seen. It's really just like a wire that's to thick to even cut. 


We can not let these incosiderate piece's of shit get to us because they do not know what they are talking about because they are just abunch of assumers. They think were a gay, sick fandom when  really we aren't. We can't let these feather brains bring us down cause what makes them so stupid is that, If you fuck with one brony, you fuck with all of us, not just one, so your really screwing yourself over by making a huge mistake by even saying a damn thing to ANY of us. That's how I look at it.


When we have had enough of the anti bronies.. We will let them know in the most badass love and tolerate way that the world has ever seen.

  • Brohoof 2


Thanks MiniKirby! It's soooooo awesome! wub.png

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I've seen plenty of these Anti Brony topics and let me make myself clear.




The Anti Brony FB Groups, Steam Groups etc... are one of the most dumbest things in existence.



I must admit i get an absolute kick out of the steam ones though.

Join their members in TF2 or some other game with the "spraypaint" feature Valve used to put in everything, and just hose the walls with Ponies :)

drives them nuts, is perfectly legit (as long as your keeping it clean... i just use a nice image of Vinyl Scratch) and sometimes gets them to show their true nature as they'll begin spraying slanderous images and get banned from about 90% of the servers out there.

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As others have said best thing to do is ignore the haters and trolls. Just be happy and continue on with your life as normal and with a bit of luck this kind of thing will disappear.


Btw @James awesome gif :D.  

Edited by NightOwl
  • Brohoof 1


Signature by me avatar by Azura.

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I don't really pay attention to those groups since, they don't notice that I am a brony at all. Besides, this is Facebook we are talking about a site that I would describe as '' the begging for attention'' site. So, it would be best to ignore it and pretend that it isn't there.

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Jeez, what a hateful page. I've seen a few similar "Anti-brony" facebook pages before, but never one that seems to be filled with such genuine malice.


I'd say everyone just ignore it - so far anyone who has tried to criticise the page appears to  have been banned. There's no sense trying to reason with such a hateful, angry and pathetic person. I don't get it - he says he hates bronies for being obsessive (alright, so maybe some of us are a wee bit, but really, that does not warrant such bullying and abuse) yet he seems to dedicate an awful lot of time to insulting and belittling the fandom.


He just seems like a very miserable person to me. Don't anyone give him so much as the time of day. Don't feed the angry, lonely, sad little parasprite.

  • Brohoof 1

Uh...I have no idea what to put here.





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You know what this is, don't you?




Just ignore it, let the baby have his bottle. Listen to what Discord has to say:




Exactly that. This guy isn't even original in his hatedom; I've seen the exact same crap posted on Anti Kiss forums... and yep, I ignored them, too.

  • Brohoof 1



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Meh, I know they are trolling but I felt like venting on them, calmy, and logically.


Here is what I wrote:



"Let me explain something to you, you are immature. If you honestly think that hating people for liking a TV show is something that you should spend a lot of time on, I'd recommend re-evaluating your priorities. It's just sad that you care about something that doesn't affect you in any way at all.
There are irrational bronies, and there are irrational haters, it makes neither group right or wrong, what makes it wrong is that you go out of your way to use slurs to aggrevate a group of people who have contributed a lot more to society than you could ever hope to (Entirely brony funded charities for example).
What's more, what exactly do you dislike about bronies? Is it the message of the show, do you hate friendship? Is it that some are stupid, which comes down the individual person and not the show itself? Is it that you simply have nothing better to do? Or do you just enjoy making people upset? I honestly can't understand a single reason why you would hate bronies.
If you use slurs and the like on any group of people, they will get angry. Congrats to you on thinking that's hilarious. I am taking the time to write this not because I particularly care about this page, no, I understand that there are a lot of stupid people on the internet, but rather because I wanted to explain my thinking logically.
Everything about this page is self-harming. If you don't want us to be rude to you, then don't be rude to us. Hate spreads hate, and hate is not what life is all about. 
I am being completely calm and rational but by this point you're probably laughing at me, but can you ask yourself why.
What is funny about someone being upset by you basically saying you wish they were dead (Don't call this over-exaggerating, I've seen a lot of haters resort to 'Kill all bronies', and by the fact this group is affiliated with such a page, I can assume you think the same)
I would thank you for your time if I wasn't sure you aren't going to read this entire post before replying to me with homophobic slurs and cursing."'
I am one hundred percent sure they deleted it, but whatever.
I reported the page because it violates Facebook's rules, anyway.
Edited by Shockroach
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Am i one of the only people who find haters funny? i mean listening to them complain about people who like to talk about a show is really funny to me. i feel like half of the time haters get MLP topics started so they can say "OMG YOUR SOOO ANNOYING!!!"


i find it funny because they make fun of us for watching MLP, but its REALLY funny that they complain about us watching MLP and then say, "oh i dont care about the show, bronies are the only reason i hate it" even though they turn around and say "i hate MLP its so gay!!"


but if you dont find it as funny as i do, just ignore it and stay away from haters, all they want is a reaction


SIgnature by Reverie


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