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What element do you associate yourself with?


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You know, the typical Fire, Wind, Water, Earth elements. Have you ever felt yourself having an affinity with one of these things? Let's leave out Light and Darkness since those are a little to ambiguous for their own good.


I've always felt I've had an affinity for the wind. I'm slightly fickle, love freedom of movement (desperately wish I could fly) and generally love speed (though I, myself, am a very slow person. lol)


Remember: This is your own opinion. No test and no one else's opinion on the matter is relevant. If your reasons are the same as someone else who finds themselves to be of a different element that doesn't mean either of you are wrong.


So what would you say your elemental affinity is?

  • Brohoof 3
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I've had a history with fire before, seeing an open flame dancing really soothes my soul. I really like to believe that fire represents the passion I put into my personal projects.

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I associate myself with the element of Fire. It's the one element I put into my main OC: Jay Moonshadow (human character, not pony). Fire just means something to me.

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Does Ice count? If so I certainly have to go with that. Not for any particular special reason. I just love cold weather and am fascinated with wintry precipitation. It's so beautiful.

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Out of the four I've always prefered fire, but why? cause all of the cool kids have it? Or is it because its potentially the most destructive? Or because my favorite color is red?


But if I had to choose, I'd say my favorite element is copper

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Does Ice count? If so I certainly have to go with that. Not for any particular special reason. I just love cold weather and am fascinated with wintry precipitation. It's so beautiful.


Considering ice is technically water I suppose that would work. I know there are other elemental trees out there such as the periodic table or the Japanese elements like Wood and Metal and such or even RPG elemental trees where ice would count as it's own element. I was just going for standard cuz it's easier to do than the complicated stuff. xD

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Despite being a fire sign in both the Western AND Chinese Zodiac (hey I used to do this when younger, have to bring it up someday XD), I always felt a closer affinity to water than anything else. Fire scares me a biiiit too much <<


Water however soothes me. I went swimming alllll the time as a kid, and was the only one in my class to dive to the bottom of the town's leisure centre pool (and trust me, it was a damn deep pool, like maaaaaaybe 30 feet deep).

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I'm not really saying Fire just because it's the awesome element to be or anything like that. People I've spoken to me call me fire-like because of my passionate personality. I might not be the most... blatant of the fire stereotype (AKA not confident, very timid), but my temper fits with its stereotypical aspects. I seem to burn and never really burn out. I just go on and on and on... full of that warmth and heat energy. It just fits me, people say. I guess I agree with them, because the colour red fits into Fire. And I love red things.

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I guess Earth. I like to go on hiking paths on top of rocky cliff edges. The view is always beutiful, and you just can't get the same feeling of amazement from watching it on the discovery channel. And the feel of the rocks being crushed beneath your shoes (and occasionally feet [after you get used to the lots of sharp jabbing pains] ) is something you can't replicate anywhere else.


And I've always respected gardening in your back yard =) (With foods, not flowers mind you)


Plus, when it comes to toughness, the thing people think of assosiating with earth, I'm the only kid in class that can do more than 10 real push-ups, I have no idea what that stick-ass-in-air slight twitch arm bending thing they're doing is.

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I think I represent the element of Earth.


I love being in nature. I just love to take walks in parks and woods, all alone, all by myself. When life gets rough for me, I usually spend some time with nature, so I could get relaxed and happyer. I'm a caring, comfortable, kind and thoughtful individual, and I enjoy helping people a lot. Same goes for animals, I could never do anything bad to them. As I said, people like to be around me, but because of my caring personality, sometimes they take advantage of me, but I don't mind that.

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Personality-wise, probably Earth; I'm pretty stubborn when I believe correct (not to the point of completely rejecting new ideas) and I'm a very logical when it comes to dealing with problems (psychology ftw).

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Fire is my astrological sign and I'm afraid it's pretty legit. Extroverted, rebellious, passionate and enthusiastic, brave and valiant - I'm all those things, more or less.

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