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Flash Sentry and Brony Gender?


How do you feel about Flash Sentry?  

159 users have voted

  1. 1. Select your most accurate statement

    • I am male and I like Flash Sentry
    • I am female and I like Flash Sentry
    • I am male and I dislike Flash Sentry
    • I am female and I dislike Flash Sentry
    • I am male and I am indifferent to Flash Sentry
    • I am female and I am indifferent to Flash Sentry
    • I have not seen Equestria Girls
    • None of the above

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This is going to seem like a weird thread, and potentially a duplicate, but I really wanted to make a poll on this so just hear me out.


I want to know if there is a significant difference between males and females who watched Equestria Girls. I have engaged in a lot of different conversations about Flash Sentry and why people may or may not like him.


I mainly want to know if there is a difference between the opinion of men and the opinion of women about him. Hence the poll.


I ask because I am getting the feeling that more females like Flash Sentry than males. I want to know if that is actually the case.


So if you are going to vote in the poll, please feel free to post in here letting us know what you voted for and why.

  • Brohoof 1
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I voted for indifference.  Haven't really seen enough to care.  Honestly, lest he's brought back in the fourth season and given a major role (considering how many stallions have a major role that's highly unlikely), he'll just be another pony who got a minute of spotlight and faded into obscurity.  

  • Brohoof 4


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I honestly don't see what's so wrong about Flash Sentry. he didn't even do anything wrong and he's still hated by some of the fans. i think that he and twilight go nice together.


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I don't like him.... why?? why not? He's a jerk store.... he's trying to take away Twilight! and I for one well not stand for this... its like. Dude there are 10000s of ponies haha now move on... ok you can pick anyone of those ponies other then the mane 6 and Celestia...


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I'm indifferent to Flash Sentry. I want to say he served a purpose, but for much of the movie it seemed like he was there just to fill an unnecessary spot as Twilight's love interest, without really offering anything to make the viewer care that much about him. He's a nice guy who helped Twilight out a time or two, but beyond that he comes off as a bland and generic heartthrob. I think I could make a better judgment of him if he appeared more often in the movie or perhaps in the future, but at the moment he hasn't done anything particularly noteworthy or memorable. I probably should not expect much, because the show's male characters are intentionally underplayed, and are not part of the show's main focus. Flash isn't any less flat of a character than Shining Armor, so it's best to just take the male characters for what they are meant to do, even if it's very little.


By the same token, Flash Sentry hasn't done anything harmful or detrimental to the series either. If anything, he did contribute some more cute and charming moments to the movie through his interactions with Twilight, despite how cheesy and/or cliche they were.

Edited by Sugar Cube
  • Brohoof 3
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I'm female, and pretty indifferent. I mean, I thought it was cute, that there was a "human" Flash Sentry and a pony Flash Sentry, and the whole "meet cute" thing, where he and Twilight kept running into each other. It was nice of him to help Twilight out of a rough spot, but honestly, he didn't do enough for me to care.


If they bring him to the show, that's fine, I don't mind. Just give him more to do, and a real character, and I'll be okay.

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I don't really care for flash. He is a character with literally no character besides one or two actions. He also is the stereotypical character that only plays guitar so he looks cooler so that is a strike in my book. The waifu pictures are pretty funny though.

  • Brohoof 1


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Well so far 21 men and 7 women have voted. Lol.


I want to say that I am female and I like Flash Sentry. I too would say that I generally like all of the characters with a few exceptions, and I don't really see anything about him to dislike. It is hard to claim that he is a Gary Stu because he hasn't had enough screentime to show any of his flaws. People dislike him because they see him as a fully developed character already, and to me he is a decently blank slate with room for further development if the writers chose to put him in the show.


I also don't see him as being totally pointless in the movie. Could it have been written without him in it? Sure, but you could write out many of the other characters and make it work if you wanted to try.


I also secretly really love shipping, but I am really picky about it. I tend to enjoy a lot of "opposite" pairings, not all of them, but some who I think can balance each other. Also I only like pairings where their canon relationship is mutual. I don't typically ship pairings that are canonically one-sided or if the characters never interacted with each other at least on a friendly level. Finally I have found a ship in MLP that could actually have a chance at happening, at least in my headcanon.

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His character is relatively forgettable. I am indifferent. Nothing about him really stands out much other than the fact that he did the pony dance with Twilight at the end of the movie. His voice and personality are nearly identical to Shining Armor. I just don't see much depth in him as a character with staying power.

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I am female and I kind of like him. I didn't like him at first because of all the bad reception and ignored all his scenes. I watched EG again though and he actually seems pretty cool.

Edited by FlutterDashie
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The thing with Flash Sentry is that he had some potential, even if he was a minor character. I think what would have helped him was that if he was portrayed as lightly nervous and Sunset Shimmer's reluctant boyfriend.


When he helps clear Twilight's, Sunset should have started to rage at him, only for Flash Sentry to muster up the courage to say that they're breaking up and Sunset is a jerk.


This would have helped his character greatly. Unfortunatly, the writers were too lazy with him and most bronies are indifferent to him as a result.


To be fair, the only people who really hate him are bronies who have a hard time accepting Twilight is not a fillyfooler. 

Edited by Sergios117
  • Brohoof 1

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I am a guy and I am indifferent to Flash because he hasn't really had much time to develop as a character, yes he served as the cute boy Twilight liked in Equestria Girls I won't deny that but he does have the potential to become a bit more than that even if his pony version does end up dating Twilight.



  On 2013-08-13 at 9:28 AM, Sergios117 said:

To be fair, the only people who really hate him are bronies who have a hard time accepting Twilight is not a fillyfooler. 

There are some people who really do feel he is a bland Gary Stu, I am not saying I agree with them though but to be fair there are some people who don't like him where that dosen't factor in. There are also plenty of people that don't like him because they have a crush on Twilight and don't want him or anyone else to "steal my waifu". I will admit that I have a crush on Twilight so I can't blame them for that, although not as big of one as I do on Applejack letting a fictional character crush get so out of hand that you feel jealous when another character shows them romantic affection is taking it a wee bit far.  If anypony dates either Twilight or Applejack I will have a new nickname for him and that nickname will be lucky bastard, sure I may not be able to have either of them but there are plenty of women in real life that have traits similar to them as well as the other mane 6.

  • Brohoof 3
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We have seen very little of him and his character is very uninteresting and he doesn't really affect the story and I don't really care about him, so I'm indifferent to him. It was all just a boring attempt to introduce a cliched high school romance subplot.



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Ah, another reason to like this poll: I keep seeing hate whenever people talk about Flash, but it looks like most people are reasonably indifferent towards him, so far. Nice to know that the haters just have loud noises but in reality are small in numbers.


Keep those votes coming...

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I voted Indifferent because its not that I dislike him but, I dont like him eater. He just feels like a really gimmicky character. It feels like he was only put into the movie just back Twilight up when she was being framed and have awkward blushing moments with her. I didn't see anything else to him other than that... Perhaps if he was a more in depth character I would not feel this way but, as it stands now he is just, meh. :\

  • Brohoof 1
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'Tis not an accurate experiment because, to my knowledge, there are plenty more males on the forums than females.


Anyhow, I dislike Flash. He's not all that.

  • Brohoof 1


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I'm female and like him. As a character, he has some potential. He'd definitely work in a well-written fanfic.


My main complaint is actually with Twilight. I've never been a fan of the whole "blushing shy embarrassed" thing girls do every time they so much as see their love interest. It wastes so much time! In comparison, Flash Sentry is much more direct, practical, and entertaining in his interactions. He helped her up while she stared awkwardly, he cleared her name while she blushed awkwardly, he asked her to the dance twice while she stuttered awkwardly, and he even ran into a door for our entertainment. The only time Twilight handled it well was when she was pony-dancing with him, and that's still more of a Sentry scene.


So, discard the blushy awkward Twilight, and they have great chemistry. I like to think that Sentry ran into the door as a reference to Twilight doing the same. They're both adorkable and could play off each other well if Twilight could just be written to better do so.


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  On 2013-08-13 at 7:17 PM, RockinRarity said:

Ah, another reason to like this poll: I keep seeing hate whenever people talk about Flash, but it looks like most people are reasonably indifferent towards him, so far. Nice to know that the haters just have loud noises but in reality are small in numbers.


Keep those votes coming...


Heh, was just coming in here to say that very thing! Some people think there are a lot of haters when it comes to Flash Sentry, but in reality most Bronies just don't care that much.


I personally am indifferent to him. I think it's a bit harsh to say he's bland and boring, but to be honest he didn't do much for me. I would've liked to see more of him as a pony though, I liked the way he looked in the pony world.



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  On 2013-08-12 at 5:54 AM, xPrincess Celestiax said:

I don't like him.... why?? why not? He's a jerk store.... he's trying to take away Twilight! and I for one well not stand for this... its like. Dude there are 10000s of ponies haha now move on... ok you can pick anyone of those ponies other then the mane 6 and Celestia...

Taking her away from who? Twilight isn't in any other relationships (in the cannon) who is she being taken away from? And if Twilight likes him too, who are you to put a damper on that?


I personally am indifferent to Flash Sentry. I mean, whats the point in liking him or hating him? I have heard that EQG is not cannon to the rest of the series, and I have also heard that Flash Sentry will not be returning in season 4, so whats the point in liking him or hating him?

If he does end up coming back, I would be fine with that, I personally think that he and Twilight make a cute couple.

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  On 2013-08-13 at 10:28 PM, Bottlecap said:

The thought of Flash Sentry makes me want to vomit. :)

He really is a terrible character. He's such a Gary Stu. He's the boyfriend of a princess, he has no bad qualities... If I didn't know any better, I'd assume that Flash is nothing but a self insert.

@@Chigens and Kay, I'm glad to see that I'm not alone. -.-


What do you think of Celestia then? She has no bad qualities, and she is a princess. Sentry barely had any screentime, so I think it's harsh and ignorant to already be judging him as terrible and bland. Meanwhile, Celestia has had three seasons to show off any flaws she might have (flaws are apparently is the only way a character can be realistic?), and so far, the only flaw I've seen is that she has none.


Back on the issue of not having enough screentime to prove himself, I know many people who hated Pinkie Pie for several episodes, thinking she had no personality other than "Let's party! Let's have fun! Whee whee whee!". We never knew about her unhappy past that led to her raison d'etre until 23 episodes into the series, and it was even longer before we were introduced to our much beloved insane Pinkamena.


Currently, all I'm seeing in your comment is the same as if someone watched 3.5 episodes of MLP (the equivalent length of the movie) and said "The thought of Pinkie Pie makes me want to vomit. She's so cliche, her only purpose is acting happy and throwing parties, and she has no bad qualities. She's so annoying and pointless!"


3.5 episodes. Please try to be a bit more open-minded?

Edited by Blique


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I have no problem with him, just how he and Twilight were played off.

It was frankly really forced, and didn't play any actual role.

Flash Sentry was also a bland, cliched character from what we've seen.

Then again, so was Twilight. Fell head over hooves over some guy she tripped in front of.

I somehow get the feeling this was Hasbro attempting to cash out on the whole high school romance thing.

  • Brohoof 3

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