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'With Your Powers Combined, I Will Vacation in Haweewee'


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Feld0, Feld0, wherefore art thou, Feld0?
img-1836930-1-Feld0Ava.png*coding mountains and working with Poniverse affiliates around the clock, on top of school*

img-1836930-2-User.png Whoa Feld0, whoa mang, you gotta tell this guy he shouldn't have hidden my thread. You're the owner, do something!1!

img-1836930-3-Feld0Ava.png *Still busy doing volunteer work on a three-mile long To-Do List, doesn't get back to message*

img-1836930-4-User.png It's been days, wtf, where is this guy, I need my problem solved! *stalks another staff member instead*

img-1836930-5-Feld0Ava.png*comes on to his already-tediously long email inbox to see fifty PM's about warning disputes and problems regarding situations and things he knows absolutely nothing about, due to naturally not having the time and capability to spend lurking and posting on the site like most other staff*

You get the picture :3

The bottom line to this is, MLPF is becoming a central social community, apart of a network of sites that Feld0 is in charge of. He cannot and will not be the General Manager of MLPF that he was in the distant past, before Poniverse was even a concept that was being physically worked on yet. Which means Feld0 does not have the ability to be a general response administrator for the forum, period. I'm sure this is not news to anyone in the slightest, which is partially why I'm not expecting any whiplash from this decision. We've had entire complaints over his lack of ability to respond to things for quite some time now. This is simply us saying, numerous tasks that Feld0's been directly in charge of are shifting to other admins now, with a very elite list of things remaining as Feld0-only issues.

Accepting and building commission shops, majority of advertisement handling, acting as the final say on any issues that are not of earth-shattering importance *the entire site literally being on fire, with toxic gases chocking everyone to an inch of death-level serious*, etc are all things that the rest of the administration can and are taking on for Feld0. His primary job description needs to deal with Poniverse's continued development and success, and while I'm sure he'll continually pop in when frequently and do some things as he always does, the fact is he cannot be the single point of truth for the entire forum anymore, as he clearly cannot take on those responsibilities. 'I have an issue, I better go to Feld0 since he owns the site' cannot be a common-place mindset for people, for day-to-day issues. He's simply not going to have the time to respond.
Anything else that needs admin-involvement *PS and mods can handle a lot of the more basic things too you know, before you even need to get to that level*, the rest of the admin team is more than capable of handling. After all, Feld0 hired us to take charge and help in running the community, not to be glorified mods who still have to pass the buck to Feld0 on a list of issues :3 Come to us, we don't bite. Cept' on Thursdays.
If you'd like some kind of break-down on a general 'who tends to do what' field, you can refer to this (albeit keep in mind, outside specific tasks, we can all listen and aide in handling any user issue):

-Promotions, demotions and other day-to-day staff/member communication woes and such can be forwarded to me for the most part. As the HR guy, I sit in my office and make phone calls to people about things :3 I throw rocks with staff invitations on them through new recruits' windows, and as I'm around way too much, I can act as a general response manager (GRM, I guess? xD Imma germ, run from me) to immediate concerns.
-NewCalamity is the team leader of the Beyond Equestria section, acts as a manager for most the off-site communications projects (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), and participates in much of the internal staff organizing, being in many staff Skype groups and keeping an observational eye on numerous projects.
-Artemis runs, sets up and accepts or declines commissions, effectively running the Commissions section, and is an active GRM.
-Thereisnospoon303 is the team leader of the MLP:FiM section and assists majorly in mod disputes and advertising issues.
-Apple Bloom is the manager of the EQTV project, as well as the eventual Poniverse site it will become, and assists in running odds and ends across the forum, such as our member map (which he recently updated to something even more awesome than Google Maps :3 Check it out!).
-Swoop, due to his Australian time zone, can be seen as the night-time manager. He is also majorly in charge of altering the site banner and it's archive along with myself, every week.

At the end of the day, Feld0 is still technically in charge of the entire operation, and he retains input on monetary affairs (even if it's just an 'okay, this is fine by me'), and can obviously be contacted if a user has concerns regarding the administration itself or large site-decisions, but he has delegated most if not all other day-to-day operations to the folks he hired to do that job. It's a pretty straightforward affair, to be honest, and it's already been going on for months, really. Essentially, the leader isn't being removed, only numerous of his responsibilities that he's shackled with are switching to those more capable of taking the time every day to deal with such things, freeing him up to focus on the things he's better suited and entitled to accomplish :)
Season 4 is coming! Time to power up!
As our Canterlot history has shown, a few of our known staffers have been leaving us, with the life bus and its' terrible habit of running over people, being a lead cause more often than not. As you can imagine, we're in need of some additional help in certain sections.
For those that are unaware (as it was not announced), our long time friend Tom The Diamond was removed from the team due to their lack of ability to dedicate time to it, anymore. If ever there was a life bus that hindered internet activity, Tom is the prime example. He's struggled for months to maintain his pony competition in Show Discussion, noting numerous times that school and family issues plagued him. DashForever has since taken it on in light of Tom's lack of activity, and his approval for other staff to assist him.
Getting off topic...
Seeing as the pony discussion boards need all the help they can get for the approaching season, we've asked Flipturn to come on board and assist us with poni talk and debate. They've shown activity, detail, friendliness, humor and maturity throughout their posting history, and numerous people have been seen recommending them from staff-side and member-side :) Good luck, Flupturn! Dear god, you'll need it!
The most noticeable gap in the moderation front is Octavia's Hall. With both our long-beloved Vexx and akita leaving, Octavia's Hall is without any specialized caretakers. We've asked Skybound, an active artist, detailed discussionist and friendly pony, and our known (Silver) Marcato, to grab the reigns of Octavia's Hall and all its' art ponies. They both are accomplished artists who make Octavia's Hall a regular part of their lurking habits, and have high interest and ability to take care of the section :3 Congratz to both of you.
But, guys, try not to break anything. You've heard that OH is cursed, right? Vexx's ghost will come and smite your flank if you dishonor the world of art.
Last but not least, Ice Storm approached me a few weeks ago about his concern for Roleplay World. While we did promote numerous new staff to help run the massively detailed Equestria World section, his concern laid in the fact that none of them were able to dedicate much if any time to the normal roleplay section. This effectively left Ice to try and scramble with Aureity to mod the entire normal roleplay board. To solve this, he suggested Sky Chaser, a regular attendee of the roleplay boards, come on board to assist in running the section. Sky's never been one to be swamped with Poniverse Staff work, so like Marcato, he's said he's fine with helping out :) Good luck to you as well!
Afterthoughts and Blah~
-Evilshy, our deranged but awesome friend over in Beyond Equestria is on hiatus until further notice, from the forums entirely, in addition to moderation duties. Their current living arrangements have rules regarding limited internet access, and thus, until they can relocate, they're going to have to do a bare minimum of lurking. Come back to us when you can, Evilshy! D;
-Issues involving the sending and receiving of emails that's normally done with support tickets, is on the fritz with some server splitting problems being at the core. Tickets are a tad built up at the moment, and as such, fixes to some bugs and some continued headway in some other background projects is on a temporary halt, so please do have patience :3

Thanks yewww~

  • Brohoof 30


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This will undoubtedly help things run much more efficiently, so this is wonderful news :D. Congratulations and good luck to all of my new comrades in arms :)




I can stop modding the danged art forum :wub: :wub: :wub:




Edited by DashForever
  • Brohoof 5
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Its about Damn time this announcement came.... I mean...awesome ^_^

Congrats Marcy and Mr Bound to the Sky :P
Have fun in all your moderating adventures in the OH section, try not to get your Blue paint in my Red paint for the love of god. ^_^


Flip, good luck with all the Pony talk, try not to get killed by Euphemisms...and lastly, Sky.... I hate you...no, I love you :3
Good luck with dealing with all the Roleplaying moderation issues and stuffs ^_^


Other then that....well...nothing, thats all I have to say lol

Edited by Dawn♥Rider
  • Brohoof 3


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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To the newly hired staff, I just wish to give a hearty welcome and congratulations. I just know it's going to be great fun working with you all. As the Japanese would say, ようこそ、おめでとうございます、and よろしくおねがいします or "Welcome", "Congratulations" and "Let's work well together"... roughly translated. :D


BTW, "wherefore are thou" actually means "why", not "where".

Edited by Full Spectrum
  • Brohoof 3

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


Signature by Midnightive

Check out my blog! https://mlpforums.com/blog/1083-sunny-side-den/

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Hopefully with Feld0 spending less time on the forum administration side of things he can spend a little more time on the actual community. I fear that he is becoming (has become) a stranger on his own forum... outside, at least, of the various 'serious business' areas.


But then again, I suppose there is coding to be done. :lol:

  • Brohoof 8
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Hopefully with Feld0 spending less time on the forum administration side of things he can spend a little more time on the actual community. I fear that he is becoming (has become) a stranger on his own forum... outside, at least, of the various 'serious business' areas.


But then again, I suppose there is coding to be done. :lol:


I will drag him kicking and screaming into making member-based posts here and there. He's already promised me he'd look through my treasure trove of TL;DR Show Discussion topics xD

  • Brohoof 1


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That's good to hear x)


No sense having a forum in your name if you simply end up losing sight and/or interest in it/the community. :)


He needs to stop hiding and get out into the sun a bit! sun.png

  • Brohoof 1
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Good additions all around. Glad to hear that our overlord is having more time for everything else. Hopefully he's able to enjoy some time on the forum as well as pursuing domination with Poniverse of course. x)


Good luck! (sun)

  • Brohoof 2

<3 ~Fairy Fairy~ <3



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What's this? Fresh meat? MUAHAHAHAHA!


Welcome, new moderators! You look like a promising bunch! 

, you've consistently demonstrated a degree of maturity, level-headedness, and friendliness that make you a natural choice for mod duty. While I've never spoken with you directly, I have confidence that you'll be a great member of the team.
@Marcato, you've been a long time staff member, and I've had the pleasure of working with you on a number of occasions. I don't just think you'll be an excellent member of the team. I know you will! 
, I can honestly say that I was wondering when you'd become a mod (which may or may not have to do with me taking part in staff deliberations :P). As with Marcato, I've had the chance to work with you on previous occasions, and as with the others, I'm confident in your abilities. 
@SkyBound, I can't say that I know you very well, but looking at your previous posts, it's easy to see why you were sacrificed chosen. I'm sure you'll be an excellent addition to the mod team! Oh, and fun fact: you were the first new purple name I saw when I logged on. Good omen? Perhaps! 

The four of you are now bear the proud badge of the MLP Forums Royal Guard. You are the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic a community of over 15,000 members. It is your duty, as protectors, mentors, rolemodels, and janitors of the realm, to serve the community to the best of your ability. It will not be easy, but I have the utmost confidence in you, my friends. 


May misplaced and duplicate threads tremble before you. May character minimum violations and spam cower at your feet. May trolls be slain by the almighty banhammer.  


I wish you all the best of luck*, and I eagerly look forward to working with you guys!  


Regarding other policy changes, I find those welcome additions, as well. I'll be looking forward to future developments. As for @Evilshy, I eagerly await your return! :)


TL;DR: Less work for me.

Hey, somebody had to say it! :lol:


*You'll need it for the hazing rituals. 

  • Brohoof 10
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Since I was already a part of the Poniverse staff before this that should mean I'm not subject to the hazing rituals, right?



... Right?

You weren't Poniverse Staff for that long, so no, you still have to go through them >: )Ev

ery...last...one of them.... mwahahaha!

Including the one involving Zoop....

  • Brohoof 2


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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Well, I'm sure we all wish Feld0 could participate in our community more, but it's certainly my understanding that he's busier than a busy businessman doing business busyly, roughly speaking. Never heard of someone that busy before in all my life let me tell ya...

Anyway, having new staff is certainly exciting, not to mention upgraded staffs. :D

Congrats to all of you really, I know you're all good guys who will help us keep the forum tidy, definitely good choices all around here. :D

Edited by SBB64
  • Brohoof 2


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Good luck, new folks. Moderation is not an easy job, hopefully your judgement never betrays you, blah blah blah; insert inspirational quote that could do very little to actually give you a legitimate morale boost here.


As staff members of an ever-growing forum, you have to realize that you will eventually make a mistake or two. A growing community naturally means you have to be more alert to your surroundings, and demonstrating the capability to do so at a high level is far from an easy task. Please don't beat yourself over it if/when it does happen, though. This is not a fun thing to do, nor do I endorse it, but regardless - it was your decision and now your responsibility to uphold the spot that's been given to you. Collaborate with your fellow teammates. Converse with the admins if you have any questions or concerns. Don't live in the dark. As long as you accept the inevitable adversity that comes with being an enforcer, you will do all right. And you won't end up like this girl.

Edited by Yuno
  • Brohoof 4
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Welcome to the coalition, , @Marcato, , and @SkyBound! Guess I should start using your codenames now.


It's good to have some more folks on the staff. We tend to get lonely, believe or not. We also haven't gotten to ritually haze anyone since came aboard. Ah, those were the good ol' days.


lol i didn't even see twilight's comments about hazing


Seriously, though, I'm glad to see you all have officially joined the staff. I'm sure we'll have many adventures together!

  • Brohoof 5


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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For some reason I imagine every user seeing news in Canterlot as something that completely changes the forums, even though I know most people don't. I don't know why I'm thinking like that though.. Whenever I see news like this I'm like "um ok!" *keeps lurking and pressing P5*


Anyways, I guess everyone has noticed how Feld0 is quite... Inactive. So yeah as you said, this doesn't come as a surprise. But congratulations to the new staff members :)

Edited by Jokuc


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So, it's not quite as bad as I thought, but still not at all a good situation. I still won't be able to mod, but I can pop in every now and then (like I'm doing now). I'll probably just check my PMs and notifications every few days.

  • Brohoof 4

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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Yeah a bunch of mods have had life issues and such, or just left for whatever reason.


Heck even as a regular member with school and band and what not i've been stretched for time a little more to getting here to post anything...


I just now got a chance to read this, kinda feel bad.


So i'd like to extend an over due welcome to the new moderators


Congrats   @Marcato and @SkyBound I'm sure you will be able to confidently and effectively step in to help the staff in spite of the staff who have resigned.


Have fun being hazed aswell!


I'm frankly not surprised to see the new staff members made it on the team really, seeing as they all seem like moderator capable people.


I wish you all good luck in fulfilling your duties don't blow anything up.


Ps. I don't like Romeo and Juliet at all...

  • Brohoof 2


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Congratulations to all of the new moderators! I am sure that you will do well. 


Also, I am glad to see that more tasks that were previously left to feld0 are being spread around the entire administrative staff. I'm sure that this will make forum operations more efficient.

  • Brohoof 2



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Hey, congratulation to the new moderators! :D


Funny thing (well, not funny, but interesting fact), four new moderators join the team and a bunch of other leave.

The Magical Schoolbus life bus striked again!


Well, good luck with your assignments! :P

Edited by GhostPony750
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Aaramus's leave was very unexpected, and, on top of Evilshy already being heavily incapacitated for an unknown amount of time, Beyond Equestria is left down to two active mods of the ideal four. As it's a primary discussion section (the other being MLP:FIM), that's a problem that 'everypony is a mod, they can occasionally help out' won't solve :3 Just so things don't get too hectic for the remaining mods and the few admins who lurk over there, we've brought on board LowFatEnvelope, someone who had already been mentioned as someone who could potentially help out in the BE section.


Good luck to him, in addition to our other rookies!

  • Brohoof 6


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Aaramus's leave was very unexpected, and, on top of Evilshy already being heavily incapacitated for an unknown amount of time, Beyond Equestria is left down to two active mods of the ideal four. As it's a primary discussion section (the other being MLP:FIM), that's a problem that 'everypony is a mod, they can occasionally help out' won't solve :3 Just so things don't get too hectic for the remaining mods and the few admins who lurk over there, we've brought on board LowFatEnvelope, someone who had already been mentioned as someone who could potentially help out in the BE section.


Good luck to him, in addition to our other rookies!

Good Luck to LFE ^_^

He's gonna need it xD


Naah, he wont. He has the support of the entire staff body behind him so Im sure he will do just fine ^_^

He will make a great addition to the team and I'll be happy to work with him. Even if we work in different places :P

  • Brohoof 2


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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Phooey, I never thought of Feld0 that way. That you would even insinuate that of me is disgusting. TEN POINTS FROM GRYFFINDOR.


But seriously, heard loud and clear. Keep up the amazing job you guys are doing on Poniverse.


Also, I would like to volunteer my services...




...as head of the Fine Ladies/lambs department.


I'm available, girls.


  • Brohoof 1


Onwards to my DeviantArt page!

Sig by the illustrious Kyoshi!

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:huh: "Don't send any bull *squee* to Feld0" you say?  Aye aye Captain Chaos!!!  B)




Thanks very much for the update on the community responsibilities shifting and transition going on; very helpful being given this need to know information!  The only thing I'll say is that it's sad really that most new members won't get to know Feld0 all that well now; having joined in April last year, I've had my fair share of interactions with him, and while I certainly wouldn't say we're close friends or anything, I know the guy about as well as most of the old members do save for his closer friends and awesome moderating team, and let me tell you, the ways our Feldian Overlord went out of his way for as long as he did to stay in touch with the members of this amazing community he's created, it's nothing short of amazing and really very special!  Your interaction with the rest of the community is one of the things that early on made these forums stand out for me Feld0, and for that and always keeping an open ear to as many people as possible for as long as you did, you have my thanks!  I'm honored to know you buddy, and hope that despite all your new responsibilities, you still get to have some pony fun on occasion.  :muffins:


Congratulations to Flipturn and Skybound on the new promotions, and very sad to see Evilshy having to go on hiatus for the time being.  Here's hoping he gets to return soon!  But once again, big congrats to Flipturn and Skybound, and God's blessings in your new responsbilities; I mean that, from the bottom of my heart!  :)


As for myself, well, I'll just have to keep doing what I do best; being the best member that I can be, following and promoting the rules and good etiquette among all the other members, having fun, and doing what little I can to make these forums as great a community as they can possibly be!  To the rest of my fellow members, I implore you to do the same; remember, good members, no, GREAT members is part of what makes this place such a wonderful online community in the first place (plus it'll at least help keep the mods from losing what little sanity they have left after dealing with us knuckleheads all day, every day  ^_^ ).  Brony on my friends, brony on!  :comeatus:




Or in my case...





  • Brohoof 6


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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