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Suppose your a closet broney and you get caught.


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Your at a broney convention, your not paying attention, it's early, your tired, your excited and exhausted,


and a news truck pulls up and a camera and a micro phone gets put in your face.  Lets suppose it's either fox news or the dailey show. (your pic).


Your friends and family don't know your a broney, do you



Pretend to have a heart atttack


Throw the entire fan base under the bus and say your that as a goof cause you lost a bet


Your little girl made you come and she's in the bathroom.  Hell you don't get it either (just than your favorite reviews talk by and shake their head at you in disgust lol).


"Que no hablo ingles?"


bust into otaku speak


bust out your seldom used klingon


"we don't take kindly to you news types around here!"


I just stopped by to use the bathroom


"I came here cause i heard the news truck was coming i wanted to be on tv, what is a broney?"

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Well I would probably either ask them kindly not to be interviewed or just suck it up and get interviewed if I was a closet brony. I mean its just a tv show and I wouldn't throw my whole fandom under the bus just to retain my "reputation".

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Well I would probably either ask them kindly not to be interviewed or just suck it up and get interviewed if I was a closet brony. I mean its just a tv show and I wouldn't throw my whole fandom under the bus just to retain my "reputation".


Well keeping in mind i'd be half awake and not thinking it would be an option lol.  and the sad thing is i bet it wouldn't work.  I would end up looking like a total horses ass to both sides. 



  • Brohoof 1
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Fake a heart attack. That's the only logical thing to do. 


Really, I'd just asked not to be interviewed and walk away. They can only really broadcast what you say, so if you say nothing then there shouldn't be a problem. 

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You're*... sorry, my inner grammar nazi was upset...


Respectfully ask to not be interviewed. This would be my decision, even if I was half tired. I went through journalism for a year in college and I know that they would most likely do the ethical thing and move along. They are just doing their job, they aren't there to ruin your life.


In the scenario that they are jerks trying to force a story and chase after me more, I would simply stop talking and casually stroll away. Making an excuse would just make me look even worse and hurt the community at the same time.

Edited by Celtore
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I would take it in stride and just be like "Yeah but it's not a big deal. it's like one of 10,749,589,485,304 things I do." and hope no one from my family/circle of friends sees it.


If they did and confronted me about it, I'd just act like they're crazy and it never happened.


I'd also hope it would be Fox News so I can go on my characteristic post-leftist rant about mainstream conservative politics afterwards.

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That depends on the portrayal if it is a dishonest portrayal about us supposedly being overgrown homosexual pedophile man children or something like that than I will troll them back by going on a political rant. There are all sorts of things I could say that I actually believe that would cut those cameras in 10 seconds flat because of certain people who don't want certain information out there. I could talk about how the government lied to us about 9/11, or about how the dollar is back by nothing and is charged to us the taxpayers at interest by a private corporation posing as a government agency called the federal reserve. How both parties are bought and paid for by the same criminal banker interest behind the Federal Reserve or about how the mainstream media has become little more than a lapdog spewing out government/corporate propoganda and sensationalist nonsense designed to distract people from the issues that really matter. It will be a total win win, they will leave me alone and I will get to laugh at the sycophantic phonies as they walk away with shocked/horrified looks on their faces by interacting with someone who hasn't been completely brainwashed by the system.

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I would definitely just let myself get interviewed, i would just say what was going on today and how excited i am. However i am also not a closet brony so i would not mind in fact i would be a honored.

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naDevvo' yIghoS!


I wish I could pick 7, but I don't actually know Klingon, although I secretly want to, as a second language, not that it would be very practical or useful. I could just show off.

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Simply tell them "I just watch it for the Plot." and try not to smirk while saying it. Or mock them on how there careers are going so well that they're being sent to find bronies.


OR use the Royal Canterlot Voice to ruin the sound quality.



  • Brohoof 2
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Lets suppose my parents aren't aware about my brony state. I guess I would explain everything regarding myself liking ponies. Yeah, I have tendency to face problems instead of running away from them.
They would pretty much understand me I assure you. Quite smart people they are, knowing about everything, but me. Non to mention I know how to turn people into agree my outlook on life. Doesn't matter If it's about life, morals, or religion. At the end, one way or another, they always understand what's happening, even If they pretend not to notice.

Apologies for my english. It isn't my first language.

  • Brohoof 1
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#11: Hit the self-destruct button. But in all seriousness, I would not have a care, especially if it was someone I knew that hated bronies. Though I might have some problem if I found out after the fact that one of my closest friends hated bronies and now hates me for being one. Other than all of that, I am happy to be a brony and hope the community continues to grow and prosper. 

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Firstly, It will be almost impossible to get to bronycon in the first place

secondly, my parents won't be in america, or watch the news.

But really, Ill just say that I am a passer by and the hell they must go away and get out of my file. (Or speaking Russian could work!)

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Me... I'd probably run, or if I felt like it I'd just go along with it. I can't get to any conventions anyway, so if I could, my family would know anyway because I would have to fly halfway across the world, presuming it's in America.

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I am the 1 in 10 (A number on a list)

I am the 1 in 10 (Even tho I don't exist)

Nobody knows me (But I'm always there)

A statistical reminder of a world that doesn't care.

Edited by Nail Malinter
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It really would depend. It would be easy for me to run away, or just simply ask to not be interviewed. I'm naturally just a pretty shy and kinda awkward person, so honestly I may most likely take either one of the approaches I just mentioned.


On the other, I just be like "what the hell," and go along with it. I know my parents would understand. They understand now and support my love for the show. So I may just go along with it and have fun. :P


It ultimately depends on my mood. :P

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I dunno how I'd be at a con and still a closet brony, but I'd probaly run or something, or just first try and respectfully decline. Or possibly just act like I know nothing.


Dunno, I wouldn't announce it though.

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TV you say?

I would speak Arabic and scare the shit out of them *troll face* saying the word bomb like 3 times. Then say "it is ready" in english, with my heavy Arabic accent on purpose. JK

I would be totally honest bout it, i mean what could possibly go wrong. I'd answer all their questions, be honest, don't care if they find out. I attended brony con, therefore i am happy.

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>day 13 of bronydom

>its late evening

>my parents knock the door

>they open it and say

>"good night age3rcm!"

>they shock at images of colorfull equines on my PC screen


blush.png BUUUT THEY ARE CUTEEEEEEE!!!!!! sad.png

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I would do all of those options at once.

I am not a closet brony but I will give you a little tip: You can run into anyone at a convention. So the best thing to do if you want to keep this a secret is not to go at a brony convention. Or suck it up and admit it.

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I'm guessing the conversation on my part would likely go something like this..ohmy.png


Yes, I'm a brony, yes I watch the show religiously. No I'm not gay, no I don't diddle children. Thanks for getting that through your heads. Now about love and tolerance. The whole reason this culture is so fascinating to me is that it's so open minded and positive. It's unlike any other fanbase I've ever seen. Regardless of the world's view on my manhood, I love mlp, and I'm not going to stop because someone thinks I'm weird. I know I'm weird, and people from all over still want to be my friend, and don't feel ashamed of being seen with me in public. So I don't see any problems here.dry.png  It's all about having an open mind, and embracing differences instead of dividing yourself from others because of them. Bronies are a very special kind of people I think, and the world could learn a lot from them if they'd stop and listen before criticizing.


No one I know, aside from the ones who are already bronies, would watch something to do with bronies, so I'd be safe. wink.png

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I now plan to buy the Klingon version of "rosetta stone" so that I will be prepared for such a situation. In the meantime, I just wouldn't go to any brony conventions. I just don't like public events.

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