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The extent of your tolerance and or acceptance?


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For those of you willing to admit your flawed (Hi ^^)


where does your tolerance and or love run dry?
Do you feel peeved about being lumped in with say furriers?


Does the words rule 34 make your skin crawl?


Does the idea of talking about your flaws as a broney in it self bug you?


I saw the thread on love and tolerance,


one really has nothing to do with the other.



  • Brohoof 1


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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To answer your questions:



1. explained below.

2. I don't mind being catagorized under furry, even though I hate anthropomorphic art, furries are nice people.

3. also explained below

4. I don't see being a brony as a flaw, if that's what you meant.


I am very tolerant when it comes to human flaws in other people, after all, no one's perfect (not even close). And I am perfectly okay with rule 34 and gore, because I grew up on the internet, where everything is rule 34 and gore.


However, my tolerance comes to a halt when I see someone going to extreme measures in order to make fun of someone else. What I mean is, haters making videos and ranting about bronies, I see those videos as the worst possible content any human can make (well, maybe aside from child pornography but that's beside the point). I don't go after haters and tell them to buzz off, since that won't help anyone, but I do think it's very dumb and kind of horrible when people make anti-brony groups on steam or try to cyber-attack brony websites.

Edited by Noazark
  • Brohoof 2


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I couldn't really say about the furry thing, because I've never personally been categorised as one before (probably because I'm a girl :P). Rule 34 doesn't bother me too much, I just avoid it on the internet, as I grew up with the internet, I became used to it anyway. :/

As for my 'flaws as a brony', I'm not totally sure what you mean by that. If you mean in the way that 'all bronies should be loving and tolerating, all bronies should ignore trolls, etc.' I kinda disagree with that general 'brony code' kinda thing. Anyone can be a brony, regardless of their personality. Also, everyone should behave like that, brony or not. I think that message should be spread outside our fandom as well, because it's not just bronies that need to act like that. I get what you're saying though, and the answer to that question would probably be no. I feel more uncomfortable discussing my flaws as a person, not just as a fan of the show.

  • Brohoof 4
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I am very tolerating. I am, indeed a furry, although not an active one. And as for everything else... if it is not interfering in some way with my enjoyment, then I have no problem with it.


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Interesting topic, and my love and tolerance ends at a cretain point, of course it does...

For me that is when I notice people (not just friends, everyone) being bullied, harassed or anything of that kind, in real life. If that means to go against Anti-Bronies, on the Internet mainly I try to stay calm and explain, or just leave when I think it's of no use.

That is where the love ends and where I can become really uncomfortable, but that's an exception.


About being lumped in with furries xD...

I am a Furry, and a Brony, there are things same about those 2 fandoms and things that are specifically for Bronies or specifically for Furries. I try to explain, but I stopped wondering when people throw those 2 together x3.


The word R34 doesn't make my skin crawl...

I'm really grown up enough to just decide when I like something and look at it or not like something and avoid it. I don't get how some people get frustrated and damn a whole fandom for people enjoying or creating nsfw material...

It's really just another part of the fandom we are a part off, and you can always stay away from it, if you wanna.


About the flaws as a Brony...

xD I really dont know, I don't think it's a flaw that I try to be the nicest person I can be. You could say I have flakws because I can't always manage to stay friendly and loving, for example after a long, stressfull day, but hey, I try.

  • Brohoof 2




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For those of you willing to admit your flawed (Hi ^^)


where does your tolerance and or love run dry?

Do you feel peeved about being lumped in with say furriers?


Does the words rule 34 make your skin crawl?


Does the idea of talking about your flaws as a broney in it self bug you?


I saw the thread on love and tolerance,


one really has nothing to do with the other.

My tolerance runs out when somepony(still not used to that) has a completely closed mind. like talking to a brick wall...

Never been, a furry, but it does intrigue me. 

RULE 34(shudder) not my kind of party, but...to each their own.

Bronies flawed?! Pshhh! what's not to love about cute, pastel ponies?

As far as my love goes...I love everyone, until...I have a valid personal reason  to stop loving you. I'm just not a hater..who needs that kind of poison?


Thank you for taking the time to listen to me ramble...Have a lovely day! *hugs*


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I extremly tolerant of basical everybody and their individual life styles, but people that hate for no reason other then they dont like the way you are or the friends you have is what gets my blood boiling


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My tolerance runs out when somepony(still not used to that) has a completely closed mind. like talking to a brick wall...

Never been, a furry, but it does intrigue me. 

RULE 34(shudder) not my kind of party, but...to each their own.

Bronies flawed?! Pshhh! what's not to love about cute, pastel ponies?

As far as my love goes...I love everyone, until...I have a valid personal reason  to stop loving you. I'm just not a hater..who needs that kind of poison?


Thank you for taking the time to listen to me ramble...Have a lovely day! *hugs*


Yeah i haven't welcomes pony speak into my heart LOL.  I do say buck just cause it's funny but the "every pony,

" thing makes me pause every time.

If you ever see the fan animation dr hooves and assistant where he literally stops to laugh at it every time is how to handle it best ^^.


wait did i get hugged?  I NEED AN ADULT!  (Nah it's cool i think?)


From some of the responses i have a new question i'm not sure i should ask?

I use to ask (nigh quest to find out how does one know their  a broney)

and I found that out.  I can honestly answer that.


It's not as complicated as it's made out to be. 

but i kept seeing people say "I am, or I am not a furry."


well, what makes someone a furry?


Reading Sabrina online? 

Owning a furry suit?

drawing commissions?

buying commissions?

something so terrifying it would brain me if i ever found out?


If it's that last one don't tell me.


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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I'm not very tolerant at all, I'll consider any cruelty, apathy and mean-spiritedness to be pure evil and needing to be exterminated, no compromise. My love, however, is pretty much limitless. Let's just say I don't have any ill will towards haters and don't want them to suffer, but I sure ain't going to put up with their shit and I will never compromise with them or tolerate their behavior.


About furries, well, I am one and I don't like how, when bronies get all defensive about it, it has more to do with not wanting to be associated with furries rather than because the comparison is simply inaccurate. Bronies like one particular show, furries like animals who look and/or act like humans. There's obviously some overlay since MLP has furry elements, but that doesn't mean furries and bronies are the same thing. I just don't like how bronies protest for the wrong reasons, they're just as ignorant and disrespectful towards furries as the haters are agaisnt bronies.


I think Rule 34, in any fandom, is hilarious, and sometimes pretty hot. I'm very sexually open-minded, so it's all the hate against R34 that really makes my skin crawl.

And finally, I'm not sure what you mean by "flaws as a brony". I certainly have plenty of flaws as a human being, but none of these relate to my being a brony. I suppose if anyone thinks that my flaws ought to somehow be blamed on the fandom, I'd be pretty pissed.



I use to ask (nigh quest to find out how does one know their  a broney) and I found that out.  I can honestly answer that.   It's not as complicated as it's made out to be.  but i kept seeing people say "I am, or I am not a furry."   well, what makes someone a furry?



Same as with the brony question: it's not as complicated as it's made out to be! A furry is someone who likes animals who look and/or act like humans, and who is interested in media that depicts these kind of characters specifically because of that.

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That's quite an interesting topic to think about. I have only had my tolerance levels pushed once in my life, when a young kid at my school was being bullied by kids my age who were at least two years older than him. I lost it, and ran over to them and started yelling at them(a teacher broke it up before it got physical). I can't stand it when people act like jerks for no other reason than to be jerks. However people's personal tastes don't bother me much. I have my opinions on people's tastes, but I'll keep them to myself.

  • Brohoof 1
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On the internet I am very tolerant my anti hate shield is super thick, I have learned that you shouldnt take the things people say to you so harsh because they dont have any knowledge about anything regarding mlp fim and even if they do, calling me gay isnt really frustrating to me because they dont know anything about me and I know im not gay and some random guys comment on the internet doesnt bother me. Haters gonna hate.


as for the R34 stuff, I really dont see an issue with it personaly, I can see why people dont like it but they shouldnt hate on people who likes it because if they do they are no better than the people who are against homosexualls. I hope we can all agree that theres nothing wrong with being a homosexuall, you might not be into it but theres no reason to be against it. 


I get why people wanna keep the fandom as ''pure'' as possible from R34 but hating on people for liking something you you dont approve of is wrong (in my opinion) I wouldnt have any issues with talking to someone whos into R34 infact I would probably rather hang out with someone whos into it than someone whos just hating on it. I dont watch R34 stuff I do know what it is and its not my cup of tea(yet) but I have no issue with people that do like it. Although I have to say that I will probably soon be more into the R34 stuff then again.. I like what I like and you shouldnt make me feel bad for liking something


When i lose my shizz is when people insult others for different reasons, My anti hate barrier is too big for me to get hurt by some words because I know the honest truth. But I cant stand when people group up and go on someone weaker than themselves

Edited by SveciaDash




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While I personally don't like R34 and gore in the pony world, I am perfectly fine with people are do like those things. I am okay with everyone, regardless of whether we share similar views or not, because what room do I have to judge them?

  • Brohoof 1
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I would like to thank the creator of this thread for creating a good topic, after reading the OP and skimming through the replies, reading some in full, I think I'm pretty tolerant, though sometimes others may perceive you as more or less tolerant than you perceive yourself, as far as lifestyles go, I am a Christian but love and tolerate everyone in the world, I have differences of opinion with some people on politics in those regards, and I'm perfectly fine with that, I believe that I am entitled to my opinion, and everyone else is entitled to theirs, so if I say I disagree with your political view, please don't call me intolerant, ok rule 34, I like Simpsons rule 34 and collect it, because I find humor in it, r34 in general, I dislike it and wish it didn't exist, I have *one* MLP r34 picture saved because I like the artwork, but at the same time, if it's not hurting anyone, I'm not going to get on my soap box and condemn anyone, also I wish some would be more quiet about the issue, though I still won't hate them, I am tolerant, but more than willing to state my opinion and respect other opinions, I don't have to be a doormat, furries... IDC I'm not a furry and never will be, I actually kind of think fur suits and costumes are cool for cosplay and conventions, I'm not a furry, never will be, but they don't bother me at all and I wouldn't care if someone called me one

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My opinion on love and tolerance is that there are some things that shouldn't be tolerated. For example, I'm not going to tolerate someone stealing something because thats just not right. However, I do agree that you should respect others opinions and not put someone down just because they like something you don't or vice versa. I absolutely hate R34 but I'm not going to put someone down just because they like it or treat them any differently. If they tried to shove it down my throat though then I wouldn't tolerate that.


As for being called a furry, I don't really care. I barely know anything about them but from what I do know, they don't seem like bad people to me and I don't know why some people hate them.


So, I think that there are some things that shouldn't be tolerated but you should respect others opinions.


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Well I wouldn't be annoyed being categorized as a furry because I am one, lel.


I will tolerate trolls, I will tolerate haters. I may not like them, but I will tolerate them.


I will not tolerate anti-LGBT people, or people who try to shove their beliefs down your throat. They can piss off for all I care :3


I hate people who get all freaked out when they find out I like clop, when that happens I usually stop talking to them only because I think they are just acting like an immature prick.

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I pretty much tolerate anybody. For me, it doesn't matter what they're into or what they practice. Rule 34 weirds me out a bit but it's pretty much inevitable. I just find it a bit scary that we have an obscenely larger amount of porn made by some members of this fandom. We even have a name for it. My line is really drawn with intolerant people. When I find a person that cannot find the ability to try to understand because something else just blocks them, it bothers me. I lose my patience.

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Tolerance isn't something I do well.
That being said, as long as no one shoves Rainbow Dash clop/gore in my face, I will tolerate anything in this community.

I cant stand religion. Don't bother talking to me about that shit.
And just little shits in general. Swagfags. I wont take any of their crap. 

Edited by Rev
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Depends on what my stress levels are and the type of person I'm dealing with. Dirty, two-faced, manipulative liars whose "friends" are to be used as assets to fight their battles or grant special favors... The kind of people who will say anything to for a bond with you and just keep you on his tab for when you could make yourself useful to him and as soon as you become a hindrance to his agenda, you are disposed of in just about every sense of the word. Calling such a person a scumbag would be complimenting such a person.

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My tolerance ends when you hurt my family. You can insult me, you can break me emotionally, or you can try to harm me physically. I don't really care. But if you hurt someone in my family, especially if it's physically I will... I'm gonna put this in a spoiler, because it might be kinda graphic.


I will thrust my fist down your throat, grab a hold of your colon, yank it out and then strangle you with it. How will that work? I have no clue! But I'll have a Hell of a time figuring it out should anything in life ever come to that.



Yeah, I know: violence isn't the answer. But you should know that you're signing your own death warrant when you hurt my family. By the way, I'm not some super violent, evil person. I'm just from a large family. Once you're in a large family, you get a clannish mentality.


Well, now I'm all worked up, thinking about what I would do if someone hurt a member of my family. I'll never get to sleep now!


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It really depends more on what topics are being discussed, in what manner, with what opinions, and a little bit on who I am speaking with about it. I accept most opinions and debate and discuss my own views with most of my colleagues and companions, although not always topics I'd like to discuss. Mostly, the only topics I have a limited amount of tolerance, is homosexuality, gay marriage, and a little bit of religion. Homosexuality and gay marriage, are very sensitive topics in which also my tolerance is limited, due the type of people that are in my vicinity are Republicans, and they are completely against homosexuality and gay marriage. And that is something that bothers me. I am intolerant to intolerance. As for religion, I do like to discuss various religions, but I prefer to avoid arguments and one party forcing their views onto another.


Take Me Out.

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I'm very tolerant of furries/cloppers; whatever, man, you like it, it's cool. Just because I don't doesn't mean you can't.


What I'm intolerant of is pony bashing. It's hurtful and pointless. I mean, what in the hell do people accomplish from it? It's stupid! If you don't like a pony, whatever; don't go talking mad shit about the thing though! People do like that pony! And, also, if a pony pisses you off to the point you have to insult it, you need to get a reality check. It's a fuckin' cartoon! Ughh. I feel the veins popping out just typing this up. It makes me want to break shit! KUbAnTY.pngangry.png


Ughh. It pisses me off.


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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What I'm intolerant of is pony bashing. It's hurtful and pointless. I mean, what in the hell do people accomplish from it? It's stupid! If you don't like a pony, whatever; don't go talking mad shit about the thing though! People do like that pony! And, also, if a pony pisses you off to the point you have to insult it, you need to get a reality check. It's a fuckin' cartoon! Ughh. I feel the veins popping out just typing this up. It makes me want to break shit! 

The entire concept of 'pony bashing' is really a minor thing. It's more of a person who is bored and has nothing better to do so decides to rustle some jimmies. I'm not sure if they are are aware that they gain nothing of value, but I'm sure some do. What they do accomplish from it, is the reaction they were looking for. Boom, your jimmies are rustled, that's what I came here for, I'll laugh a bit, and move on. You, as the counter-party, shouldn't let this get to you. It's a very silly thing, and won't affect you in the slightest. Violence is nowhere near a valid solution to this concept. If this actually frustrates you, the most fitting steps would be:


1. Take your computer.


2. Turn it off.


There, done.


Take Me Out.

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1. Take your computer.


2. Turn it off.


There, done.

I wish it was that easy. It gets really fuckin' annoying though, and all you can do is rant about it in the Author's notes of your fanfics and be unecessarily defensive most of the time.

Edited by ghostfacekiller39


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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