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general Do You like Fans Blowing Air on Your Face?


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Considering I have one blowing on my face right now and most every day...yes. I'm someone who doesn't take heat all that well. ^^;


  • Brohoof 2
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I don't like it blowing on my face during the winter, cause uhh... I'll catch a bad cold (and it's happened to me, several times.) But during the summer oh yeah, I gotta have one.

  • Brohoof 1
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I have one at work that blows directly on my face. I need it because I get hot so easily. However, it blowing my hair into my eyes is pretty annoying. lol Aside from that, I like it. Just need to put my hair up, but I prefer it down visually.

  • Brohoof 1
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It depends. If it is so much as to dry up my eyes, or make the skin of my face flap against the air current, then it is probably too much. But otherwise, I have no problem.

Once we traveled to the sand dunes north of mendoza. And a group of natives was selling these handheld electric fans. I bought one and it was less effective than trying to blow air over your own face. That is what you get for supporting local tourism and commerce, I guess.
Though, they seemed like nice people overall. They bled a goat and shared its roasted flesh with us, in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by the endless white desert and the darkening skies.
And I was there, trying to make that crappy handheld fan work, watching these indigenous people being in their natural environment and interact with one another in such a simplistic and humanized manner, as they shared their culture with us. There was no sign of ulterior motives, prejudice or ill-intention, other than the handheld fan scam, of course. Their human expression was so much more natural, simpler and humane than the intricacies of the civilized environment we were accustomed to. So, I guess it is a matter of balance for me.

  • Brohoof 2
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When it's hot - yes. For example in my car (depending on the weather I may have the AC on and cold air blowing straight to my face), or even at home or wherever. Too hot -> get a fan to blow in my face.

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Sort of. Initially. The problem is that I end up getting colds that way so I try to avoid direct blowing once I’m cool enough.

But aye it does feel nice :scoots: .

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I have enjoyed both the feel of the air from fans on my face and the noise from fans in the past. Used to sit in front of a fan just for fun and the noise would weirdly help me sleep in the past too. 

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When it's hot, I tend to sleep better if I've got a fan blowing directly on me. And if it's not hot, I like to at least have a fan running for the noise.

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I struggle to sleep if there's a fan or some other source of white noise going on, but I'll stand in front of an AC unit getting blasted until my body's numb from the cold. Also being from the Pacific NW, love standing outside on the bow section of a ferry while it's a bit stormy. Gives you a sense of flying.

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I cannot sleep without my fan blowing directly on me. I need it for the noise as well as the breeze.

  • Brohoof 1
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6 hours ago, The Wife of Douma said:

I cannot sleep without my fan blowing directly on me. I need it for the noise as well as the breeze.

That's pretty much me with my ceiling fan at home. It's on 24/7 and it's a requirement for sleep.

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