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Why do so many people dislike Rarity so much and like Rainbow Dash so much?

Sazama Ichida

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A thousand brohoofs, good sir!

I should also add that it was RARITY'S IDEA to have twilight find a way to get everyone else up there so they could cheer her on. And she was the first- no, the *only* one to pick up on Dash's nerves, and then decided to do something about it.

You also forgot the new outfits she gave everyone in Secret of My Excess, after being touched and inspired by Spikes generosity.

I'll definitely add that :D


I mean, the whole list serves for the sole purpose of slamming down any (un)feasible reason they talk about her like that. :D It works, too, because direct evidence.

  • Brohoof 1


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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Also with all the talk about relatability, I have to wonder if, given the creative community in the fandom, Rarity would be more liked if they played her artistic side more strongly. After all, Lauren's original idea was for her element to be inspiration, not generosity. Perhaps if they kept that maybe her own creativity would come to the forefront in more episodes.


I think that's why I'm looking forward to Rarity Takes Manehattan (well the fact that it's her first solo ep in over two years helps too).


*RTM plot synopsis in spoilers *



Apparently the episode is about Rarity going into Manehattan and dealing with a copycat who rips off her designs.



Maybe this could go further into the idea of art and originality and the creative process and show a side of Rarity that hasn't been stressed as much as it should.

Edited by hawkflame
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Also with all the talk about relatability, I have to wonder if, given the creative community in the fandom, Rarity would be more liked if they played her artistic side more strongly. After all, Lauren's original idea was for her element to be inspiration, not generosity. Perhaps if they kept that maybe her own creativity would come to the forefront in more episodes.

I think that's why I'm looking forward to Rarity Takes Manehattan (well the fact that it's her first solo ep in over two years helps too).

*RTM plot synopsis in spoilers *

Maybe this could go further into the idea of art and originality and the creative process and show a side of Rarity that hasn't been stressed as much as it should.

Yes, she would; that was my big problem with S3. They played up her fashionista/diva-esque side of her for laughs. Uncool. That's doing much better in S4 :D


And, honestly, I wish more people knew she was originally written to be the element of inspiration rather than you or me. It'd slam so much hate down.


And RTM!! :D :D :D :D


Man, I'm pulling an all nighter the night before it airs. I'm so ready. Then McCarthy saying she's getting more than one episode. I'm ready, dude.


I'm excited :D And I do think it's going to display her creative side a lot more, and that makes me happy :D I mean, I think S4 has been good to her so far, and it's only going to get better from here on out :D

Edited by ~Sadistic ghostfk39~
  • Brohoof 1


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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A thousand brohoofs, good sir!


I should also add that it was RARITY'S IDEA to have twilight find a way to get everyone else up there so they could cheer her on. And she was the first- no, the *only* one to pick up on Dash's nerves, and then decided to do something about it.


You also forgot the new outfits she gave everyone in Secret of My Excess, after being touched and inspired by Spikes generosity.

well to be fair,


that big moment where she plays guine pig was to twilight sparkle's magic.

"here's the smallest limb in the world, thanks for going out on it."

it's twilght sparkle, her element is magic.  If twilight was telling me "but this spell could be dangouers."

i'd just assume "that's our egg head over thinking things, buck it , zap me."

like when if ever has twilight ever blown it at magic?


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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well to be fair,


that big moment where she plays guine pig was to twilight sparkle's magic.

"here's the smallest limb in the world, thanks for going out on it."

it's twilght sparkle, her element is magic. If twilight was telling me "but this spell could be dangouers."

i'd just assume "that's our egg head over thinking things, buck it , zap me."

like when if ever has twilight ever blown it at magic?

There is certainly magic that is too difficult for her to perform, besides which I didn't see anyone else step up.


And you missed the entire point I was trying to make. *Rarity* sensed Dash was more nervous than she was letting on, *Rarity* was the one who prodded Twilight to come up with a spell so the non Pegasi could go to Cloudsdale and cheer for her, and *Rarity* was the one who volunteered for the spell that might allow them to do so.

  • Brohoof 2


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There is certainly magic that is too difficult for her to perform, besides which I didn't see anyone else step up.


And you missed the entire point I was trying to make. *Rarity* sensed Dash was more nervous than she was letting on, *Rarity* was the one who prodded Twilight to come up with a spell so the non Pegasi could go to Cloudsdale and cheer for her, and *Rarity* was the one who volunteered for the spell that might allow them to do so.


well no one else understood what the big deal was.

I mean it's not pinkie was casting the spell lol.

oh God, if only she could cast magic, that's a whole season of shenigans right there.


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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I believe it is the way they are portrayed. Rainbow Dash is the kind of person everyone wants to be. Rarity is disliked because people don't look beyond her negatives and see her positives.


I can see why Rarity would be hated because most of the time she can be a little selfish and greedy. But I think we need more Rarity episodes that focus on her positives.

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I believe it is the way they are portrayed. Rainbow Dash is the kind of person everyone wants to be. Rarity is disliked because people don't look beyond her negatives and see her positives.


I can see why Rarity would be hated because most of the time she can be a little selfish and greedy. But I think we need more Rarity episodes that focus on her positives.


Rarity is disliked because people don't look beyond her negatives and see her positives.

Rarity is disliked because people don't look beyond her negatives and see her positives.

Rarity is disliked because people don't look beyond her negatives and see her positives.


In my opinion, Rarity is selfish, snobby, self-serving, and puts her "fashion" before her friends WAY too often. 



Rainbow dash admits for her negative attributes, and Rarity is much more selfish. Rarity didn't even need discords influence to go for Tom. She started digging away before she turned gray. And the episode where she is staying in Canterlot making Twilight's birthday dress, she did nothing but prove how bad she is. Did Twilight love her dress, yes. But Rarity didn't do shit and she got lucky. She lied many times to her friends, never learned a lesson since she got away with it. She hardly does a damn thing that's positive. Rarity may represent generosity but she certainly doesn't show much. 



Personally, I don't see how Rarity can represent generosity when she seems so worried about herself, her appearance and such. I see her as a selfish sort of character. Yes, she can be generous at times but, to me, the majority of the time, she's more concerned about her well being then any other pony.

When it comes to Rainbow Dash, She's not my favourite pony, but even though she's a show off and is proud of her abilities, she knows what comes first and doesn't seem to hesitate much when a friend is in need.

When it comes the the Elements of Harmony, I can't see how Rarity is the pony of generosity. 


I suppose my opinion is one sided because I don't see how I can relate to Rarity. I never got on with the prissy fashion girls in school. I was the tomboy who didn't mind getting dirty and active. So I feel like I can relate to Rainbow Dash more in that respect.



Rarity is actually quite selfish for the element of genirosity



Rarity is an uppity prude and Rainbow Dash is fun.


I hope everyone sees this, because I'm getting really damned tired of having to deal with it.


I am in no condition, physically, to have to keep dealing with this sort of thing, but I'm going to do it, no matter what. Why?


Because of stuff like this. It hurts not just me to have to see, but every Rarity fan out there. It makes us feel bad. It makes us defensive, and it's not even called for.


Now, is it wrong to dislike her? No, I saw plenty of negative opinions that didn't bother me, because they were cool about it. They weren't rude, like this. 


It's uncalled for, really. So, please, be a little considerate of those who are bothered by this stuff, aka most Rarity fans.


It's not cool. Just be nice about it. That's all. You don't have to like her, just be considerate of those who do and be polite about it.

  • Brohoof 1


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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I'm 20 times more vile than thee,

i get 0 hate mail.


How exactly?

Because while being vile you don't piss people off. For some people it is accepted that they will be vile bit their vileness doesn't interfere with anything so it's considered ok. I oughta know, I still have friends even after insulting them daily.

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Well, it's just for preferences. I like Rarity and Rainbow Dash, but I prefer... Rainbow Dash.


Why? Because Rarity is too glamourous... and Rainbow is more "man", more "male". 


But, repeat: it just for preferences. There are people who likes Rarity, and people who likes Rainbow Dash; and there are people who dislikes both ponies.

Edited by jorge123esp
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I hope everyone sees this, because I'm getting really damned tired of having to deal with it.


I am in no condition, physically, to have to keep dealing with this sort of thing, but I'm going to do it, no matter what. Why?


Because of stuff like this. It hurts not just me to have to see, but every Rarity fan out there. It makes us feel bad. It makes us defensive, and it's not even called for.


Now, is it wrong to dislike her? No, I saw plenty of negative opinions that didn't bother me, because they were cool about it. They weren't rude, like this. 


It's uncalled for, really. So, please, be a little considerate of those who are bothered by this stuff, aka most Rarity fans.


It's not cool. Just be nice about it. That's all. You don't have to like her, just be considerate of those who do and be polite about it.


I'm not a Rarity hater, let me get that out of the way. She's my least favorite of the Mane 6, but I by no means hate her in any way. I do see her positives. She is creative, classy, mature, and intelligent (among other things). Just try and see this from everyone's eyes. Everypony has their favorite and least favorite. Everypony has their own opinions and are entitled to them. I don't get angry for people who dislike Fluttershy or Rainbow Dash (my top two favorites). I love and tolerate their opinions. If someone sees things differently, I am perfectly fine with that. Nothing anyone says will make me change my mind or deter me from what I believe. They will not anger me or make me defensive. I celebrate peoples differences in opinions. 

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Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy are really overly excessive on the generosity. This is where Rainbow Dash and Rarity stand apart from the Mane 4. The excess can reach a point where it overwhelms the pony or simply becomes harassment to the one they are trying to help.

Edited by Singe
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Hello, everyone! I know it's easy to feel strongly about something, especially when it involves favorite characters, but let's not forget what this thread's about. Having a conversation about Rarity and Rainbow Dash is fine, but when we get to petty squabbles and derailment of the topic, then we have an issue.


If someone doesn't like your favorite character, then let them. Whether you like or dislike a character, respect others' opinions. Like a character? Great, but don't get angry when someone dislikes him/her. Dislike a character? Also great, but don't attack someone for being a fan. 


Fortunately, it hasn't gotten to the point where we need flame shields, but I'm warning you right now: stay on topic, keep things civil, and be respectful. Also, we have a thread for discussing Rainbow Dash's possible LGBT inclinations. This one is not it. 


Thanks for understanding, guys, and happy holidays! :D

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I hope everyone sees this, because I'm getting really damned tired of having to deal with it.


I am in no condition, physically, to have to keep dealing with this sort of thing, but I'm going to do it, no matter what. Why?


Because of stuff like this. It hurts not just me to have to see, but every Rarity fan out there. It makes us feel bad. It makes us defensive, and it's not even called for.


Now, is it wrong to dislike her? No, I saw plenty of negative opinions that didn't bother me, because they were cool about it. They weren't rude, like this. 


It's uncalled for, really. So, please, be a little considerate of those who are bothered by this stuff, aka most Rarity fans.


It's not cool. Just be nice about it. That's all. You don't have to like her, just be considerate of those who do and be polite aboutI

I didnt say anything rude XD. I don't hate rarity. I just noticed something and i said it in a comment


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I hope everyone sees this, because I'm getting really damned tired of having to deal with it.


I am in no condition, physically, to have to keep dealing with this sort of thing, but I'm going to do it, no matter what. Why?


Because of stuff like this. It hurts not just me to have to see, but every Rarity fan out there. It makes us feel bad. It makes us defensive, and it's not even called for.


Now, is it wrong to dislike her? No, I saw plenty of negative opinions that didn't bother me, because they were cool about it. They weren't rude, like this. 


It's uncalled for, really. So, please, be a little considerate of those who are bothered by this stuff, aka most Rarity fans.


It's not cool. Just be nice about it. That's all. You don't have to like her, just be considerate of those who do and be polite about it.


Why do you care so much what people think of her? You shouldn't be personally offended by people disliking a fictional character, even if they dislike her for foolish reasons, because at the end of the day, it doesn't matter. I'm a huge Rarity fan as well, she's been my favorite for so long now, but I don't care that lots of people hate her. Just stop caring what other people think about her, because again, it doesn't matter. It ain't worth the stress.


It's okay to try to educate people where they're wrong, but if you're at the point where you're really frustrated about it, than you need to take a step back and let it go.

Edited by Sir Wulfington

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I hope everyone sees this, because I'm getting really damned tired of having to deal with it.


I am in no condition, physically, to have to keep dealing with this sort of thing, but I'm going to do it, no matter what. Why?


Because of stuff like this. It hurts not just me to have to see, but every Rarity fan out there. It makes us feel bad. It makes us defensive, and it's not even called for.


Now, is it wrong to dislike her? No, I saw plenty of negative opinions that didn't bother me, because they were cool about it. They weren't rude, like this. 


It's uncalled for, really. So, please, be a little considerate of those who are bothered by this stuff, aka most Rarity fans.


It's not cool. Just be nice about it. That's all. You don't have to like her, just be considerate of those who do and be polite about it.


I'm sorry but I don't see how my post was rude in anyway. I did state it was my opinion several times and I had no intention of victimizing anyone. I was just stating my opinion and thoughts of Rarity as a character.

If you want to take my opinion personally then that's your decision, But that is not what I intended at all.

This thread is called "Why do so many people dislike Rarity so much and like Rainbow Dash so much?", so you will have many people stating their opinions. Some may be stronger then others, but it is just opinion and nothing to get upset about unless someone is directly calling you a silly-filly for liking Rarity.  :huh: 

Edited by Pixie Doodle


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I dunno. I guess I wouldn't say I hate rarity, but I don't exactly like her either. I guess maybe she's too into fashion, but she's not too bad. On my favorites list she rates higher than applejack and fluttershy, but then who really likes applejack a lot in the first place?

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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I dunno. I guess I wouldn't say I hate rarity, but I don't exactly like her either. I guess maybe she's too into fashion, but she's not too bad. On my favorites list she rates higher than applejack and fluttershy, but then who really likes applejack a lot in the first place?


Me. I like Applejack a lot.

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Ok, then I meant to say not a lot of people like applejack. I mean there are a few people out there. Me, I like pinkie pie. Some people think she's crazy but I think she's just overly happy. It's just that you don't have to assume everybody extremely happy is crazy. Besides that applejack is a great character for many reasons.

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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Rarity is pretty much the only character on the show I consider to be truly expectional, like most of the cast is really good but I have seen other very good takes on their sorts of archetypes. But Rarity is by far the best take on the " girlish girl, into Fashion" sort of character iv ever seen in a cartoon. She's my favorite pony by far and I honestly really don't relate to her much, I don't give a damn about fashion, im not particularly ambitious. I guess I can be haughty and kind of snobbish though. But yeah I think relatability is overrated and clouds judgement on the writing of a character and their execution, which is really what should be mostly considered when judging a character. And I find Rarity to be the character with the most facets to her personality and the most complexities on the show, which are a good thing but to some aren't cause their too lazy to look into characters more and misunderstand the more complex types. I find that all the time, more simplistic characters have a much easier time gaining popularity. And yes Rarity's flaws tend to be get played up when she's in a supporting role but I find her moments to usually be funnier than most other characters when they are supporting so I can't complain too much.

But yeah Relatability means little to me, I probably relate to Twilight and Rainbow Dash the most but they aren't my favorites.

And Rarity is very misjudged, she's not shallow, she's an artist and she has high standards. 

Also Rarity has the strongest streak of episodes, she doesn't get much but all of them have been really good, I kinda dread the next one though cause it's written by Polsky and I usually don't care for his episodes much.

But really I like most of the core cast, cept for Fluttershy cause her archetype is boring and too many of her episodes and humor around her is about her going sort of OUT of character instead of playing on her core which just tells me that core is weak and not much can be done with it. And I guess I don't like Pinkie Pie at the moment cause i feel she's falling into heavy flanderization this season and is in danger of just becoming a total mess. Rainbow is strange I can really love her one episode and then be utterly annoyed by her the next depending on how she's written more so than any other character. 

But I do for the most part understand why every character has a fanbase, expect for Luna I can't for the life of me understand why she's so popular. 

Edited by M'gann M'orzz
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I think its becase Rarity's attitude. Shes super girly and people dont like that.As a matter of fact Im not the biggest Rainbow Dash fan. I think people like her because she's the ''coolest'' but I dont think so. Actually I like Rarity a lot. She's cute. I like her but I have to say that Pinkie Pie is the best pony.



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Well, I don't like Rainbow Dash much more than the rest, but Rarity is definitely my least favorite. The reason being, I find her to be insufferable. She must have everything "Just so", she's a giant drama queen, she's the element of generosity, and that's only proven maybe once or twice in the entire series, plus she reminds me of the dark times, (I.E. gen 3/.5) where it was all dresses and tea parties and that bullshit. I prefer Pinkie Pie, because she is more go with the flow, she can laugh at pretty much anything, making it so she doesn't get upset AND proves her element consistently, and she is a fourth-wall observer, so she's something new in the series.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Well, I don't like Rainbow Dash much more than the rest, but Rarity is definitely my least favorite. The reason being, I find her to be insufferable. She must have everything "Just so", she's a giant drama queen, she's the element of generosity, and that's only proven maybe once or twice in the entire series, plus she reminds me of the dark times, (I.E. gen 3/.5) where it was all dresses and tea parties and that bullshit. I prefer Pinkie Pie, because she is more go with the flow, she can laugh at pretty much anything, making it so she doesn't get upset AND proves her element consistently, and she is a fourth-wall observer, so she's something new in the series.


Her generosity is shown more than once or twice.  You have the pilot, you have Suited for Success, you have the cloaks she made for everyone in Secret of My Excess, not to mention things like her support of Fluttershy in Green Isn't Your Color, her wanting to cheer on Rainbow Dash in Sonic Rainboom,


I mean, if you think about it, her entire career, her passion, her destiny, revolves around bringing out the beauty in others.  If that's not generous, then I don't know what is. 

  • Brohoof 4


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