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Opinions on high school

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Traditional high school is just a 4 year long nightmare you can't wake up from... I hated it, and I'm glad I went to a charter school my senior year. Felt like they actually cared there, and it was just an overall better experience. I just wish I had heard about it sooner.


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Although public High School is seen in a bad light I don't believe it should be most a lot of smart people come out of the system, even if some of the students don't care for their school work (I didn't care for the school's office staff) I believe it can be improved through more newer strategies and rules to make it more efficient in making students want a form of higher education.

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Yes, yes, school is important, BUT my HS experience was just eh. It was tedious. Busy work in most classes. Each year I really only had 2-3 classes that taught me something useful. It's just a continual pile of shite. Better once you leave, and you (sadly) miss the people you were around daily.

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I find it pretty useful in terms of socialization. It plays a big role whether you can make friends there or not, it helps you get more used to being around other humans.

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  • 5 months later...

High school is great and that's coming from a pony who was homeschooled for a year and am happy to be in a public school with different opinions and opportunities as a sophomore :) ps. Just be yourself and do the right thing.. then you will be fine :) 

On 12/8/2013 at 11:06 AM, repsol rave said:

high school are going to be the best years of your life, my dad used to say.

i'm not in high school anymore, and i have to agree with my dad. it doesn't matter how much drama there is going to be, it are going to be the best years of your life. 

the friends you make there are forever.

Agreed and well said :) 

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I don't have a very high opinion of it.

Hay, get it? I mean, it school if you don't.


I actually didn't get involved with school as much as others, from primary school to university, and high school was no exception. I just came to class, listened to lectures, took notes (I stressed out much more about notes than about understanding), did assignments (even when I knew the teacher wasn't gonna check), and left at the end of the day.

Retrospectively, I'd say I should've entered a club or something... there were plenty. There even were first-aid courses at one point, I considered joining but couldn't bring myself to it. I think my biggest flaw was, I worried a shitton about skipping class or having a delay on homework because of club activities - even at university where no one notices you're absent.

It felt nice that people stopped bullying me for being different though.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm still in it, and it's alright. I've always been a socially awkward kid, and meeting new people has been hard. I have a couple groups of guys I do stuff with occasionally, but not as often as I'd like.:(

On terms of education, it's good, though. I learn a lot of things, and I get good grades.

But man, social anxiety sucks. I've had it my whole life. While I've gotten a lot better, it's still there sometimes.:okiedokieloki:





MLP Forums' own PUNK ROCK pony!

Alternative rock, pop punk, punk rock, and a lil’ bit of emo. ;) 

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School is needed to learn that to me, is important. As for rest, fellow student well most can be judgementle and arogant and diffcult, unhelpful & useless teachers. I can't think of my high school expericnce without thinking bad memories. A fellow student cos mad at me for just walking in front in her, I was confuse and annoyed by that, these students are crazy. I think I like to learn at home cos learning with people who judgement and unhelpful teachers would go anywhere. I not bright (and making fun of for that) and not good with work but I do learn and do my work.

Sometime high school is good for learning.

Proud British Brony

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High School is alright I guess, I don't honestly have a whole lot of friends, but that's ok even if I did we would all go our separate ways after High School to attend different colleges and such. I'm a Junior this year, so I only got one and a half public school years left now before I go out into the "real world". 


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High school classes suck, and I only learn important info from my electives, because they actually pertain to the career path I plan to take. However, school is very important for social development and once you find your true friends, it can be very enjoyable and they truly make those 4 years fun. As long as you make sure to care about your grades and stay out of drama, it won't be too bad.

"It's just my humble opinion, but it's one that I believe in." -Paramore


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Hmmm. Not really the best years of my life tbh. Fell off with the majority of my friends after we all went our separate ways to different colleges. Out of everyone I was friends with in the 3 high schools I went to I only regularly talk to 2 people.

I went to 3 high schools because my dad was in the military and we were forced to follow his orders from the army. Freshman year was pretty awesome, but once we moved from Texas to Washington state it really sucked.

sophmore year sucked so much because my school already had their cliques formed and I fit in nowhere. Ended up doing half online and half in person for that year. Junior year was better, ended up moving into JBLM. The school was better, but I had double jaw surgery and so it was a nightmare trying to do 2 AP classes and my Pre cal stuff while I was recovering for 3 weeks. Senior year was awesome though. Will give it that.

it might have just been my situation that made High school pretty bad. Same with college. I have a year left after this semester is over. Freshman year of college was stressful af. Sophomore year was full of drama on my end and I honestly wanted to drop out because of it. Junior year is just now starting to get okay.

school just frickin sucks for me. I can’t wait to graduate and get awaaaaay.

  • Brohoof 1
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While I've had my good experiences with high school, I've certainly had bad ones too. Some kids are assholes, but I usually keep quiet.

  • Brohoof 1

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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