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[Darkseid tries to attack, but Rarity knocks him back with a cute yet powerful sneeze]


Here incredibly Rare (Huehuehuehue) scenes from that battle on tape!

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“Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.”




Honey I already posted that quote!! :angry:  ^_^ lol jk I'm not mad. It's just hilarious  :P 


Anyways, here is some more Fluttershy! :yay: 



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"Darkseid: You still try to fight. Can't you see that it's hopeless? Rarity: We won't give up Darling, None of my teammates will either. Me? I've got a different problem. I feel like I live in a world made of unfabulous cardboard. Always taking constant care not to break something. To break someone. Never allowing myself to lose control, even for a moment, or someone could just simply die. [Darkseid tries to attack, but Rarity knocks him back with a cute yet powerful sneeze] Rarity: But you can take it, can't ya, big man? What we have here is a rare opportunity for me to cut loose, and show you just how powerful I really am!





Let the hate flow through you.


Become one with Darkseid and Fluttershy!




(shameless reuse)

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Honey I already posted that quote!! :angry:^_^ lol jk I'm not mad. It's just hilarious :P


Anyways, here is some more Fluttershy! :yay:



It is a pretty good quote though.

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Honey I already posted that quote!! :angry:  ^_^ lol jk I'm not mad. It's just hilarious  :P


Anyways, here is some more Fluttershy! :yay:




:okiedokielokie: lol jk ^_^


“The words of kindness are more healing to a drooping heart than balm or honey.”

—Sarah Fielding


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Go Fluttershy! :)


The best Fluttershy moment in the show was when Twilight first met her, imo (:

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Darkseid: [to Rarity] Fabulous or otherwise, you are merely a Pony ... and I am a GOD!


Darseid shoots crazy eye beams created only to annoy future writers. The Beams hit but are absorbed by the Gem from the fallen Celestia's Tiara.


Darkseid: Still alive. You impress me, Rarity. More, your valor has touched my heart. Oh yes, there is still some small part of me that knows mercy. I will end your pain with something special I've been saving for just this occasion.


[takes out a bucket of mud]


Darkseid: I'm going to cake up out your mane, shave it, and put it on a pike in my throne room.


[Rarity calls upon the clouds to rain flaming marshmallows from the skies annoying Darkseid]


Darkseid: You dare challenge me? Insanity.


Dark Rarity: Oh, I'm not here to challenge you, Darkseid. Quite the contrary. I've got something you want.

[Reaches into his saddle pocket, pulling out a spiraling, bright, glowing mass]

Dark Rarity: The only thing you want.

Darkseid: The Anti-Life Equation...

Dark Rarity: My gift to you.

[Darkseid reaches for it, Rarity placing his hand over Darkseid's as the Anti-Life Equation starts to engulf the two in light]

Darkseid: It's beautiful, isn't it?

Dark Rarity: Yes... yes, it is ... fabulous.






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WELL ... That escalated quickly!




Man this thread can derail into crazy town like no other

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In RL FIFA one team just got trounced 7-1; OW!


Yes I am on topic.


I'm quite glad that we haven't had any matches like that [it's like 175-25 (do the math)]


I think that we ought to do some evaluation of the matches for future matches. 


1st.  We've done a lot of good cheering, and I love it.  But, occasionally the cheering has gotten a bit direct in confrontation.  If this type of competition is made again I think that a bit more guidance in how to be more circumspect might be helpful.  


2nd We've had some good matches, but I wonder if some might have been better if they had been planned  Luna v. Fluttershy is not an optimal combo IMNSHO as the best of Luna scenes are some of the arguably worst of Fluttershy [as they put her is a poor light].  I'd actually like it if friends were paired up against each other.  Luna v Celestia, Discord V. Fluttershy, or AJ v. Rarity.  That would be cool in that the two are FRIENDS and it doesn't seem like a war, but a friendly competition.


3rd It should be advertised on ED from day one. 


4th to whomever cheated SHAME ON YOU.  :okiedokielokie:


5th Great job on flags, on National Anthems, on keeping the end results clean, on posting videos comparing the two "teams," and on all that nitty gritty I don't even get.

Overall a great job.  Especially for a first run.  May any future runs learn from your acts and be just as 20% cooler as yours is.



(yes I know that doesn't work grammatically.)

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Rarity just got 4 votes in a row... :okiedokielokie:, it's not over yet!


Fluttershy's getting her sword ready  :okiedokielokie:  :angry:





This just too much fun  :P

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We've had some good matches, but I wonder if some might have been better if they had been planned  Luna v. Fluttershy is not an optimal combo IMNSHO as the best of Luna scenes are some of the arguably worst of Fluttershy [as they put her is a poor light].  I'd actually like it if friends were paired up against each other.  Luna v Celestia, Discord V. Fluttershy, or AJ v. Rarity.  That would be cool in that the two are FRIENDS and it doesn't seem like a war, but a friendly competition.


Luna vs Celestia and Discord vs Fluttershy aren't evenly matched. Luna has a MUCH larger following than Celestia, for example. You want to pit characters against each other based on fandom popularity rather than roles in the show.


AJ vs Rarity, on the other hand, is a great idea for a match (especially on this forum where they have very vocal fanbases), but unfortunately the set up of the tournament meant that it was only possible as either the 3rd place match or the final one.


Lemme assure you that if Applejack vs Rarity happened, though, it would've been a legendary finale.  ;)

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Luna vs Celestia and Discord vs Fluttershy aren't evenly matched. Luna has a MUCH larger following than Celestia, for example. You want to pit characters against each other based on fandom popularity rather than roles in the show.


AJ vs Rarity, on the other hand, is a great idea for a match (especially on this forum where they have very vocal fanbases), but unfortunately the set up of the tournament meant that it was only possible as either the 3rd place match or the final one.


Lemme assure you that if Applejack vs Rarity happened, though, it would've been a legendary finale.  ;)

Luna V Celestia is 1st round, Fluttershy v. Discord is a  2nd round, AJ v. Rarity is a Semifinal.


It'd be easy enough to set up the 2nd/Semifinals.  There were no [actual] upsets [due to Somepony who didn't quite get the rules].

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